07-30-2013, 12:46 AM


MP3 320kbps zip pack - 136mb (unzipped size)
MediaFire -

WAV lossless zip pack - 502mb (unzipped size)
MediaFire -

Released in 1999 by Whoopee Camp for the Playstation 1, Tomba 2 is one of my favorite games of all time - innovative gameplay, a great style, fun to play, and I love the music... But I couldn't find a high-quality/complete soundtrack rip anywhere. So despite having almost zero technical knowledge of video game audio formats, I decided to try and do it myself completely from scratch. It's taken many many hours of experimenting, reading online guides and teaching myself, which was followed by even more hours of converting, trimming, editing, researching and tagging... but I have finally achieved what I set out to. I haven't been a member here for long but this community is clearly a great resource for Video Game Music, so I'm pleased to be able to give something back. I present to the community, what I would say is the ultimate Tomba 2 soundtrack pack. Feel free to re-upload or share my packs anywhere you like (even here if my links go down), but if you wish to do this I would ask that you please keep the packs in their complete original form (i.e. don't change the tags or delete files). Hope everyone enjoys the music.

-Clean - ripped directly from the original game disc, completely SFX-free apart from 2 tracks where it's unavoidable (see below)
-Complete - all music from the game, from the Town Of The Fishermen to Circus Village, through the "SON-OF-A-B****" Trolley Ride minigame, the little jingles you can't even remember... and of course, "Eeeeehehehehe!! Ooo-whoopee!!"
-High quality - choose from MP3 320kbps or WAV Lossless
-Professionally edited - precisely trimmed, levelled and tidied with industry-level tools by an experienced and highly-qualified professional
-Fully tagged - all tracks meticulously ID'ed and labelled with artist and title, sourced from multiple official reference sources, fans, and other experts
-Logical track order - tracks ordered relative to the in-game sequence of play wherever possible, and the rest slotted in vaguely metaphorical places
-Custom album art - made using the original boxart and professional software, included as a JPG file and also embedded within the MP3 versions
-Embedded SFX elimination - clean SFX-free versions of many tracks which have embedded SFX in the NTSC version, constructed using partial rips from the PAL version and audio looping techniques
-Detailed tracklist & info - text file included for use with the WAV pack and as a backup for the MP3 pack

-Embedded SFX in two tracks - "Rescuing Tabby" and "Departure", unavoidable as the embedded SFX in these tracks are present in all versions of the game and cannot be avoided even using looping techniques


01. New Event
02. Sony Playstation
03. Whoopee Camp
04. Opening
05. Load Game
06. Mysterious Letter
07. Town Of The Fishermen
08. Raising The Bridge
09. Underground Mine (Cursed)
10. Trolley Ride
11. Coal-Mining Town (Cursed)
12. Kujara Ranch (Cursed)
13. Kujara Ranch Summit (Cursed)
14. Kujara Washing
15. Donglin Forest (Cursed)
16. Laughing Crying Forest (Cursed)
17. Circus Village (Cursed)
18. Water Temple (Cursed)
19. Mermaid's Harp
20. Mouse Village
21. Berry Nut Gathering
22. Mythical Towers
23. Evil Pig Encounters
24. Evil Pig Battles
25. Evil Pig Spells Broken
26. Travelling Between Areas
27. Underground Mine (Purified)
28. Coal-Mining Town (Purified)
29. Kujara Ranch (Purified)
30. Kujara Ranch Summit (Purified)
31. Donglin Forest (Purified)
32. Laughing Crying Forest (Purified)
33. Circus Village (Purified)
34. Water Temple (Purified)
35. Continue
36. Conversations & Events - Relaxed
37. Conversations & Events - Engrossed
38. Conversations & Events - Intrigued
39. Conversations & Events - Danger
40. Time Stopped
41. Last Evil Pig Battle
42. Last Evil Pig Spell Broken
43. Rescuing Tabby [With SFX]
44. Flying Tabby Home & Adventure Rating
45. Feast
46. Farewell
47. Departure [With SFX]
48. End Credits
49. Game Over
50. Event Complete

