04-22-2004, 10:49 PM
Oh how I do love drugs
They're quite the thrill for me!
They make me have a yen for life
and serendipity!

So why oh why
must my passion be
always met with animosity
Drugs are not a dreadful thing
Oh no! Quite the contrary!




I...Set across the street
in the most idle of walks
When I heard just to my left side
The most gentle of knocks
and I saw a woman standing there
Just behind a transparent door
Just wrap wrap wrapping she was
her tears fell to the floor

Turns out the woman was right well locked in
And what was I to do?
I sought to pull the door open!
I mean, wouldn't you!?

Alas, ALAS! I hadn't the strength
and things were looking grim
I couldn't manage to suss it out
When suddenly -and this was just a whim

I ran down the street and found some DRUGS!
What wonderful things they be!
Bought them from some fellows named Jeb and Sam
what were loitering about in an alley

Then quickly ingest them I did
and then to my surprise
The drugs with their blessedness charged me up
and a proud sheen now gleamed from my eyes

I stormed out of the alley
At what must have been lightening speed!
I stormed away from friends Jeb and Sam
to perform my good deed!

I grabbed the handle with my pinky
then tugged lightly on the door
The door broke from it's hinges, then flew hundreds of feet
Before crashing on the floor!

The woman came out and thanked me
She was glad things had turned out fine
I regailed her with my newfound wit
and in moments she was mine

It should be known this dame was quite the looker
if you'd have seen her, you'd agree
Since then, we've spent our life together
there are no two as happy as we

And should I find my strength does fall
My wit to not be as sharp as I may wot
I simply find Jeb and Sam
Some new drugs do always hit the spot!

And so, until the end of time
drugs will be thanked by me
For improving wit, intelligence
and increasing virility!

This was inspired by a bad joke about drugs. Someone said, "drugs will screw with your life in more ways then one," and I said "yeah, it will screw with your life in three! drugs improve wit! Intelligence! And increase virility!" Or something like that.

and there you go.

04-22-2004, 11:23 PM
Haha, thats excellent. I like the way you rhyme, its nice and lucid, and makes it fun to read.

04-23-2004, 02:27 AM
I find myself sexually attracted to Rezo.


04-24-2004, 02:24 PM
Heh, I can kind of imagine this being sung in a musical, not because of the words, necessarily, just because of the format, particularly the part with the elipses. It made me laugh, anyway.

zidane tribal
04-26-2004, 03:36 AM
yea i def got an erection from it. is that bad?

04-29-2004, 03:59 AM
We should do some drugs sometime man, then again, i dont think i deserve it, sorry. But good poem, i would say more, but im not allowed feelings anymore, for reasons known to few. but thanks for sharing, i might have liked it if not banished to this hell(and im not saying i didnt like it now)..

05-02-2004, 11:06 PM
Haha, a perfect way to find out who the stoners here are, Rezo's ulterior motive methinks 8scratches chin* X )

zidane tribal
05-03-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Anubis
Haha, a perfect way to find out who the stoners here are, Rezo's ulterior motive methinks 8scratches chin* X )

lollll. singling them out like michael jackson at a first communion party haha

05-05-2004, 11:12 PM
i am speechless

05-23-2004, 02:57 PM
As i Read it Started To Sound More and More Like It Should be in Oliver Twist... Hilarious... Will Only Drug Takers See The Funny Side Of this But?

06-05-2004, 08:34 AM
nice poem, i hate drugs but nicely said!!!

06-11-2004, 08:01 PM
That poem speaks some truth. I could picture myself back in the day doing something like that. You'd think that all the strength is a joke, but really it could happen. Just mabye not 30 in the air.

07-03-2004, 09:36 PM
rezo, you are everything that everyone should aspire to be.

I think I have a little tear. But it is a tear of happiness.