04-22-2004, 03:45 PM
Welcome folks to Manga Talk! :D Manga Talk is a series dedicated to sharing with the world about manga. Now if you have any requests on to what will be discussed next week, then feel free to drop me a PM, and we'll get it on the future discussions. ;)

Now on this weeks discussion, we will be discussing Angel Sanctuary. As many of you may or may not know, Angel Sanctuary has made its English translation debut this month with its first volume.

For those of you who are interested and who have not yet read it, we'll give you the lil description thats on the back of the manga. :D


Why is Setsuna so mixed up? Despite his attempts to be noble, he'll fight anyone anytime; he ignores all authority; and he harbors feelings for his sister that can only be described as "incestuous." Why is he such a mess? The reason may be found with two demons from the underworld and their enemy, an insane angel who is distributing an insidious computer game called Angel Sanctuary.

So any and all discussion/comments/talk/etc. about this manga is now open for discussion. :D

04-22-2004, 03:53 PM
Personally, I'm not sure if I like so much, after reading the first volume. The whole thing is confusing.

Rebellious female angel in a male body. The male, Setsuna, wants to do his sister.
Evil male angel in a female body. This male angel is the female angel's brother, and wants to fuck her.
Demons, one which is female and looks like a male. The other transexual, looking like a female, but with male genetalia.

Like I said, it just starts confusing, and can only get moreso

04-22-2004, 04:02 PM
Well, I can assure you one thing, Nick. After the first three volumes I was ready to drop the series if it didn't get better. I mean, if there was less drama, angst and love stories.
I bought volume four and was blown away and forever hooked, because some nice plot twists decided to make the whole thing appeal to me.
Things will happen that make Setsuna and all others realize that their complicated love lives really aren't the biggest problem they must face.

That's the one thing I like about Angel Sanctuary: The plot just keeps moving, as new characters appear, almost every single one of them with a dark past, secret identity or anything else to keep the reader interested. Oh, and deaths. :(

04-23-2004, 03:53 PM
After what seemed forever just waiting for it to be translated, and Anna talking about it :p , I finally got it, read it, and fell in love with it. :D It was definately worth the wait in my eyes.

The manga (even though its only the first volume so far) has sooo much more story than the anime did.. So much more plot. More of the things were explained to me. Understanding backgrounds, and new characters that weren't in the anime.

I get all gooey thinking about it. :love:

I've already reserved volume 2 and i'm waiting for its release next month. :D

05-06-2004, 10:17 PM
hmmm... ive seen the 3 episodes on divx it was alright, abit confusing. has the comic been made to a complete series yet?

05-07-2004, 06:25 AM
There are a lot of differences between the manga and the anime. First of all, know that the manga came first. It's finished with 20 volumes now.
The anime covers approximately the first 3,5 volumes (!) and also leaves out a lot of vital characters, and changed a lot of scenes, too. So a lot of the scenes that I personally found memorable were missing.
The last thing I dislike about the anime is the art. It's ugly, in my view... Rosiel, isn't he supposed to look beautiful? He looks like a sack of potatoes in the anime...!

All in all, you can well ignore the anime, but if you're interested in the story, you have to get the manga. :)

05-07-2004, 12:21 PM

I think the art is very pretty. However the whole brother and sister love thing kinda made me but the book down.

05-07-2004, 01:21 PM
I can't say I'm a fan of this love drama, either... I'm generally not into love stories, so at first I was on the one hand fascinated by Angel Sanctuary, on the other hand doubted I'd be able to bear this whole drama and unhappiness...
But then, in volume 4 (when the anime already stopped!) everything suddenly changed for the better, for me. For the better, for the funnier... For the more interesting certainly. The series has a few totally unexpected plot twists...

05-30-2004, 01:36 AM
NO NO. this manga ig great, i love everyting that Kaori Yuki makes. am a big fan of her^^. u guys shoul read Boys next door. sad story...

