07-25-2013, 11:44 PM
David Arnold
Paul (Deluxe Edition)
Kudos to drhousetapachula

25 unnamed tracks, TRT: 49:57, FLAC (lossy source)


Note: as usual, I mixed some of the smaller cues into longer suites and removed any extended silences. I was forced to get creative with the continuity of the set so not all tracks play in their original order from the complete score. Volume has been boosted but there wasn't a lot I could do with the last 3 tracks of the set so those remain mostly untouched. Track listings are still not available and I unfortunately do not have a copy of the film on hand to make my own custom titles. This was a rather quick and fun project that I hope you will enjoy!

07-25-2013, 11:59 PM
Everyone's a fucking producer.

07-26-2013, 12:03 AM
Everyone's a fucking producer.


07-26-2013, 12:07 AM
How much ya wanna bet Jimm1919 downloaded it if he took that long to put a sentence together he must have.

07-26-2013, 12:16 AM
thanks cody

07-26-2013, 02:38 AM
What`s the matter with these people with their foolish comments and zero contribution !

I`m so glad that you reacted in a positive way cody, we don`t want to lose another member and many thanks for this :)

07-26-2013, 03:09 AM
What`s the matter with these people with their foolish comments and zero contribution !

I`m so glad that you reacted in a positive way cody, we don`t want to lose another member and many thanks for this :)

I'm not going anywhere. No need to worry about that. I was here first and I've been with this site pretty much since the beginning so there's no sense in me leaving over one jerk when I've encountered so many over the years. I haven't left after all the newbs of 2012-2013 pretty much ambushed the site or the arrogant pricks that run around this place because there are some genuinely good people here and granted, they are getting harder and harder to find, it's still fun to know that there's at least someone other than me that enjoys these scores. Scores are my life.

If anyone should leave, it's jimm1919 but not knowing precisely what he meant by his post, I think nothing of it. If they choose to stay (why wouldn't they, after all?), it's no skin off my back but stay off my back. Got it? Anyway, moving on. Hope everyone's enjoying them some Paul. It's a fun little score from David Arnold that I honestly couldn't really recall from my last viewing by the time I had acquired this but being an admirer of D.A., I just couldn't pass it up. It has everything: action, suspense, comedy, drama, etc. all seamlessly tied into a neat consistent little package without the obnoxious voice of Seth Rogen to accompany it. Just kidding, it's one of the few roles in which I let the obnoxiousness of his "character acting" slide since it fit the film so well alongside Nick Pegg & Simon Frost. Perhaps because it wasn't his physical presence but his voice.

This was a nightmare to edit but hopefully I did a good job. Don't be afraid to call me out if I made any mixing mistakes. I didn't have the time to do a test listen before posting so if anyone spots anything or even notices any missing cues, let me know. Like the post suggests, it was edited in a hurry.

07-26-2013, 03:09 AM
Everyone's a fucking producer.

And you're a fucking troll.

07-26-2013, 03:32 AM
I'm not going anywhere. No need to worry about that. I was here first and I've been with this site pretty much since the beginning so there's no sense in me leaving over one jerk when I've encountered so many over the years. I haven't left after all the newbs of 2012-2013 pretty much ambushed the site or the arrogant pricks that run around this place because there are some genuinely good people here and granted, they are getting harder and harder to find, it's still fun to know that there's at least someone other than me that enjoys these scores. Scores are my life.

That`s good to hear, what`s new to me, did we ambushed the site ? well, okay ...

07-26-2013, 03:53 AM
thanks codyap

07-26-2013, 03:58 AM
That`s good to hear, what`s new to me, did we ambushed the site ? well, okay ...

I was referring to the newbs that make a habit out of making a new thread for every single thing that in no way improves over an existing post. I can't recall you ever doing that but the past is the past. I meant no disrespect if that came across sounding mean or rude, it's just when you've been around here as long as I have it just becomes second nature. Try not to take it personally, I don't. Life's too short. Enjoy it as much as you can while you have it. My idea of enjoyment does not come from being unpleasant so I try to keep my unpleasant side at bay but you can't hold it in forever. Those usually come out around the time of the new release of a Zimmer album. I always know to avoid this place like the plague when that happens. After the semi-fool I made myself out to be over my extremely biased views on Man of Steel, it's best I not say anything. That and all the unneeded duplicate threads that get created for them. I understand people have their tastes and I'm sorry mine doesn't include a large appetite for Zimmer so naturally, I'm not going to have the highest of accolades for his works. Except for The Peacemaker. OMG, such a fun action-packed score. I generally don't like his particular blend of synth and orchestra which TPM is not short of but I found myself really enjoying it enough to where it's now one of my annual driving albums.

