06-22-2013, 11:32 PM
StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm
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1. Cris Velasco - Swarm (Intro) (2:30)
2. Glenn Stafford and Derek Duke - Heart of the Swarm (Main Menu) (11:24)
3. Neal Acree - Hopes and Fears (2:54)
4. Glenn Stafford - I am Kerrigan (1:24)
5. Derek Duke - Appreciated Cooperation (0:50)
6. Derek Duke - Touch Their Mind (1:58)
7. Derek Duke - Miscalculated Threat Calculated (0:31)
8. Neal Acree - "You Will See" (1:56)
9. Cris Velasco - Stimulated Simulation (2:30)
10. Derek Duke - "Now You See" (0:33)
11. Neal Acree - "Get it Together" (2:21)
12. Glenn Stafford - "We Read You" (0:55)
13. Derek Duke - Loose the Zerg (0:50)
14. Glenn Stafford - The Archangel (1:44)
15. Glenn Stafford - "Don't You Die" (0:57)
16. Derek Duke - Raynor's Nova'd (0:38)
17. Neal Acree - Choices (2:08)
18. Glenn Stafford - Rendezvous (1:37)
19. Derek Duke - Calling on Old Loyalties (0:56)
20. Glenn Stafford - Waiting on Ghosts (0:50)
21. Neal Acree - Transmission (2:57)
22. Glenn Stafford - The Leviathan (0:14)
23. Glenn Stafford - Izsha - "Your Mind Within Me" (1:37)
24. Glenn Stafford - Abathur - "Perfection Within All Things" (1:08)
25. Derek Duke - Briefing (1:17)
26. Derek Duke - Loading (4:30)
27. Glenn Stafford - Domination (0:22)
28. Glenn Stafford - Messy Steps (0:51)
29. Glenn Stafford - Zagara Taunts (0:24)
30. Derek Duke - Stronger and Stronger (1:14)
31. Derek Duke - Callback to the Brood War (0:52)
32. Derek Duke - Kerrigan's Retaliaton (1:18)
33. Derek Duke - Allegiance Bound (0:55)
34. Glenn Stafford - Trench Warfare (1:04)
35. Derek Duke - Fire in the Sky (0:26)
36. Glenn Stafford - The First Tumor (0:40)
37. Derek Duke - Trenching on Bones (1:32)
38. Glenn Stafford - Warfield Fielded (0:49)
39. Glenn Stafford - "This is Why" (0:50)
40. Glenn Stafford - Old Soldiers (0:43)
41. Glenn Stafford - Zero Hour Plus A Swarm (0:55)
42. Cris Velasco - Nukem (0:57)
43. Neal Acree - Conscience (2:27)
44. Glenn Stafford - Dark Victory I (0:51)
45. Glenn Stafford - From Fire to Ice (0:30)
46. Derek Duke - Harvest of Screams (0:47)
47. Derek Duke - Flash Freeze (0:25)
48. Derek Duke - Perfection Ripped From Flesh (4:36)
49. Derek Duke - The Eldest Kind (1:00)
50. Russell Brower - Protoss Alerted (0:51)
51. Russell Brower - The Links are Severed (0:17)
52. Glenn Stafford - Lassara - "Must You Kill?" (0:37)
53. Glenn Stafford - Bound (0:49)
54. Glenn Stafford - Kill the Messenger (0:45)
55. Derek Duke - Burn the Sky (1:25)
56. Derek Duke - "Tenacious Bastards" (1:31)
57. Russell Brower - No More Shuttles (0:22)
58. Glenn Stafford - Evolving Strands (0:51)
59. Derek Duke - The First Batch - Planet Calus (1:01)
60. Cris Velasco - Zerglings! With Wings! (1:29)
61. Derek Duke - The Second Batch - Ashur III (1:44)
62. Glenn Stafford - Overwhelming Horde (1:51)
63. Derek Duke - The Enemy Within (0:43)
64. Neal Acree - "What I Must Do" (0:34)
65. Glenn Stafford - Larva (1:30)
66. Glenn Stafford - Protoss Warriors (0:35)
67. Derek Duke - Death From Within (2:11)
68. Derek Duke - Serve Agan (0:35)
69. Jason Hayes - Overdrive (2:42)
