06-28-2013, 11:56 PM
Mark Kilian
John Carpenter's The Ward (Deluxe Edition)

http://free-torrent.org.ua/engine/img.php?img=aHR0cDovL2ZyZWUtdG9ycmVudC5vcmcudWEvdX Bsb2Fkcy9wb3N0cy8yMDEyLTA5LzEzNDgzNjU2MjIzMzQwXzEz MTM2ODUyODFfY2hqdnAxaWI3NmhnbnhyLmpwZWc=

27 tracks, TRT: 1:14:02, 320 MP3

PM me for link
Note: this a combination of the official album and the bootleg complete score; due to the sound quality of the bootleg, I decided to use the existing album cues in place of the bootleg's version. Since the album wasn't complete I opted to included the unreleased cues in the track's listing. Those cues are labeled "Untitled." For the most part, the release sounds very nice and clean while the bootleg tracks feature a lower volume and may sound inferior to some ears. Also, the album was widely out of order so I put them back in their proper film order. Enjoy!