04-19-2004, 08:55 AM
I have always loved chocobo's and always will. But one question plagues me : where did square get the idea for chocobo's!!?!!
so i came up with a theory:

after many hours of smoking weed and or getting drunk they went to their meeting room and said: "Hey, what if, instead of riding horses, they ride GIANT chickens!!" and everyones like whoa thats awesome
so to conclude they were high when they thought of chocobos

Opinions anyone?

Top Cat
04-19-2004, 09:16 AM
Yes, that's a believable theory and one which is obviously very true. I cannot beieve I didn't think of it.

Look, it's like asking wh came up with the idea for the Black Mage design in FFI and IIIj. Chocobos were first around with FFIIj's release, during an age when new fantasy ideas were being thought up. Square didn't want to follow the generic ideas- wizards, universities, huge Medievil cities etc, so they created their own tings- the black mage design, chocobos, airships- rather than sticking to wizards, horses etc. Of course FFI did eventually go to the staples of the genre- rescuing a princess, dragons and the White/ Black Wizards.

So, Square were obviously not high when they thought of Chocobos, they were merely thinking out of the box because, as we well know, it was their last ditch attempt at making some money.

And by the way, I know whst you're going to say 'OMG This was a joke thread d00d u r takin it seriously!!111oneone' or something. Please don't.

04-19-2004, 09:24 AM
naw its okay to take it seriously but i think a "little" weed was involved, come on giant chickens?

Neo Xzhan
04-19-2004, 01:54 PM
It's called:



04-20-2004, 12:59 AM
I'd be inclined to say that they stole the idea from this book (, which I noticed at the library where I work a while back, if it weren't for the fact that that book was originally published in 1992. (Which I think was after an FF game with chcobos had already been released.)

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-20-2004, 06:57 AM
Nice try ieatmako, but I think the weed idea is more plausible. But seriously whenever I played an FF whilst I was high, I always thought 'They must have been on weed when designing these.' I might have been right or wrong, but I'm going to say I'm right because I like the image of Hinorobu Sakaguchi toking fully packed bong.

04-20-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Strife-x
I have always loved chocobo's and always will. But one question plagues me : where did square get the idea for chocobo's!!?!!
so i came up with a theory:

after many hours of smoking weed and or getting drunk they went to their meeting room and said: "Hey, what if, instead of riding horses, they ride GIANT chickens!!" and everyones like whoa thats awesome
so to conclude they were high when they thought of chocobos

Opinions anyone?

Wow! NOTHING gets by you, HUH?

04-20-2004, 03:44 PM
Im sure the idea originated from the form of ostrich racing/riding in the ancient eras of australian history...

But thats solid facts, who wants those huh?

girls call me pogi
04-26-2004, 05:26 PM
You mean chocobos aren't real?

04-26-2004, 10:19 PM
Beh. I wish they were real. Oh, by the way, I hate to tell you this, but Santa Claus isn't real either. Neither is the Easter Bunny, nor the Tooth Fairy. (watches as girls call me pogireels in horror) :D

04-27-2004, 01:11 AM
there is this company... "prime poultry" it has a bird suspiciously like a chocobo on the trucks...

girls call me pogi
04-27-2004, 08:10 AM
Beh. I wish they were real. Oh, by the way, I hate to tell you this, but Santa Claus isn't real either. Neither is the Easter Bunny, nor the Tooth Fairy. (watches as girls call me pogireels in horror)


I wonder where they came with the idea of Moogles.

04-28-2004, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by girls call me pogi


I wonder where they came with the idea of Moogles.

Nah I wonder where they came up with the Bunny chicks from Ivalice. Not that I dont love Chocobos but cmon there Chicks but only bunnys it doesnt get any cooler (ssssep chocobos). Bunny women are rad Business... way rad!;)

05-10-2004, 08:43 PM
Actually they were all sitting there (but they weren't high or drunk) and a Chocobo walked in the door and just stood there being yellow and stuff and they were like "Dude, we're enslaving you as a prototype for our new game idea". And it was so. True story.

hb smokey
05-10-2004, 10:21 PM
Umm...some video game designer was just sitting in his chair thinking about transportation for FF characters. And all of a sudden, it hits him! A bird-like animal, that has grown into the Chocobos that we know and love today. Pretty simple.

Its the same process as coming up for bosses and enemies. You just sit at a drawing board, and when an idea pops into your head, you write it down and/or draw it.

05-11-2004, 02:43 PM
why are Chocobo's giant chickens?

hb smokey
05-11-2004, 03:58 PM
Well, chic and choc almost sound the same, so that could be how they came up with chocobos looking like giant chickens.

Life Uttered in Mutero
05-12-2004, 03:43 AM
If Square employees did light up from time to time, I wouldn't be surprised.

I mean, really. What other company could make riding (essentially) giant chickens popular?

Originally posted by Smokey
Well, chic and choc almost sound the same, so that could be how they came up with chocobos looking like giant chickens.

Umm, no.

How about it's because they actually look like giant chickens?

Well, they're the closest thing to em at least.