70. Jason Hayes and Russell Brower - Niadra Ascendant (2:24)
71. Glenn Stafford - Dark Victory II (0:50)
72. Glenn Stafford - Planet Departure (0:16)
73. Neal Acree - Birthworld (2:20)
74. Derek Duke - The Third Batch - Nelyth (1:31)
75. Glenn Stafford - Tragic Battlefield (1:07)
76. Derek Duke - The Fourth Batch - Scoria (2:02)
77. Cris Velasco - Eruption Ruption (2:39)
78. Derek Duke - Anything for Revenge (0:50)
79. Derek Duke - Zeratul (0:53)
80. Derek Duke - "What My Enemies Fear Most" (1:11)
81. Glenn Stafford - Antedilluvian (0:36)
82. Russell Brower - The Ancient One (1:04)
83. Derek Duke - Dealing With Natives (3:12)
84. Derek Duke - Weird Pigs (3:58)
85. Jason Hayes and Russell Brower - One Big Mean Zerg (1:14)
86. Glenn Stafford - Zerus Awakes (1:10)
87. Derek Duke - Big Time Conversation (1:01)
88. Derek Duke - The Crucible (1:06)
89. Derek Duke - The First Pool (1:30)
90. Derek Duke - No Steps Back (2:22)
91. Cris Velasco - Protect the Shell (1:08)
92. Derek Duke - Corruptors (4:24)
93. Derek Duke - Can't Take Them (1:32)
94. Glenn Stafford - Before the Big Event (0:44)
95. Neal Acree - Reborn (1:20)
96. Glenn Stafford - Time to Take the Pack (1:21)
97. Derek Duke - Supreme (0:58)
98. Russell Brower - Yagdra (0:34)
99. Glenn Stafford - Old Traitors (1:09)
100. Derek Duke - Overwhelmingly Underwhelming (1:34)
101. Derek Duke - The Master of Evolution (0:54)
102. Derek Duke - Moving Up (1:13)
103. Glenn Stafford - The New Swarm (2:59)
104. Russell Brower - Gotta Die Eventually (0:36)
105. Glenn Stafford - Zerus is Done (0:49)
106. Russell Brower - The Swarm is Ever Stronger (1:29)
107. Derek Duke - The Fifth Batch - Marek V (1:46)
108. Derek Duke - The Sixth Batch - Cavir IV (1:44)
109. Glenn Stafford - Inspirational (1:55)
110. Glenn Stafford - Infested (0:43)
111. Glenn Stafford - Old Acquaintance (0:47)
112. Glenn Stafford - Knocking Down the Front Door (1:10)
113. Glenn Stafford - Chemical Warfare (0:43)
114. Glenn Stafford - Wait It Out (1:21)
115. Derek Duke - Creeping Up (1:45)
116. Jason Hayes and Russell Brower - Evolution (1:10)
117. Derek Duke - Gate's Wide Open (0:13)
118. Derek Duke - Return (0:41)
119. Derek Duke - Hand of Darkness (0:56)
120. Derek Duke - Splice and Dice (1:51)
121. Derek Duke - All in the Mind (1:39)
122. Derek Duke - Mind's Supreme (0:53)
123. Derek Duke - Long Term Plan (1:29)
124. Derek Duke - Phantoms of the Void (0:59)
125. Glenn Stafford - Cutting the Links (0:50)
126. Glenn Stafford - Bastard's Going Down (1:19)
127. Glenn Stafford - Devotions to the Gods (1:19)
128. Russell Brower - Protoss Take Kiev (3:58)
129. Jason Hayes - Purple Beats Green (0:34)
130. Derek Duke - Into the Temple (0:23)
131. Neal Acree - Shifting Perspectives (3:03)
132. Derek Duke - Remission (0:42)
133. Glenn Stafford - Onward (0:27)
134. Derek Duke - The Seventh Batch - Sigmar Centauri (1:57)
135. Derek Duke - The Eigth Batch - Brokas Hur (2:01)
136. Glenn Stafford - With Friends Like These... (1:09)
137. Cris Velasco - What Has to Be Done (1:03)
138. Glenn Stafford - Dominion Space (1:36)
139. Glenn Stafford - Valerian (0:36)
140. Glenn Stafford - Push the Effect to Mass (1:30)
141. Glenn Stafford - Mercs in Space (0:35)
