07-24-2013, 10:42 AM
...here it's a Re-Up of my post, that I decide to do, because I finally see the movie ( P1 yes, I found it on streaming on the Net, in perfect Condition ), well we were speak about this Movie if you remember, I like it, yes...but I was expect something more, I don't find other word, I was expecting MORE, those parallel Stories are just "joined" by the Old Pap who tell those stories to kids, I wish the little stories to have a certain denominator in common, they don't...and the Korean part is a big rip of : "Brave New World" of "Aldous Huxley" ( that's my opinion, others could have others opinions ). But in general I really enjoy the movie ( very fast scenes, nice Make-up of course, Nice special effects ), but this movie won't be in my Top Ten, just because they don't find ( yes the Storyteller in the end ) the way to "link" all those nice stories...but no "deception" at all, a very nice Spectacle !!!...
Don't seems to be "Forbidden" ( I don't know if you will see the link, because I'm Prime Member at Amazon, and I'm redirected to Prime page ??? )
Amazon.com: Cloud Atlas: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: Tom Tykwer, Johnny Klimek, Reinhold Heil: Music (http://www.amazon.com/Cloud-Atlas-Original-Picture-Soundtrack/dp/B009OCR1X4)

Tom Tykwer, Johnny Klimek & Reinhold Heil - Cloud Atlas (2012) |FLAC|


01. Prelude - The Atlas March [1:15]
02. Cloud Atlas Opening Title [3:47]
03. Travel To Edinburgh [1:42]
04. Luisa's Birthmark [3:00]
05. Cavendish In Distress [1:23]
06. Papa Song [4:15]
07. Sloosha's Hollow [2:59]
08. Sonmi-451 Meets Change [3:34]
09. Won't Let Go [4:10]
10. Kesselring [1:54]
11. The Escape [5:43]
12. Temple Of Sacrifice [2:03]
13. Catacombs [1:35]
14. Adieu [4:15]
15. New Direction [1:46]
16. All Boundaries Are Conventions [2:39]
17. The Message [2:13]
18. Chasing Luisa Rey [4:54]
19. Sonmi's Discovery [3:23]
20. Death Is Only A Door [3:48]
21. Cloud Atlas Finale [4:17]
22. The Cloud Atlas Sextet For Orchestra [4:57]
23. Cloud Atlas End Title [7:56]

Password: NONE

Rar File = 394 MB
Current Bitrate = | FLAC |

Tom Tykwer, Johnny Klimek & Reinhold Heil - Cloud Atlas (2012) |320|

Password: NONE

Rar File = 178 MB
Current Bitrate = | 320 |

ENJOY !!! XOXO !!! :p


And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite.... ( Beck - Loser )

You Want To Download one of my Posts ?? Do It As Soon AS Possible, PLZ (NO RE-UP ANYMORE !!!)

07-24-2013, 12:04 PM
....i found the movie fascinating.
I watched it in german, i WILL try in english, in a while, i am curious as to how i will be able to deal with the partly creative altered language that was used...

07-24-2013, 01:13 PM
Thank you share!

07-24-2013, 05:03 PM

This film requires multiple viewings. Each of the six stories IS THE SAME story. About LOVE and FREEDOM. Think about it. That is what they have in common.

Timothy Cavendish: [voice over] While my extensive experience as an editor has led me to a disdain for flashbacks and flash forwards and all such tricksy gimmicks, I believe that if you, dear reader, can extend your patience for just a moment, you will find there is a method to this tale of madness.


[the Archivist continues his interrogation of Sonmi]
Archivist: I would like to ask about the night of your arrest.
Sonmi-451: I remember...listening to his heart beat. Your heart beats much slower than ours. There is a gentleness to the sound. I find it...comforting.
[we see Sonmi in Chang's room, while Chang is asleep on the floor, Sonmi presses her head against his heart to listen to his heartbeat]


Cavendish tries to open the window in his room at Aurora House, but finds it's locked]
Timothy Cavendish: [voice over] Freedom. The fatuous jingle of our civilization. But only those deprived of it have the barest inkling of what it really is.


