08-01-2013, 12:57 PM

Parag here from India. I was hoping some one here might help me find a suitable track from the man of steel OST (by the great Hans Zimmer) here. The music im talking about plays at two spots in the movie specifically :

1) When lois lane is being taken in by the FBI.
2) When Jor-el's shadow/conscious helps lois retrieve the command key and help her get off the alien ship.

Its a very nice piece of music, kind of cross between Bourne series and Superman and i could not find any damned where. Searched itunes, downloaded the deluxe version and also the new expanded score that leaked out 6 days ago on youtube. Any tips on where to find it?


08-01-2013, 01:25 PM
You'll find it on the sessions which aren't yet available...

08-01-2013, 03:16 PM
Hahah123: cool user handle :-D

alright..guess i can rest easy about me missing it somehow, fact, the music in the scene after the command key scene is now available on YouTube...i belive its called 'you can save them' was really hopeful about finding this piece as's back to waiting patiently then...might be that WB decides to leak it at the time of blue ray release or sometime...


08-03-2013, 09:01 PM

Man of Steel - "You Can Save Them, You Can Save All of Them" - YouTube (

I also want those tracks:)

08-03-2013, 11:53 PM
We all want the complete score. Yes.

08-04-2013, 12:30 AM
No we don't. Many want it. Many....want their precious virgin ears soothed after listening to this... :awsm:

Actually, I have hopes that a complete score or sessions leak will present this score in a better light. It was not the worst thing I've heard. So maybe this will be like other RCP albums, and be a case of an awful album for a decent score. And we all know full scores, in chronological order can lead to a better appreciation of the whole. So, we'll see.

08-05-2013, 12:21 AM
We all want the complete score. Yes.

yep me to. Weird its not out yet :-(

08-05-2013, 01:22 AM
Weird! Is it normal to see bootlegs get the hell out so early?

08-05-2013, 02:12 AM
No. In fact, it is extremely rare. It has happened here and there. But by far, most leaks can take years and years. Many - most - never see sessions leak. The recent influx of them has spoiled members, and warped the reality.

08-05-2013, 08:17 AM
@ amanda: I hear you. The worst i have experienced if for rocky 4... I had been pining for a proper score release and Entrada came up with a release late 2009 i think.. Supposedly recording sessions of the original score.. Despite of it carrying the 'official' tag, 'training montage' and 'war' never sounded the same..i really hope WB wont do this with this really good MoS score...

To all interested, there are few good mixes of the soundtrack... You can listen to the 'you can save them all' track here..

Man Of Steel: The Extended Score - 08. You Can Save Them [Hans Zimmer & GRV Music] - YouTube (