142. Glenn Stafford - Titan (2:41)
143. Glenn Stafford - Suck on My Cannon! (0:53)
144. Glenn Stafford - Pink Gives (0:41)
145. Glenn Stafford - Nice and Quiet (2:41)
146. Glenn Stafford - "Scooter" (1:05)
147. Glenn Stafford - The Brood Mothers (0:36)
148. Glenn Stafford - Conviction (0:39)
149. Derek Duke - Orlan (0:39)
150. Russell Brower - Get Him, Get Out (0:43)
151. Glenn Stafford - Jailbreak (3:07)
152. Russell Brower - Drumming the Call to Arms (0:17)
153. Russell Brower and Cris Velasco - Bring On the Pain (0:45)
154. Glenn Stafford - Rescue (0:21)
155. Russell Brower - Mengsk is Cut (0:30)
156. Neal Acree - "Believe in Me" (1:49)
157. Glenn Stafford - To Korhal (0:53)
158. Russell Brower - 136. Korhal (0:59)
159. Russell Brower - "Millions May Not Be Enough" (0:45)
160. Glenn Stafford - Prepare the Swarm (0:27)
161. Derek Duke - It Begins (0:41)
162. Cris Velasco - Planetfall (1:02)
163. Derek Duke - Securing the Invasion (1:30)
164. Derek Duke - On Hands Assurance (1:25)
165. Glenn Stafford - Back to Hell (0:19)
166. Russell Brower - Into the City (0:19)
167. Glenn Stafford - Like a Rat (0:36)
168. Derek Duke - A Detriment to the Mind (1:32)
169. Glenn Stafford - Death From Above (1:02)
170. Russell Brower and Neal Acree - Broken Wings (3:19)
171. Glenn Stafford - First Generator Down (0:42)
172. Cris Velasco - Cities in Ruin (1:24)
173. Russell Brower and Neal Acree - "How Far Can Anger Bring You?" (1:27)
174. Russell Brower - Bananas in My Zerg (3:05)
175. Russell Brower and Neal Acree - Furiousity (2:58)
176. Glenn Stafford - Remnants of the Hour (0:55)
177. Glenn Stafford - The Hour Ends (1:28)
178. Glenn Stafford - Rocking to the Apocalypse (1:13)
179. Glenn Stafford - Rifts to Die For (0:55)
180. Glenn Stafford - The Tiniest Pinch of Hope (0:46)
181. Glenn Stafford - Prepare for the End (0:19)
182. Russell Brower - The Reckoning (0:46)
183. Jason Hayes - Overdrive Reprise (1:55)
184. Russell Brower and Neal Acree - The Old Directorate (4:46)
185. Russell Brower and Neal Acree - Fury (6:26)
186. Russell Brower - The Directorate Menace (1:27)
187. Russell Brower - Zergs in the Banana Patch (2:00)
188. Derek Duke - The Rogue Queen (1:04)
189. Russell Brower - A Man Who Smells His Death (1:27)
190. Russell Brower - One Step Closer (0:13)
191. Russell Brower - Ever Closer (0:55)
192. Russell Brower - Wings in Space (1:01)
193. Russell Brower - Ambience (1:01)
194. Glenn Stafford - Always Count on Jim (0:31)
195. Glenn Stafford - A Bit of Inspiration (1:07)
196. Glenn Stafford - The End (0:19)
197. Neal Acree - Ascension (4:58)
198. Neal Acree - Love Theme (Credits) (1:35)
199. Russell Brower - The Void Calls (3:55)
200. Russell Brower - Beginning of the Legacy (4:15)
201. Neal Acree - Hopes and Fears (Strings Only) (2:57)
202. Neal Acree - Transmission (Choir and Strings Only) (2:36)
203. Neal Acree - Ascension Epilogue (Choir Only) (0:43)
204. Glenn Stafford - "Don't You Die" (With Guitars) (0:58)
205. Glenn Stafford - Trench Warfare (With Guitars) (1:07)
206. Glenn Stafford - "This is Why" (With Guitar) (1:00)
207. Glenn Stafford - Antedilluvian (With Guitars) (0:42)

