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06-09-2013, 11:29 PM
The album is now fully listenable for free on spotify:

Download the DELUXE album on: - ( (160kbps for now)

or (256kbps)

(thanks to antovolk for the link)

Look To The Stars (2:58)
Oil Rig (1:45)
Sent Here For A Reason (3:46)
DNA (3:34)
Goodbye My Son (2:01)
If You Love These People (3:22)
Krypton's Last (1:58)
Terraforming (9:49)
Tornado (2:55)
You Die Or I Do (3:13)
Launch (2:36)
Ignition (1:19)
I Will Find Him (2:57)
This Is Clark Kent (3:47)
I Have So Many Questions (3:47)
Flight (4:18)
What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World? (5:27)

Man Of Steel (Hans' Original Sketchbook) (28:16)
Are You Listening, Clark? (2:48)
General Zod (7:21)
You Led Us Here (2:59)
This Is Madness! (3:48)
Earth (6:11)
Arcade (7:25)


06-09-2013, 11:33 PM
What kind of music it is this time ?

I'm a bit bored with the Zimmering.

06-09-2013, 11:33 PM
not available in my region...damn...

06-09-2013, 11:35 PM
Like I said in the other thread, depends on region. Anyway, this means links should be popping up in 3...2...1...

06-09-2013, 11:36 PM
What kind of music it is this time ?

I'm a bit bored with the Zimmering.

Well the same as always actually to be frankly. Epic sounding, nice simplistic themes and it has elements from all his previous scores.

Lot's of action stuff this time and less ambient crap (thank god)

It's good, but it's nothing you wouldn't expect.

06-09-2013, 11:39 PM
Well the same as always actually to be frankly. Epic sounding, nice simplistic themes and it has elements from all his previous scores.

Lot's of action stuff this time and less ambient crap (thank god)

It's good, but it's nothing you wouldn't expect.

Thank you very much for summing it up. ;)

And for the ambiant "crap", I'm actually rather fond of Mel Wesson's ambient design (mostly when it melts with the music rather than alone).

Everan Shepard
06-09-2013, 11:42 PM
Sooooo... who will be the chosen hero that will rip the score? :P

06-09-2013, 11:42 PM
Sooooo... who will be the chosen hero that will rip the score? :P

I call that a victim.

06-09-2013, 11:44 PM
I can't get it... :(

Everan Shepard
06-09-2013, 11:44 PM
You do, I don't.

06-09-2013, 11:44 PM
BTW has anyone checked pastebin yet? Sometimes album leaks happen there...

06-09-2013, 11:46 PM
Sooooo... who will be the chosen hero that will rip the score? :P
I'm on it, but it will take some time.. since I want it as good as possible and with the correct tags. Someone else here will probably do it faster than me. Edit: If You Love These People is a heavy track!

06-09-2013, 11:47 PM
Well I would record it but it's 1 midnight here and tomorrow when I'am bak awake a real leak will probably have appeared. Cause usually people start 'upscaling' a crappy webrip and post it everywhere as 'real 320kpbs'.

06-09-2013, 11:47 PM

06-09-2013, 11:51 PM
Since that Zimmer's CDs have become much more worst in the last years, I prefer to listen the score in the movie. And the film comes out the next week.

06-09-2013, 11:52 PM
Found this on pastebin - cam someone pls download and check?


06-09-2013, 11:52 PM
Since that Zimmer's CDs have become much more worst in the last years...

How do you define "last years" ? 2001 ? 2004 ? 2005 ?

06-09-2013, 11:54 PM
Thank you very much for summing it up. ;)

And for the ambiant "crap", I'm actually rather fond of Mel Wesson's ambient design (mostly when it melts with the music rather than alone).

Well I don't mind ambient sound design per se. But I don't like it when they leave great action material of the score in favor of ambient tracks.

Almost through the album. Must say it's has been some time a Zimmer soundtrack hasn't been a disappointment on first listen. :)

---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

That pastebin link is real :)

I will update my post :)

06-09-2013, 11:55 PM
I'm on it!

06-09-2013, 11:57 PM
Found this on pastebin - cam someone pls download and check?


