Axel Alloy
05-05-2004, 10:31 AM
I wrote this poem a couple of years ago when I was very depressed.
Stuff was going a**-up and a guy broke my heart. Then another guy came along and did exactly the same.

Anywho... I entered this into a poetry contest as a laugh. I couldn't believe it when I recieved a letter saying I'd won. It was one of the big poetry contests too. The kind that has millions and millions of entries @_@ I couldn't recieve my award, as the ceremony was in washington and I'm here in the UK with zilch transport...

Well... hope you like it...

My Sky.

The world around is so cruel, I'm in darkness everyday.
The way you make me feel tho', words cannot say.
You shine your light into my world and illuminate my eyes.
Into my heart you see, my thoughts you realise.
People around are sighing, groaning from lifes pain.
But I have found a reason to live, I'll never be the same.
You light up my life, just like the sun in the cold grey sky.
You give answers to my questions,like 'How', 'When' and 'Why'.
Even the sea you seem to part for me on rainy, stormy days.
I feel so close to you, in many, many ways.
So tell me, why did you leave, why didn't you stay.
You made my life a misery, my skys turned back to grey.
The rain began to pour again, my world just broke in two.
I wish that I could tell you, how much that I miss you.
Your light turned away from me, grew dimmer untill it died.
Back to darkness again, I ran away to hide.
So tell me why, and when and how, answer me please.
Only you can save me now.
You hurt my soul so much, so much that I want to die.
So i guess thats it, so long, so long and Goodbye.

I'll post my others here too...:

"Me - The Assassin."


"May your days be filled with trouble and strife, your heart be heavy for the rest of your life.

Your eyes be filled, but unable to cry. You will weep and pray that you may die.

For I have laid upon you a curse. You cannot plead mercy or my hatred reverse.

For you have angered me, my face now burns. And Revenge my evil heart, now wrathfully yearns.

I am not the kind who forgives, or one who lets her enemies live.

If you should falter, I will be near. I will fill the bravest men with fear.

You will wish that your were dead, as you see me come to crush your puny little head.

I do not care if you have friends, or if you have family who on you depend.

I do not care if you are missed. For you are only a name on my list.

A simple name to be rubbed out. So do not cry and do not shout.

You cannot escape my hands of death. From your lungs I take away your final breath."

'Am I worthy?'


'If I was a flower, would you pick me?

Or would you sit beneath if I were a tree.

Would you raise your hands if I were raindrops.

Or would you gaze in awe if I were snow on roof tops.

If I was a seed, would I be worthy enough to plant.

And would I be held if I was a lonely hand.

Would you care if I were sad or ill.

And if I did something wrong, would you love me still...?'

'My Distant Dream.'

Why do you never feel like you should?
Your eyes stare but there is no life.
Your lips are there, but I cannot kiss them.
Why does my longing fill me with strife.

I wish that I could tell you.
Face to face, no other way.
I want to be able to hold you.
I think of you every day.

Angels sing from the heavens above.
But for me there is no melody.
A hole in my heart, a space to be filled.
But you I will never ever see.

Why do you haunt me.
Your face is always there.
But you know I can't resist you.
To you no one compares.

You are my world.
You are all I think of.
But you are not here.
I crave for your love.

Like in the scorching desert.
I long for your touch.
Like water, I thirst.
But I ask too much.

I wish I could tell you.
I wish you could see.
I wish you could speak.
I wonder what you would say to me.

Would it be something normal.
Or sweet nothings in my ear.
Would it be anything.
Your hopes or your fears.

If you are alive.
Please give me a sign.
Some kind of message.
Then I'll be fine.

I'll know you are around.
And I will have a reason to live.
That one day I'll meet you.
And my love to you I will give...

'A Few Home Truths.'


A foul grey morning, filled with a hideously drenching air, finally turned into a bright sunny Afternoon.

All alone in a horrible world of personal tragedy and despair...

A depressing sigh passed my lips as I gazed down at my feet.

Glancing upwards to the sky, I caught sight of a bird flying around my head.

I began to envy... Envy the living soul of that bird, for it was free.

I stared at the people who walked by, shouting and cursing like children.

My hate grew inside of me and burned behind my face.

I winced as my stomach churned with hatred...

Yes... Life was great...

05-19-2004, 03:00 AM
A talented poet indeed!

Every one of those were great.

Axel Alloy
05-19-2004, 08:56 AM
Thank you so much! *shakes hand violently*

I thought I wasn't going to get any comments. lol.