This is one that will probably go down in my history here. See, when the Heart of the Swarm album was released, I infamously said I would never, ever do a complete rip of it. I hated it! No, let me see you how much I hated it ( The reason for my displeasure came from Roper's insistence to arrange the entirety of the album into suites. That meant the orchestral would be followed by the just as soon as you got comfortable with the orchestra you got a dose of the BLLLZZZT. GHRRRRM. BLAAAARGH. Although it is understandably difficult to condense the essence of a five hour score into a single hour release, the way Heart of the Swarm was presented made it as a much worse work than it truthfully was.

Still, this is my least favorite of all the Blizzard scores. The emphasis is placed on the musical identity of the Zerg...and that means a very electronically infused one. Although there are plenty of solid orchestral tracks - Jason Hayes' Overdrive comes to mind - ambient plays an important part in describing this score. And I never cared for that musical mythology. I much favored the bombastic orchestra of Wings of Liberty much more, to be frank. The main theme of Wings of Liberty is one that you won't forget...Heart of the Swarms is utterly forgettable. Still, the most weird tracks certainly do have some charm, and even Cris Vilesco's dubstep influenced pieces are catchy. In a weird, absurd, ridicules sort of way.

Seriously, don't ask me. I don't even know. If I were to tag the genre of Vilesco's pieces as "WTF" you would not blame me in the slightest.

It says something to the caliber of the composers that even at their worst they produce solid material. Almost all of the orchestral cues are enjoyable - Overdrive, "You Will See", and Niadra Ascendant are ridiculously fun to listen to. Towards the finale we get a whole bunch of bombastic, emotional, epic cues that are right up there with some of the best that Brower and Hayes have written in their careers.

I also experimented with this score in two regards - the first is with the track names. I went all Giacchino here - Miscalculated Thread Calculated, Eruption Ruption, Raynor's Nova'd, etc. The story is absurd - in the best and worst of ways - so I decided to be absurd in turn. Secondly, the shied away from arranging the music into suites. I pretty much put up each variation as I heard it in the game. That is probably why the album is so damn long and there are so many tracks. Nearly every piece of music that was in the .MPQ is in this gamerip.

Anyways, enjoy guys!

06-23-2013, 12:43 AM
haha, awesome man :D

Edit: listening to it now, thanks so much, 太帅了!!

06-23-2013, 05:17 AM
Finally!!! been waiting for this~~
Thanks for your effort, appreciate it~~

06-23-2013, 08:18 AM
Amazing job! Thank you. :)

06-23-2013, 02:48 PM
Mega seems to freeze at 2% when I download... At any rate, I appreciate your hard work :D.

06-23-2013, 03:17 PM
Try a restart of the computer or a different browser.

06-23-2013, 03:41 PM
Thank you very much !

06-24-2013, 04:28 AM
Yeah mega went Fubar on firefox. Update or something must have broke it. Too bad. Have confirmed from multiple places now.

06-24-2013, 04:43 AM
...that's weird. I'm on FF and it still works for me.

06-24-2013, 04:50 AM
Really curious what is causing this mega issue. I tried a system restart and even re-installed the extension. Same issue, craps out at 2-3% on every mega download. I wonder if its an ISP issue...

06-24-2013, 09:20 AM
Same here, stops at 2%...

06-24-2013, 09:31 AM
same here .. use jdowloader then it will work fine .. thnaks a lot for the great share

06-24-2013, 02:50 PM
Thanks. I've been wanting to get Heart of the Swarm.

06-24-2013, 07:49 PM
I love the track Ascension. Best composition on the whole score, imo! So full of power and emotion. Thank you, Doublehex for ripping this!

Edit: Also, I realize my favorite pieces are those written by Neal Acree. He is awesome!-

06-24-2013, 08:15 PM
Thank you, sir.