the marvin
07-26-2013, 10:05 AM

07-26-2013, 11:45 AM
Thanks, codyap09

07-27-2013, 12:44 AM
Thank you Cody :)

07-27-2013, 01:37 AM
1. Why do you keep making FLAC out of lossy files? That's stupid.
2. This is a bootleg. Why are you combining the tracks like that? That's stupid.

07-27-2013, 02:02 AM
Another troll !

07-27-2013, 03:02 AM
1. Why do you keep making FLAC out of lossy files? That's stupid.
2. This is a bootleg. Why are you combining the tracks like that? That's stupid.

Just to give you something to complain about for both, I reckon. It's free music. Get over yourself.

07-27-2013, 04:27 AM
Just don't understand why you're wasting your time converting a lossy source to lossless. But go ahead and waste your time if you really want.

07-27-2013, 04:55 AM
Just don't understand why you're wasting your time converting a lossy source to lossless. But go ahead and waste your time if you really want.

Well some would agree that lossy MP3 to a FLAC lossless container is better because sometimes in bootlegs, you can often have long silences before, after or even inbetween tracks and with FLAC being a lossless format, there would be less of the artifacts that result from a straight lossy to lossy transcode since it's retaining the quality of the MP3 in a lossless format. I'll go on doing what I'm doing as I have been doing. It's what makes me feel comfortable so whatever.

Also, sometimes bootlegs aren't presented in a fashion that makes for an enjoyable listening experience so I edit the tracks into mini/lengthy suites for a more enjoyable listening experience. Whether you think it's stupid or not is purely your own judgment and in no way influences my own. I personally enjoy it in this form. I post what I like on this forum and conveniently several others enjoy my posts, too.

Like I said: it's free music. Enjoy it or not. It's your call. No one should complain about something that's freely given to them as a gesture of good faith. I could be that asshole that just didn't post anything and when I did, make everything in 64kbps MP3. I won't do that though because THAT would be the real waste of time.

07-27-2013, 05:08 AM
I think Cody just likes to edit using a good editor that demands that the files be in uncompressed form, hence the upconvert to .wav. that's how I operate. he then reconverts to a lossless compression afterward, so as not to further lose...

Anyway, the trick here is, for good serious editing one must use uncompressed files in ADOBE AUDITION or SOUNDFORGE etc.

07-27-2013, 05:21 AM
I think Cody just likes to edit using a good editor that demands that the files be in uncompressed form, hence the upconvert to .wav. that's how I operate. he then reconverts to a lossless compression afterward, so as not to further lose...

Anyway, the trick here is, for good serious editing one must use uncompressed files in ADOBE AUDITION or SOUNDFORGE etc.

I alternated between Sound Forge and Vegas for this project. I hate resorting to Vegas for music projects (unless it's a B.W. Sinfonia project) but sometimes there are certain mixing scenarios you can't pull off quite as easily in Sound Forge that you can in Vegas. I always render my Vegas projects out to 96k/24bit WAVs (overkill I am completely aware) then finish the final leveling and mastering in Sound Forge. I use Adobe Audition but I'm not very proficient with it. I find the mixing process much smoother in Sound Forge however Audition has the better "center channel extractor" feature for if you want to try to construct your own 5.1 track from a stereo source. Granted it takes a very long time to find a setting that even comes close to re-creating an accurate enough center channel signal like you would hear if you broke a real 5.1 isolated score down. I'd love to know what real audio technicians do to take a stereo track and effectively create a 5.1 track that doesn't have center channel bleed to the fronts (and worst, the rears) as well. I know sometimes they have access to the original sources while other times they don't so they just manipulate the existing soundtrack to some amazing results.

08-10-2013, 04:51 PM
@Jimm: And I just don't understandwhy you are wasting your time talking about this edit while you have about 30 pms of me you don't reply to...

08-17-2013, 01:34 AM
Thank you very much.

08-25-2013, 05:11 PM