08-12-2013, 06:21 PM
I'm making a compilation of the Final Boss music for various Final Fantasy games that I'm planning on sharing here, and I've got a few questions I'd like to ask.

1. Should I include the "final boss" themes for non video game Final Fantasys, and if so, which ones? Right now, songs that fall under that category in my list are: Defeat of the Dark Lord (Final Fantasy V: Legend of the Crystals), Truth in the Dark (Final Fantasy VII: Last Order) [Plays during the fight against Sephiroth during the Nibelheim incident -IIRC, that's the last big confrontation of the OVA), One-Winged Angel Second Advent (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children/Advent Children Complete), and whatever the "final boss" themes of Final Fantasy Unlimited and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within are.

2. Should I include The Final Fantasy Legend's and Final Fantasy Adventure's final boss themes? Neither of them are actual Final Fantasy games, as I understand it, tFFL being the first SaGa game and FFA being the first Mana game. I'm leaning towards not including them.

3: Would it be better to include the full version of Dancing Mad, or just the fourth part of it that plays during the final battle against Kefka?

4. Related to #1. Have any of you guys seen either Spirits Within or Unlimited? If so, do you know if either of them have a "final battle", per say, and if so, what music plays during the final battle of Spirits Within, or during the final battle of Unlimited?

5. The final boss battle of FFVII: Crisis Core would be against Genesis Rhapsodos, right? (Whereas the final battle in general is against an endless wave of mooks, and doesn't really count as a "final boss battle"...thus making the final boss battle for Crisis Core "SOLDIER battle" as opposed to "The Price of Freedom")

6. Does Bravely Default: Flying Fairy count as a Final Fantasy game? What about Vagrant Story?

08-12-2013, 10:10 PM
Personally, I think you should do it in a 'two-part' compilation, the first part the main series (FFI-XIV, including X-2 and XIII-2), and the second part the 'spin-offs, tie-ins, FFVII compilation titles and animated features' titles. That way there is consistency in it and also keeps the size of the album down (especially if you're doing this in FLAC).

As for your questions:

1. see my point above about dividing it into a two-part album, the second part for 'non main series titles'.
2. No, they're not part of the series but other games renamed as FF titles to increase sales.
3. Definitely the full version - it loses something with just the main tier.
4. I'm not sure what the final boss theme of FFU is, as I stopped watching the series about halfway through, but according to my FF:TSW OST album (I had to dig it out of my cupboard to check), probably the closest to the 'final battle theme' for that would probably be the track that plays when the completed Spirit is used against the alien Gaia when Gray sacrifices himself, which would either be 'Dead Rain' or 'Blue Light'.
5. Yes, the true final battle theme in FFVII: CC is SOLDIER Battle, the theme that plays during the battle against Genesis's giant mecha form. Zack's final stand is just a long cutscene really which is semi-interactive, and hence not a 'true' battle theme.
6. I'd count both as spin-offs, as that's what they are (Vagrant Story technically wasn't, at least at first, as it was planned to have been the first title in a new stand alone series, but that never happened. It ended up being retconned into the Ivalice Alliance later on though, so it would count as a spin off).

08-13-2013, 05:09 AM
Personally, I think you should do it in a 'two-part' compilation, the first part the main series (FFI-XIV, including X-2 and XIII-2), and the second part the 'spin-offs, tie-ins, FFVII compilation titles and animated features' titles. That way there is consistency in it and also keeps the size of the album down (especially if you're doing this in FLAC).