06-23-2004, 05:19 AM

Axel Alloy
06-30-2004, 10:23 AM

Now for some randomness...
"Tails of a Dream."

"Ashes from ages, between falling leaves. Transparent blushes, moons are bequeathed.

Scents of blue jasmine and September failings. Sounding like ants crawling up rusted railings.

Old river cotton and berries with shoes. Pouring on speed with no bat or no cue.

Sheets with pink pictures that are yellow with screaming. May and June amber without even feeling.

Smiling with a reptile mouth, amidst glass pyramids. Angels made of foil that carry metal arachnids.

Pushes of hate along with remorse. Faint echoing mermaids without blackened force."

06-30-2004, 10:34 AM
It's too clich�d for my liking. Sorry.

06-30-2004, 11:27 PM
Wow! You're really great! A true Poet!

Aerith Gainsborough
07-01-2004, 08:44 AM
Hey, they�re good. You are really a poet. Very talented! :)

07-02-2004, 10:24 AM

07-02-2004, 11:07 AM
Really like 'Me - The Assassin', nice job :P

07-06-2004, 09:11 PM
OMG your awesome! I have some1 to look up to for help with poetry now...:)

Axel Alloy
07-07-2004, 08:20 AM
LOL! O_O;; er... thanks ^^;

Uhm... yeah! @_@

Next one...

This has a pic to go with it...

'Fictional Sentiments.'

'My life is like a bunch of scribles on paper. Never knowing where to end.
They swirl and twist and turn about.
Never knowing whats round each bend.

Yes, my life is as the universe is.
Mysterious and never ending.
I never know whether to go on,
or my ways to be mending.

My life is like a scribble,
dark and mezmerising.
When you see it your drawn in.
Without even realising.

Where to turn or what to do,
I never really know.
Never knowing what to do.
Should I stay or should I go?

My life is like a scribble on paper.
Original, never the same.
But then again, does it matter?
After all... I'm only part of a game...'

07-07-2004, 07:10 PM
You're really good at writing poetry! *claps hands*

07-09-2004, 03:32 AM
i really like the first one. the assasin one i think had some sloppy ryming in it. am i worthy i feel isnt quite finished. i think that u should continue it. it kinda just cuts off ya know what i mean. but i really liked a distant dream. the few homes, another great one too. tails of a dream was well random but i liked it. dont really understand it but hey. i really really liked fictional sentiments. over all i think that u r a good writer keep it up :p

One dreamers path
07-29-2004, 04:07 PM

07-30-2004, 01:21 PM
wow cool those are really awesome its no wonder you won.

Axel Alloy
09-07-2004, 11:00 AM
T-thanks guys! o.o;; No seriously. It means a lot o.o;

This next one I wrote for mah 'Spikey Candy!' XD

Rachel's Plea.

I love you each and every day.
I really hope that you feel the same way.

Yours is the hand I want to hold.
And your arms to surround me when I�m cold.

I want to see your face whenever I wake.
To be with you no matter what it may take.

So just remember, whether you are far or near.
You are the one who brings me sunshine� who fills me with cheer.

I want to feel your warmth when I am alone.
Your voice kind and tender echoing down the phone.

You are the first thing I think of, morning and at night.
My heart grows wings and softly takes flight.

I hope you love me and I hope you are true.
After all� you won�t find anyone who loves you the way I do�

09-07-2004, 12:55 PM
You are the one who brings me sunshine� who fills me with cheer.

I want to feel your warmth when I am alone.
Your voice kind and tender echoing down the phone.

Oh god.
Give over.



It's easy to string together the most obvious rhymes too! Put some effort into it.

Aerith Gainsborough
09-08-2004, 10:30 AM
...I think it's good.... :)

Axel Alloy
09-09-2004, 12:08 PM
Hey! Dude? Who gives a shit?

I write what I want, when I feel like it. I don't care if its simple, it is merely about the message behind it.

Thanks Aeris by the way.

Aerith Gainsborough
09-09-2004, 02:12 PM
Hey no problem, Alex Alloy :)

And you are right, just do your thing. If somebody doesn't like it, they shouldn't read it, or just keep it in their mind what they really think about it. ;)

09-09-2004, 04:40 PM
Oh god.
Give over.



It's easy to string together the most obvious rhymes too! Put some effort into it.

If you dont like it then why did you post here again?

I just wanna ask though, origional poster, if you have any poems that dont adher to a rhyme scheme?

Axel Alloy
09-15-2004, 08:10 PM
Yes I do. But I don't recall where I put them. >_<;;;