07-11-2013, 09:13 PM
In your opinion, which movies had the best openings? Describe the opening and tell why you thought they were best. FOr the purpose of this thread , openings can either be scenes or the main titles or both.

Batman (1989) - the music really made this scene great. But the last shot which was the Bat-symbol really had me believing this was one of the best movie openings.

The Crow - First it's just a black screen with the Dimension Films logo, followed by Brandon Lee and The Crow text as "Birth Of A Legend" plays. All this is followed by a burning city as Sarah says "People once believed that, when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right." That dialogue was the perfect one to open the movie as it really tells the story of the film.

The Dark Knight - Badass opening with gang members killing each other when they least expect it and then The Joker killing the last one before he kills that employee in such a sick way while driving away on a yellow bus of all things!

Dark City - I like the Theatrical Cut version only because it had the "Into The City" track in full. However, the Director's Cut version was better as it did not ruin things woth the narration that the original version had and the Director's Cut was shown how the director had intended it to be which also makes it better. The opening titles with various clocks was awesome.

Mortal Kombat - the "MORTAL KOMBAT!" scream, fire, MK dragon symbol, what's not to love?

T2 - You see a normal living world with cars, kids playing on the swings, then you see total emptiness while Sarah says three billion human lives were destroyed with the survivors facing a new nightmare...a war against the machines and with that, we start an action-packed film with action and state of the art special effects. What an opening! The main titles were also awesome. The music was epic and the endless fire/burning just emphasized Judgment Day perfectly. The last shot of the camera closing in on the T-101's skull was cool and as a kid, scary at the same time.

Batman Begins - The revealing of the final version of the Bat-symbol (I don't count the symbol shown earlier in the film as the Bat-symbol as it was just a reflection of Falcone after he was defeated by Batman) and Batman telling Gordon he'll never have to thank him. The last shot of Batman was awesome.

The Dark Knight - The quote, "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain." which was said by Batman, who was chased by the cops while Gordon says "He's the hero Gotham deserves. But not the one that it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight." with the last shot being Batman riding away of his Batpod made this a great ending as well.

The Dark Knight Rises - I loved seeing Bruce and Selina. As I saw them, I kept thinking to myself that he's enjoying himself now because he did what he needed to do as Batman and has now moved on to a normal life as an ordinary citizen. In my heart though, I believe Batman's was still in him somewhere as I always thought of Bruce Wayne as the identity that was being played by Batman, who was the real guy. Not the other way around.

The end credits music for all three Nolan films were awesome!

The Crow - "If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever." That quote along with the last shot of the crow flying over the city really added to the ending.

Mortal Kombat - Rayden, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kitana and Sonya Blade standing with their fighting poses while the Mortal Kombat theme playing was a great way to end the film.

Batman (1989) - revealing the Bat-Symbol while Batman stands on the roof of a building staring at it....iconic IMO.

T2 - T-1000 falling into the lava and changing back into everyone he turned into, the T-101 self-terminating, Sarah's closing dialogue while the screen shows an empty street....awesome, awesome ending!

Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm - While an orchestra version of The Animated Series theme plays in the background, the Bat-Symbol appearing and Batman grappling made it an epic ending in my eyes.

Those are just some of what I thought were the best. I'll add more later.

07-11-2013, 10:41 PM
In your opinion, which movies had the best openings? Describe the opening and tell why you thought they were best. FOr the purpose of this thread , openings can either be scenes or the main titles or both.

T2 - T-1000 falling into the lava and changing back into everyone he turned into, the T-101 self-terminating, Sarah's closing dialogue while the screen shows an empty street....awesome, awesome ending!

agreed... i will have to think of more....

07-25-2013, 02:10 AM
Mortal Kombat - Rayden, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kitana and Sonya Blade standing with their fighting poses while the Mortal Kombat theme playing was a great way to end the film.


07-31-2013, 04:41 AM
Heat the starting and the ending. Love the Pacino/DeNiro handshake always gets me.

09-19-2013, 03:37 AM
I always like the movies that just go. No credits no nothing maybe a title but that's it.

The movie i always felt did this the best was LETHAL WEAPON 2 when it starts you are literally thrust into the middle of a car chase, great stuff"

08-01-2014, 12:02 AM
Transformers - Optimus Prime telling the origin of the Allspark and the Transformers with music in the background is just awesome

Transformers: Dark of The Moon - Again, Optimus Prime talks about the Cybertron War and what exactly happened that made the Autobots loose the war

Pacific Rim - Just the entire opening before the Title is epic

Pok�mon: The First Movie - Man oh man, i cant tell you how much i loved the opening of the movie. The creation of Mewtwo + the Title of the movie is just epic

Transformers - Optimus Prime always has a badass speech at the end of all the movies before the credits