James Lipton
06-21-2013, 10:24 AM
Anybody know where these might be obtained? -They used to be listed under various threads, but all the links appear either dead, or the threads themselves locked (preventing reup request).

These seem really hard to find (and complete, at that). -Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks again,


06-21-2013, 12:43 PM
Those were released in last year's ROCKCAN box set (http://vgmdb.net/album/33749), which you can find here and here.

James Lipton
06-21-2013, 11:00 PM
OMG LOL you gotta be fuckin' kidding me, I bought that damn E-Can, but have been afraid to open/rip it cause I'm divided on keeping it sealed within my 'collection'.

Damn, thanks for the info, and links, now I feel like a silly Sammy!!! :p

06-21-2013, 11:07 PM
LOL! Really? You own that and weren't aware the CW tunes were in there? =P

If anything, you can now keep it sealed and have a digital copy. But in all seriousness, the release was quite lackluster with some audio problems and such (in regard to various of the NES tracks). The rest I think is very worth the download/purchase.

James Lipton
06-22-2013, 12:04 AM
LOL! Really? You own that and weren't aware the CW tunes were in there? =P

If anything, you can now keep it sealed and have a digital copy. But in all seriousness, the release was quite lackluster with some audio problems and such (in regard to various of the NES tracks). The rest I think is very worth the download/purchase.

Yeah lol, I collect so much stuff that half the time I either forget why I bought it, or never find the time to sample/look at the stuff! -I still gotta open up my darn Bandai D-arts X figures and 'case' 'em up! :D

I'm gonna sample the digital backups within the links you posted, but if the quality doesn't suffice I could always 'give in', and just rip the XA. files from the actual games, and replace any stiffly stiffersons, LOL!

06-22-2013, 12:29 AM
I get what you mean; I tend to buy movies, and usually end up watching them about a week or two after purchasing them. It happens with video games, too from time to time.

And I was actually going to rip the PSX games and upload the music for you, but then remembered about the ROCKCAN box set. The music pertaining to the CW I believe doesn't suffer from any loss in quality.

PS: LOL, I just realized your username is James Lipton.

James Lipton
06-22-2013, 01:09 AM
Hahaha I totally know that! -Heck, I bought the Dark Knight Rises on Blu-Ray like ages back, and I only just finally watched it last weekend when it premiered on HBO hahahaha!!! :p

Awww that would have been so generous of you, yeah it's soooo annoying having to rip convert all that jive/tag it! -From what I'm looking at thus far, the E-Can actually has more CW tracks which you can't even find rooted within the XA files (cause the darn 1-3 CW XA files only have like 8-10 present tracks).

PS: Hahaha, yes, I was originally gonna go with "Snake Plissken" (which I use on most forums/places) but it was taken at the time, and somehow that dirty ole Actor's Studio guy popped into my head; the shoe fits lol!!! ^_^

06-22-2013, 01:38 AM
Snake Plissken is too generic (short of overrated), so you made a wise choice with James Lipton. =P

James Lipton
06-22-2013, 01:46 AM
Snake Plissken is too generic (short of overrated), so you made a wise choice with James Lipton. =P

LOL true, I've been carrying that username (SP) around for like the past 15 years on the net, it needs to be retired, and hell, I still get a lot of creepy people chasing me since I was involved in that Policenauts translation project. -Always asking me to join their gangz!!!

06-22-2013, 02:05 AM
Ew, stalkerz. That's all sorts of whack, yo.

And damn, 15yrs is a lifetime. Time to retire that name for sure. Or get creative with it, like going by S.T.D. Plissken, instead...or something along those filthy, yet witty lines.

James Lipton
06-22-2013, 02:24 AM
Ew, stalkerz. That's all sorts of whack, yo.

And damn, 15yrs is a lifetime. Time to retire that name for sure. Or get creative with it, like going by S.T.D. Plissken, instead...or something along those filthy, yet witty lines.

Ooooh I totally get ya, on like non-gaming sites I used to have aliases like: Fingers McFeely, Ineedbabyz2eat, Bo bo Jenkins, BlindHookerWhoreHouse, PapsmearACTIONsquad, BillCosbysAbortion, CuriousHands... and the two I miss most, MrTouchMyself... and, O-B-G-Y-Not.

06-22-2013, 02:55 AM
More hit than miss. I like.

That last one cracks me up the most, though. It sounds like a name George Lucas would give to a Star Wars character.

James Lipton
06-22-2013, 03:29 AM
More hit than miss. I like.

That last one cracks me up the most, though. It sounds like a name George Lucas would give to a Star Wars character.

LOL, he'd be Jar Jar's mistress droid. -But seriously, feminine hygiene in general, horribly underrated, not spoken of enough; people see the commercials and they act like an ad for a Showtime titty flick came and went. Oh, but they'll craft a memorial statue after man's dick in Washington D.C., but they'll never create a papsmear exam which won't involve hooks, and not space-aged lazers and beeping noises.

06-22-2013, 08:56 AM
That's just all kinds of wrong, but funny and kinky.