Lt. Whiplasher
04-27-2004, 01:04 PM
Maybe this topic was made up a long time ago...who knows...but since Im new here I wouldnt know...well wut eva...anyways I was wondering which is your fav. scene from "8"??? all time fav. was the attack on the Lunatic Pandora with the Ragnarok....

04-27-2004, 07:49 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Id have to say the ending. I thought it wrapped the whole game up really well, and no matter how much it confused some people, I found it made near perfect sense and was simply a great ending to a great game.

04-28-2004, 08:17 PM
my fav scene was in the first mission in dollet and u was about to die when Quistis shot the machine gun.That was cool and kinda dramatic

girls call me pogi
04-29-2004, 05:39 PM
My favorite would have to be the introduction.

04-30-2004, 10:05 AM
My fav scenc AT The Begining of the game.

05-03-2004, 07:54 AM
Intro, ending and of course...Rinoa and Squall dance-scene!

05-03-2004, 08:01 AM
Galbaldia's attack on Balamb Garden, that was cool they were storming the place. Also when Quistis destroyed the spider with the machine gun. Anyone else ever defeated it?

Landlord of Sector 7
05-04-2004, 11:12 PM
The beginning was very intense and at the same time mellow which was awesome, the intro and outro Dollet scenes were absolutely great, the dance scene was quite humorous but the ending scene was the best especially with Seifer and Fujin and Raijin fishing (I laughed for like 10 min.)

05-05-2004, 03:23 PM
the end scene and definately quistis an the machine gun in dollet .that was pretty damn cool.

05-20-2004, 10:07 AM
my fave FMV is squall holding rinoa in the sorceress memorial

my fave scene has to be either the flower field(the promise) or the galbadia attack on garden

05-21-2004, 10:19 AM
Is this fave scene or fave FMV?! O.O well anyway


~When Squall was talking to Rinoa (though in coma ^_^) about how he felt when they were at the bridge towards Esthar

~The Ragnarok scene, you know, AFTER they defeated all the monsters (very cute ^_^)

~When they promised :)

~When Seifer told Quistis to save luck for those who neede it and Quistis said "Alright. Good luck Seifer" hehe :D


I love all the FMv's but these have GOT to be my faves ;)

~Intro (oh yeah, gotta love it)

~Squall and Rinoa's first dance (I'm guessing 'after' there'll be more hehe)

~When Squall and Rinoa hugged at the sorceress memorial (I was practically bouncing up and down my seat, hehe)

~The ending (Oh yeah baby! They even ****** well, had to put that in stars, I might spoil those who have yet to finish ^_^ hehe :) And you see Quisty w/o her glasses! She's really pretty! :D Oooh, and Seifer was so damn hot!!! Hehe ;))

05-22-2004, 08:07 AM
my favorite scene is Liberi Fatali (opening scene), wow the music is wonderful, i think the orchestra was as same as FF7 Sephiroth theme "Angel Wing" don't you think so?

06-01-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Shenny
Is this fave scene or fave FMV?! O.O well anyway


~When Squall was talking to Rinoa (though in coma ^_^) about how he felt when they were at the bridge towards Esthar

~The Ragnarok scene, you know, AFTER they defeated all the monsters (very cute ^_^)

~When they promised :)

~When Seifer told Quistis to save luck for those who neede it and Quistis said "Alright. Good luck Seifer" hehe :D


I love all the FMv's but these have GOT to be my faves ;)

~Intro (oh yeah, gotta love it)

~Squall and Rinoa's first dance (I'm guessing 'after' there'll be more hehe)

~When Squall and Rinoa hugged at the sorceress memorial (I was practically bouncing up and down my seat, hehe)

~The ending (Oh yeah baby! They even ****** well, had to put that in stars, I might spoil those who have yet to finish ^_^ hehe :) And you see Quisty w/o her glasses! She's really pretty! :D Oooh, and Seifer was so damn hot!!! Hehe ;))

Agree with you my baby...............

