04-22-2004, 04:19 PM
tidus of course shuyin suckz

Bahamut ZERO
04-22-2004, 04:43 PM
I love how the topic has been summed up in five words. Smooth.

In answer to your question: If the two were to fight, Tidus would win. Shuyin uses a lot of his moves, but they don't do anywhere near as much damage on you as what Tidus' moves do on opposition. Plus Tidus has the backing of some really quite strong people around him, whereas Shuyin is alone.

04-22-2004, 05:00 PM
Tidus would win without a doubt. Shuyin sux :D

04-22-2004, 08:01 PM
Is there even a question? Shuyin's attacks are all pale shadows of the stuff that Tidus does. Tidus could probably win the battle on level 20.

04-23-2004, 12:48 AM
Thats an easy one. Tidus of course!!

Gotta love that Caladbolg!;)

04-23-2004, 08:08 PM
Well...you can't really judge Tidus from FFX. I reckon it'd be fairly even IF Tidus suffered the same conditions YuRiPa did, which is greatly reduced stats. All the enemies in FFX-2 have way weak attack compared to FFX, so if Shuyin was in FFX, one could only guess how strong he would be against Tidus.

04-24-2004, 06:09 PM
Well...you can't really judge Tidus from FFX. I reckon it'd be fairly even IF Tidus suffered the same conditions YuRiPa did, which is greatly reduced stats. All the enemies in FFX-2 have way weak attack compared to FFX, so if Shuyin was in FFX, one could only guess how strong he would be against Tidus.

Personally, I agree, I think that Shuin would win over Tidus, remember terror of zanarkand? say that They're at the same level, that would do much more than the Tidus conterpart of hit and run. just a thought. (I luv shuyin)

04-24-2004, 06:33 PM
I would have to go with shuyin. if they were both on the same level.and both in the same game. Shuyin was so much cooler then tidus, tidus was a pussy when shuyin did a whole lot more to defy yevon and he just looks cooler then tidus. ( FFX is still favorite)

04-24-2004, 07:29 PM
Hella Yeah! If this were just a matter of looks and whose cooler, it's shuyin. His coolness powers him through battle. XD

05-08-2004, 01:08 PM
I think that Shuyin would win if the two where to fight. The only way you can settle this is through facts and not game statictics. First of all in FFX, Tidus is a blitzball player and has only recently picked up the sword so I doubt that he has any real fighting experience. Shuyin however MUST HAVE MORE fighting experience than Tidus because in his timeline, there was a war between Zanarkand and bevelle so it is expected that he has some form of experience because those times were tough and the only way to survive is to fight. Last but not least, without any real combat experience, Shuyin would have never been able to sneak into Bevelle and get to Vegnagun. Judging from the facts, its safe to conclude that Shuyin is a battle hardned warrior and Tidus is an amatuer. What do you think? anyone care to prove me wrong?

05-09-2004, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Dragon_Lee
I think that Shuyin would win if the two where to fight. The only way you can settle this is through facts and not game statictics. First of all in FFX, Tidus is a blitzball player and has only recently picked up the sword so I doubt that he has any real fighting experience. Shuyin however MUST HAVE MORE fighting experience than Tidus because in his timeline, there was a war between Zanarkand and bevelle so it is expected that he has some form of experience because those times were tough and the only way to survive is to fight. Last but not least, without any real combat experience, Shuyin would have never been able to sneak into Bevelle and get to Vegnagun. Judging from the facts, its safe to conclude that Shuyin is a battle hardned warrior and Tidus is an amatuer. What do you think? anyone care to prove me wrong?

Well I think Shuyin does have a lot of battle experience, but if Tidus was such an amateur, how did they manage to defeat Sin without the Final Aeon?
Also I remember talking to Lulu some part of FFX and she said that he might be the best guradian there ever was. Even if I remembered it incorrectly, I don't think any amateur can defeat Sin, and ending the cycle of death.

Anywho if they go at it wif the same stats and same level.....Shuyin would win even though I dun like him. The reason is almost every move he makes is an overdrive.

05-09-2004, 12:50 AM
Shuyin's sucky moves can hardly be called "overdrives" in my opinion.

Anyway, Tidus may be a blitzball player and only having "just picked up a sword," but he's also a dream of the Fayth. So I suppose in a way that anything he has comes from them.

05-09-2004, 05:23 PM
Well I think Shuyin does have a lot of battle experience, but if Tidus was such an amateur, how did they manage to defeat Sin without the Final Aeon?

He traveled with Yuna [training] the whole time and his emotional state helped his stamina,(ie- His love for Yuna, the knowledge that he had nothing to lose because he was going to fade away, and the fact that it would really suck if he botched it that sin would go on causing fear and death for everyone on spira) :o And there's always fact that in most games of that sort don't end with the main character losing, but that's not obvious, isn't it? That, and I bet half of you didn't even use him in the last fight. I did, but that's because people said he was so weak that he'd be no use whatsoever in a fight (proved 'em wrong) so I overtrained him and Rikku, neglecting everyone else. XD but that's beside the point.

Shadow Star
05-19-2004, 11:43 PM
First of all, put them in the same game before you try to decide which one would win the battle. As some others have said, if Shuyin was using the sphere grid, he would whoop the shit out of tidus. Sure, Tidus was cool, but Shuyin was so cooler and had so many more Mad Skillz (that's "Mad skillz" with a "Z") and he also had Leet Haxorz. ( Don't Ask) I would also that Jecht would win with his Mad Skillz "Jecht Shot."(JK)

This Is Now my BRO speaking. This has nothing to do with me what soever.

Agent0042: Consider your bro, silenced.
A: Don't post messages not related to the topic.

B: Don't post the same thing four times in a row.

05-21-2004, 11:59 AM
Shuyin has a funny blue sword he he.