Thanks for sharing this!

06-09-2013, 11:59 PM
Thanks for the link.

06-10-2013, 12:01 AM

... Wow ! It has turned into a celtic affair !?? Lol.

I think I'm gonna wait to be very old before seeing this.

06-10-2013, 12:01 AM
Thanks antovolk!!!!!!

06-10-2013, 12:05 AM
thanks! this will do until i receive my deluxe version

06-10-2013, 12:09 AM

06-10-2013, 12:12 AM
Thaaaaanks so much... Movie and Score of year.. no doubt :)

06-10-2013, 12:16 AM
Thanks :)

06-10-2013, 12:18 AM
That link is 100% legit, right?

06-10-2013, 12:19 AM
So far...yes! 100% sir

06-10-2013, 12:20 AM

06-10-2013, 12:22 AM
thanks! this will do until i receive my deluxe version

Don't be ridiculous please.

06-10-2013, 12:22 AM
FINALLY!!!! Thanks :-)

06-10-2013, 12:25 AM
The suite 'Hans Original Sketchbook' is the best track for me. It has looooot's of classic Zimmer in it. And I mean 'Russian Peacemaker Choir'-classic :p

06-10-2013, 12:28 AM
I admittedly have low expectations for this score, but still looking forward to giving it a listen. I'm openly a JW fan. He's the principal reason I got into film music, and I think Superman was one of his greatest triumphs. I understand they want to get away from all the trappings of the original films, and losing the music is part of that, but to me makes it an incredibly difficult mountain for Zimmer to climb. And, honestly, I've never been impressed with his range, and I'm not sure he's up to it. When it comes to action movies, he tends to do one thing, with varying degrees of loudness. When I listen to Zimmer, I'm reminded of Spinal Tap: "This one goes to 11."

06-10-2013, 12:31 AM
Now where is that Complete Score ? ;) Haha

Still wondering, where the source of this is since there were folks stating they already had this soundtrack before this link showed up? Secret Soundtrack Society?!

06-10-2013, 12:33 AM
Don't be ridiculous please.

What I say? Lmao

06-10-2013, 12:33 AM
But, as mentioned before, Williams' themes, and that style, will not work with the type of film this is going to be. Looking at trailers and sneak peeks, this film is much darker and more action oriented, with a more modern style of editing. The classic 70 & 80's Williams would fail miserably in a film like this, I think.

06-10-2013, 12:36 AM
WOW !!!!!!!!!

06-10-2013, 12:36 AM
That's not going to be till a few years mate XD

06-10-2013, 12:36 AM
"If you love these people" has that rousing Zimmer sound I believe many of us love, where choir, drums, electric guitar and brass unite and blend into a sonic explosion of ultra-dramatic, melancholic harmonies. Too bad it's so short. Let's hope for an extended version in the sessions ;)

06-10-2013, 12:36 AM
Thank you!

06-10-2013, 12:36 AM
But, as mentioned before, Williams' themes, and that style, will not work with the type of film this is going to be. Looking at trailers and sneak peeks, this film is much darker and more action oriented, with a more modern style of editing. The classic 70 & 80's Williams would fail miserably in a film like this, I think.

That's what I am thinking too, haven't watched any clips/trailers since the teaser, wonder if there's any comedy/funny bits to speak of in this film, guess I'll just have to see for myself...

06-10-2013, 12:39 AM
Thank you

06-10-2013, 12:41 AM
Hans Zimmer : Man Of Steel: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack | Has it leaked? (
-> LOL

06-10-2013, 12:42 AM
there seem to be moments. The extended trailers and sneaks have been very interesting. It is more...mmm...Thor and Avengers than Superman as far as the "look" seems to go, and with that type of story telling. But time will tell. I thought Superman Returns looked good by trailers....and had Williams' score to boot. **sigh**

06-10-2013, 12:49 AM
my favourite track so far is "If you Love These People"

06-10-2013, 12:52 AM
Yes, thankyou for the share! Listening now. I'm usually the first to bash Zimmer, but I have to say he's done a great job. It'll never be up to the standard of Williams, but this definitely sounds like a modern Superman to me.