As for your questions:

1. see my point above about dividing it into a two-part album, the second part for 'non main series titles'.
2. No, they're not part of the series but other games renamed as FF titles to increase sales.
3. Definitely the full version - it loses something with just the main tier.
4. I'm not sure what the final boss theme of FFU is, as I stopped watching the series about halfway through, but according to my FF:TSW OST album (I had to dig it out of my cupboard to check), probably the closest to the 'final battle theme' for that would probably be the track that plays when the completed Spirit is used against the alien Gaia when Gray sacrifices himself, which would either be 'Dead Rain' or 'Blue Light'.
5. Yes, the true final battle theme in FFVII: CC is SOLDIER Battle, the theme that plays during the battle against Genesis's giant mecha form. Zack's final stand is just a long cutscene really which is semi-interactive, and hence not a 'true' battle theme.
6. I'd count both as spin-offs, as that's what they are (Vagrant Story technically wasn't, at least at first, as it was planned to have been the first title in a new stand alone series, but that never happened. It ended up being retconned into the Ivalice Alliance later on though, so it would count as a spin off).

Thank you!

Don't have all the final boss themes in FLAC, sorry.

You know, a lot of the final battle themes early on had such...uncreative names. Like "The Final Battle", "Last Battle", etc. I'd much prefer both of the "The Final Battle" themes were officially called by the name of their Black Mages arrangements (FFIV's final battle was called Zeromus, and FFIX's called Grand Cross). Oh well.

Also, interesting notes: The first version of Final Fantasy I, the NES version, before there was even a reason to have to put a "I" in front of it to distinguish it, had a different final boss theme than all of its remakes (aka, it used the main battle theme for every battle in the game, even bosses and the final boss). Some tracks are known by various names (The Final Battle from FFIX is known as Grand Cross, Decisive Battle from FFX (inb4 debate on whether Yu Yevon counted as an actual boss and whether him, the Aeons, or Jecht was the FFX final boss) is known as "The Final Battle" on the iTunes version of the OST, the final battle theme for FF Tactics is called Ultima - The Perfect Body but in the PSP remake it's called Heartless Hellion, etc...) FFXI had a final boss, but just about each expansion pack and add-on has come with its own final boss, thus making the amount of "final" boss fights in the game 9 instead of 1, not counting Dynamis Lord, the final bosses of the city missions, etc. When the final missions for Seekers of Adoulin come out (If they haven't already - I haven't played FFXI in a while), there will be 10 final boss themes for 1 game. FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus had a Japanese-only multiplayer mode, which I'm including since it had its own storyline. And yeah, I think that's it for my commentary.

Oh right, I included the entire Ivalice Alliance instead of just XII and Revenant Wings in the FFXII part. And I included Type-0 in the FFXIII section.

And for the record, "Ragnarok" was a song in FFXI before it was an entirely different song in FFXIII.

So...40 songs for Disc 1, 16 songs for Disc 2.

Part 1:

1. Battle Scene (Final Fantasy [NES] final boss theme, NES version)
2. Last Battle [FFI] (Final Fantasy I [PS1 version onwards] final boss theme, PS1 version)
3. Battle Scene 2 (Final Fantasy II/Final Fantasy II Dawn of Rebirth final boss theme, PS1 version)
4. This is the Final Battle (Final Fantasy III final boss theme, DS version)
5. The Final Battle [FFIV] (Final Fantasy IV final boss theme, DS version)
6. The Dreadful Fight (Final Fantasy IV: Interlude final boss theme, PSP version)
7. The Battle for Life (Final Fantasy IV: The After Years final boss theme, PSP version)
8. The Last Battle (Final Fantasy V final boss theme, GBA version)
9. Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI final boss theme, GBA version)
10. SOLDIER Battle (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core final boss theme)
11. Desperate Crisis (Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis final boss theme)
12. One-Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII final boss theme)
13. Restrictor (Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus multiplayer final boss theme)
14. Chaotic Finale (Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus single player final boss theme)
15. The Extreme (Final Fantasy VIII final boss theme)
16. The Final Battle [FFIX] (Final Fantasy IX final boss theme)
17. Decisive Battle (Final Fantasy X final boss theme)
18. Demise (Final Fantasy X-2 final boss theme)
19. Awakening (Final Fantasy XI final boss theme)
20. Belief (Final Fantasy XI: Rise of the Zilart final boss theme)
21. A Realm of Emptiness (Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia final boss theme)
22. Ragnarok (Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urghan final boss theme)
23. Goddess Divine (Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess)
24. Echoes of Creation (Final Fantasy XI: A Crystalline Prophecy - Ode to Life Bestowing final boss theme
25. Luck of the Mog (Final Fantasy XI: A Kupo d'Etat - Evil in Small Doses final boss theme
26. Feast of the Ladies (Final Fantasy XI: A Shantotto Ascension - The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born final boss theme
27. Shinryu (Final Fantasy XI: Visions of Abyssea/Final Fantasy XI: Scars of Abyssea/Final Fantasy XI: Heroes of Abyssea final boss theme
28. The Battle for Freedom (Final Fantasy XII final boss theme)
29. Last Boss - from "The Battle for Freedom" (Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings final boss theme)
30. Heartless Hellion (Final Fantasy Tactics/Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions final boss theme, PS1 version)
31. Incarnation (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance final boss theme)
32. The Unfolding Darkness (Final Fantasy Tactics A2 final boss theme)
33. Heteromorphic Person (Vagrant Story final boss theme)
34. Nascent Requiem (Final Fantasy XIII final boss theme)
35. Unseen Abyss (Final Fantasy XIII-2 final boss theme)
36. The Fires of Suzaku (Final Fantasy Type-0 final boss theme)
37. Rise of the White Raven (Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 final boss theme)
38. Chaos - Last Battle (Dissidia Final Fantasy final boss theme)
39. Cantata Mortis & God in Fire (Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy final boss theme)
40. Chaos Shrine (Theathrhythm Final Fantasy final boss theme)