05-22-2004, 02:35 AM
I thought Tidus is a dream based on Shuyin and Yuna is the reincarnation of Lenne or something...

correct me if I'm wrong, I have'nt played X-2 yet ^_^

05-22-2004, 12:15 PM
Hmm Tidus coz he looks better than Shuyin. tidus would win because he is the 'original'. Obviously Shuyin copied. IMO only. Besides, Shuyins sword looks like a popsicle stick!:)

05-22-2004, 02:33 PM
Shenny - what you say could be true in relation to Tidus and Shuyin. In regard to Yuna and Lenne - no. Their connection is through the Songstress dressphere.

Shinra: "The consciousness burned into the dressphere is passed down to the user."
Rikku: "Isn't that dangerous?"
Shinra: "I can't say."
Paine: "But it's your invention."
Shinra: "I'm just a kid."

05-23-2004, 04:09 AM
Tidus coz he looks better than Shuyin

*smirks* hahaha :laughs: :D but really...Tidus does look better ^_^ IMO

tidus would win because he is the 'original'. Obviously Shuyin copied

Wha-?! I thought the Fayth copied Tidos FROM Shuyin O.o

Shuyins sword looks like a popsicle stick!

*laughs* hehe ^_^ interesting

In regard to Yuna and Lenne - no. Their connection is through the Songstress dressphere.

Hmm...I think I've been visiting too many sites lately which ae biased to the opinion that Yuna is Lenne's reincarnation ^_^ but really...Yuna is FAR more beautiful than Lenne is IMHO ^_^ esp. in X :D

Edited to add:

Yey! 50 posts! Halfway to a hundred!

05-23-2004, 05:44 AM
I think Tidus would win. I just plain out don't like Shuyin.

05-25-2004, 12:01 PM
You all have forgot somthing very important...

Shuyin has control over Vegnegun!!!!!!!! Now correct me if I'am wrong but I think the Shuyin/Vegnegun combo migh just beat Tedius.

Agent0042: I'm not sure what happened, but you posted the same thing three times? Oh, and it's "Vegnagun," not Vegnegun and Tidus would maul that pathetic weapon just like YRP did.

05-25-2004, 09:16 PM
Of coarse Tidus would Win Shuyin died from a couple of bullets! Tidus got shot, burned, froze, shocked, poisoned, turned to stone, stabbed, scratched, cursed, gone without food, attacked by Sin how many times? And still be able to fight with a little bit of tears LOL

Agent0042: Please don't attach unrelated images. It's not nice to 56K users.

Edit 2: You posted the same message five times? Huh? It took me a while to delete all that.

05-27-2004, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Ansem522
I would have to go with shuyin. if they were both on the same level.and both in the same game. Shuyin was so much cooler then tidus, tidus was a pussy when shuyin did a whole lot more to defy yevon and he just looks cooler then tidus. ( FFX is still favorite)

tidus was a pussy because he done less 2 defy yevon? i dont see how you worked that 1 out. tidus didnt know much about yevon so what was there for him 2 defy?

05-30-2004, 03:24 AM
Of course Tidus would win because he is younger than shuyin cause the effects zanarkand in FFX were supposedly 1000 and tidus should have been dead but in X-2 Maechen says that shuyin and Lenne are lovers from over 2000 years ago so in conclusion Shuyin is a old crappy grampa. SHAZAMM

06-06-2004, 06:22 PM
Okay, for anyone who likes/dislikes/doesn't care about Tidus or Shuyin.

Shuyin would win.


He's the original.
He's been through a WAR.
He's been around for a thousand years and has been pissed off for those thousand years.
He's got much more depth to him than Tidus.
Tidus is a dream.
Dreams are not exact. They are flawed by the fact that they are the perceptions of other people of a certain individual.
He doesn't have planning. When he wanted to save Yuna, he just said it and had nothing to back up his desire. Shuyin went and tried to steal Vegnagun.

Now, winning on looks!:

Shuyin's got even length pants and shirt. Much more neat and better looking! lol
Shuyin's got that nice looking collar.
He's got a kick ass sword that glows blue and doesn't look like it'd weigh a ton.
He's got better looking eyes. They kinda glow also! lol
He's not so bulky. He's smooth.

Now for the personality!:

Shuyin's more serious than Tidus.
Being evil due to the fact that you've grieved for a thousand years is kinda acceptable and I admire him for it.
Shuyin's no crybaby. He moped, but he didn't cry. Tidus cried about every chance he got! lol
The guy can be as manical as Sephiroth! Remember the cave? He seriously messed with Yuna's head.


I guess this segment will be devoted to the names of the overdrives.
Spiral Cut whomps Spin Cut, but who cares? It's the weakest Overdrive! lol
Hit and Run vs. Slice and Dice --> Both are rather corny and contain the word AND! lol
Force Rain vs. Energy Rain --> I don't know, but Force sounds cooler to me.
Terror of Zanarkand totally whomps Blitz Ace. The prior sounds good and you can even use it in a line.

"That's not what you should fear... I'm the Terror of Zanarkand!" For instance.

Anyway, anyway you slice it, Shuyin comes out on top. (Unless you compare the first overdrive.)

Yes, I'm new, but upon reading this, I just had to put in my two cents. ENJOY! lol

06-25-2004, 11:43 AM
Tidus can kick shuyin's ass anyday..

1.Tidus is the younger one...

2.Shuyin has a crappy ass sword...(I wouldn't even call it a sword a iron bar maybe?)

3.Tidus can kick his ass with a blitzball...

06-27-2004, 02:58 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Phantom_Shuyin
[B]Okay, for anyone who likes/dislikes/doesn't care about Tidus or Shuyin.

Shuyin would win.


He's the original.
He's been through a WAR.
He's been around for a thousand years and has been pissed off for those thousand years.
He's got much more depth to him than Tidus.
Tidus is a dream.
Dreams are not exact. They are flawed by the fact that they are the perceptions of other people of a certain individual.
He doesn't have planning. When he wanted to save Yuna, he just said it and had nothing to back up his desire. Shuyin went and tried to steal Vegnagun.

