06-23-2013, 09:34 PM
2013 - Man Of Steel - Hans Zimmer (Deluxe Edition) [EAC FLAC+Cue+Log]

Disc 1

01 - Look to the Stars
02 - Oil Rig
03 - Sent Here for a Reason
04 - DNA
05 - Goodbye My Son
06 - If You Love These People
07 - Krypton's Last
08 - Terraforming
09 - Tornado
10 - You Die or I Do
11 - Launch
12 - Ignition
13 - I Will Find Him
14 - This is Clark Kent
15 - I Have So Many Questions
16 - Flight
17 - What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World

Disc 2

01 - Man of Steel (Hans' Original Sketchbook)
02 - Are You Listening, Clark
03 - General Zod
04 - You Led Us Here
05 - This is Madness!
06 - Earth
07 - Arcade

Part 1 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/rs3t7x)
Part 2 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/fzijve)
Scans Included

06-24-2013, 09:58 AM
Here we go. Fresh start.

06-24-2013, 05:23 PM
Thanks for including Log and Cue. For some of us, this matters.

06-24-2013, 05:24 PM
Man Of Steel is on CD already? that's too cool for school.

Thanks SG and welcome back to the club!

06-24-2013, 05:30 PM
Man Of Steel is on CD already? that's too cool for school.

Thanks SG and welcome back to the club!

Don't poke the tiger, Woody. :)

06-24-2013, 06:47 PM
I would like to poke something else!! :-D

06-24-2013, 07:02 PM
Especially since poking can be such fun!

---------- Post added at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

Thanks for the Fresh Start Jessie!

06-24-2013, 07:08 PM
Sendspace? is that good filehost?

I'm just asking cuz I'm stuck with Mega.

06-24-2013, 07:13 PM
I think it is. especially if you have the Pro account, which i don't. butt the free supports using a DL'r like Orbit.
And the have a free uploader.

06-24-2013, 07:13 PM
not another thread please...;)

06-24-2013, 07:16 PM
Hahah123..best thread yet for the beforementioned content.

06-24-2013, 07:18 PM
Hahah123..best thread yet for the beforementioned content.


06-24-2013, 07:24 PM
Well, look at it this way. Jessie could have just deleted it, or merged it. He left it, implying it is fine to have it posted. He DID delete all comments from the thread. Essentially a do-over. He did not even lock it, so I would have to guess that if admin has no problem with the thread then that ought to be the end of it.

Or, we can just rack up another six pages of crap and have it all deleted **again**

I thought about making a Zimmer discussion thread in General Discussion if I thought anyone would use it. GD allows a lot more freedom before mods get involved.

06-24-2013, 07:29 PM
I like the thread but then again I'm partial to SpectreGadget he has been a a friend of mine since I emerged from the womb of FFSHRINE.

Oh Amanda is the cat's meow as well, I have had a crush on her since grade school.

06-24-2013, 10:31 PM
"In Movie" track order
not sure for all...

Look To The Stars
Goodbye My Son
I Will Find Him
Krypton's Last
Oil Rig
Are You Listening, Clark?
Sent Here For A Reason
I Have So Many Questions
General Zod
You Led Us Here
You Die Or I Do
If You Love These People
What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World?
This Is Clark Kent

Bonus Track : Man Of Steel (Hans' Original Sketchbook) Demo
Bonus Track : This Is Madness! Demo

all informations, corrections are welcome...

06-25-2013, 12:34 AM
"In Movie" track order
not sure for all...

Look To The Stars
Goodbye My Son
I Will Find Him
Krypton's Last
Oil Rig
Are You Listening, Clark?
Sent Here For A Reason
I Have So Many Questions
General Zod
You Led Us Here
You Die Or I Do
If You Love These People
What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World?
This Is Clark Kent

Bonus Track : Man Of Steel (Hans' Original Sketchbook) Demo
Bonus Track : This Is Madness! Demo

all informations, corrections are welcome...

Will you be doing an expanded edit of man of steel like you did with TDKR?:)

06-25-2013, 05:08 PM
What type of file is this? I can't seem to open it.

06-25-2013, 05:13 PM
What type of file is this? I can't seem to open it.
Get a program like 7-zip.

06-25-2013, 05:35 PM
Get a program like 7-zip.

You find me where to download 7-zip without additional crap bundled into it to infect your computer.

"I'd love thee and prefer thee for it."

Richard III/Shakespeare

---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 AM ----------

I like the thread but then again I'm partial to SpectreGadget he has been a a friend of mine since I emerged from the womb of FFSHRINE.

Oh Amanda is the cat's meow as well, I have had a crush on her since grade school.

YOUR cat's meow? I beg your pardon? Don't make me scratch. Amanda is mine. MINE, I say! You cad! (*)

The last thread on this topic turned from a degree of humor to vile and deserved to be locked and tossed. Spectre is offering something different here. And again, if it offends anyone's delicate (but not as priddy as mine) eyes, just look away. I do not understand why people who are taking free music would ever complain that there is too much free music of one score. Just ignore and find the score you like. Get THE POINT? (subtle, ain't I?)

Thread 136174


There was no such thing as grade school during the Paleolithic. (I looked it up)

06-25-2013, 06:06 PM
Thank, Spectre Gadget.

06-25-2013, 06:42 PM
You're Welcome

06-25-2013, 07:44 PM
Thanks a lot! Great thread!

06-28-2013, 04:16 PM
I did not know where to make this post. Do you think we would use a "score review" thread?