Part 2:

1. Battle Against the Dark King (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest final boss theme)
2. The Final Battle [FF:4WoL] (Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light final boss theme)
3. Inside the Swirl of Chaos (Final Fantasy Dimensions final boss theme)
4. Serpent Eating the Horizon (Bravely Default: Flying Fairy final boss theme)
5. Fusion, Descent (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles final boss theme)
6. Final Decisive Battle (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates final boss theme)
7. Knight of the Realm (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King final boss theme)
8. Last Battle [FFCC: EoT] (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time)
9. Today's Boss is Tomorrow's Rival (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord final boss theme) [NOTE: The final boss theme is part of a medley by the name Today's Boss is Tommorow's Rival. The song itself doesn't have an official name, as far as I know, so I refer to it by that name. I had a friend try to make the parts of the medley with the final boss song loop together by removing the other parts, but it doesn't sound quite right...maybe someone better at this than me or him could try that out?]
10. Final Showdown (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers final boss theme)
11. Fight, Chocobo! (Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon final boss theme)
12. GlasgosX ~ GlasgosZ (Chocobo's Dungeon 2 final boss theme)
13. Clash on the Big Bridge ~ Fables Arrangement (Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales final boss theme)
14. The Last Battle ~ Fables Arrangement (Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon final boss theme)
15. GlasgosX ~ GlasgosZ ~ Fables Arrangement (Chocobo and the Magic Book: The Witch, The Girl and the Five Heroes's final boss theme)
16. Illusion World (Chocobo Racing final boss theme)


1. Defeat of the Dark Lord (Final Fantasy V: Legend of the Crystals)
2. Truth in the Dark (Final Fantasy VII: Last Order)
3. One-Winged Angel: Second Advent
4. Blue Light (Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within)
5. Firing the Magun (Final Fantasy: Unlimited)

Sound good? If so, I'll upload them tomorrow.

Also, where do fan-made music compilations go? In the Video Game Music Download Links section, I'd assume, but tell me if I'm wrong.

08-13-2013, 06:50 AM
Nice! :D Great work putting all that together. Ignore my comment about FLAC in my earlier post by the way, I wasn't insisting you have tracks in FLAC, I was just using that as an example of file sizes causing the compilation to be too large. Personally I'm quite happy with mp3s. :D

And yeah, I'm pretty sure VGM Downloads would be the place to stick the download link for it (I'm not an uploader though so I have no idea how to do so).

08-14-2013, 05:14 PM