Now, winning on looks!:

Shuyin's got even length pants and shirt. Much more neat and better looking! lol
Shuyin's got that nice looking collar.
He's got a kick ass sword that glows blue and doesn't look like it'd weigh a ton.
He's got better looking eyes. They kinda glow also! lol
He's not so bulky. He's smooth.

Now for the personality!:

Shuyin's more serious than Tidus.
Being evil due to the fact that you've grieved for a thousand years is kinda acceptable and I admire him for it.
Shuyin's no crybaby. He moped, but he didn't cry. Tidus cried about every chance he got! lol
The guy can be as manical as Sephiroth! Remember the cave? He seriously messed with Yuna's head.


I guess this segment will be devoted to the names of the overdrives.
Spiral Cut whomps Spin Cut, but who cares? It's the weakest Overdrive! lol
Hit and Run vs. Slice and Dice --> Both are rather corny and contain the word AND! lol
Force Rain vs. Energy Rain --> I don't know, but Force sounds cooler to me.
Terror of Zanarkand totally whomps Blitz Ace. The prior sounds good and you can even use it in a line.

"That's not what you should fear... I'm the Terror of Zanarkand!" For instance.

Anyway, anyway you slice it, Shuyin comes out on top. (Unless you compare the first overdrive.)

I completly agree with this guy!! Shuyin is just that much better than Tidus will ever be. About him defeating Sin, he didn't do it by himself you know, he had the help of six other people including a summoner. However, Shuyin, with his loner bad-ass self, infiltrated Bevelle all by himself and attempted to control Vegnagun. You can consider him a terrorist just for doing that. I don't think that Tidus had the balls to do what shuyin did!!

06-27-2004, 10:27 PM
If Yuna was in trouble, Tidus would've done the same thing to save her. It is true that he infiltrated Bevelle all by himself, but he probably didn't even get involved in any combat knowing how easily he got killed by just a few soldiers. Tidus and co had to fight all the way through including Sin, Seymour, and the Final Aeon. Shuyin was indeed in a war before, but Tidus guarded Yuna all the way to Sin, and Lulu also said that he might be the greatest guradian there was. Also Shuyin was around for a thousand years, but i don't think he was training all that time. He was just a spirit wandering in the Den of Woe. If you compare how long you've been around, then Machen is the strongest! Another thing is that Tidus was a dream, but I never recalled any problem we had with him as a dream, and it never affected him during battles. Lastly, Shuyin just does everything the same as tidus, except, he fights with this long rod.

06-27-2004, 11:18 PM
Sorry, but I don't think Tidus would win against Shuyin.

06-28-2004, 06:41 PM
[i]I completly agree with this guy!! Shuyin is just that much better than Tidus will ever be. About him defeating Sin, he didn't do it by himself you know, he had the help of six other people including a summoner. However, Shuyin, with his loner bad-ass self, infiltrated Bevelle all by himself and attempted to control Vegnagun. You can consider him a terrorist just for doing that. I don't think that Tidus had the balls to do what shuyin did!! [/B]

LOL!!!!! LMAO!

Why thanks you. And to the other people, aside from Rinoa of course.

Yuna was in trouble and all Tidus did was whine and say he'd keep her alive and yatta yatta. He never really had anything to back up his words.

A stick? You call that beautiful flat blade a stick! Well, I don't have to read what you guys say anymore. LOL

Then there are those guys that say Shuyin can't fight. He got killed by a dozen guards after all. I mean Tidus survived Sin!

I got news for ya. Did Shuyin have his sword? No. Did he have a way out? Yes. Vegnagun. Could he use it? Yes. And kill Lenne at the same time! Lmao. So, did he get killed by guards? Yes. However, it wasn't like he could suddenly pull off some save the world trick. Like the guy who TOTALLY AGREED WITH ME said, ^__^ "loner bad-ass self"

So yea, Shuyin'd mop the floor with Tidus anyday. You can't beat the original! ^__^

bobby skellington
07-21-2004, 12:23 AM
are you crazy? asking a question like that. tidus wou;d totally kick shuyin's ass!

07-21-2004, 09:17 AM
How about this, considering their stats were the same and they had the same sword.... Shuyin kicks the World Champion in his Terror of Zanarkand move. Tidus kicks a regular blitzball.

07-22-2004, 04:03 AM
"Yuna was in trouble and all Tidus did was whine and say he'd keep her alive and yatta yatta. He never really had anything to back up his words." -Phantom Shuyin

^ That is totally untrue! Tidus could have let Yuna go through with the final summoning! He could have let her die! They could have run off and let someone else defeat Sin! He knew in the back of his mind that he would disappear when the Fayth woke up... He knew! So when they defeated Sin he sacrificed everything he had come to love... That's not 'never really having anything to back up his words.' He gave up everything so that Yuna could live...

Tidus would most definately kick Shuyin's ass... It would be close maybe, but I think Tidus would win...;)

07-30-2004, 04:17 AM
I am totally going to have to agree with Phantom_Shuyin!
Shuyin looks way cooler and has definately got the exp in battle.
if he just had a cooler sword though:(
but everything else about Shuyin beats Tidus by ten times.

07-30-2004, 12:50 PM
Shuyin for sure all the way

07-31-2004, 04:02 PM
I don't actually know because maybe you didn't trained Tidus that well :P

I think Tidus! But they both have the same abilities!! But maybe Tidus is faster!!

08-01-2004, 03:26 PM
Shuyin wins this one for me. I hated Tidus and Shuyin was just insane...which isn't a bad thing. That's right I hated the "Star Player of the Zanrkand Abes"...prick.

08-25-2004, 07:39 PM
*starts singing* I'm back, and I'm betta than ever. *is singing Eric Bishoff's theme fyi*

Anyway, if Tidus knew he'd sacrifice himself, why'd he be so shocked when it was time to pay due? Plus, he didn't sacrifice himself, he fought alongside Yuna like any boyfriend would... well if in love anyway. ^__^;;;

Also, the guy was arrogant and childish. The whole game, I just wanted to go in there and slap him a few times. He was such a prick!!! And the Eng voice was sooooooo annoying! The guy had no plan. The Al Bhed got them near Sin. All he did was say, "Hey, a hyuck! My daddy wuvs the Hymn of the Fayth. ^__^" That's the only thing I give him credit for. However, what did that do? It brought a huge monster into a crowded area. He was just lucky he had Al Bhed support and a legion of heavily trained characters, Aeons, and Rikku's bombs.