I have said this score missed the mark for me as a stand alone album, but that I would have to see how it worked in film to decide. I have seen the film, and I must now revise my statement. This score, in film, is....vile. Putrid. An abomination. It is a great shame. The movie itself was quite good. Not entirely satisfying, but good. Further viewings on blu-ray may improve that estimate. It is only a pity that there is no special feature to watch the movie sans score. Sort of an opposite to the iso score. An iso movie. :) Seriously, this score was loud and distracting, especially in the quiet and heroic moments. It totally butchered any mood they were going for. I cannot say enough how much I hate this score. NOT the composer, just this particular piece.

Now. I know this will embitter many. I will point this is JUST my PERSONAL impression. If it worked for you, in or out of film, then that is terrific. I am truly happy if you enjoyed this. But, I **was** asked my opinion on this once, and having heard it both stand alone and in film, I can now give one.

If anything, this score works better as an album. No visuals on screen to interfere with.

Truly, if this worked for you then that **is** truly a good thing. Personally I weep that this is where superhero/action films have come to.

06-28-2013, 04:36 PM
I have said this score missed the mark for me as a stand alone album, but that I would have to see how it worked in film to decide. I have seen the film, and I must now revise my statement. This score, in film, is....vile. Putrid. An abomination. It is a great shame. The movie itself was quite good. Not entirely satisfying, but good. Further viewings on blu-ray may improve that estimate. It is only a pity that there is no special feature to watch the movie sans score. Sort of an opposite to the iso score. An iso movie. :) Seriously, this score was loud and distracting, especially in the quiet and heroic moments. It totally butchered any mood they were going for. I cannot say enough how much I hate this score. NOT the composer, just this particular piece.

Now. I know this will embitter many. I will point this is JUST my PERSONAL impression. If it worked for you, in or out of film, then that is terrific. I am truly happy if you enjoyed this. But, I **was** asked my opinion on this once, and having heard it both stand alone and in film, I can now give one.

If anything, this score works better as an album. No visuals on screen to interfere with.

Truly, if this worked for you then that **is** truly a good thing. Personally I weep that this is where superhero/action films have come to.
I hope it doesn't start another highly explosive debates and if not? then prepare for the coming storm! :)

06-28-2013, 04:41 PM
Well, as I said, this is my impression and view. Obviously a lot of folks will disagree, some violently. I just feel since I was asked (elsewhere) I have the same right to my feelings as they do theirs. I don't think they are "wrong" or I am "right". Each to their own.

07-14-2013, 01:03 AM
Thank you so much, my friend!

07-14-2013, 04:58 AM
Well, as I said, this is my impression and view. Obviously a lot of folks will disagree, some violently. I just feel since I was asked (elsewhere) I have the same right to my feelings as they do theirs. I don't think they are "wrong" or I am "right". Each to their own.

Amanda, Amanda, Amanda.... surely not VIOLENTLY. As to vile, putrid, an abomination... well you have made it pellucidly certain that you did not like the combination of this music and that film. Long ago I was unhappy and disappointed with the score for the lovely film LadyHawk...but not as vehemently as you've expressed over this puppy.

Yes, you have a right to your opinion without being flogged, tomato targeted in the pillory or as JH Fan might write: 'Go **** yourself.' You also backed up your opinion in a reasonable manner which should be respected. I have always, always, always felt that George Auric wrote his music AGAINST the scenes in a film. They just never fit in a glaringly obvious way. Sounds like Mr. Zimmer screwed Superman (so to speak) for you.

I like the music. I'm not interested in seeing the film as I have written before. So this music is a stand alone for me. I have lots of scores for films I have never seen. I mean, who wants to actually watch some of the movies that Goldsmith scored in the last 15 years of his life?

Now... come on over here for a wee bit of a spanking. ;-)

(if others might be interested I will post a sign up sheet)

07-14-2013, 06:27 AM
Terrible Soundtrack! But, thank you for uploading it for us. I am glad I got a chance to listen to it before purchasing. Fhew...

07-14-2013, 04:02 PM
Thank you !

07-14-2013, 06:50 PM
You're Welcome

07-21-2013, 04:50 AM
Thanks very much!!

09-02-2013, 08:42 AM
Thanks Chief.

09-03-2013, 08:49 AM
Thank you, Spectre Gadget.

09-03-2013, 05:04 PM
Your're welcome.

09-29-2013, 05:56 PM
Thank you for the upload :naughty:

09-27-2014, 09:43 AM
Tagged & Uploaded to MEGA: https://mega.co.nz/#F!1BRWkDTa!gkhRKC6UaU2FhL7rpWqQsA

09-30-2014, 05:33 PM
Thank you :-)

10-06-2014, 09:08 PM
Many thanks.

10-07-2014, 03:00 AM
I must agree with Sandra that this score like many Mr. Zimmer has done simply sucks. Hanz Zimmer does no compose music he composes moods. Long, drawn out notes and thumping pulses, not music. He does this well but with the exception of "Stallion of the Cimmeron" which I saw him conduct live in Cannes doing the score in sequence during the premier are lacking to say the least. The scores for the "Dark Knight" series would have been nothing without the influence if James Newton Howard. "Titanic" which could have been one of the greatest scores ever for one of the most beautifully made disaster films of all time sank with the ship. The only stand out music in the film is the one everyone uses is the cue "Take her to Sea". "Pearl Harbor"? Where's the theme? It's all crime drama backgrounds. Goldsmith's score for "Tora! Tora! Tora!" should have been revamped for that one. In my opinion Mr. Zimmer is highly, grossly overrated. Every time I see his name is the credit black of a movie poster I am disappointed.

I worked on "Man of Steel" and after finding out they intended to use Zimmer....AGAIN, begged the producers to use John Williams themes as a basis for this score but to no avail.