04-28-2004, 07:55 PM
What part do u hate about fighting Ultimecia

Neo Xzhan
04-28-2004, 08:39 PM
Well, basically the most annoying thing about the fight is that she picks 3 of your characters randomly. (Atleast I think so since I got completly different teams each time I fought her).

04-29-2004, 04:41 AM
Well I Agree With Neo Xzhan...I Hate The part when she picks another person But I had fight her with the same three persons...So The thing that you must keep looking at your teem without any one beaing killed...and if anyone of the teem had died quickly life him.

04-29-2004, 07:02 AM
I hated it whenever she killed me. :)
Seriously, this fight has been traumatizing. I still can't listen to the battle music of the final phase without growing uneasy. I especially disliked that she viciously deleted my magic spells and stuff, that was nasty of her. It made things complicated for me.

04-30-2004, 05:18 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yeah I didn't like how she randomly chose characters either. I only junctioned to three characters myself and killed off the others if they appeared at the start. :p

Other than that, possibly right at the end of the battle, where you have to constantly keep attacking to keep her talking, she actually has 0HP at that point.

05-02-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
Well, basically the most annoying thing about the fight is that she picks 3 of your characters randomly. (Atleast I think so since I got completly different teams each time I fought her).

Agreed, i also hated it when i died and she took em away, that was craptacular.

Bahamut ZERO
05-02-2004, 03:07 PM
I always used to kill off the characters I didn't want in the battle. Forget the fact that they get "absorbed by time", if they're crap then they don't get to fight.

It took me a few attempts to beat her. I needed to learn exactly how many stages they were. Once I knew how far the battle went, I knew how to pace myself, so to speak. :)

FFE Reno
05-02-2004, 04:13 PM
I hate it when she brought the right 3 people out first. Then I had to make sure that none of them died because you can never tell how quickly she's going to send them to another dimension.

05-02-2004, 08:32 PM
I had most of my characters at 100 ^_^

05-02-2004, 09:32 PM
I followed the same process everyone else mentioned. If she selected any characters that I didn't want to use at the beginning, I just axed them and let the game bring in the characters that I did want.

Let's see, what else? The whole having killed her and then having to wait for her stupid speech is kind of annoying, I guess. Just get on with it already. And I guess the first-form really is just annoying in general because it's so lame and weak. Bring on the good stuff.

05-15-2004, 06:33 PM
i was pretty ok wit that part.

05-16-2004, 03:38 AM
What annoyed me the most was the time it took to beat her. It became very boring at one point. Attack, heal, revive, attack... @_@

And here was Squall doing 9999 damage every hit with the Lionheart limit break. He also had Aura on - so he did that everytime it was his turn. I swear, he hit Ulty over 10 times with Lionheart (AFTER defeating Griever, etc.) before she finally died. And that was in the midst of the pounding given to her by Rinoa and Zell.

Funny thing was, she wiped out Squall's junction to STR right before she was defeated. Phew, was that ever a close one...

Took me 2 tries. Most agonizing fight in the whole game. Well, maybe except for fights against the 30 Tonberrys...

05-16-2004, 07:35 AM
nothing bothered me about the final battle with ultimicia it was over in 5 mins, if all your characters were good then you wouldnt moan about random picked characters

05-22-2004, 02:51 AM
I have to agree with Ujikol because when I orriginally started I couldnt defeat anyone, so next time I was level 100 by the third disc with all their ultimate weapons, came ultimacia, tried to destroy, effectivness, zero!! the other day I fought ultimacia and i completely kicked her ass rather succesfully and just only got squall at the final part. so get good and its easy!

05-22-2004, 05:55 AM
I really didn't mind the fact that she randomly picked the fighters, all the fighters in my main party were all level 100 and the rest were all level 70+

But battling Ultimecia was traumatizing, I even cried 'coz I couldn't beat her! All I did beore was kill off the rest until my main party showed, but then I juntioned my GF's to them too, so they could do some damage to 'ol Ulti until they died. It tok me a long 4 hours...but then, it was worth it ^_^ I LOVED the ending :D

Top Cat
05-22-2004, 06:35 AM
I didn't like the fact that I had a Lv 9 Selphie, Lv 15 quistis and a Lv 20something Irvine with no junctions and they were almost invariably picked first. :(

And the sheer LENGTH of the thing... God, that battle took too long...

05-22-2004, 01:09 PM
But I do have to admit that I did too have Zell, Rinoa and selphie at level 13, 15 most. but I couldn't care less about them cause they are weak on my game, always have been, always will be.

05-22-2004, 03:47 PM
:) let's see... i haven't played the game yet but through Shenny's experience i say .. when you don't have such ability or trength to win it.:D

05-23-2004, 03:34 AM

Feel my pain!!! :cry: Damn, FF9 was WAY much easier that FF8... damn, the bad thing is you can't save in between your battles!!! Grr....

Damn, if only I had Lionheart!!! I already have Renzokuken... *grumbles*

Good thing the ending made up for it :D hehe ;)

Right guys?

