ff7 kid
04-24-2004, 09:30 PM
Have you got all the hugh matiera i know it easy as blinking but i wanna see if anyone didn't get them all

04-25-2004, 02:01 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Why is this a multiple choice poll? xD

Yeah I managed to get all the huge materias; I liked the Fort Condor game and found that one easy, I stopped the train with about 2 minutes left, and completed the sub game in under 10 seconds (the red one starts right in front of you, could they make it any easier?). However in my first playthrough I couldn't get the one from the rocket; Cid's clues just ended up confusing me... but I got it quite quickly second time. :)

ff7 kid
04-27-2004, 11:31 AM
Anyone else??

04-27-2004, 03:05 PM
The "hugh" "matiera?" No, never got any of them. Ohhhhh, the huge materia. Yeah, I got them all, although not at first. The train thing was really confusing to me, until I found at that you basically just have to ignore your chosen characters frantic pleas and let Cid mash away at the controls like tomorrow.

04-30-2004, 11:09 AM
Yes i got them all the first time aroundthey werent that hard to get

Lord Vincent
05-01-2004, 03:32 PM
Question: After you do get all the huge materia and the sapient bugenhagen decides to hold on to it for you, What requirements must you meet in order to get your huge materia back? you know like bahamut ZERO.

05-01-2004, 06:06 PM
What do you mean, get them back? To visit and view your huge materia any time and use them to get Master materia or Bahamut ZERO if you meet the requirements, simply return to the planetarium room and use the switch Bugenhagen showed you to take the elevator up to them. You can then walk up to them to examine any of them. You then have three options:

Get Closer - The game will tell you that the materia emitted a certain type of glow, based on what type of materia it is. If you meet the requirements for a Master materia, the game will ask you if you want to perform a Materia blend. Tell it yes and you'll get the Master materia. If you get closer to the Huge Support materia, you should be able to get Bahamut ZERO if you have both Bahmaut and Neo Bahamut. I don't think either have to be mastered (although I'm not sure) and you won't lose them either.

Stay Where You Are - Or something like that. This basically cancels the interactiion with the Huge Materia.

Go Back Down - This will take you back down using the elevator.

Lord Vincent
05-02-2004, 02:39 PM
Yea...i know what your saying but in order to get the other materia like master...ahh never mind....you probably just have to master all the materia sorry for wasting your time.