04-29-2004, 07:20 AM

Main text:
squarenet news finally Fantasy XII: Pictures from the Trailer News of 28.04.2004 around 15:40 Here are some small pictures from the final Fantasy XII Trailer, to which the Famitsu Wave DVD was attached. As we already reported, the video corresponds to that, which was shown on the Jump Festa 2004 - only the quality is naturally much better. In the fights the general map of the current area is to be seen, what is to due to the smooth transition with fights. In addition three the concept Artworks are to be seen, which is shown completely at the beginning of the video. In the fight the following instructions stand in the command window to the selection: "Angreifen", "Magie", "Faehigkeit/Technik" and "Item". How we already reported with the Jump Festa, the description reads when attacking: "Alle members begin the Angriff". In another picture Balflear selects straight Vaan; in the upper range of the picture the keyword is "Change" to read - like exactly the combat system functioned, hopefully on the E3 or the time thereafter one clarifies. In the following besides a MP3-Datei, which is to originate from the sound TRACK of the play. That is not confirmed however yet. In addition in each case a piece, which is to originate from front mission on-line one and Ambrosia Odyssey, whereby also that is not confirmed.

(Babelfish translator used)

Mp3 is at the lower areas of the site.

Source: Gamefaqs Boards.

04-30-2004, 05:44 PM
Don't use Babelfish. It hurts my eyes. :(