Dot Centaur
04-18-2004, 06:32 PM
Tifa and Cloud all the way! Cloud knew Tifa the longest and they belong together! Sorry Cloud and Aerith fan's bu Aerith and Zack belong together!

Dot Centaur
04-19-2004, 02:17 AM
C'mon everybody, tell me, who's your favorite FF7 couple?

04-19-2004, 02:23 AM
Please don't double post when it's really just a day off. I can understand a 3-4 days.

04-19-2004, 03:13 AM
Why do you not include Cloud and Barrett? =(

I am not voting on this biased poll!

Tifa Lockheart
04-19-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
Tifa and Cloud all the way! Cloud knew Tifa the longest and they belong together! Sorry Cloud and Aerith fan's bu Aerith and Zack belong together!
i totaly agree Cloud and Tifa are a wonderful couple.... they look so sooo cute together...

04-19-2004, 11:26 AM
yuffie and red13 ???????? i didnt know about this can someone explain i dont care if its a spoiler

04-19-2004, 07:20 PM
No...not for me....It's Cloud and Aeris all the way. Aeris was able to open Cloud up and Zack died as Cloud confuses his memories with his.
It was great seeing that part of Cloud that I didn't get to see in the last two disks....

Dot Centaur
04-19-2004, 08:12 PM
Aerith only loved the Zack in Cloud. I think Aerith died not just to protect the planet, but so she could also to be with Zack in heaven. Aerith might have helped Cloud open up, that's good too, but Tifa helped Cloud find the real himself when they were in the lifestream. I respect that you have your opinions too. I would have put up Barret and Cloud on the poll, but I was only allowed to put up 4 options. I put as many as I could. I'm sorry you don't like it. Finally about Yuffie and Red XIII, people say they go good together becuase they're about the same age. Nanaki is 48, but thats 16 or 15 years in his tribe. Yuffie may not have a boyfriend, but, I figured it wouldn't hurt to add Yuffie with someone on the Poll. :-D

04-21-2004, 04:58 PM
Hmm....TifaGirl.....That's not entirely true. In the beginning, she did admit to Cloud that everything he did was similar to what Zack did (pose,etc.) But when you go on that date that Aeris promised him, she says that she wants to meet the 'real' him...meaning the real Cloud that is confused with Zack's memories. Aeris knew in the deepest of her heart that Cloud wasn't really Cloud but his deepest self is trapped where he doesn't want it to surface. Even when Cloud denies it, Aeris still insisted on meeting the 'real' him....
Tifa may have help him to recover himself in the lifestream...but the lifestream is where Aeris supposely is....and Aeris open up the Cloud that we don't get to see in the last two disks...where he laughs light-heartily....he crys....gets angry....not that I don't mind his spunky can do attitude in the last two disks
Aeris didn't just died so she could see Zack...that's not exactly right...she sacrifice herself so that the others could find their purpose and live to protect the world...and maybe to make gamers hate Sephiroth...but he was a cool evil character...:laugh:
And even near the end, Tifa did state that Aeris was always talking about the future....that she'll come back one day when all of this hectic chaos is over and she believe that Aeris will come back....Cid promising Aeris that he'll show her the highwind and let her ride it....and Cloud stating at the end of disk 3 of " I think...I can meet her there..." -(not exactly quote but its close enough....) ....which I think that Cloud really wanted to see Aeris again and be with her.....:angel:

04-22-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Please don't double post when it's really just a day off. I can understand a 3-4 days.

Wasn't even that, more like...8 hours :P

Cloud and Aeris won the rumble for FF7 couples cause i voted for them in the last second :P

ff7 kid
04-23-2004, 12:43 AM
*kills cloud* me and aeris lol

04-23-2004, 02:31 AM
Tifagirl, by the way, I'm just kidding around :x. Although, I honestly don't understand where you got the name Aerith. Although KH did call her that, FF7 calls her Aeris, and in Japanese it's "Earisu" which is pronounced the same as "Aeris".

