07-05-2013, 08:56 AM

07-05-2013, 10:00 AM
Judging by sheer numbers of covers? Airwolf equals this, if not exceeds it. Original Battlestar too. You'd be damned surprised by what all is out there. Game is a good piece, but is relatively new. Let it go for two decades, and we'll see.

07-05-2013, 10:13 AM
The theme from Game of Thrones is so insipid it's an insult to human intelligence. A simplistic ostinato figure with the same motif set against it! Stupid.

Still, thanks for the upload. Maybe some of the other "composers" can turn it into something worthwhile.

07-05-2013, 10:23 AM
Seriously guys, are you saying this theme isn't good? In ten years I will still remember this great piece by Djawadi (just like his Iron Man), or does a theme need to be written by a musically untalented guy like John Williams to receive a good reputation now? If you want fairground music, go to amusement parks, but I for one still like decent music! Thanks a lot for assembling all the covers.

07-05-2013, 10:59 AM
Judging by sheer numbers of covers? Airwolf equals this, if not exceeds it. Original Battlestar too. You'd be damned surprised by what all is out there. Game is a good piece, but is relatively new. Let it go for two decades, and we'll see.

I judge nothing, it's my opinion. There is no truth behind it. If you not agreed with my opinion, that's fine i'm ok. You're reply is just as mine intro also an opinion. To convince each other on opinions there will be no winners.

The theme from Game of Thrones is so insipid it's an insult to human intelligence. A simplistic ostinato figure with the same motif set against it! Stupid.

Still, thanks for the upload. Maybe some of the other "composers" can turn it into something worthwhile.

What means insipid?

07-05-2013, 02:10 PM
or does a theme need to be written by a musically untalented guy like John Williams to receive a good reputation now?


I'm not knocking Djawadi. I like his music. Particularly his Clash of the Titans and GOT. But you are aware that, without Williams' contribution to film scoring, most of these modern composers would likely not even be pursuing their chosen profession, and especially not in the style they're working. Williams shaped the modern blockbuster film score - both in structure and style - and I cannot think of a single film composer who has not mentioned Williams as atleast a secondary influence. Untalented, you say?

07-05-2013, 02:50 PM
Seriously guys, are you saying this theme isn't good? In ten years I will still remember this great piece by Djawadi (just like his Iron Man), or does a theme need to be written by a musically untalented guy like John Williams to receive a good reputation now? If you want fairground music, go to amusement parks, but I for one still like decent music! Thanks a lot for assembling all the covers.

I rarely ever reply to a post with someone just expressing their own tastes, but to classify Williams as "musically untalented" and "fairground music" and asserting that he doesn't write "decent" music, and Djawadi can save us... is just 100% wrong. Also it demonstrates a serious lack of perspective.

I hated Djawadi's Iron Man, have never heard Game Of Thrones, but found his Fly Me To The Moon score to be delightful. I even enjoy Pacific Rim. But to compare the two and say Williams has no talent is , I am sorry to say, idiotic. If you don't care for Williams' style, or traditional dramatic scoring, fine. But don't just throw out these laughable blanket condemnations which are plainly absurd.

07-05-2013, 03:14 PM
What the hack is happening!
Please if you have some opinion then please share, when you do so, than with respect to others.

If you don't like it, ok you don't But don't talk negatively about composers, people or other kind of negative expressions which has nothing to do with the music i share with you.

07-05-2013, 04:36 PM
Oh God I didn't wanna spark a row... I just mean that Williams is one of the only composers of which I dislike 90% of the material, but forget I mentioned it, didn't mean to insult anyone.

07-05-2013, 05:00 PM
The thing with Williams is that people remember his themes, but not his underscore. Remember how people complained with War of the Worlds, because there was "no themes" (though there was some recognizable ones). Nobody cared about the underscore, especially some great cues like Driving Away, or The Ferry Scene (which includes the main theme performed by choir). Conrad Pope said that the theme for Tintin was going to become a classic, but people don't remember it.

Also, Javier Navarrete mentioned once, that if a tune is recognizable, it's not very good for the composer. The thing is, memorable tunes, are the ones that people remember for themselves, not because they're shoved in their throats. A lot of composers tried to do that, but they've failed.

Which is why when people remember these kind of themes, like the one from Game Of Thrones, because they're attached to something that they love. Franchises are the best way to have people remembering themes. People remember the ones from LOTR, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games.

07-05-2013, 05:13 PM
Thank you Crunch75.

Don't know what the hell is wrong with these people.

You take the time and effort to put this together and post it free of charge and they still find a way to bitch, whine and complain about it.

07-06-2013, 05:00 AM
That is the nature of forums though, right? Its been this way for as long as I can remember, and no amount of posts whining about people not being respectful or going off topic are simply futile.