Now Shuyin on the other hand, he realized Lenne and Zanarkand was doomed. Instead of being an idiot and going to the front with Lenne or staying home and letting her fight countless machina on her own, he decided that maybe he should pay Bevelle a visit and rent out one of these killer machina... preferably the so-called uncontrollable beast that can level a city in one attack. He snuck in, killed whoever he had to, got to the machina and wasn't even gonna fail until Lenne stopped him. And he did have total control of the machina so don't go telling me he'd blow up Zanarkand too. Fact is, like Paine said, he doesn't have much of a problem with control.

Also, his sword isn't that bad. Okay, so the hilt's a little small, but does that matter? It glows blue even brighter than Brotherhood. Not to mention, someone said earlier that he smacks World Champion into your face, not a stupid blue beach ball. That, plus, the name is Terror of Zanarkand. What sounds better? Being the Terror of Zanarkand, or being the Ace of Blitz? One could mean you're the invincible one from so and so city. The other one means that you're a jock. Jock vs. Demon Freddy Cruger dude. I take the second one. ^__^

Anyway, most of the following replies agree with me especially those two who were like, "I totally agree with this guy!" *points to me* Thanks Vash and Dragon.

Lastly, Tidus isn't faster than Shuyin. The both of them are the same. I'd say that if anyone was faster, Shuyin would be. Tidus has a set limit to how much he can do. The fayth dreamt him up to be what they thought Shuyin was. However, only Shuyin knows when he's at his max.

Anyone who likes a Shuyin Lenne fanfic, please check out this one!: www.fanfiction.net/s/1737353/1/ From what I've read and what the other readers read, this guy's fic is good.

08-29-2004, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Phantom_Shuyin
Okay, for anyone who likes/dislikes/doesn't care about Tidus or Shuyin.

Shuyin would win.


He's the original.
He's been through a WAR.
He's been around for a thousand years and has been pissed off for those thousand years.
He's got much more depth to him than Tidus.
Tidus is a dream.
Dreams are not exact. They are flawed by the fact that they are the perceptions of other people of a certain individual.
He doesn't have planning. When he wanted to save Yuna, he just said it and had nothing to back up his desire. Shuyin went and tried to steal Vegnagun.

Now, winning on looks!:

Shuyin's got even length pants and shirt. Much more neat and better looking! lol
Shuyin's got that nice looking collar.
He's got a kick ass sword that glows blue and doesn't look like it'd weigh a ton.
He's got better looking eyes. They kinda glow also! lol
He's not so bulky. He's smooth.

Now for the personality!:

Shuyin's more serious than Tidus.
Being evil due to the fact that you've grieved for a thousand years is kinda acceptable and I admire him for it.
Shuyin's no crybaby. He moped, but he didn't cry. Tidus cried about every chance he got! lol
The guy can be as manical as Sephiroth! Remember the cave? He seriously messed with Yuna's head.


I guess this segment will be devoted to the names of the overdrives.
Spiral Cut whomps Spin Cut, but who cares? It's the weakest Overdrive! lol
Hit and Run vs. Slice and Dice --> Both are rather corny and contain the word AND! lol
Force Rain vs. Energy Rain --> I don't know, but Force sounds cooler to me.
Terror of Zanarkand totally whomps Blitz Ace. The prior sounds good and you can even use it in a line.

"That's not what you should fear... I'm the Terror of Zanarkand!" For instance.

Anyway, anyway you slice it, Shuyin comes out on top. (Unless you compare the first overdrive.)

Yes, I'm new, but upon reading this, I just had to put in my two cents. ENJOY! lol

Wow!I totally agree with you!Tidus was always whining and crying.At Djose,Auron did say that Tidus is 'quite the crybaby'.Shuyin was serious about everything.Oh ya and I agree with you about 'looks' too.Tidus looses points with the uneven overalls[ughhh,wheres the fashion police when you need them?]O and even tho Tidus and Shuyin have the same voice actor,Tidus sunded EXTREMLY ANNOYING!Shuyin sounded preety calm and self controlled.Did SAhuyin ever cry because he hated somebody?Nope.

Nanaki Claws
08-29-2004, 11:39 PM
Tidus would mop literally the floor with Shuyin. Look, if they had the power of they respective game, then Tidus would mop the floor with Shuyin. Shuyin does 500 damage with each sword (Sword? I am not sure, maybe a iron bar like someone already said.)Hit and run thing, it suck. But Tidus does 9999 per hit if you lvled him(You know what I mean) enough.

08-30-2004, 02:31 AM
How about this? Yeah, Tidus may have been a dream, but what was Shuyin? Yeah: a shadow. Yuna: "A shadow? I can handle a shadow." I'm sure Tidus could too.

09-02-2004, 01:33 PM
Ok................................................ ....Shuyin would win because he's got control of Vegnagun. But, if not, Tidus would think of Yuna and whomp Shuyin's @$$. But if Shuyin thought of Lenne, he would whomp Tidus' @$$. Shuyin has the advantage. 2 battles, with Vegnagun and for Lenne. Tidus would fight only for Yuna. Shuyin, you suck, but I have figured it out.

