04-29-2004, 09:19 PM
i need your help!!!

04-30-2004, 03:14 AM
Ok I Cascara have the answer to all your problems. When facing Evrae simply take a deep breath. Eat some nachos and KICK ITS ASS!!;) Oh and bring me cake, lots of cake!

No really just have Rikku use the Potions you get in the desert to heal and stuff because it comes in handy. When you are close to it use your strongest physical attackers like Auron. And when you are far away use your distance fighters like Wakka.

Other than that my memory is kinda hazy because its been a while since Ive played X. But this battle is very easy (for me anyway). If this doesnt help go to and *dare I say* read the walk through.

Hope this helps.

Vivi FF
04-30-2004, 06:01 PM
OMG, look what I found!:

Heh, I was going to rewrite my strategy, then I was like, "There was a topic like this not so long ago." Yeah I'm lazy so I got the link to it.

05-01-2004, 05:02 PM
i've beaten him. now i just cant beat the road to the Bevell temple

05-02-2004, 02:07 AM
As far as I can remember you cant save after you beat Evare untill you get past that part. So beat evare again and Watch out for the flame thrower monks and whatever you do when you have to fight those robot things make sure that you kill it first because when its the last thing standing it does thrust kick and knocks yo ass out of the screen.;)

FFE Reno
05-02-2004, 02:56 AM
I remember those things, it kicked me out the first time I versed it, kind of pissed me off. That parts pretty simple though. Just make sure you heal all of your people after beat Evrae and its pretty simple.

05-07-2004, 11:21 PM
Try mixing your Bomb Cores, Fire Gems and those kind of items.
You get things that do large damage in three or four blasts and some status abnormalities. e.g Electric Marble + Sleep Power= Electroshock - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status abnormalities.

or if you got weaker itms sometimes you can get items that do small damage but nine bursts of small damage.

Good Luck to all of you who are trying to beat that B****** Evrae.

Kewl thi is my 100th post. YAY!