Dot Centaur
06-02-2004, 12:43 PM
My favorite scene was at the end of the game when Squall and Rinoa kiss under the stars!

Lt. Whiplasher
06-02-2004, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
My favorite scene was at the end of the game when Squall and Rinoa kiss under the stars! I remember this scene...I love the music that plays during that scene...I wish life could b like that sometimes....:swoon:

06-04-2004, 11:51 PM
i like the intro fmv where seifer and squall r fightin. did u notice they bot have scars in the same exact place just opposite in direction? wonder how seifer got his? squall probably goy him good with that revolver so my best guess would be seifer was getting his revenge...

Dot Centaur
06-05-2004, 02:36 AM
really? I thought that sad when Squall got hurt:sad:! Poor Squall! I also loved the scene where Squall and Rinoa hugged after he resued her from being sealed away:angel: :love:! And the scene when Squall and Rinoa had there first dance! That's so sweet!

Bahamut ZERO
06-05-2004, 12:07 PM
The whole of the rescue scene in space was awesome, from Squall floating out to grab hold of Rinoa, to the chat on the Ragnarok. It was awesome.

The ending was also very heartfelt and very moving. It was nice to see Seifer laugh. He'd finally come to terms with himself.

Dot Centaur
06-05-2004, 10:07 PM
I know, that's a nice scene too, and then they play the song Eyes on Me.

06-07-2004, 07:28 AM
In space when Rinoa opens her eyes and sees her necklace with Squalls ring on ti floating in front of her, and she crys.
Also rescuing her from the sorceress memorial.
Yeah definitely the whole space bit.
And the promise: You know
"I'll be here."
"I'll be waiting here for you so, if you come here you'll find me i promise."
At the start of the game i really thought it would've been Rinoa who said that and Squall just says "Why".
How wrong i was.

06-12-2004, 05:10 PM
The intro! :D

06-12-2004, 08:34 PM
The intro, ending scene, and where RInoa thinks she's dying. I seriously almost cried!

I also love the flashbacks Squall has when hes trying to get Ellone to go back to the past.

I think I just love every fmv..

X Rinoa Heartilly X
06-16-2004, 05:35 PM
Just one fav? No way! I shall list my favs.

Favorite scenes:

*The beginning. (That one was just soo awesome!)*

*The dance.*

*The part where Balamb crashes into Galbadia Garden, and Rinoa falls off.*

*The one where they were in space, and first saw the Ragnerok.*

*And of course, the ending. (So romantic!)*

06-20-2004, 06:54 PM
my favorite scenes in the game would have to be:

*When they're at Trabia Garden after the missles have hit, and Irvine begins to talk about his childhood and everyone gradually remembers and the whole flashback scenes come

*After Edea's speech about how harsh reality is, the parade FMV with her on her float.

*After Edea puts up her sheild to block the bullet and Squall jumps into the car and drives through the masses of people.

*At the Secret Location in the Training Center when Quistis takes Squall there, and Squall continuosly shoots her down when Quistis is pouring out her heart about her failed stint as an Instructor

*When Quistis is telling off Squall for letting the Esthar people take Rinoa to seal her sorceress powers

*When Fujin and Rajin see what type of person Seifer has become after he steals Rinoa in Lunatic Pandora

Aerith Gainsborough
06-21-2004, 06:09 AM
My favorites are the Intro, the dancing scene and the ending. But I like the ending the most (my fav No. 1) :D

07-25-2004, 06:24 PM
Best Scenes for me:
1-intro (liberi Fatali is a masterpiece)
2-Battle in dollet(with the machinegun)
3-Squall and Rinoa's first dance
4-Assault to the sorceress, end of disk 1 :D one of my all times fav
5-The scene when Squall puts the garden flying and the missiles hit the ground that was so awesome
6-Gardens Confrontation
7-Ragnarok scene (all of it)
8-Squall hugging Rinoa after he released her
9-The time when they first meet Ultimicia, and the whole party is standing and looking up at her throne, that was dark
10-The ending (now that is MY FAV! couldnt have done better myself!)