09-02-2004, 09:15 PM
Wai wai wait... let me see if I have this straight. Shuyin would win because of Vegnagun? That piece of machina $#@$# that even a low level YRP could take down in like a few rounds and it takes Shuyin forever to activate? Pleeeeease. That's the lamest argument I've heard yet. :D

09-02-2004, 10:06 PM
Tidus would win if they did end up fighting. The Fayth would help him like they did with sin

if they really wanted Shuyin and vegnagun gone they would

far as the looks go Tidus would take that 4 me;)

09-04-2004, 12:10 PM
Shuyin would win. I mean come on. Tidus would only win if he had Auron with him to fight with strength, Yuna to fight with Aeons and/or heal, and Lulu to fight with magic. It would take him three people to fight Shuyin. Shuyin would wipe out Tidus one on one. I mean Shuyin lived trying to protect Lenne, and ultimately died doing so. You are forgetting that the Shuyin in FFX2 was only a SHADOW of the real Shuyin, thus the real shuyin must be stronger and i dunno. I can't imagine Tidus taking Shuyin down. But then i adore Shuyin. He started out with good intentions, failed, and even in death continued. Talk about ambition.

Go Shuyin!!

09-10-2004, 10:58 AM
well i like both of them as charters go
tidus the cheerfull blitzer
and shuyin who protected lenne (not that well but hey he tried)

some people say tidus is shadow or a dream of shuyin and if that were true shuyin would easly win i mean he can play the piano very well he can use a sword well too plus that is only a shadow of shuyin not the real thing if everyone rembers omgea weapon shadow in ffx-2 was a pansy compaired to the real thing in ffx

so shuyins wins

09-16-2004, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by *Tifa*Aeris*lover*
Tidus would win if they did end up fighting. The Fayth would help him like they did with sin

if they really wanted Shuyin and vegnagun gone they would

far as the looks go Tidus would take that 4 me;)

Did you already forget that while Shuyin was around, the Dark Aeons were reborn? Not to mention Shuyin being able to completely control four out of four of the people he possessed?

'fraid the Fayth haven't got a chance against Shuyin if you really piss him off. He's got so much angst in him, he'd make Tidus his b*tch just by thinking of all the crap he's been through.

Besides, shadow or no, the game wouldn't make the boss impossible to beat so that's why his moves were so pansified. However, in the real scheme of things, he possessed Rikku, Paine, Nooj, and Baralai without breaking a sweat. He had full control of Vegnagun both times he had it and would have saved Lenne had she not found out about his plan.

Furthermore. if he was his old self and not who he became in FFX-2, you can bet that he'd tear apart YRP without even thinking for a minute about hurting Lenne as was the case since Yuna was carrying Lenne's soul. When you think about it, Square not only made Shuyin weak because it was a game and bosses are meant to be beaten, they also did it because Shuyin, in the grand scheme of things, still wouldn't have the heart to face Yuna with all his force, for fear of harming Lenne.

Anyone like to question that?

10-21-2004, 09:55 PM
I think it would be Tidus that would pulvurize Shuyin's ass

grn apple tree
10-22-2004, 12:18 AM
aren't shuyin and tidus the same? btw i've never played the game but if they were two different ppl i guess tidus cause he kicks ass...

Huntress Krystle
10-23-2004, 03:11 PM
If Shuyin has the same level as Tidus', he could win. But since he does not, Tidus is the winner. In terms of looks and attitude though, I prefer Shuyin ^_^

Angelic Aeris
10-31-2004, 08:43 PM
:p :p :p i agree with what she said above :p :cool: :angel:

11-07-2004, 10:18 PM
Tidus would kick Shuyins ass

come on Tidus is the son of Jecht!

when Shuyin does the Terror of Zanarkand he would cut his foot on the world champion (by the way how the hell did Shuyin get ahold of the world champion it didnt exist in his time, it was the weapon of Lord Ohiyo or something)

Final Fantasy X-2 has to many flaws

but yea Tidus looks so much tougher than Shuyin

Huntress Krystle
11-10-2004, 04:10 AM
Shuyin looks Tougher cos he seldom smiles and is always serious. Tidus is a babyface and is often cheerful.

11-27-2004, 11:14 PM
sjuyin (cos il help him)

11-27-2004, 11:33 PM
If shuyin got vegna gun tidus would have a harder time but tidus would kick shuyins arse.

Sephiroths Bride
12-05-2004, 08:31 PM
I like shuyin the best he looks and acts cooler

12-20-2004, 07:06 PM
Shuyin all the way, in my opinion.

12-23-2004, 12:20 AM
I'll try to make a few people understand a few things once more.


Shuyin's stats can't be applied to this discussion due to one reason. HE"S A FREAKIN" BOSS!!! If his attacks were as leveled as Tidus', especially my fulled suped up Tidus, YRP would be dead with one overdrive. Wanna know which? Any single one except the first! If you level up Tidus the right way, he'd have a max of 9999 damage. Now, take that and deal it to each of those girls and see how long they last. Aside from that, what about his reg attack? My Tidus can dish out 9999 damage with his normal slash. Therefore, if Shuyin was suped up to that degree, bye bye YRP. Remember, even Auto-Life won't work if all three characters are wiped out in one blow.

Therefore, don't even think to count in game stats. You wouldn't want to fight a Shuyin boss if he was as powerful as Tidus was in FFX.

So, what do you compare? Well, let's see:

Shuyin's mere presence warped the Farplane, possessed the fayth to resurrect the Dark Aeons, forced Rikku and Paine to fight Yuna, created three phantoms of the Crimson Squad to fight YRP, screwed over Spira, made a huge mess of Yuna's mindframe, etc.

Tidus made a complete fool of himself time and time again with his, "I don't know anything about Spira." He whined and complained and couldn't think of anything to stop Sin until he just decided that, maybe just going in there and fighting daddy would help. To do this, he needed six other people.

Meanwhile, back when Shuyin was still alive, he survived a war, his death only being the result of trying to save Lenne who wouldn't have him be a murderer on her behalf. The only reason his plan to destroy Bevelle failed was because Lenne didn't want him to do it. Think about it: If Lenne didn't stop him, what would've happened? Vegnagun was already active. If those guards came without Lenne being around, Shuyin would've vaped them. Then, he'd go on to vape the entire city. The war would be over because you can't fight a war without a hometown to fight for so Bevelle's forces would have to retreat and take care of the maniac blowing holes back home.