06-10-2013, 12:56 AM
But, as mentioned before, Williams' themes, and that style, will not work with the type of film this is going to be. Looking at trailers and sneak peeks, this film is much darker and more action oriented, with a more modern style of editing. The classic 70 & 80's Williams would fail miserably in a film like this, I think.

I understand that argument. I'm not saying I think they should use JW's Superman score. That's not what I mean. What I mean is that it's iconic. And if you're going to replace something iconic, you'd better raise your game and do something extraordinary. I just don't think Zimmer's the guy to do that.

06-10-2013, 12:59 AM
If anyone cares, some guy is uploading the whole thing:

Man of Steel OST-Look to the Stars - YouTube (

Funny how Peter Parker is uploading the Superman score hehe.

06-10-2013, 01:01 AM
If anyone cares, some guy is uploading the whole thing:

Man of Steel OST-Look to the Stars - YouTube (

Funny how Peter Parker is uploading the Superman score hehe. Yeah, I am now more interested where he got if, unless he has the physical copy, any ideas where this is sourced from or what depository other users were getting it from? :)

PM me if you rather not say on the boards, thanks!

06-10-2013, 01:03 AM
If I remember reading correctly, Zimmer handles the compiling of the soundtrack albums so that may be why we get more ambient music than action music. That or the missing action music is just a repetition of another cue with alternate mixing.

06-10-2013, 01:13 AM
Thank you!.

06-10-2013, 01:23 AM
Thank you!

06-10-2013, 01:30 AM
Thank You!

06-10-2013, 01:32 AM
Thaaaaanks so much... Movie and Score of year.. no doubt :)

Movie of the year, could be. score of the year? Meh> lol

06-10-2013, 01:35 AM
Awesome!!!!!! THX!!!

06-10-2013, 01:42 AM
What kind of thing is that heard around 0.14 in the track Oil Rig? It sounds strange to me.

06-10-2013, 01:50 AM
Thank you!!!

06-10-2013, 01:50 AM
I am really looking forward to "What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World?" on the DTS Headphone X app. Whoa....

06-10-2013, 01:58 AM
So now that this score has finally leaked, after a quick listen through of portions of the tracks, fans can rest assured that not a single bloody reference to John Williams' classic Superman remains intact. Every technique that Zimmer has employed in his career is present here meaning you get basically another rehash with nothing really new to offer. Does that mean it's bad? No, not necessarily but it's definitely NOT as memorable as the original. Honestly, there are no themes that scream to me to repeat it even though I no doubt will.

That leads me to my next point: I wish directors would stop and question why Hans Zimmer is the busiest composer in Hollywood right now because his output is never consistent nor is it consistently listenable. Sometimes he does go on autopilot therefore making it a safe gamble for fans (and maybe directors, too?) that are afraid that Zimmer will screw up another classic theme with his "themes" but so far, for every 1 good "original" score he does, he follows the next dozen up with either a rehash of a popular theme or motif of his with little to no development or it just becomes a repetitious bore of a mess.

Fans scoff all you want at my next comment but I disliked The Dark Knight trilogy scores for that exact reason. Batman Begins was good because at the time he actually built on his trademark sounds while simply rehashing the same material for the sequels. The new Joker theme for The Dark Knight score can't even musically be considered a theme because there's nothing melodic about a one-note sound effect. It's effective but it's not enough to keep the score moving along at a nice pace. It's just a simple sound effect that starts out very low and just increases in volume and intensity but not leaving you with a theme that you'll be humming at the end of the movie.

