04-23-2004, 09:34 AM
i don't get it... if red 13s father was petrified by poison arrors then why don't they use an item to cure him? i mean... i know theres an item that cures petrify. theres also magic that can do so too. it would have been good to look deeper into red 13s life. they do with every other character when you think about it. but with red 13 its jus him an his crazy grandpa.

tell me what you think

04-23-2004, 09:37 AM
its like asking why they didnt just use a phoenix down on aeris, square just wanted it that way, but i think they should be able to revive aeris and red's dad but thats just my opinion..............

04-23-2004, 09:42 AM
haha yea. i forgot all about aeris :S and cait sith also. before cait sith no 2 comes along. it made me teary when he gave himself for the others. (even though i never use him) he seemed to be a really great guy. (even though its the same guy controlling no 2)

Bahamut ZERO
04-23-2004, 12:22 PM
If you think hard enough about anything written in fantasy, you're bound to find a loophole in it somewhere. Just enjoy the emotional impact of Red finding out that his father wasn't a coward as he thought he was, but a proud warrior who gave himself in order to save the people of Cosmo Canyon from extinction.

Lt. Whiplasher
04-23-2004, 01:53 PM
all i have to say is that 1 scene when red 13 finds out his father was a hero and not a coward....that was an emotional scene.....it almost made me cry....

Ark Mune
04-23-2004, 03:42 PM
Im thinking the reason you couldn't use a phoenix down on Aeries is cause she actually dies. When you are in combat, you character is more like knocked unconcious, not dead. And the petrify could have been to powerful for any item or spell to undo.

Or it can be as stated above, meant to be that way.

ff7 kid
04-23-2004, 10:31 PM
Well think about it what if its a diffrent knid of petrification like in ff9 what happened to blank ya know and they didn't know the cure?

04-24-2004, 07:28 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">You can't do it simply because if you did then the game wouldn't work. They'd have to miss out the entire scene of Red XIII going down to find Seto down there, because he'd have just been healed.

Same with Aeris. If you could just revive her with a Phoenix DOwn then it'd ruin the effect of the scene. But yeah with that one I just tend to look at it being Death rather than the KO you get in battles. Items are only things to be used in battles. If the battles didn't exist then there wouldn't be this problem; the items only exist so that you don't die as soon as a character is KO'd or petrified. ;)

girls call me pogi
04-26-2004, 09:55 PM
Just like what Meltigemini said, it would be pretty pointless. You use Phoenix Downs and Softs in battle, not real life(Well, Final Fantasy real life).

If that was the case, you could just revive people left and right, and there would be no storyline.

04-29-2004, 09:09 AM
Exactly right pogi

04-29-2004, 05:22 PM
oh yeah, i agree...

yeah he's right!!!


enough of everyone agreeing with everyone else...
MAN i wish i was a mod!!!!!!!oneone

05-03-2004, 10:33 AM
I don't think the charcter's magic/items work outside the battles 'cos as well as not using a pheonix down on Aeris if you read the letter on Tifas Piano her tutor tried to revive her when she was unconcious with cure but it didn't work