This is Shuyin when he was still alive. I'm willing to bet that his swordsmanship came from hard work, not "whoa, somehow I know how to use this thing." Tidus knew how to use that sword storylinewise because he's the copy of Shuyin, a man who knew how to use a sword. Gameplaywise, it's to save time. Now, back to Shuyin's skill. I'd bet the war and being there to help Lenne throughout her summoner's duty helped him bunches. He's got true talent with it, having to fight unsent, fiends, and finally Bevelle. Not to mention, we don't even know how his life was until the war. Therefore, who knows how many things he'd come across?

Meanwhile, Tidus had the skill from the beginning. All he needed was to gain his overdrives, but who invented them? Shuyin's got the same overdrives because those overdrives were his creation. He taught himself all those things during the course of his life whereas Tidus had all that in him somewhere because he's a dream and that means he's what the former citizens of Zanarkand knew about Shuyin. Therefore, Tidus is just the image of Shuyin that he gave to the public.

Also, whoever said World Champ didn't exist in Shuyin's time? One guy used it for a weapon and therefore no one could've possessed it beforehand? What about those legendary weapons? Tidus' Caladbolg is used by him so therefore no one else could've had it before? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

When it comes to looks, this is totally up to people's taste, but I for one like a clean look. I like it when sleeves and pant legs are the same length and you can't see someone's boxers from the shorter pant leg. I like it when the glove doesn't double the size of a person's arm. I like it when looking at the person's outfit doesn't make me gag. Aside from it being somewhat overdecorated for earth, Shuyin's outfit looks like something I'd wear in the summer. Tidus' on the otherhand, I'd have to say I'd feel really uncomfortable appearing before people looking like that.

When it comes to weapons, whoever said Shuyin's original weapon looked like that? What if the sword was destroyed by Bevelle and the shattered remains was another burning memory of Shuyin's vengeance. That "rod" thing is still a sword. You can easily tell that. In fact, it looks like the only thing that happened to it was that the handle is a little too simple. Of course, either my damaged sword theory works or: ever seen a Chinese Jian? That's exactly what one of those swords would look like, given the color would obviously be different. Those swords are the sharpest blades around, sharper than kitanas because both edges are equally capable of cutting. Those swords are designed to be extremely thin thereby allowing it to, in effect, give you the deepest of paper cuts. You know how bad a regular paper cut feels, right? Now, imagine that same cut only it severs the top half of our body with the bottom or your left from your right. That's how sharp those blades are. Therefore, enough calling it a stick. That stick can make mincemeat outta you.

I already compared them, content to content, but I'll just summarize it: Shuyin wins because he's the original, the complete edition, the full version. Tidus is nothing but his image. Whatever secrets Shuyin had, secrets that the fayth didn't know about his life or his skill, those wouldn't have made it to Tidus. Tidus has a set limit as he's only capable of doing whatever the fayth thought Shuyin was capable of doing. The simple fact that Tidus has a different name than Shuyin should be a dead give away to how much Shuyin might have kept from Zanarkand. Discussing how Shuyin would win because of his determination to save Lenne is futile. Tidus probably has the same resolve. Although, when Shuyin failed to stay with Lenne, he did everything he could to try and get back to her. Tidus faded and that was that. That's because Shuyin's real and Tidus isn't. Real people can do just about anything. Dreams are only as good as the dreamer makes them. Discussing Vegnagun versus no Vegnagun is really really stupid. Shuyin isn't stuck to the machina. You give Tidus the machina and Shuyin'll have the same problem. Besides, that thing is pathetically weak in defense. It's designed to be a city buster. It was made to take out Zanarkand. Could it? I think that whole, if you stop Shuyin in the Farplane it's game over in x amount of turns kinda tells you it can. Therefore, don't argue for starters cuz it's a waste. Second, don't retort by saying that thing was so dumb because if you let it have it's designed distance from a target, it'll wipe you clean off the board.

12-23-2004, 12:39 AM
Wow, that was way too long a rant for something that isn't likely to change anyone's mind. ;)

12-30-2004, 03:14 PM
hmmm...okay don't hit me, but I have to go for Shuyin. If they were in the same game I believe he would be stronger then Tidus.

I don't believe it's the Dream of the Fayth thing that makes Tidus weaker, because Shuyin is an unsend (so basicly also a kind of dream=> a memory).

On looks also Shuyin he looks older, more mature, I just love it when he looks at the guards in the "1000 words" song ^_^ Tidus is just to childlike in attitude as well IMO.


12-30-2004, 11:01 PM
Shuyin would win. I mean come on. Tidus would only win if he had Auron with him to fight with strength, Yuna to fight with Aeons and/or heal, and Lulu to fight with magic.

Go Shuyin!!
If you needed Auron for strength, you obviously didn't train Tidus. Tidus get much stronger than Auron. Just thought I'd say that.

12-30-2004, 11:16 PM
And I thought it was between Shuyin and Tidus not Shuyin and Tidus + others, right??


01-08-2005, 11:13 PM
TIDUS WAS FIRST! shuyin is just a lil copy cat........tidus is way hotter too.

01-09-2005, 07:04 PM
Shuyin would win....even though they both share the same voice actor.

01-09-2005, 09:00 PM
shuyin would die in seconds tidus would whip

01-11-2005, 01:15 PM
but yet, they both have the same attacks. so it'll be a draw.prolly

01-21-2005, 03:59 PM
tidus..... (99999 hp... 2500 mp... and 255 in each status..... luck 60 or 70...... and legendary weapon at hand) vs Shuyin....... (.... crap ....).... its hard, i dont know........ maybe........ ..... .. .. TIDUS!!!!?
OH ... poor shuyin afther a liiiiiiittle blitz ace overdrive...............

01-27-2005, 01:58 PM
Tidus. Enough said.

01-27-2005, 02:05 PM
No. It isn't enough because other people have given reasons for their opinions.

02-18-2005, 03:02 AM
my tidus from final fantasy 10 would deffinately win.

