05-04-2004, 07:48 PM
My former best friend got me hooked on Final Fantasy when I was about...13....that was about 6 or so years ago....

What about everyone else?

(I checked the forum and didn't see this question asked so I figured I would ask instead of study for finals ;) )

hb smokey
05-04-2004, 07:50 PM
I got myself hooked on Final Fantasy

05-04-2004, 08:29 PM
I got hooked when for Christmas my mom bought me FF8. Ever since then I couldn't stop playing the series. It was a long time ago too.

Ark Mune
05-04-2004, 09:46 PM
I was in grade 5, lets see, im in grade 10 now... ea, a friend of my dad told me and my bro about FFVII. He even lent us his FFVII game and memory card so we could play, seeing how he alrady beat it. I owned a ps1, but like 1 game.

It was soooo frigin good, we played it multiple times. I got hooked, its my anti-drug.

05-04-2004, 10:08 PM
My friend (who was the first person I knew who owned a PlayStation) kept going on about this game he hired out called 'Final Fantasy VII'.

He harrassed me until I came around one day and played it...

I think I stayed there all weekend. I was hooked. It was a little while until I finally got my own PlayStation, and i'm afraid to say FF7 was the third game that I bought - after Abe's Oddysee and Gran Turismo. Ever since then i've got any Final Fantasy game the day they have been released.

My friend is on drugs now. It's very sad :(

05-04-2004, 10:25 PM
My friends were ranting about how Megaman sucked (I was playing X4) and so one of them turned the power off and slotted in VII.

Initially, angry. But I didnt tell em I bought it a week later.

05-05-2004, 12:00 AM
I was in fifth grade and a friend of mine used to bring FF4 over to anyone's house with a SNES. At first I along with another friend would constantly make fun of that game saying stuff like "look at the little baby characters that attack with their little baby rattles from 20 feet away". Eventually after him bringing the game everywhere I started a new game in FF4 just to upset him and make fun of the characters (Rydia was named Toilet, remember this is 6th grade it was funny).

After awhile I got hooked and ended up borrowing FF4, FF6, and Chrono Trigger from him and that's how I got into FF and RPGs.

05-05-2004, 08:19 AM
in brief: a friend of mine kept ranting on about it when it first came out so i went on the internet and sussed it out and it apelled to me so i bought it

Evad D'Aragon
05-05-2004, 12:48 PM
Once, I rented Final Fantasy IV, that was about 11 years ago. So I hooked myself on it ever since.

05-05-2004, 02:30 PM
it would be my dad who got me hooked. about seven years ago on ff7. i am exteremely grateful too:D

05-06-2004, 12:39 AM
Heh heh heh heh heh. Nobody's said this one yet... my sister. She actually bought the Final Fantasy VII PC game when it came out and then I started playing it and got hooked. I don't think she plays anymore, but I still do. She had something of a crush on Sephiroth and I still have a rather good cut-out picture of Sephiroth that she drew hanging around by my computer.

05-06-2004, 01:47 AM
I thought the cover on FF7 was pretty. 8-)

05-06-2004, 03:47 AM
I got my self hooked with Final Fantasy.The first time i was in 7 and i was 12 years old and iam now in university and iam 18 years old thats mean that i played FF for 6 years(i realy love this game and i wish it never ends).

Vivi FF
05-06-2004, 06:51 PM
When I got my PSX for one of my birthdays, it came with two demo disks, one of them being a Square demo which has playable demos of FFVII and Busido Blade. I played the FFVII demo and I enjoyed it. So I thought, I want to buy this game cause it looks cool and everything. Tifa also helped out cause I just graduated from Genesis so I'd miss my games, espeically Streets of Rage, and Tifa (who was in the demo) looked very similar to Blaze from SoR so that convinced me to but it.

I have NO idea how long ago that was. Maybe 5-8 years.

Life Uttered in Mutero
05-07-2004, 12:34 PM
The question for me isn't who got me hooked, but what.

