06-26-2013, 05:17 PM
I present to you...Doctor Who at the BBC Proms 2010!!GAoD1I7C!Q5LYNQ15BE1rVqYRSeHrejxKRlAWDULZY3ZIeEa _JFE

The last time that Doctor Who music was performed for the proms was 2010 - and I have no idea why, because watching this was a hell lot of fun. The program intermixed completly orchestral suite arrangements of themes from the third, fourth and fifth seasons with classical pieces. I cut out the classical pieces from this rip.

We start off with "The Mad Man With a Box", which I think is the Doctor's theme for the fifth season. That is followed by another fifth season cue, "Down to Earth" and "I Am the Doctor". Then we get a litte something called "Symphony of the Daleks", which is honestly just a suite of "Victory of the Daleks" and "Battle in the Sky". BUT Victory of the Daleks gets a nice chorus to accompany it, and it makes one wonder why Gold didn't put that in the original piece because it works so damn well here.

The next two pieces, "The Theme of Amy Pond" and "Liz, Lizards, Vampires and Vincent" are the last season five cues. I know for a fact that "Liz" is a suite made up partially out of "The Vampires of Venice", but I am not sure about "Amy Pond".

"The Regeneration of the Doctor" is essentially made up of two pieces, from two different seasons. The first half if "Galofrey - Our Childhood, Our Home" while the second is Vale Decim from the Season 4 specials. (Does that count as being part of season 2? I don't know. Brit television is damn complicated.) The show concludes with "The Pandoric Suite" and "Epilogue: The Theme of Doctor Who."

At the end of the day, this is a nice summation of Doctor Who season 5, with some nods to 3 and 4 when appropriate. If you have never heard of Doctor Who this is a good opportunity for you to get acquainted.

06-26-2013, 07:45 PM
Thanks a lot!

06-26-2013, 07:51 PM
thank you! However, I seem to be getting a requirement for a decryption key to download. I seem to have missed it from you post, could you provide it (again?)? thank you in advance! :D

06-28-2013, 08:30 PM
thank you! However, I seem to be getting a requirement for a decryption key to download. I seem to have missed it from you post, could you provide it (again?)? thank you in advance! :D

I second that! :D

06-29-2013, 12:24 AM
ok I got it now without having to provide a decryption key. just used the same link and it must have liked me this time haha. thanks again! :D

06-29-2013, 12:55 PM
Yep! The same here! Thanks a lot!

06-29-2013, 08:57 PM
Thank you

Everan Shepard
06-29-2013, 11:35 PM
Hey guys! There's gonna be another Proms concert this year! August I beleve :D