06-25-2013, 08:00 AM
This is AWESOME! :D THanks for this rip! :D really wanted the last cinematic song but it isnt released with the Soundtrack :P Now thanks to you! :D Finally got the chance to listen to it! "Ascension" Thank you so much for this Doublehex!

06-25-2013, 08:17 AM

It craps out at 2% for me too.


06-25-2013, 09:46 AM
Whilst we appreciate the upload, a mirror would be gratefully received, as Mega is just not working for some people.

06-25-2013, 12:11 PM
This is really Great! You have my total thanks! I used Google Chrome and it work fine, as Firefox stops at 2% for me.

07-07-2013, 12:13 PM
Please reupload all your soundtracks to Mega... Please. Your "The Complete Soundtrack" collections are incredible... I must have em :c

07-10-2013, 03:47 PM
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU for all your work!!!!

07-10-2013, 08:48 PM
This is a fantastic upload that made me register without even thinking ! But there is one track that I really like and can't find here, which is the music that plays just before the confrontation with Zurvan : StarCraft 2 Storyline: Heart of the Swarm Campaign - Supreme #33 | Zurvan - YouTube (

It begins like Old Traitors, but then, this is the zerg theme (like in Zerus Awakes and the Main Menu title) with the beautiful choirs from The Links are Severed. This part is (kind of) in the Wings of Liberty BETA theme, but without the tribal, wild, primal drums. There's something about this contrast between the drums (Zurvan ?) and the feminine choir (Kerrigan's Swarm ruled by queens ?), in the very same Zerg theme, that I just love.

Did I just miss the track ? Thank you !

07-27-2013, 08:57 AM
Thank you very much! Really appreciate all the effort.

07-28-2013, 08:29 AM

07-28-2013, 11:43 AM
Nice one.. thanks thanks!

08-06-2013, 09:18 AM

08-23-2013, 01:56 AM

08-24-2013, 09:56 PM
Thanks!!! :)

01-29-2014, 09:03 PM
Hey Double, think you will do the rip from the Starcraft Brood War remastered album Blizzard just added to Starcraft 2 in game soundtrack?

01-31-2014, 10:28 PM
Thank you!

02-01-2014, 12:27 AM
anyone happened to have the vol2 soundtrack?

02-03-2014, 05:25 PM

Cover from blizzard store

02-16-2014, 02:04 AM
Thank you DoubleHex for this amazing rip! Although I have StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm and can export many of the tracks in it, there were some in this rip I so desperately needed that could not be found elsewhere!

You see, I was disappointed with the HotS official soundtrack. Although the tracks are long, they are just a sequence of all these different tracks that, for the most part, don't fit together. In wanted to listen to Corruptors on its own and all the cinematic tracks on their own, but I just couldn't. Unlike the WoL cinematic songs, these ones weren't present in HotS's data. The final cinematic, Ascension, wasn't even present at all in the soundtrack! What a disgrace! So with your rip, I was able to create my own version of the official soundtrack that I much prefer!

I swear some of the songs you ripped are also higher quality than if I export them from the game itself.

P.S. the three different soundtrack covers are also great. I'm using them for the album I created.

04-13-2014, 05:18 PM
Thank you for this!

10-26-2014, 01:26 AM

11-15-2015, 04:18 PM
Anyone able to re-upload? Thanks in advance.

11-16-2015, 11:01 AM
Yeah, a reupload would be greatly appreciated!

12-03-2015, 03:37 AM
Reup please?

08-01-2016, 02:02 AM
Can someone reupload this please?

08-01-2016, 11:38 AM
Here it come (!w1lEVLCa!i6ENkNsFdHZCgXwS2CyZZU3FvlLakz1dcoj-Jr686o8).

Enjoy !

08-06-2016, 09:45 AM

10-03-2016, 11:49 AM
So apparently everyone failed to mention this, but the Main Menu 11min track has the most ridiculous sound effect ever: the Windows error message alert tone :D :D

11-08-2016, 11:12 PM
Thank you ! !

12-08-2016, 08:22 PM
Thank you Starfleet (and of course Doublehex)!