I attribute the success of the first two scores of the trilogy to James Newton Howard's contributions. James Newton Howard, a man with actual musical and melodic talent, helped even out the overall tone of the scores for the first two movies but his exclusion from The Dark Knight Rises proved very detrimental since the only new theme introduced into TDKR was for Bane which wasn't nearly as fascinating as the development stories led us to believe it would be. The Bane chant was impressive but there was NO, that's right ZERO ZILCH NADA, development on it. The Joker motif actually got some sort of progression in the end. It just popped up at random times only to be replaced with dull underscore and repetitive action music from the first two films along with the multiple reprises of the "Dark Knight" theme that I swore if I heard blast from my speakers one more bloody time I was gonna poke my ears out with hot pokers. Predictably he repeated it no less than 4 or 5 times throughout the nearly 3 hour film but despite that, my ears were not gouged out with hot pokers but I also lost quite a bit of interest when it kept getting repeated over and over again. There was no development so you pretty much knew where the score was leading with each preceding cue. Don't get me wrong, it did have its moments (the first few instances of the Bane theme and the extremely minimalistic and underdeveloped theme for Catwoman) but those moments were overshadowed by Zimmer's insistent repetition.

Inception is a rare score in that I actually LOVED the themes for it BUT like every other score he's done for the last 5-10 years, he repeats the same themes ad nauseum. There is the occasional development but in most cases, it's basically a cut and paste job.

Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2 are the only two scores of his that I can find little to no fault with since he went all out for that score and created an entirely new sound that unfortunately hasn't really been heard much in his post-Sherlock works. Why doesn't he take a cue from himself and do something like that again? Better yet, why doesn't he get more work like that? He's NOT a composer that I think is meant for big Hollywood action films. He reminds me of a high class Tyler Bates. The only difference is Tyler Bates offers interesting ambient sounds while also introducing new action sounds. Go through Tyler Bates' resume over the last 10 years and you will notice that he is a very diverse composer that doesn't get himself lodged in a genre niche and refuse to leave it. He explores other genres and expands on his musical style even if he did blatantly rip-off music from Elliot Goldenthal's Titus in his score for 300. At least it was a pleasant rip-off. Zimmer lodges himself in the big action movies niche with an occasional comedy, kids movie or drama when things are slow in his career. I think he needs to step away from the big action movie genre for a while, work on a few dozen smaller films to develop a little bit of humanity to his scores than in currently being demonstrated.

After all is said and done, I will definitely be seeing Man of Steel in IMAX 3D because honestly, that is the single best way to enjoy Zimmer's big action scores: within the confines of the movies themselves but otherwise outside of the film, they come across very bland, heavily inspired and largely uninteresting.

There is further proof that talent does still exist in Hollywood but with how Zimmer seems to be taking a big slice of the Hollywood composer cake, we may never get to experience another composer's work that isn't overshadowed by Zimmer for probably many years. Until that time comes, I will give each new Zimmer score a listen or two then promptly delete them off my hard drive.

To the Zimmerites out there, you go on and continue eating your bitter Zimmer pie while I have a slice of the sweet stuff. If THIS is the future of music, I think I'll keep looking back in the past. At least there, entertainment is guaranteed.

06-10-2013, 02:03 AM
I've had this for a few days now, it's been on Spotify for a while. I knew someone would rip it eventually though.

06-10-2013, 02:04 AM
Just to be fair on Zimmer though, he did not originally want to do this but got forced to....or so I read. It seems money does have a way of talking after all.

06-10-2013, 02:12 AM
What's with the Zimmer rant? I think each composer brings their own "style" to the table...They all have their own take to wards the films they are presented with...Yes. Under stand Zimmer might need a recovery from his boring Pirates 4 score and all that...but come on I'd like to see you come up with a memorable score that everyone will go on about...not trying to be rude's just a thought...

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 02:23 AM
Oh my god. I can die now.
With the entire deluxe album playing on every radio, every channel, any form of broadcast.
General Zod doesn't have shit.

06-10-2013, 02:35 AM

06-10-2013, 02:46 AM

06-10-2013, 02:50 AM
Thanks for sharing the rip and "what are you doing when you are not saving the world" WOW!!!

