06-19-2013, 09:54 PM
I know about the original score release, but this is an expanded release. Anyone have this?

Disc 1:
1. Into The West
2. Buffalo Run
3. Growling Bear�s Vision
4. Wheelerton
5. Hunting The Buffalo
6. The Path of Old Tradition
7. Jacob Joins Jedediah Smith
8. The Beauty of the American Frontier
9. Sundance
10. Growling Bear Appears
11. Shootout with Johnny Fox
12. Meteor Shower
13. Jacob and Thunderheart Woman
14. Much to Learn From Each Other
15. The Wheel and the Sunset
16. Naming Jacob�s Baby
17. The Lakota, A Peaceful Nation
18. Leah Drowns
19. Outgunned
20. Gangrene
21. Crossing the River
22. The Arduous Climb
23. Leaving Jacob Behind
24. Running Fox Returns to Dogstar

Disc 2:
1. Dreams and Schemes
2. Gold Fever
3. The Mother Lode
4. San Francisco, 1850
5. Gathering of Nations � The Treaty of Fort Laramie
6. Drowning Jethro
7. Quantrill�s Raiders
8. Photography
9. The Sand Creek Massacre
10. Aftermath at Sand Creek
11. Jacob Jr.�s Letter Home
12. The Trans-Continental Railroad
13. Spirit
14. Preserving Lakota History
15. An Uncertain Future
16. Leaving the School
17. Ghost Dance
18. Rations
19. Margaret Light Shines with the Children
20. Wheeler Reunion, 1890
21. Seeing the Buffalo
22. Merry Christmas
23. In The Wake of Sitting Bull�s Death
24. Disarmed
25. Caring for the Wounded
26. After Wounded Knee
27. The Tribe Moves On

SOURCE: ?Into the West? Soundtrack Details | Film Music Reporter (http://filmmusicreporter.com/2013/06/03/into-the-west-soundtrack-details/)

06-21-2013, 12:44 AM
Yap, actually I've also read on Lalaland Records website that there's an edition released now, I believe.

06-21-2013, 04:48 AM
It's also being released digitally on iTunes, but I haven't seen it on there yet. I doubt the physical release and digital release were given different dates. I don't think it's out yet.

Has anyone here watched this? I remember the ads for it 8 years ago...never watched it, though. Now I'm interested

06-21-2013, 08:33 AM
Here's the 2CDs Lalaland now released:
LA LA LAND RECORDS, Into The West - Geoff Zanelli - Limited Edition (http://www.lalalandrecords.com/IntoTheWest.html)

06-21-2013, 11:10 AM
It's also being released digitally on iTunes, but I haven't seen it on there yet. I doubt the physical release and digital release were given different dates. I don't think it's out yet.

Has anyone here watched this? I remember the ads for it 8 years ago...never watched it, though. Now I'm interested

The mini-series is really good, i am watched and recently listened to the promo music and the (complete) limited will be awesome i am sure of this, but i am afraid there will not be any itunes or amazon for LLL Releases really i hope to get this from itunes i am a big Itunes boy... as showed up this will be available on phsiycal release only and for limited copies. xd yea who will buy and share?

06-28-2013, 07:00 PM
I just bought this off La-La Land. Unless someone else gets to it first, I'll rip my copy and post it. I don't know when it will arrive, so everyone keep patient

EDIT: I received it in the mail yesterday, I've ripped it in Apple Lossless. I will not be making a thread for it. PM me. Let's see how well this goes