I saw one of the many commercials for FF VII that was playing at the time, and felt compelled to go out and get it the second it ended. Good 'ole dependable Mommy took me to Walmart and I snatched it off the shelves with an incredible feeling of utter satisfaction.

I played the game almost non-stop in two marathon sessions of about twenty odd hours each. It was one of the best times of my life, an experience rivaled only by my first sexual encounter. ;)

05-07-2004, 01:24 PM
twenty odd hours..WOW...thats a long time man....i saw commercials n advertisements around..and..seeing friends play it..sayin its a good game...and . to me it looked like most RPG games ....but when i got FF7..i was like DAMN!!...this game is tight.....when i use to play it...4 like EVER!!..(i still do at times...not at much tho)...and then after i beat it ..i was like ..hmm..whatelse can i do ..then i started to go places makin my characters stats better..and then next thing ..i go to to save ..and i see how much time i played all 2gether...and it said 99:59 hours..i was like i stopped..and ....i woundered where my Final fantasy 3 went...and i looked for it ..but didnt find it :( ..i love part 3....bein a lil kid..wit them old skewl graphics...cant get no better then that .....

Friends and ADs work..thats wha got me hooked!!!!



05-09-2004, 04:33 PM
My brother got me hooked I used to sit and watch him play ff7 when it first came out then when i got a playstation it was one of the first games I bought

Bahamut ZERO
05-09-2004, 04:40 PM
We used to spend hours talking about Final Fantasy VII during Science Lessons. Our teacher wasn't that great at controlling the class, and as a result we'd do about 20 minutes worth of work in an hour's lesson. I still got an A though, but I digress~

Anyways, we would discuss where we were in the game, what tactics we'd use at this spot, what we thought of this guy, what we thought about that girl, how great I was when I became the first of the group to defeat Emerald and Ruby... (Okay, that never happened, but goddammit, it should've done.)

I guess you can say it was those conversations that hooked me to the series. Would I have played it as much if I hadn't had the driving force of those friends to help me? No. Probably not.

So it's their fault I'm posting here now.

Seph Cam
05-10-2004, 03:42 PM
One of my friends had a final fantasy 9 music vid of summin and when we were thinking of buying a psx I decided to buy ff9.
My collection grew... (that was two years ago) I now have FF4,5,6,7,9,10.And I'm finally converted my lil' bro into playing final fantasy from need for speed underground (hey its also a good game);)

Lord Vincent
05-10-2004, 04:38 PM
It was my best buddy from elementary school who got me hooked. After watching him play the awesome FF7 i had to start. Now im in high school and im still replaying it.

Omni Thunder
05-10-2004, 06:51 PM
Well, how i got into Final Fantasy, was from some online friends and being into RPG's beforehand, for not too long beforehand.

I had heard alogt of good stuff about FFVI. I decided to, well, download it. I started playing it, and got hooked by the games's tory and characters.

It's been like that, ever since. Happened around 3 years ago, when I was around 16. Unfortuantly, I don't have either PSX or a PS2, so yeah.......

05-10-2004, 08:32 PM
I'd have to say my neighbor got me "hooked". I mean, I've always liked the FF series when I was younger, but my neighbor was obsessed with FFVII and all he would do is talk about it, so he is the one who made me more obsessed with FFVII than I would of been. And I'm replaying it now because of my buddy from elementary school who got me back into FFVII.

05-11-2004, 09:45 PM
A friend at the boardinghhouse where I'm now living was playing FFX 24/7. At first I thought he was a crazy, lazy fatso until slowly I started to get pulled into the screen as Yuna and Tidus's story unfolded. Now I am addicted. I now want to play X-2, VII, VIII, IX, and at the same time I have to study. Thats what, 250 hours worth of staring at a screen? Damn squaresoft, i love it all

05-12-2004, 10:20 AM
when i went and bought 7.........