I personally don't believe the GOT theme is a great piece of music... it is ok, and it sure gets stuck in my head often enough, which is why I am grabbing this download (and thank you Cruch75 for the efforts you have gone to). And before anyone tries to claim that music that gets stuck in your head is a sign of quality, just remember that everything from Gangnam Style to the icecream truck lullaby gets stuck in peoples heads, so I don't take it as a valid argument.

As a fan of film and production music though, I am always happy to see such music become so widely accepted and inspire people, such as this theme.

07-06-2013, 05:22 AM
I did not say it is not a good theme. I do like it and the underscore for the series as well. All I meant was we have yet to see if it can withstand the test of time. As for the rest of the posts...err...ok then.

07-06-2013, 05:26 AM
Sometimes I think themes are inside the movie you’re scoring, and we composers just get them out by watching the film. Because once you find them, it’s hard to imagine the movie without the theme. Can you imagine “Psycho” without those super high strings pulses in the shower scene? Some people believe a good theme to be the one you whistle when you quit the theatre. But some very good themes are certainly difficult to sing or whistle, and some melodies you can’t get out of your mind are not good at all. It’s a mystery. I think the link with the movie is the secret. It has to be a mutual interchange of fluids between the movie and the music, as in physical love…

07-07-2013, 01:32 AM
thank you ^^

07-10-2013, 01:47 PM
Is this one - DJ Rozroz - A Man's Game Of Thrones World (James Brown / GOT Theme) MASHUP - YouTube ( included? Not a cover but.. just curious.

Or this one - ?

07-10-2013, 02:57 PM
Thank, Crunch75

07-10-2013, 04:28 PM
Ok this is all I'm saying, but a good theme doesn't have to be the most complex thing you've ever heard. Does it stick in your head? Is it very catchy and memorable? Does it fit accordingly to the presentation it is used in?

Then it's a good theme.

John williams jaws theme was only 2 notes yet it was one of the best themes out there, any time you hear it you know something's about to go down.

I'm not saying you have to like Game of thrones, or even this piece. Frankly I'll just stick to the original, thank you ;0 But at the very least, show a little respect for, if not the 'intelligence' of the theme, at least memorableness. It may surprise you.

07-10-2013, 07:31 PM
Is this one - DJ Rozroz - A Man's Game Of Thrones World (James Brown / GOT Theme) MASHUP - YouTube ( included? Not a cover but.. just curious.

Or this one - Game of Thrones Theme (Joffrey Slap Edition) - YouTube ( ?

It could be! The slap edition is really good edited, but its more fun then to take it seriously.
The James brown mashup is even interessting to listen to. But both didn's make it as the best of covers.
There are really a lot more even serious ones like the bride who want to play for her newly wedded husband. It is a nice try but really.....

07-23-2013, 08:00 AM
Seriously guys, are you saying this theme isn't good? In ten years I will still remember this great piece by Djawadi (just like his Iron Man), or does a theme need to be written by a musically untalented guy like John Williams to receive a good reputation now? If you want fairground music, go to amusement parks, but I for one still like decent music! Thanks a lot for assembling all the covers.

Musically untalented, that's a big claim...

Fuck, If I had to analyze the musical intellectuality or cohesiveness of Djwaldi's generic yet capable writing and compare it to a section of underscore from John Williams, I wouldn't even have a doubt which has the higher integrity.

But to refer more closely to your comment, no, we don't need someone with such reputation to score this series and that's not what wimpel69 inferred. I was feeling a composer who could offer more emotional ranges and intelligent scoring like Giacchino or McCreary could evoke would have been a wiser choice. I enjoy some of Djwaldi's writing personally, but I can't stand the synthy tones, why not use a real ensemble of real players? Don't tell me that's expensive, Doctor Who, a show which had such trouble getting footing upon it's return used the National Orchestra of Wales to a great effect.

If Zimmer had scored this, my sentiments would still remain intact - More crappy unrelated themes and textures which sound clean on the outside, but offer no thought for later digesting internally. The recently released Legend of Korra score had much more austerity and passion and weighted emotion than most of what Djwaldi could shit out onto his music sheets.

08-02-2013, 04:15 PM
I am looking the video for this cover "Game Of Thrones (Theme - Sung By Karliene)" but i found differents versions. Can you tell where i can find it? Thank you

08-02-2013, 10:28 PM

08-14-2013, 02:41 PM
I am looking the video for this cover "Game Of Thrones (Theme - Sung By Karliene)" but i found differents versions. Can you tell where i can find it? Thank you

You can find the video here

08-19-2013, 10:26 AM
Thank you!

11-23-2015, 11:13 AM
Hi there.
I wanted to ask a question regarding GoT Suites and Theme variations, and thought this thread would be a good place to ask.
There is this visual effects making of video by Rodeo FX on Vimeo that uses a GoT Suite I am unable to find anywhere so far.
The Suite starts around 00:51.
Anyone can tell me where did Rodeo get this Suite from? Is it from one of the released scores?

10-24-2016, 01:09 PM

10-29-2016, 04:19 PM
Reupload ?