Hmm... Barret and Cloud were a couple you could get in game, and Yuffie and Red XIII weren't, so =\

Dot Centaur
04-23-2004, 02:41 AM
I cannot tell if these are flames or not. But don't get mad at me just because I double post. Who says double posting is a crime anyway? I don't care if Aerith & Cloud win a rambling. I made a poll for fun, not to start fights. Fighting over who Cloud should be with is just stupid anyway:mad:. I started a poll because I like hearing others opinions. If Aerith & Cloud win the poll, that just means they're more popular, that doesn't mean the coupling beat Cloud and Tifa. If anyone wants to send hate replies just because I'm a Cloud & Tifa fan, I will report those replies.

ariescloud, thank you for expressing your opinion without hate. I may like Tifa & Cloud better, but I have to say, you've got good evidence on Cloud & Aerith. I've got some good information of Cloud & Tifa, but I think Cloud liked both girls. That's why you have a choice on who he could pick in the game. Your Cloud & Aerith facts are some of the best, on the couple. Now, alot of Tifa fans will fight, but I'm a Tifa fan who'd rather get along with Aerith fan's than fight. I loved both Aerith and Tifa. I'll give you my opinion, Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith were my favorite love triangle becuase of the fact that Tifa & Aerith both chose to be friends than fight over Cloud, that's pretty strong. I've had so many Aerith fan's in real life, I'd like to be friends with Aerith fans on the internet as well. I hope for peace between Tifa and Aerith fans! Thank you again for the polite way of expressing your opinion. I respect you for that!

04-23-2004, 02:53 AM
i think that aeris and zacl are! lol. if the game was based a little earlier when zac was alive and he was with aeris then the would have been the couple of the year! (i call aeris, aeris because thats what shes called on my ps1 game)

zac died are you sure he died? im hearing a lot of rumours saying that he lives. every final fantasy site i go to they all say that he can be revived in the blown up reactor with the items u get at gold saucer. (i dnt think these rumors are true cause i tried em all and none work but maybe u can prove me wrong.)

so yea.. its gotta be zac and aeris for me. even though i am the only one who voted it. ^_^

thank you for your time :p

Dot Centaur
04-23-2004, 03:05 AM
PlasmaTorture, that's cool if you were kidding. I actually got a try on the Barret and Cloud date, it was entertianing and funny:laugh: I like the part when they go into the Event Square, the man says, ", sorry you're not a couple":laugh: because they notice guy and guy. I saw it and it was funny! I never did the date with Yuffie, but I saw some quotes on a Yuffie shrine, it was kinda boring. The date with Aerith & Cloud and with Tifa & Cloud are romantic! The one with Barret is entertaining and funny.
Oh Yeah, about the name Aerith, I got her action figure, and on the Japanese version of the figure it has her name as Aerith. Before the game got release back in early 1997, there was some sort of preview of the game in the Gamefan magazine, it said her name as Aerith back than. I prefer calling her Aerith because in my opinion, it sounds more like a flower. I just think its more beautiful than Aeris. That's also her Japanese default name.

04-23-2004, 07:44 PM
Thanks for the comment. Your opinion may be right about the love triangle between those trio. Well, we're never know...the ending just left a cliffhanger....let's just keep it at the way we want it to be or just how we see it. :angel:
And I really like how you respect that I'm an Aeris/Cloud fan as you are a Tifa/Cloud fan....Its really positive thinking.
Hmmm...I always thought they misspell Aeris or something but that's some really useful info. I think both names sounds great :angel:

ff7 kid
04-23-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
Why do you not include Cloud and Barrett? =(

I am not voting on this biased poll!

I agree they were a good cuple

04-26-2004, 05:28 PM
interesting... why did no one even mention sephiroth and tifa?!?!?!... it's just because i've always had something against aerith (just cuz i 'met' tifa first, and after that aerith just seemed imposing) and i've always thought sephiroth is cool, so as my fav 2 chars., they are also my favorite couple!!!

girls call me pogi
04-26-2004, 05:37 PM
I think Hojo and Lucrecia made a pretty cute couple.

04-26-2004, 05:44 PM
wow! see??? i never even thought of that one... i was just considering main characters!!! (and actually hojo does play a big part in the story)
(*don't post spoilers w/o spoiler alert!!!*)
how bout Ghast and Ilfana
or actually i wanted to see vincent and lucrecia get together cuz i think hojo 'altered' lucrecia to like him or something... i heard a post somewhere around here that said somethin like "eww... why would she like him, he's all gross and disgusting" (about lucrecia w/ hojo) anyways... with his new altered personality, i don't think vincent would like that much... babble babble .....
more babble............... *trails off- - - ***

Dot Centaur
04-26-2004, 09:01 PM
Great taste in two favorite characters:cool:! Sephiroth and Tifa are quite awsome:cool:! Sephiroth was my favorite Final Fantasy Villian!

