06-10-2013, 04:35 PM

1. Mass Effect Theme
2. The Normandy
3. Eden Prime
4. Battle At Eden Prime
5. Saren
6. The Citadel
7. The Presidium
8. The Wards
9. Criminal Elements
10. Spectre Induction
11. Liara's World
12. A Very Dangerous Place
13. Feros
14. Protecting The Colony
15. The Thorian
16. Noveria
17. The Secret Labs
18. The Alien Queen
19. Fatal Confrontation
20. Saren's Base
21. Breeding Ground
22. Virmire Ride
23. Exit
24. Love Theme
25. Uncharted Worlds
26. Ilos
27. Vigil
28. Sovereign's Theme
29. Uplink
30. Battling Saren
31. In Pursuit Of Saren
32. Infusion
33. Final Assault
34. Victory
35. From The Wreckage
36. The End (Reprise)
37. M4 Part II (Faunts)