02-23-2005, 09:26 PM
My Tidus from FFX would get his sorry ass kicked. Shuyin would probably win anyway, he seems like a tougher and more serious man than Tidus. Even though I don't like him, I would have to say that Shuyin would win the fight.

02-26-2005, 01:11 AM
well, duh! of course tidus because he's cute, and shuyin's just copying his moves!

02-26-2005, 03:51 AM
My Tidus from FFX would get his sorry ass kicked. Shuyin would probably win anyway, he seems like a tougher and more serious man than Tidus. Even though I don't like him, I would have to say that Shuyin would win the fight.

ur tidus must really suck than.

02-26-2005, 04:45 PM
He does.

02-26-2005, 04:50 PM
Well, it depends what kind of "fight" it is.

02-26-2005, 05:26 PM
my tidus is my strongest character. most of my friends say that their auron is their best. am i the only one cuz ppl seem to really hate tidus.

02-26-2005, 07:48 PM
No, I actually don't like using Auron much either. I think towards the later part of the game, his Overdrives are pretty sucky.

02-26-2005, 08:28 PM
my tidus is my strongest character. most of my friends say that their auron is their best. am i the only one cuz ppl seem to really hate tidus.

I don't hate Tidus. I hate Square-Soft for hiring James Arnold Taylor as Tidus's voice.

02-27-2005, 12:33 AM
james arnold taylor was perfect for tidus. and tidus's blitzace overdrive is very usefull. but each character should have more and better overdrives. like auron exp

02-27-2005, 03:25 AM
I always had Auron (for powerful melee attacks), Lulu (for her awesome black magic and doublecast skill), and Yuna (for great summoning, white magic, and black magic) in my party. Did any of you notice that Yuna is a more powerful black mage then Lulu if you give her black magic?

02-27-2005, 03:26 AM
i wouldnt know i nver use lulu

02-27-2005, 03:30 AM
Really? Her and Yuna were my two most powerful characters after I got Doublecast.

02-27-2005, 05:48 PM
my tidus uses double cast cuz his magic is maxed. idk i just dont like lulu. to me shes just a person who contributes to the story line.

03-09-2005, 07:34 AM
my tidus was the stongest too i hated auron.he annoyed me shitless.

03-09-2005, 10:12 AM
just whatever for me but who would win out of tidus or shuyin? i would say shuyin because he is angrier and more powerful. + i love shuyin's sword. I have nothign agaisnt Tidus by the way.

03-09-2005, 03:09 PM
I think Tidus would kill Shuyin no problem.

The Lost One
03-09-2005, 03:38 PM
Shuyin'd win for sure. HE has a smaller blade, often ending in better agility, and he's sorta evil, so that makes him cooler!

03-13-2005, 05:22 AM
Interesting question. Who would win, the dream of the fayth or the dead guy?

Tidus would. Shuyin only survives through pain, whereas Tidus exists by the will of the fayth. Tidus has already realized his existence, but if Shuyin were to lose all his pain there would be no reason for him to be.

03-18-2005, 04:31 AM
I vote 4 shiuyin cuz he looks more mature and long haired that tidus but tidus himself would kick shiuyin's ass, remeber that shiuyin's atacks stink and tidus can make great damage.

03-25-2005, 03:52 AM
Interesting question. Who would win, the dream of the fayth or the dead guy?

Tidus would. Shuyin only survives through pain, whereas Tidus exists by the will of the fayth. Tidus has already realized his existence, but if Shuyin were to lose all his pain there would be no reason for him to be.

This is a very good argument Trajet.

However, you overlook something: Shuyin's not only around because of his pain. He's unsent which means that short of a summoner or getting him into sending himself *Lenne's reunion with Shuyin in the end* he'd stick around quite well.

Besides, Tidus exists through the will of the fayth. You make it seem like that should mean anything other than he's somebody's figment of imagination. Plus, realizing he's in existance makes for one more thing: he's a candidate for possession. Shuyin can possess any mortal, be it a former dream or the fayth that dreamt him to begin with. You forget that Shuyin's own will was that which ensnared the fayth and resurrected the Dark Ones.

Shuyin would defeat Tidus.

On the one hand, you can have both of them in life. Shuyin and Tidus are both very capable blitzers turned swordsman. However, while one courageously helped in the defeat of Sin, the other was a part of the most devastating war to ever hit Spira. As a survivor of such a war, his death caused only by Lenne's halting him from becoming a murderer, he'd have much greater skill in combat. In a head to head, seeing as even if you used an unequipped lvl 70 girl in battle with him, she'd die with one Terror of Zanarkand, looking at it in those terms, Shuyin's attacks aren't as weak as people say. This will be discussed after. Tidus would only have maxed status given that he's a main character and it is up to the player to max him out. Shuyin, should he ever be a main character, he'd boast the same or even more fight as he'd need it for the war. Not to mention, Tidus had one boundary: He's a dream of a pre-existing man. Whatever limits the fayth believed Shuyin to have, like being head strong and not a planner, Tidus would be inflicted with such limitations. Shuyin, on the other hand, was created naturally, by birth, and therefore his limits are unknown.

On another account, make Shuyin an unsent and Tidus a dream. One doesn't exist and the other can possess whoever he'd like, doing enough of it within two years time to throw Spira into utter chaos. Who'd win that fight? Someone who's raw emotion can manipulate the Farplane itself or the clueless blitzer who arrived on Spira by chance and made such a little impact that even after he defeated Sin, only rumors are to show for his romp.

Finally, Shuyin's attack. In Final Fantasy X, you are given the ability of Break Damage Limit and others. These abilities are permanent so long as you take the effort to complete the Sphere Grid. However, in X-2, Breaking limits are only permanently accessible through special dresspheres that do not have the stability that your characters had in X. For instance, maxing out status. To max out status in X-2, you need the proper accessories and even then, you will not have complete 255s across the board. Therefore, given that your characters, also diminished from 7 to 3, are weaker than before, bosses would show the same amount of weakening so that the game isn't impossible. Think of it in this sense: Can your X-2 characters in all their power even pose a threat to your Tidus character in X? I hardly believe so. In X, you can have max everything and break limit everything. Doing 99,999 damage per turn to one of the three characters would automatically annihilate her, not to mention the loss of a permanent Auto-Life from Auto-Phoenix customization. Therefore, Shuyin's attacks are supremely dwindled so that he isn't impossible to kill, thus making this game unending.