But the coupling Tifa & Sephiroth wouldn't work out. She hated him after he murdered everone in her home town. She mentions she thought he was cold. Ifalna and Gast were actually a couple, those were Aerith's parents, to find out, you watch the video in Icicle Inn. Luccrecia and Vincent were once a couple, but after finding Gast she ended up with him. You'll find this out in Luccrecia's cave. The Jenova and Hojo being Sephiroth's parents wasn't quite just a theory, however, Sephiroth was in the womb of Luccrecia, while the father was Gast, Hojo injected Jenova's cells in the womb. Its very confusing at first when you play the game the first time, but I got it after beating the game 3 or 4 times.[SPOILER ALERT! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!]

girls call me pogi
04-26-2004, 09:14 PM
So you're saying that Sepiroth is Aeris' half brother? I don't think so.

Hojo and Lucrecia got it on, and he injected the Jenova cells into her stomach.

Dot Centaur
04-26-2004, 10:27 PM
Basically Yes! Think about it, Aerith and Sephiroth do look alike, thats proof.

04-27-2004, 05:54 PM
looking alike is proof??? well, i thought they were half sibs too, but Ifalna is Aeris' mother, and Ghast is her father... i'm still not sure about sephiroth... i know hojo is his daddy, but i'm pretty sure that ifalna is not his mother, rather lucrecia is his mommy... if you recall, sephiroth thinks that he's descended from the ancients (thus ifalna should be his mom.. or at least to the gamer) but then you find out that he's really not an ancient at all... he's just a super soldier for shinra, created by hojo with jenova cells in a real person's body as he's forming in the womb, which is why he's so innately powerful because the jenova reacted during creation of a new being... more trailing off{spoiler}

girls call me pogi
04-28-2004, 07:22 PM
I've noticed that you spell Aeris, Aerith. That's definitely not the U.S. version of FFVII, so maybe the version you've been playing has other differences, too.

Maybe the U.S. version isn't translated properly, and Sephiroth and Aeris are related. Heck, maybe Cloud and Tifa are siblings, and Bugenhagen is the father!

By the way, I was being sarcastic.

04-29-2004, 01:03 AM
i think tifa and cloud make the best couple bacause they just do and thats all that has to be said now all of you bow down to me

Dot Centaur
04-29-2004, 01:32 AM
Right on Rotex!! Cloud & Tifa are the best couple!

04-29-2004, 10:01 AM
ya but what i want to know is who did red XIII have babies with because i thought he was the last of his kind

04-29-2004, 04:49 PM
he found another one to be the mum!

... don't ask where she came from!!!

i SAID don't ask!!!!!oneone (heh heh lol)

04-30-2004, 07:28 PM
Well...I'll just stay with Cloud and Aeris as the couple. And maybe Nanaki found another of his kind since his children are like him....
Oh! Tifagirl, you could PM or email people if its noted below next to profile. If you want to change so that people can PM or email you, just go to your User CP, located on the right side of the website and you could just change or add it from there. I hope that helps. Thanks for the insight on the movie at the Inn :angel:

Dot Centaur
05-02-2004, 12:51 PM
No problem aeriscloud! Thanks for helping me with my profile, you should now be able to send a PM if you want. It helped me alot!:D I have no proof if Red XIII and Yuffie had the babies. All I know is, he says Bugenhagen is his grandfather, and he looks human to me and Red XIII doesn't, weird huh? I always thought, how could a human get a lion like creature? He did say that he is the last of their tribe, but again I have no proof, thats just a theory.

05-03-2004, 06:41 PM
Hmm...maybe Bugenhagen is just looking after Nanaki. I think since both of Nanaki's parents died trying to protect Cosmo Canyon..(I think that's what its call...), Nanaki had noone left and Bugenhagen decided to look after him. But since at the end of disc 3, he has children...he probably found another mate similar to him....:erm:

Dot Centaur
05-08-2004, 11:48 PM
Hmmmm......., you know, that theory makes alot more sense than mine. Maybee Bugenhagen did adopt either Red XIII's Mother or Father(Seto). People through the net say Yuffie and Nanaki because he's the same age as she in his tribe. Looking at age, yes. Alot of people do like couples that never happen. Some like Yuffie and Vincent while some like Tifa and Vincent. Some like Aerith and Tseng for the fact he had a crush on her, although the coupling never happened.

Lord Vincent
05-10-2004, 04:47 PM
Actually Vincent and Lucrecia make the best couple.

Dot Centaur
05-10-2004, 08:01 PM
You know, I would add Vincent & Lucrecia(I dunno if I spelled that right) if I was alowed more choices on the poll, but I was only allowed four sigh, because Vincent's one of my favorite male characters! He's a babe!:love: Vincent and Lucrecia!

