dante's ninth circle
04-25-2004, 10:03 PM
Now Seymor may be a psycho, but he had a good point. All humans do is consume and destroy, so does the world need a time of rest?

zidane tribal
04-26-2004, 02:43 AM
the world needs to have another chance of everyone being born without being sinners.

Seymour was a psycho and a translucent slut. i hated him.

04-26-2004, 08:08 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Seymour was only saying such things because he wanted to take complete control himself. So he's even contradicting himself in a way because he tried to destroy anyone or anything that got in his way of becoming an overall leader.

But I dunno, even if you're trying to relate that to real issues, I wouldn't say he was right. Ok, humans do consume and destroy, but it's not always through any fault of their own, and it's not ALL they do. I don't raelly want to spend too long going into the real issues of this, so while Seymour may have a point here, it's not entirely true if applied to the real world. That and it's jsut a game, so it's not gonna be exactly the same anyway. :p

dante's ninth circle
04-27-2004, 12:30 AM
Well, I like to get something out of every game that I play, and what I got from this game is that we can't get drunk with power, or we will destroy ourselves. And, this is the first game that I played that has questioned religion and I loved every second of it! Although it is only a game, there is a great lesson to be learned.

zidane tribal
04-27-2004, 02:59 AM
You do have a very valid and good point. But some people shy away from talking about religion. Makes them uncomfortable or what have you. And I too think deep into everything said and done in the games. : D

04-27-2004, 10:14 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Seymour only want to become Sin so he had the power that he needed to destroy the world? He wanted to destroy it all, because he thought only in death one could find peace. In a world such as Spira, where life means being afraid and in danger all the time and death is ever-present, it's not a too far-fetched idea.
Look at the unsent, they were not scared of dying anymore. ;) Yeah, he had a point, but Yuna and her friends were still right in saying they prefered a world where you can LIVE happily.

04-28-2004, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Misao
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Seymour only want to become Sin so he had the power that he needed to destroy the world? He wanted to destroy it all, because he thought only in death one could find peace. In a world such as Spira, where life means being afraid and in danger all the time and death is ever-present, it's not a too far-fetched idea.
Look at the unsent, they were not scared of dying anymore. ;) Yeah, he had a point, but Yuna and her friends were still right in saying they prefered a world where you can LIVE happily.

This is exactly true. For those who dont know that Misao Knows all.

Anyway if you dont think this is valid Just think about the little talk you have with Seymor after he Kill the Ronsos (witch they should of shown in CG BTW). It is right about there he tells you his plans and beliefs before you fight him on Gagazet as Seymore Flux (total geeker, I know, I know):( Anyway I dont think he was "on the right track".

Dante I totally think ya miss understood a couple of things about X Because not knowing the true reason why the Bad guy wanted to do bad things might throw you off a bit.;)

04-29-2004, 12:05 AM
Seymor was ... he had some interesting ideas. Life is a never ending cycle of death and such. As of yet, no one had figured a way to make any one immortal. (unless they had a ton of phenix down and there was one person at least left alive ya know)

Also even after Sin and Yuyeven were destroyed there was still fighting and almost a war between the the yuth leauge and new yeven parties.

So i can't say that Seymor was wrong. He was defenatly hitting on some thing, though i think he missed the head of the nail in the long run, you know?

dante's ninth circle
04-29-2004, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by Misao
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Seymour only want to become Sin so he had the power that he needed to destroy the world? He wanted to destroy it all, because he thought only in death one could find peace. In a world such as Spira, where life means being afraid and in danger all the time and death is ever-present, it's not a too far-fetched idea.
Look at the unsent, they were not scared of dying anymore. ;) Yeah, he had a point, but Yuna and her friends were still right in saying they prefered a world where you can LIVE happily.

The unsent WERE afraid to die, which is why they were still around. Even Auron said that he had too many regrets. Death is a cheap way out for people who just don't want to deal anymore. Yuna and the rest of the group chose to live to fight for happiness, it was the struggle that kept them going. But in order to not contradict myself, Seymor was trying to end the era of the mortals and start the age of the unsent. But we are all ghosts in the end anyway.

04-29-2004, 06:59 AM
Yeah, I know. I was kind of thinking of the unsent as dead when I wrote this. And the unsent are not afraid of being killed again, because it simply doesn't matter to them.

Dot Centaur
06-01-2004, 11:37 PM
I thought Seymor was stupid! I think its better to live and enjoy life than to die and not see anything!

06-03-2004, 04:43 PM
Seymour is more gay than
Setzer, Oyster, Neko AT, Mist, Sarah, and myself put together

Nuff said

06-05-2004, 02:42 PM
Speaking from the mouth of a depressed guy (check my sig) I think Seymour is right. We humans only end up destroying all that we create. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that you will find peace in death. Things could be much worse.

hb smokey
06-05-2004, 05:59 PM
Seymour always freaked me out, not to mention the fact that I really hated him! I guess he just reminds me of Micheal Jackson a little bit. Seymour has this smooth, girlish voice in the way that he talks. And his actions lead me to believe that he would like to play with little boys late at night...

Endmost Dream
06-26-2004, 12:45 AM
personally... i think Seymour had the right idea.. even though he wanted to go along with the world and destroy it..(as his idea pointed out).. but i think personally he was kind of right. alot of stuff we do for good or create can be used in a both positive and negitive way.. most of the time... well... it's more effective for the bad. In the game.. i'm not sure however, if that was the case. although there was that sinspawn incident on Mushroom rock *cough(that didnt work out too well). Maybe i'm off the track of this conversation.. but i think seymour had a point and was somewhat right.. it's iffy.