03-25-2005, 03:58 AM
Whoa, this guy takes stuff way too seriously.

03-26-2005, 09:06 PM
I think that Shuyin would win if the two where to fight. The only way you can settle this is through facts and not game statictics. First of all in FFX, Tidus is a blitzball player and has only recently picked up the sword so I doubt that he has any real fighting experience. Shuyin however MUST HAVE MORE fighting experience than Tidus because in his timeline, there was a war between Zanarkand and bevelle so it is expected that he has some form of experience because those times were tough and the only way to survive is to fight. Last but not least, without any real combat experience, Shuyin would have never been able to sneak into Bevelle and get to Vegnagun. Judging from the facts, its safe to conclude that Shuyin is a battle hardned warrior and Tidus is an amatuer. What do you think? anyone care to prove me wrong?
i would think tidus would win because since aron came along and gave him that sword to help him fight those monsters and live that takes gut so i think tidus would win.

03-26-2005, 09:09 PM
Picking up a sword and fighting to survive = minor guts.

Breaking into a guarded facility single-handedly to steal a superweapon = major guts.

I'm not taking sides on this, but I just wanted to point out that what you just said was a bit retarded.

04-02-2005, 08:03 AM
i thought james arnold taylor was good with Tidus's voice, i really hated how his voice sounded when he was commentering though *shudders*
And Tidus would win cos hes cuter, case closed!

Press And Seal
04-02-2005, 11:24 AM
James Arnold Taylor is rad. He was a good Tidus. But in someparts he talked wayyy too fast. hahaha Liiike when Tidus was looking over destroyed Zanarkand, and he says "A city dead for a thousand years".

I think that since Tidus was a dream and Shuyin was the real thing, Shuyin would kick Tidus' ass. The end.

04-03-2005, 01:45 AM
Tidus would kick Shuyin's ass. :D But I kinda like Shuyin's looks better. but still, Tidus would win.

04-03-2005, 10:06 AM
Tidus offcourse!

Who will win? Sin or Vegnagun? Anyone thought of that?

Edit: Hmm I saw this question in another Topic...

04-03-2005, 10:50 AM
Sorry, but I think no one gonna win. Why? Because :
1. Yuna & Lenne will stop it
2. They were friends
3. They never use tactics, so they will get tired soon
4. They are to tired because of all fight that they have did before they were fight each other

04-05-2005, 01:22 AM
shuyin and tidus weren't friends.

04-19-2005, 12:25 PM
A stick? You call that beautiful flat blade a stick! - Phantom Shuyin

I wouldn't even call it a stick. A stick looks deadlier. THAT looks like a cheese knife gone wrong.

HOWEVER with the same weapon and at the same level, Shuyin would KILL Tidus's @$$. Tidus is a COCKY, ARROGANT CRYBABY who would RUN at the MERE SIGHT of Shuyin's pissed off grimace. Never mind Tidus, I'M kinda scared of Shuyin! He's been dead and festering, harbouring his hate and anger for, like, 1000 YEARS. Now, i'm only 17, but i know i've got a lot of anger festering and i can be SCARY when i get mad. Or have a complete 'WHATEVER' attitude.

Shuyin's got more reasons to fight:- a) He's MAJORLY PISSED OFF and wants to DESTROY THE WORLD.
b) He wants to save/be with Lenne
c) He's just sick of it all an wants it to end

Let's look at Tidus. a) He wants to save Yuna.
b) He wants to kill Sin and put his daddums out of misery.
The latter has been achieved.
I don't see what Yuna saw in him.
And i'm willing to bet my @$$ that you'd be more scared of a SHADOW than a DREAM.


Have a nice day! :laugh:

high summoner yukon
06-10-2005, 05:24 PM
i think shuyin .because he has all the technique that tidus has and even much more experience than tidus

tidus x
06-10-2005, 08:26 PM
i think that it would probably end in them killin each other ... that would be really cool though

I don't hate Tidus. I hate Square-Soft for hiring James Arnold Taylor as Tidus's voice.
yeah an yunas voice was crap too but rikku was class ... go tara strong

high summoner yukon
06-11-2005, 09:57 AM
this does't make send atall. why would tidus fight shuyin.you asshole jackass. and i'm not agree with this thread. could just dumb away you no. this is sick. a sick joke.

06-11-2005, 07:57 PM
Haha, you are banned.

master zaon
06-12-2005, 08:11 AM
dualface . i think you are the biggest crap i ever seen. and stupid. so just put your jackass out of this thread.

Tidus 66
06-12-2005, 10:58 AM
oh it's master Zaon, or high summoner yucon, hahahahaha you're going to be banned

06-13-2005, 03:35 PM
I think Shuyin would win. He's way better then Tidus.

Tidus 66
06-13-2005, 03:37 PM
Shuyin would win for certain!

lady belgemine
06-13-2005, 03:42 PM
i will think it is better to put all your jackass out.

06-14-2005, 12:49 PM
This a good enough reason for you?

Say in an imaginary world somewhere Tidus was sleeping with Lenne, but she thought he was Shuyin. One night, when Shuyin was out drinking, he dcideds to come home early, and finds Lenne riding Tidus. Yahtzee, fight time

lord braska
06-14-2005, 02:20 PM
this does't make send at all.tidus sleeping with lenne, they did't even no each other coz they never met before

06-07-2007, 12:53 AM
I think Shuying would win. He was really powerful. I also think he would win because Tidus is a baby. Sorry Tidus fans, but I do...

06-07-2007, 02:08 PM
You truly suck for reviving all these ancient threads.