05-11-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
Tifa and Cloud all the way! Cloud knew Tifa the longest and they belong together! Sorry Cloud and Aerith fan's bu Aerith and Zack belong together!

I agree! CloudxTifa and ZackxAerith!

05-14-2004, 11:14 AM
Cloud and Tifa

Hey what ever happened to Vincent and Yuffie?! O.O hehe ;)

Well, the reason I don't support Cloud/Aerith is, well, they didn't really know each other that much. I mean, if I have estimated correctly they've only been with Aerith for what? Two or three weeks? A month or two at most, I think that's too early to fall in love with someone. Tifa's known him since they were kids. And Tifa was the only one who really understood Cloud (Cloud was always bullied 'member?).

I think the attraction (connection, whatever!) between Cloud and Aerith was the Zack part of Cloud only. Though Aerith said that she wants to meet the real Cloud on their date or something (I really wouldn't know 'coz I only dated Tifa ^_^) she never got to meet the real him. Why? 'Coz good ol' Sephy killed her. Only Tifa met the real him.

And do remember that FF8 and FFX's official couples had promises. I don't remember Aerith and Cloud making a promise like Cloud and Tifa did, ne? Please refer to my sig if you don't mind :D hehe. And well, Aerith IS dead does the relatioship work?! Besides...Aerith is older than Cloud *shudders* that's just gross *shudders again*

Dot Centaur
05-14-2004, 01:11 PM
Yes, thats exactley the reason why I love Tifa & Cloud! Its true, old friends should stick together. Tifa new Cloud longer while Aerith new Zack longer. Thats cool Shenny, I could see you're a Rinoa fan who supports Cloud & Tifa!:D :D I hardley see them on the internet! Rinoa's my favorite from FF8 too! She was my favorite since the begining. That's why I support Tifa & Cloud & support Aerith & Zack. Aerith did say she wanted too meet the real Cloud, but even if she only loved the Zack in Cloud, I can understand where she comes from. You know if you have a boyfriend who recently died, and you find someone who looks just like him, you feel you might be able to make up for it. I am in full support of Cloud & Tifa and Zack & Aerith!

Vincent and Yuffie I don't think would work out though. I went on a Yuffie shrine and I heard if you have Yuffie in you're party, she says Vincent was creepy. I don't remember what part, maybee the part when you get Vincent, but also because of the fact that he couldn't get over Luccrecia. Yuffie would be too young for him anyway.

Oh yeah, I love you're sig too! Alot of Anti-Tifa people interpret, "She made him promise", blah blah blah. C'mon people, she was only THIRTEEN! It was her first time really dreaming of a guy and she just didn't know how to ask. I think she got alittle excited and over did it, but we all make mistakes at that age right? But Cloud still agreed to promise and that's the sweetest thing!

05-14-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
Yes, thats exactley the reason why I love Tifa & Cloud! Its true, old friends should stick together. Tifa new Cloud longer while Aerith new Zack longer. Thats cool Shenny, I could see you're a Rinoa fan who supports Cloud & Tifa!:D :D I hardley see them on the internet! Rinoa's my favorite from FF8 too! She was my favorite since the begining. That's why I support Tifa & Cloud & support Aerith & Zack. Aerith did say she wanted too meet the real Cloud, but even if she only loved the Zack in Cloud, I can understand where she comes from. You know if you have a boyfriend who recently died, and you find someone who looks just like him, you feel you might be able to make up for it. I am in full support of Cloud & Tifa and Zack & Aerith!

Vincent and Yuffie I don't think would work out though. I went on a Yuffie shrine and I heard if you have Yuffie in you're party, she says Vincent was creepy. I don't remember what part, maybee the part when you get Vincent, but also because of the fact that he couldn't get over Luccrecia. Yuffie would be too young for him anyway.

i agree, yuffie's more open and has a big mouth (not a bad thing) and vincent is quiet and secrtive. aeris and zack fit eachother, they're both (dunno the right word) vibrant and new eachother more, cloud and tifa know eachother more and made their promise and have memories. the only memories cloud and aeris would have is buying flowers, talking in the church, and... anything else?

Oh yeah, I love you're sig too! Alot of Anti-Tifa people interpret, "She made him promise", blah blah blah. C'mon people, she was only THIRTEEN! It was her first time really dreaming of a guy and she just didn't know how to ask. I think she got alittle excited and over did it, but we all make mistakes at that age right? But Cloud still agreed to promise and that's the sweetest thing!