Sonmi has been captured by the Enforcers and sits in the corner of a cell when Boardman Mephi enters]
Boardman Mephi: There's much disagreement on what should be done with you. The Corprocrats want you euthanized as a deviant, the Manufacturer is demanding a period of study, the Pyschogenomicists are screaming for an immediate cerebral vivisection. However, the problem you create is a political one. Which means you're my problem.
[Mephi walks towards Sonmi]
Boardman Mephi: I find it intriguing to imagine that beneath these perfectly engineered features, are thoughts that terrify the whole of Unanimity. I'm not afraid of such thoughts, because I do not fear the truth. There's a natural order to this world, fabricant. And the truth is this order must be protected.
[Mephi and Sonmi look at each other for a moment before Mephi turns to one of his Enforcer's and starts walking out]
Boardman Mephi: Inform the Archivist, prepare for excisement.
Enforcer: Yes sir.
[as Mephi is about to walk out the cell]
Sonmi-451: Sir...
[Mephi turns to look at Sonmi]
Sonmi-451: Can you tell me what happened to Hae-Joo Chang?
Boardman Mephi: Killed, I was told.
[Mephi walks out, the cell door is locked, Sonmi sinks back down in the corner with tears in her eyes and presses her hands to her heart]


Frobisher sits on top of the Scott Monument watching the sun rise]
Robert Frobisher: [voice over] Sixsmith, I climb the steps of the Scott Monument every morning. And all becomes clear. Wish I could make you see this brightness. Don't worry, all is well. All is so perfectly, damnably well. I understand now, that boundaries between noise and sound are conventions.
[at the same time we see in 1849 as Adam and Autua lie on the deck of the ship watching the sun rise; 1936 Sixsmith and Frobisher meet in a shop full of ceramics, they start breaking the ceramic statues]
Cloud Atlas QuotesRobert Frobisher: [voice over] All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended.

Robert Frobisher: [voice over] One may transcend any convention, if only one can first conceive of doing so.
[in 2321 Zachry sits on top of a mountain as the sun sets with Meronym asleep by the fire, he takes his cloak off and puts it on her as she sleeps]
Robert Frobisher: [voice over] Moments like this, I can feel your heart beating as clearly as I feel my own, and I know that separation is an illusion.
[in 2144 Sonmi and Chang continue making love]
Robert Frobisher: [voice over] My life extends far beyond the limitations of me.
[in 1936 in the ceramic shop Frobisher and Sixsmith start throwing plates around breaking everything; then Sixsmith awakens on the train realizing that it was a dream]


[ back in Moore's home after Adam has burnt the contract]
Haskell Moore: Goddamn you, sir. If you were not my daughter's husband...
Tilda: Hello, father.
Haskell Moore: Tilda?
[he looks over to see Tilda standing in the room]
Haskell Moore: What's going on?
Tilda: I've come to say goodbye.
Haskell Moore: Goodbye? Where are you going?
Adam Ewing: We're moving back East, to work with the abolitionists.
Haskell Moore: What?! That poison has rotted your brain.
Adam Ewing: Well, if it has, I highly recommend it. I've not felt this good in years.
Haskell Moore: Tilda, I forbid you from going anywhere with this mad man.
Tilda: I've been afraid of you my whole life, father. I'm going with my husband.
[Adam and Tilda turn to leave the room]
Haskell Moore: Adam. Listen to me. For the sake of my grandson, if not your own. There is a natural order to this world, and those who try to upend it do not fare well. This movement will never survive. If you join them, you and your entire family will be shunned. At best, you exist as pariah, to be spat on and beaten. At worst, lynched or crucified.
[at the same time in 2144 we see Sonmi being led to her execution, watched by a crowd which includes Mephi, she smiles with a tear rolling down her face as the device that kills fabricants is placed to her head, the metal bolt released killing her instantly as it goes through her head]
Haskell Moore: And for what? For what? No matter what you do, it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean.
Adam Ewing: What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?
[Adam takes Tilda hand and they leave the room]


The sequence where Cavendish laments freedom [I]is taken for granted until you do not have it is cut to Sonmi, who has just learned her pure blood lover has died. She weeps and clings to her heart, remembering the slow beat of his.

I think this is a very important sequence that the directors did not make over obvious.

Forbisher speaks about All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. This too is important since it rings through all the stories and time periods. Forbisher is cornered, his existence threatened for being only what he is, and facing a dire inevitability. He has created one great work of art in life: a piece of music he hopes will live after him.

And of course the most important allusion at the end... one of the many phrases that are repeated from story to story: THERE IS A NATURAL ORDER TO THINGS.... and Adam Ewing, who has regained the love of his life- his wife, tells his father-in-law "What is the ocean but a multitude of drops?"

