06-27-2013, 06:50 AM
I know this is not for requesting music but I can't find where to posts this, a couple of years ago I founded some kind of "Boss music collection" vol.1 to vol"X" at the "Galbadia Hotel",
I can't find them now, is there any chance that they could been removed or changed of location? I want to re-download then.

Does anyone here knows what happened?

06-27-2013, 12:20 PM
i dont know that collection.... but if you like fighting games like "king of fighters" and BOSS musics i madet BIG BOSS music collection in lossless format.. there is almost all SNK fighting games midle boss/boss/final boss music in this colllection


06-27-2013, 12:40 PM
i have two simiral complications.. Background music SNES boss (2cd) and Boss Themes Compilation (9cd). I guess you are talking about the second one right?