07-22-2013, 01:57 PM
"Medical Investigations" was a short-lived TV drama with a decent ST by Danny Lux. Generic episodic intro is here:

No official ST was released, so if anyone has "unofficial" material from the series, big thanks!

justin boggan
07-25-2013, 06:48 PM
"Medical Investigations" was a short-lived TV drama with a decent ST by Danny Lux. Generic episodic intro is here:

No official ST was released, so if anyone has "unofficial" material from the series, big thanks!

The sheer bulk of scoring Lux has done on TV is immesen, and none of it has recieved an official release. And for some reason he won't put samples on his site.

There have only been three promos of his work, that I have seen.
"Stolen Summer"
"Magician's code" (6CD-R set of scoring from the series)
and I don't recall the last one. I think it was a TV series.

He has had one legitimate fil mscore release, "Halloween: Resurrection".

07-25-2013, 09:16 PM
and I don't recall the last one. I think it was a TV series.

Are you thinking of the TV movie "Infidelity" (2004)?

justin boggan
08-02-2013, 03:53 PM
Are you thinking of the TV movie "Infidelity" (2004)?

No, not unless that's one I didn't know about.

The one I was forgetting:

THE CIRCUIT (Danny Lux). CD-R release of the recording sessions for the television series starring Michelle Trachtenberg, Bill Campbell, Drew Fuller, Paul Rae, and Tommy Lioutas, with 40 tracks and a playing time of 47:15.