07-28-2013, 02:00 AM
So yeah. This is not really a request, but a question of sorts.

I am making (mostly for myself) a gamerip of all the unreleased .HACK//Link tracks.

I have all of the raw .adx files, and am planning to make an additional soundtrack.. .as I said, for myself.

But... altough when I say "working" I don't mean just "converting tracks and calling it a day". No.

Even though I won't really call this mastering, I am doing some touch ups to the tracks, because some of them sound... plainly horrible. Noise on the tracks, which I suppose the game itself deals with somehow, because I rarely hear it in game.

I am not really an expert on audio mastering or anything, so these are just minor touch ups. And once again, I'm mostly doing these for myself, but...

If anybody is interested, I can upload it once I'm done. Eventually, I can also upload untouched versions of the tracks.
Just... don't expect FLAC from me. I will be lucky if I'll be able to upload mp3s of this at least.

But anyway, here are some tracks for comparison sake:

Harald's theme, directly converted from raw .adx files... WITHOUT touchups:

Harald's theme with some touchups:

I am actually still experimenting with this, so everything might yet change... but yeah. Anyone interested?

07-29-2013, 05:24 AM
I am, mostly in the random battle theme (whoever thought it was a good idea not to put that in the OST needs to get socked in the face :P).