We are all seek to break boundaries. Wanting to be accepted for what we are. Hoping we can create and make a difference that will be remembered on this planet.

We want love and we strive for freedom.

Most of all, even if we are not famous celebrities, even if we gain little to no notoriety for our actions in life, we remain part of humanity as a whole: the ocean. And we are all a multitude of drops that contribute to this world even if our actions are unsung. We are connected. We have made a difference.

This is a grand film. Yes, visually stunning, but it remains the words spoken and unspoken that propel these stories. And who would have thought the day would come where a major film is book-ended by the tragic romance of TWO MEN. Two men who never once speak to each other in the film.

07-24-2013, 05:29 PM
thanks yannis

07-24-2013, 06:28 PM

i will read the book, too, absolutely.

07-25-2013, 07:15 AM
Phideas1, put "LOVE and FREEDOM" as "link" to all Stories is not for me a "solid link" to put those stories in common !!!
I explain...70 % ( more ?? ) of Movies have "LOVE and FREEDOM" has subject ( I just take the movie I watch again yesterday "The Illusionist", it's also a "LOVE and FREEDOM" story, most of the Movies have this subject who is eternal ).
What disturb me, it's the "absence" of links, in the level of "TIMES" ( here they just find the "Storyteller in the end" to links those stories ).
It's there that I was expect a link story, maybe as you say the stories are "LOVE and FREEDOM" stories, not enough "strong" links for Me !!!
They play with "Time" all over the Movie, and those periods of Time, have nothing in common ( a "Simple Object" with a certain "meaning" could be a link for those Stories : Ex; A certain Stones, or a Knife that everyone in those parallel Stories "USED", could be an "Easy" way to put something common to all those Stories ).
They are play with something SERIOUS who is TIME !!!
We have many theories about Time, and how Time maybe is !!! ( from antiquity, Einstein to the Cords theory ).
The fact that is no "terrestrial links" inside the stories but as you say more a "concept" ( Because for me "LOVE and FREEDOM" is a concept ), make this movie non-watchable for many People !!!
It is a great Movie, for sure...but when you try to make a "Masterpiece" your story has to be very Solid, I have understand alone, after the movie, that "LOVE and FREEDOM" is a common denominator to all stories, but is this concept enough strong for this so "complicated movie" ( because, for you or me or Sorei, or others this movie is not "difficult", but for others I'm sure they could not stay and watch it all, because simply their are lost in the corridors of Time !!!....due the bad Reviews from certain Critics ).
When you make a Movie of this "Dimension" is imperative to have a very solid "script" that everybody CAN UNDERSTAND, and not a "Concept" that half of Audience don't even remark ( yes, my Friend P1, it is like that ).
That absence of Solid links, won't make me wan to see this Movie a second time, as I enjoy it and totally understand it with one "view"...
A bit shame, this movie will never be an "All public" movie, maybe it was not the Target of the Movie maker ???
This work will be a Cult movie for some and an non-watchable Movie for others !!!
It is no "CLUE" to find also, very big omission !!!
You just watch a very well done Movie, that you like aesthetically !!!
Is that a purpose for Movie ??? Yes, why not...but you won't find nothing new in this Movie !!!
( I remember you, that I like this movie !!! )
Maybe, this story is more "solid" in Book, I will read the book too P1 !!!

My Sincere respect P1, and thank for the more informations, it's you who give me the "need" to see this Movie !!!
I like this Movie, so thank you very much P1 ;) !!!

07-25-2013, 08:35 AM
This really is not a difficult film. Most people like light entertainment. They do not wish to pay attention. They do not like to be challenged. They want things pointed out in overly obvious ways. (that stupid movie Avatar... one cliche after another, one predictable plot turn after another... and all that 3D rubbish floating in the air... I kept my 3-D glasses and mailed them to Cameron asking for my 11 bucks back)

Cloud Atlas is a masterful piece of Cinema... as the late Roger Ebert even observed. It will not be a cult classic, it will be recognized as the success it is. In time. In 1982 the critics killed Blade Runner and audiences stayed away. Today it is acknowledged as a visual masterpiece, albeit simple story line. This will happen with Cloud Atlas as well.

It was a great success in Russia, China and Brazil. But American audiences want pop-films. Explosions. Super heroes. Noise. Not dialogue that requires a well tuned ear. Not character driven.