06-06-2004, 09:47 AM
i watched the 3 OVA's which were ok, but recently got into the mangas. they are SO much better-the art is fantastic and the story is so much more developed. go Angel Sanctuary!!! :D

06-24-2004, 01:03 PM
Angel sanctuary is my favourite manga..I like the story the psychologie of the characters !
in addition to this I like angel's story;)

06-24-2004, 01:29 PM
Brother/sister stuff in fiction has never really phased me. Can't understand why it bothers people so much when it's in a work of fiction.

Anyhow, I was in Barnes and Noble with Merl the other day, and I noticed Angel Sanctuary. I was suprised it was finally out here- I had figured it'd never get released here.

Haven't started reading it yet, but am excited to- there are some characters that I'm really interested to see. ^^

06-25-2004, 12:42 AM
Finally read through volume two. Learned more about whats going on and met some new characters. They freakin left out a lot in the ova.

06-27-2004, 06:22 PM
Exactly, Heather!
And as you will be discover, they are important characters, and the story wouldn't work without them!
The OVA is rubbish. Grmph.

06-27-2004, 07:10 PM
i am on volume 8 of the manga now and am starting to get very confused. many characters look alike and there are so many to remember. also, some of the action sequences are really confusing and i can't always work out what is happening.
still, it is brilliant and i reccomend it to all manga fans.
i also read another yuki kaori manga-"boys next door", it was also really good, very dark and moving.

06-28-2004, 08:30 AM
I found parts of Angel Sanctuary confusing, other parts easy to follow. I think... if I remember correctly, volume 8 didn't give me much trouble, but it helps to discuss things with people who are reading the series, too (and do not know the end of the story).

But yes, some characters kind of look similar, but you can usually tell from the context who's who. (^^)�
On artworks, I can easily mistake Raphael for Katan, but within the story, on the panels, this is less likely.
It's a bit more complicated to tell Rosiel and Alexiel and uhm, Sara apart from each other, in some scenes. But again, the context usually clears things up...
Although I still don't understand the ending entirely... XD

06-28-2004, 03:13 PM
I think... if I remember correctly, volume 8 didn't give me much trouble

yeah volume 8 is ok, but some of the earlier ones are really confusing-namely the one set in hades.
the charcters that confuse me are the ones that get introduced suddenly and have no apparent relevance-like the outcasts who give noise the blood transfusion in volume 8.

07-03-2004, 02:14 PM
Why would they confuse you? :)
What confuses me is when suddenly someone comes up with some revelation... revealing a character's surprising and usually shocking past... or the true reasons for... or the real true reasons for something... o_o"
Explanations contradicting one another, etc :P

Hades, hmm... Sorry, can't get farther than: "Kato *drool*". I guess there was some confusing things. But... ^^ Can't remember.

07-11-2004, 11:10 AM
I read it all and I can tell you...IT'S THE BEST MANGA I'VE EVER READ!

it's sooo hard to choose between so many fav characters...well....there is ONE fav fav....
you'll know when you get to volume 16...
Kira is also the best!!!

actually, there's not much to say about AS, because it's so good from all points of view...drawing, psichology,plot...all.

if you can read also: count cain
blood hound
boys next door
ludwig kakumei

07-11-2004, 02:02 PM
i read boys next door as i think i may have already said in this post. it was pretty good and is a real contrast to angel sanctuary as it is so short
i want to read kaine but i haven't yet found it

07-11-2004, 03:31 PM
I can try to send you Kaine if you wish....if you give your email adress or if you are online on Msn or Yahoo!messenger...

07-11-2004, 06:50 PM
I have read the first volume of Count Cain, but I always seem to... forget to buy the next two volumes... so it might take some time for me to read on. Bear with me. :P

I've also read Blood Hound, and must confess it didn't impress me lots. I liked Boys Next Door better, but my favourite is Neji. This could have gone on for a while... and it'd probably make a good film. :)