04-30-2004, 06:38 PM
5 dreams...
The first I wrote 2 years ago.. and i've been adding to the set since then.

But was it only a dream?

I remember that day well,
But was it only a dream?
The elevator,
Where I was scared of what came after?
The hall where teh closed door lay...

You opened the door,
Your were nor scared.
I wasn't,
When you lifted my fears.
You gave me a new sense of being...

Your smile greeyed me,
Reassuring and kind.
Your voice,
Velvery yet strong.
I put my trust in you...

Now I'm home,
It seems a lifetime since then.
One day,
We will meet again.
And when that happens...

A new dream starting to grow...

I looked away from love,
Trying to find simple solutions.
My soultion,
Came calling in many voices.
I found myself lost...

I pertended to be strong,
Going forward, yet backward.
A Time,
I hope never to repeate.
New dreams started to grow...

Many hands extended in friendship,
Most expecting a reward.
A lamb,
To be sacraficed, I was.
No one holding back my fears...

Looking back now shows,
In truth my finest moments.
Never again,
Will I be looked upon the same.
Was I lost to this world?

My Nightmare was forged

I looked upon you with new eyes,
Seeing what i couldn't before.
But why,
Did it make me feel so bad?
I thought I was in controle...

Some words cut deeper,
Tan the sharpest knives.
To me,
You were a great hero.
But where are you now...

My nightmares were forged,
At my own bidding.
No rest,
Could I find in those long nights.
No one could reach me...

I stepped out on te gravel,
Afternoon sun in my eyes.
I wept,
Fearing my world woud crash.
But nothing went wrong...

A Dream Reborn

I waited for a long time,
Not just on that cold bench.
My Toughts,
Running away with fear.
Leaving me to face you...

This dream world I lived in,
Made sense to all but me.
You spoke,
Mking me listen in silence.
My dream shattering...

Your hand touched me,
As we talked on and on.
Of nothing,
And every thing, the words formed.
Beterying my deepest fears...

Te shattered world was not of chaos,
But rather a clearer matter.
A Dream,
Reborn through your guidance.
Looking not th the future but...

Have I awakened at last?

After so long a time,
Have I awakened at last?
A fear,
Holds onto me still.
Do I want to be awake...

You are diffrent from the others,
Because you actually care.
In you,
I have found the sterngth I need.
Now, can I put my past behind me...

I've done things woth you,
I never thought I'd do.
It's funny,
I never thought I'd like scotch.
Withought you, I probably never would have tried it...

The hardest part of all this,
Is that I can't be with you right now.
You are,
So close to me, yet so far away.
Will I ever be able to call you my own...