Not interested in the book. The film suits me very well.

07-25-2013, 08:52 AM
i am almost always interested in the book, as it usually can add another dimension - at least for my taste :)

(and i just love reading)

07-25-2013, 12:36 PM
I agree with you you Phideas1, yes maybe it need "Time" for the success of this Movie ( who deserve it !!! )
Like you, I cannot watch movies as "Avatar" ( I left the movie after 20 minutes, a real crap, a bad "techno western", my opinion again ) !!!
The same happen also for "Donnie Darko" ( a Masterpiece for Me ), nobody goes to see it, critics kill it, and now it's in the "Cult Movies" database of the NET !!!...Also a story of the "Time" ( but with a different approach of "Cloud Atlas" ) !!!
I will do like my dear Sorei, because as her "I just love reading"...and I will give you my opinion after ( could be the same opinion but could be different too, and give me "another view" of this Great movie ) !!!
Of course as you say P1: "This really is not a difficult film", you are right: not at all, but it's one thing call "entertainment", and another call "masterpiece" ( you can have the 2 associated in Movies, as you say "Blade Runner" is one example of this Association, "Clockwork Orange" it's another example, etc... )
If I was you, I will ask more money to Cameron, because there, we have to do with the super-crap, and that deserve a "compensation" back ( moneys or destruction of that "movie" - sound fascist, I know, I don't care- ).
In the 70ties ( but not just ), they use to make Movie with different stories ( as Cloud Atlas is finally ), but they was separated those stories with sometime not links "inside" the Stories : ( "sometimes was even a "End" of those little Stories in One movie" ), so they were work as "different little movies, in a big one", here with Cloud Atlas for sure we don't have to do with this way of the 70ties, as all stories are mixed and you "jump" from one to the others ( a quality, or ??? )...
But anyway, the fact that we speak about this Movie, is the better publicity we can do for it ( that it deserve, it's a really nice movie, I tell again, just if I was the Director of this Movie, maybe I will do it a bit different, but maybe I'm wrong, and it's a Masterpiece, that I will appreciate in 10 years ( if I'm still alive :) ), but I rarely make mistake about Art ( Art in general ), "judgment" it's one of my quality with "sincerity" and "generosity" !!! ) [ Yes I know, I'm an Ego-Maniac !!! ]
And as Sorei, I think that the book can give another perspective to this story !!! ;)

*when I say that this movie is "complicated", I don't mean "to watch", no...I speak about ME and my incapacity to "judge" this movie with partiality !!!

07-25-2013, 03:11 PM
i am almost always interested in the book, as it usually can add another dimension - at least for my taste :)

(and i just love reading)


We all know in most cases books do not translate well to film. The author pf Cloud Atlas felt his novel would be impossible to film. There have been times I have been outraged by the film adaptations- Interview With The Vampire and Dune (horrible) instantly come to mind. Then there are the oddities where the film is better than the book such as my beloved Portrait of Jennie, Possession, Tuck Everlasting(the director of this film said it is impossible to really film a book, the film being just a version of the original story). Finally we have the oddities that hit the mark- the screenplay that captures the novel in a superlative fashion such as To Kill A mockingbird. That is rare. In general I am glad books that have brought me repeated joy have not made it to the screen and have been lost in development- The magnificent novel The Sparrow that twenty years ago Brad Pitt purchased to the rights as a starring vehicle- and drafts of a screenplay have been written but collect dust. Hollywood doesn't film tragedies very well and they would make this thoughtful, provocative novel with its vivid characters into something bland with 'a happy ending'. Let us not forget the rare film The English Patient that nailed the book and is downbeat ending beautifully- which most found boring and a few of us found mentally stimulating.

So having seen Cloud Atlas, having read that the book was controversial in its style and its philosophy, one would expect it to be an equally controversial film- which it is. It is not a film for kids who want to see the monster in the first 15 minutes. It is six fascinating period pieces that conclude in one the the most stunning finales I have ever seen- all with the most stunning finale music I have ever heard.


Read Mary Doria Russell's THE SPARROW and be prepared for an emotional adventure.

07-25-2013, 04:10 PM
...i understand what you're saying. :)
and thx for taking the time to elaborate, too.

