08-09-2013, 09:25 AM

I'm looking for Tony Riparetti & Jim Saad's score for the Director's Cut of Albert Pyun's Cyborg.

Thank you!

The Warriors
08-23-2013, 12:26 AM
i would also love to find this score

09-08-2013, 07:32 PM
Difficult to get ahold of, very difficult but still trying

11-24-2013, 08:28 PM
Hello mates!

Finally, the time has come!!

Here you have the incredible Cyborg Director's Cut Original Soundtrack!

Tony Riparetti & Jim Saad Cyborg Director's Cut Original Soundtrack (!YYNGDQhY!Jy62_FoPGbrdaALTvqIhRWOjfyAJnfkoykBXRNy aPI8)

Thanks goes to the original ripper.