04-22-2004, 09:36 PM
Unless the shrine makes a section for Crystal Chronicles, there's no other place to talk about it. So this thread is for all you cube peoples who have Crystal Chronicles to chat about it in general, or ask questions, etc...

I finished it yesterday woo! The length of the game depends on how quickly you want to get through the story. Doing it fairly quick makes you miss out on certain parts of the story i found out, and missed memories of course. The last boss is the only actual hard part of the game imo. Damned thing took me ages to beat. But i did it and it's a pretty good ending.

Oh, the poll. Yep, the poll is for all opinions on whether you think Crystal Chronicles is a worthy addition to the Final Fantasy line.

Enjoy :P

04-23-2004, 12:53 AM
My rating of a game depends on whether or not I have the will to finish it...

Which means FF:CC rates pretty low in my books. I got up to my fourth year, about 7 or 8 hours play time...

and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes came out.

Sorry FF:CC. Maybe i'll finish you one day...after I get around to finishing FF:10-2.

04-23-2004, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by Kie
the story

What story? :x

FF: CC is the second best multiplayer FF, only behind XI. And strategies from XI fit in CC (like, a good party would be having two of the magic-users... one who mainly cures, and one who mainly uses offensive spells, and two of the Lily people... and that's sort of like havinga WHM, BLM, PLD, and THF in your FFXI party)

04-23-2004, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

What story? :x

Umm, bringing the crystal back to keep the village and then ridding the earth of myrrh. Take your pick :P

ExS: I feel that way too. That's why my rating of FFX-2 is low lol...just really haven't been bothered to finish it. I get to chapter 5 and restart. I suppose FF:CC has great lastability because you can just keep going, collecting stuff that makes you kick more ass. Lastability is good, but it doesn't help you want to finish it.

04-23-2004, 08:45 PM
FF:CC is like FFXI but offline... at least that's how I see it.

04-24-2004, 06:11 AM
It�s got crystals and moogles! What else is there to say? It�s Final Fantasy! Because it�s not like the other games gefore and that�s just the way Final Fantasy is!

I played it a while ago at a friend�s home.
She didn�t really like it but that�s probably because she can�t find others to play along so it might get boring...
I died... two times in a battle. Well, I had to get used to it but overall I liked it! Hey, they graphics are just great! And the moogles! OI! Man, I could paint my Mog! He didn�t like dots so I painted him red all over and then took green stripes! He said he liked it! :D
I love the character designs! They look so cute! As cute as a RPG should look like, in my opinion...
But well, it�s more fun playing with friends, I�m sure!

Nevertheless, my favourate RPG is still Legend of Mana. It�s my game! For me, with my dear Jumi!

"Lady Auron"

04-26-2004, 06:22 AM
Legend of Mana ;) My fave too.

MK, FF:CC would be more like FFXI if it took longer to finish and was actually a challenge. I think it's pretty different from FFXI in terms of fighting.

Neo Xzhan
04-26-2004, 06:35 AM
I stuck this so it can be used for future FF:CC discussion :)

well atleast for now :P

crazy joe
04-27-2004, 03:46 PM
I'm on the third year now and I've just started realising how truly beautiful this game can be....!
In the Yuke town just look at all the pools and waterfalls around, they're amazing! Probably the best water effects I've seen in a game.
I don't think FF:CC is anywhere near as good as VII or VIII, but it's a nice little game.

04-28-2004, 08:55 PM
As far as multi Player this game rocks. But just solo its not to solid of an FF. I think the other Side FFs like FFMQ or FFT where pretty cool. But CC has its moments. I really like the Graphics and Character Designs are very stylish.;)

05-01-2004, 01:33 AM
How do you kill the final boss of ff8?

05-01-2004, 02:05 AM
You shove em into your mouth and eat it.

05-01-2004, 02:11 AM
Alternatively, if you just sit and stare at your computer or television screen long enough, she will self-implode. WARNING: This may damage your computer or television screen.

Topic: I haven't played CC and don't think I will. It's a Nintendo or Gameboy game, right? I don't have either of those and don't plan on getting them.

Lt. Whiplasher
05-03-2004, 01:45 PM
I was dissapointed with C.C. , I mean once u beat there is nothing to other F.F. titles there is always something to do once u beat the game....sidequests,minigames,etc.

hb smokey
05-05-2004, 07:01 PM
The whole game is the same routine over and over again

Collect three drops of Myrhh, go back to the village, have a one-night celebration, and go out and do it all over again the next year.

After you beat a dungeon or area, you can level up your character with an artifact. WHOOPIE! +1 to strength is really going to make my enemies quiver now.

And you really only need one character to beat the game, since unless you are doing multiplayer, you can't use any other created characters. If you create a party of eight, you can only use one at a time in single-player mode, so what is the point of leveling up the other seven?

This game does not deserve the title of Final Fantasy. It should just have been called Crystal Chronicles. The only reason this game sold as many copies as it did was because it had FF in the title. This game is by far the worst Final Fantasy of them all!

They should take all the remaining copies in the stores and on the shelves and bury them in an Arizona desert!

05-07-2004, 12:52 AM
man if you ask me its just that square is trying out new things to see what the audience likes it could have either bombed or not if you look at it final fantasy XI was also like cc it was a new consept being tried out and in the case of XI it worked out pretty good but cc is a win or lose u either like it or you dont and i liked it it was something new that i enjoyed and it changed the layout of final fantasy just like XI it was totally different so take it easy it was just a trying out thing that square did to see if it would work out or not to make future games

05-10-2004, 08:39 PM
Eh, I was all hiped up about FF:CC when it came out and so were my friends. But me and 5 other friends were planning ahead of time to play multiplayer together and it blew up in our faces. My three "friends" who played on another TV got pissed at me and my 2 best buds and it really ended our friendship. Kind of sad actually because they were never serious ;)

Lord Vincent
05-13-2004, 08:00 PM
Yeah, that really sucked....2 months ago!!
It was crazy how it happened though. we were all like "its gonna be awesome". i have two tv's in my room so three play on the larger one and three on the smaller one (its really not that much smaller) so then instead of playing in my room they went next door to my bros room and started playing there because there supposedly wasnt enough room to play in my room which is bullshit. blah blah blah hours later yada yada tempers flared...someone turns power out, people get angrier, friendships destroyed..just great.

05-13-2004, 10:33 PM
Tis be true Vincent... haaawhat?!

06-24-2004, 06:55 AM
for those who own the game, do you need a GBA to play CC on you r own? that is all.

hb smokey
06-24-2004, 08:43 AM
No, you don't need a GBA to play FF:CC. You can play solo-mode just fine without it. However, you only feel the full effect of the game if you do multiplayer, and you need a GBA for that.

07-18-2004, 11:44 PM
I have the game and I am on year 9. I stopped playing a while ago but started playing again really recently. I have the unknown (holy) element on ym chalice but am waiting to get the greatest weapon scroll from my alchemist father.

Nanaki Claws
07-28-2004, 08:48 PM
Me I am a the year 5, and I am maxing out my characters. I have 8 characters but i use only 4. I have stopped playing but I just buyed a GameCube/GameBoy Advance cable so I will soon continue playing it.

07-29-2004, 04:42 PM
is the game good and should i buy it?