I do agree...AND I disagree at the same time.
I am a weird person ;)

I LIKE it, when book and movie go different ways.
They are like in parallel universes, both - hopefully - good in their own way.
if the movie is different from the book, i can appreciate that. (I do not automatically appreciate it, though)
i appreciate it as a additional opportunity, and for me both are two different things. i can love my book and i - sometimes - like the totally different movie (despite it being not adequate as a realisation of the book)

Now, something that might make you dislike me:
I love dune-movie from 1984.
Dune-novels are my absolute favorite cycle in scifi., too.

as i said, i am a bit weird ;)

and i will look out for the sparrow!

07-25-2013, 04:36 PM
The DVD commentary on Tuck Everlasting is very interesting. It stays on topic. The director talks about eternal life and its down side... but he does state up front this movie is his take on Natalie Babbit's novel and he highly recommended people read it as well since it is a good book (I did not like it).

Dune? We shall have to agree to disagree. That is a fine novel with some of the best character creation- especially for women. But that film? Will always remember watching this clunker and thinking "It can not possibly get worse." And then it did. And then it did again and again and again. Lynch, who today says he should not have made the film, indulged his own fancies into the story. A film that contained so many fine, fine actors that were ultimately wasted.

I also cherish Robert Holdstock's Mythago Wood and its superlative sequel Lavondyss- but I am happy to keep those within my visual imagination. No films, thank you.

Cold Mountain is a masterpiece novel. When the film was announced my ears perked up. It would be written and directed by the same writer and director of The English Patient. Then I read about the actors cast for the roles. There was no way I would NEVER see this film. Gack!


And Yannis, it is refreshing to find someone on the same page when it comes to Avatar. Hell, if a man was transplanted into a bigger and stronger body the first thing he would do is NOT go for a run.

He'd look between his legs to see HOW THAT has turned out!


07-27-2013, 10:13 AM
Great film and score. Thanks again, Yannis!

Bonus tracks (https://mega.co.nz/#!x4MyCL5K!M7aHAgPitpe1CPc_R9frQHfFYo4pq7h0mR1hT1J ppso)

07-27-2013, 12:12 PM
Make a movie from a book, can only be ( as many Directors have understand ), AN ADAPTATION of the story, just normal, it's again a question of TIME.
You cannot make a movie of 3 hours even from a Novel of 20 pages, a book it's a different "medium" ( from Media ), some "parts" in a book are "cerebral" and not "descriptive", so it's difficult to adapt any Book, in a Movie ( or you lost a very important part of the Story; the view of the Story by his Writer !!! )...ex: Shining, or Clockwork Orange who are Masterpiece as Movie, but not so "faithful" to the Book !!!
I wan to read the Book, for see how the Writer has done to make us understand a "game with Time of that Dimension" with writing description, ( maybe the book is more complicated than the Movie, because I really don't know, as I have not read the book yet, how the Writer have made to have a "consistent history" with all that ???... )
But I'm curious so I will read it...
I think ( I think P1 will agree ) that some books are impossible to be adapt has Movies. Lots of writers, have refuse as "their story": any adaptation of "their books" !!!
Normal, as I say, it's a question of Media !!!
All Media, have their own way to make us understand a Story, Cinema is one of them, and Cinema have adapt so many books, some was more easy ( as any Movies from a Story of Victor Hugo, Jules Verne, or King for ex:, but here we have to do with nearly "cimematic" Books, solid and clear Stories, and easy to adapt - that not mean "adapt with Success" - but they are "adaptable" ).
I could not see it a second time with my Tablet, because "contain was not available for Tablets or Telephone !!!"
But I will watch it again, with all informations I get in this nice conversation ( maybe I will have another opinion, as I like the Movie all ready, I'm just disturb, by some "points" but without have read the book, I cannot say if it's a good Adaption or not ( and of course, it's something I wan to know !!! ).

07-28-2013, 01:53 AM

07-28-2013, 08:49 AM
I understand now, why some people don't like you...
I don't like you anymore...

I speak with one of my best Friend here, and another time, my Friend have Reason !!!: ==>
I speak bad, and ask SORRY for that ( yes I'm a Man, and have the courage to say Sorry !!! ) to everybody ( even to you, P1..but I left what I really think about you... ) !!!
That's the difference between us P1 ;)

01-24-2014, 04:22 PM
Hello all! do you think it's possible to re up this wonderfull ost in flac format?
In advance, many many thanks!

01-24-2014, 06:03 PM

Go fuck a duck.