05-07-2004, 12:43 PM
Kamui, Fuma, and Kotori. Childhood friends seperated from each other because of their destinies.
The end is near as the Seven Seals of heaven and Seven Angels of earth battle . . .

This series by Clamp is one of my favorites. The only other title by Clamp that I like better is RG Veda. I have seen the anime movie and the series(same director for Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust) that came out after it. I am also buying the manga. Viz has been releasing the english translations as slowly as they can(now on vol.13) and I have heard that the manga series isn't even over in Japan yet.
If there are any X fans out there I would like to know if you know how many volumes there are in the series and if it is really still being drawn.
Also who are your favorite characters and why.

05-30-2004, 06:15 AM
Hai me to like clamp. Rg veda is cool too. Well you right about the manga. In europe vol 14 is out. But in asia u can get to vol 16. i don't know if vol 17 out jet. it has been to months since i brought the last volume. But when think about it. In japan it has beeen realeased 19 volme. and they publised the serie in small chapter in anime magazine. That's what i know. But there are also movie and anime of x/199. that are finished. I've got the whole thing^^

05-30-2004, 02:54 PM
Thanks for replying. X volume 14 was just released in the US about three weeks ago. I went to this one website where the host said there are supposed to be twenty volumes.

However, I don't know if that is true or not.

06-01-2004, 07:10 AM
It's true, i have the scan of the 20 volume. Only releasing in Japan tho. But things start to get intresstinf from vol 14. Alot of kakyo and fuma and ofcourse vol 16 i think... The fight between subaru and seichiro... *:puppydog: so sad... But dam SEXY!! =P hehe

06-07-2004, 05:31 AM
none of the mangas are out in the UK but i have seen the anime. i really didn't like it at all, it was so predictable and very short. i'm sure the mangas go into more depth about each character and develop the story more, the anime seemed like a rush-job.

06-07-2004, 03:41 PM
The manga is alot better than the anime.

The anime series followed the story alot better than the movie. but there is so much that the anime series left and when it comes to beautiful artwork Clamp is hard to duplicate

Quick question!
Wouldn't it have been better to release the anime series and movie after Clamp finished the manga?
I mean the manga isn't ending like the anime series or the movie. There are even parts in the manga that are not in the series.

06-11-2004, 10:49 AM
Well. that would be great!! If they finish the manga. But u know, some manga are made after anime. Anime came first and then the manga=P

06-22-2004, 10:29 PM
Well, I haven't read the manga, but I checked out the show and movie. With the show, I couldn't resist, I spend a whole mess of money buying the rest. The movie, well, I'm not gonna say it's horrible, well, let's ust say CLAMP didn't live up to their potential with the movie, or in other words, it was weak and confusing.

On the hole, one of my favorites. I rarely use this term, but it's a beautiful anime!

06-24-2004, 06:25 AM
I saw the anime and it's really great and I bought the manga too
:D . I want to see the film because my friends said it was different:) .

I Like clamp too with RG Veda, tokyo Babylon and clover (one of my favorite manga);)