Ashif Hakik & Masaya Hiraoka - Tracks 01,04,05,07,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22 ,23,24,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,4 0,41,49,50
Sheena Ozawa & Masaya Hiraoka - Tracks 06,08,19,25,42,43,44,45,46,47,48
Harumi Fujita & Nao Hatsutani - Track 03
Sony Computer Entertainment - Track 02

December 31, 1999

Video Game Music

Ripped, edited and tagged by The Assassin
First uploaded July 29, 2013
MP3 320 kbps zip pack includes 50 audio files (mp3), custom album art (jpg), tracklist & info (txt) - 136mb total (unzipped)
WAV lossless zip pack includes 50 audio files (wav), custom album art (jpg), tracklist & info (txt) - 502mb total (unzipped)

07-30-2013, 02:06 AM

07-30-2013, 02:00 PM
I reopened my account from years ago just to thank you for this awesome soundtrack,
Tomba 1 & 2 were my favorite childhood game. As Tabby said to Tomba, THANKS AGAIN!

07-31-2013, 11:36 PM
I reopened my account from years ago just to thank you for this awesome soundtrack,
Tomba 1 & 2 were my favorite childhood game. As Tabby said to Tomba, THANKS AGAIN!

You're welcome, although I always thought the dialogue/voice acting of the game was pretty bad lol. The gameplay and music more than make up for it though.

08-01-2013, 08:22 PM
Thank you :)

08-24-2013, 10:03 PM

08-29-2013, 11:52 PM
New download links added

10-04-2013, 12:43 PM
Wooow you're great! I was searching for these tracks for a lot of time :D thanks from Italian Tombi! 2 (Tomba! 2) fan!

10-04-2013, 02:04 PM
I think I just squealed like a little fan girl! thank you :D

04-24-2014, 07:15 PM
Thank you very much

04-25-2014, 05:35 PM
Good to see there's still interest in this.

As far as I can tell nobody has reuploaded my Tomba 2 packs anywhere else online yet, so I'd like to again encourage people to do so. Just to help make this pack more readily available online. All I ask is to please keep the packs in their complete original form (i.e. don't change the tags or delete files). SHARE SHARE SHARE!

Also FYI I still haven't found anyone to help me do a PSF re-rip of Tomba 1 yet, here's the thread - Thread 164083

04-25-2014, 06:16 PM
Haley's comet forums were of no help?

07-25-2014, 11:51 PM
Please reupload the WAV pack.

07-26-2014, 12:23 AM
Thanks for the soundtrack. Was lookin for the music pieces for the conversations.

07-27-2014, 10:04 PM
Please reupload the WAV pack.

Thanks for the heads up. Rapidshare seem to have deleted both my files and account for some reason. But I've reuploaded the Tomba 2 WAV pack to mediafire.

Haley's comet forums were of no help?

Sorry for the slow response Despair, only just noticed your post. Honestly I never got around to asking at hcs64 ( and unfortunetely I don't have as much time now as I did a year ago so it's unlikely I'll be able to do an ultimate Tomba 1 soundtrack pack myself anytime soon, even with help. I did try my absolute best for several months to figure it out but I just didn't have the technical skills to find all the SEQ files, VB files and VH files on the Tomba 1 game disc and I couldn't understand how the whole Fear Effect 2 Driver thing worked. I literally spent several whole days trying many different methods and programs, and reading every ripping tutorial I could find. I even got in touch with manakoAT, the ripper of the good (but not perfect) Tomba 1 PSF pack that's floating around.

The problems I noticed with the current Tomba 1 PSF pack are detailed here - Thread 164083 - if anyone else wants to have a go at doing a re-rip.

08-08-2014, 02:05 PM
Thank you very much!

10-10-2014, 01:38 AM
Thank you so much :)

09-06-2015, 04:22 AM
Hell Yeah! Been looking for this! Well I've originally got it here but lost it so I'm downloading it again. Thank you so much!!!

11-12-2015, 09:37 PM
Not sure I'm going to be able to host these packs for much longer. If anyone can provide a mirror of these files please feel free.

02-10-2017, 01:10 PM
Thank you very much. <3

09-09-2019, 01:23 PM
Very nice! Thank You :)