05-23-2004, 03:42 AM

A. FFVIII was easy. I don't understand why people would find it so hard. There are plenty of ways to waste the final boss: use Holy Wars or Heroes (not that hard to get) use Aura and let Limit Breaks rip, summon any of the good GFs, etc. etc.

B. Can't save between battles in FFIX? Whew. You obviously missed the tutorials on Moguo and other save moogles for that matter. Go back to the Qu's Marsh, second screen, and get schooled.

05-23-2004, 04:43 AM
A. Okay, I was saying fighting Ultimecia was hard not the game! Crap, I shoulda elaborated... and no, you can't use the GF's after her first form 'coz she kills them. Most of the time when you do actually summon them after her first form is pure luck. Most of my GF's were illed by her...

B. *laughs* I meant in your battle with Ultimecia, you can't save after you fight her forms! And really, not knowing how to save sounds quite insulting FYI. *sobs* I even said FF9 was WAY easier than FF8 *points to previous post*

05-23-2004, 05:07 AM
A. Okay, I was saying fighting Ultimecia was hard not the game! Crap, I shoulda elaborated... and no, you can't use the GF's after her first form 'coz she kills them. Most of the time when you do actually summon them after her first form is pure luck. Most of my GF's were illed by her...
Hmm, I usually can get at least Cerberus in. But really I don't use the GFs too much on this fight because they're just not needed. Really, play the card game for about an hour or so and run Card Mod. You'll get everything you need to beat Ultimecia.

B. *laughs* I meant in your battle with Ultimecia, you can't save after you fight her forms! And really, not knowing how to save sounds quite insulting FYI. *sobs* I even said FF9 was WAY easier than FF8 *points to previous post*
Okay, well you were talking about FFIX and then went straight into talking about saving. Really, you don't even need to save between the first form and the second forms anyway. The first form sucks. Oh, and you can't save between the two final fights in FFIX either, although admittedly you can go into the menu.

06-02-2004, 11:07 PM
I hate it when he junctions herself unto Greiver..
it just Sucks...

06-03-2004, 07:12 AM
just be a high level with either the lionheart or one of the other final gunblades, squall attacks and the other two assist. simple!

06-04-2004, 08:50 AM
The part I hate while fighting Ultimecia is:

1.Randomly chosen 3 characters.
2.There's somekind of angel who can vanish Ko'd characters.
3.Lose Juntioned Magic. (ONE by ONE!)
4.Her Skill (Mealstorm), which can disable my Limit Break.
5.Changing so many times! Start from the beautiful ultimecia, then her GF (Griever), then Ultimecia Helix (junctioned GF), And then the ugly (True Ultimecia)!
6.HEr Apocalypes spell! which takes away(9998 hp!) to all characters
7.Her final look! (the one down there look scary) I call it (Mrs.Dick) cause it look similiar to tht thing.

*The above content contains abusive languages. Viewer's discreation is advised*.

06-06-2004, 10:15 PM
Something strange happened to me, I got real close absolutley loads of times to killing her. THen on my game, whenever I used Lionheart, it FROZE ON ME! SO I borrowed my friends copy, all happy that I could win, then once again, I use Lionheart and it froze, even though it was two different copies of the game. You think its my playstation? but then, how could that be? *Growls*

06-07-2004, 07:53 PM
That's really odd. Sounds like the type of problem that would normally happen on a PC version. But one question though: if it kept freezing when you used Lionheart, then why did you keep doing it? Why not just use some other method of killing her?

06-08-2004, 06:23 AM
I tried it as many times as I could, because It worked really well back when it DID work on her. But it just kept freezing.

I get to the point where my magic just runs out because she either takes it away, or I run out. And then all I have is my limit breaks.

06-08-2004, 10:04 AM
I have a suggestion..........buy a PC version of FFVlll......although this sound a little bit crazy, but believe me! it's worth IT! In it, you'll find programs like Chocobo Paradise, Yamaha midi syntersizer, and of course FFVlll itself. Note that u can use Chocobo Paradise to find unique items like Rosetta Stone! and by using this program, you can add one more gf to ur collection!

Another suggestion is that you can try playing ur psx version FFVlll on computer by using emulators like VGS 1.4.1

06-08-2004, 02:11 PM
no, sorry but I don't want to buy it for the PC ^^;;

I'm actually getting a PS2 soon anyway *Curses brother for getting first*

So, if it doesn't work on there, then I'll buy another copy. Because some of my other discs on my game are damaged

06-08-2004, 03:36 PM
Junsui - do you have any Holy Wars? Do you have the Gilgamesh card? Try refining all remaining items / cards that you have, beefing up three characters and then just really going psycho on her.

06-09-2004, 01:39 PM
Thanks! I will try my best n.n

06-13-2004, 11:27 AM
When an entire single magic gets blown away, did anyone notice that the crappy ones got blowna way like scan etc. or was it just my game.