06-10-2013, 02:57 AM
Cody, your argument holds water, but only so much as it applies to ALL composers - James Horner, Danny Elfman, James Newton Howard, Alan Silvestri, John Williams, Brian Tyler, the late Michael Kamen and Jerry Goldsmith too, all of them had their own distinct styles of doing things and only once in around 10 pieces of work actually came up with something that added something to their unique sound, everything else was largely a re-hash or re-working of what they did. Zimmer is no exception to this, but you and others continually bad-mouth him for his work, but on the whole, he gets the job done. I agree that Dark Knight Rises wasn't especially great, but The Dark Knight was a great mix of music and effect that may not have been a great listen for some tracks, but it worked SO WELL with the movie - With regards to Rises, despite completely re-hashing the batman theme which had been built up for the first two movies, he did create a whole new theme and range of dynamics for Bane. and again, this worked in the movie to great effect.
There's nothing worse than a composer who is out to create some massive symphonic piece that they want to make and the movie be damned, he serves the movie, he serves the mood of whatever scene he's scoring, and he does it damned well and with a mind to making that scene all the better for it.

You can't ask for more than that.

06-10-2013, 03:06 AM
You ARe NoT AlOne.........!!!

06-10-2013, 03:08 AM
I swear I hear the start of the old theme in terraforming...

06-10-2013, 03:08 AM
Listening now. Someone should have called James Newton Howard.

06-10-2013, 03:12 AM
Thank you!

06-10-2013, 03:14 AM
The beginning of "DNA" sounds like it belongs in Prometheus, I don't know why. Has anyone listened to the 28-minute track yet?

06-10-2013, 03:16 AM

06-10-2013, 03:16 AM
I for one liked Ottman's version. Ottman's super-heroes scores have a bit of derision into them, to me, and this is quite welcome. In the same time there were a load of beautiful cues, entire tracks of beautiful music.

Unfortunately the mixing was poorly featuring the orchestral performance, with quite no separation, poor dynamic. I never heard the album though... It surely had it's dose of DRCompression, wich the mixing was probably done for. But well mixed I'm sure it would give rather a great score, one you may remember.

My three cents.

06-10-2013, 03:17 AM
I'm four tracks in and it's disgustingly bland, although DNA almost has its moments.

---------- Post added at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------

LoL, track five is from Pan's Labyrinth.

06-10-2013, 03:20 AM
The complete sessions for Returns were posted here, in flac I think. Follow the smell of burning flesh, might find it. Unless that was **before** we were burning folks at the stake for posting.

I had trouble with Returns, and I think it is because of the clash between Williams' themes, and the new, original score sections. There is NO hint at all of Williams in the new score. NONE.

06-10-2013, 03:23 AM
Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2 are the only two scores of his that I can find little to no fault with since he went all out for that score and created an entirely new sound that unfortunately hasn't really been heard much in his post-Sherlock works...

Are you sure HE created a new sound ?

Errm, pay attention to this guy... Diego Stocco - Experibass - YouTube (

---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------

The complete sessions for Returns were posted here, in flac I think. Follow the smell of burning flesh, might find it...
Thanks, but yes I experienced it in lossless. It doens't change the mixing quality.

06-10-2013, 03:32 AM
So are all my little Zimmer-letts revived? No more "vapors" or gasping desperately for air? I do nor personally find anything in this score to be excited about. But, it will be **just** bland and yet familiar enough that audiences will both not notice it and yet think they did at the same time. :)

Everan Shepard
06-10-2013, 03:33 AM
Can we please not make this another "Zimmer sucks" thread? It's annoying.

It's fine if you don't like it, but many others do, so let's just disagree and go back to the things we love, like music in general.

06-10-2013, 03:34 AM
What's with the Zimmer rant? I think each composer brings their own "style" to the table...They all have their own take to wards the films they are presented with...Yes. Under stand Zimmer might need a recovery from his boring Pirates 4 score and all that...but come on I'd like to see you come up with a memorable score that everyone will go on about...not trying to be rude's just a thought...

We're not putting my own creativity under scrutiny here (because let's face it, I've never written a film score or any musical composition of that nature so it's a lost cause trying to argue about my own creativity) and I know everyone has a beef with Zimmer but out of every composer I've heard (even the ones that are notorious for repeating themselves ad nauseum), Zimmer stands out as the weak link of the chain to me. I know Goldsmith, Elfman, Horner, etc etc. are notorious for taking the same themes and just revamping them for a new environment. Zimmer, in my humble opinion, was interesting when he started but beginning with Crimson Tide on, his distinct style has never really appealed to me. It doesn't even sound like music to me but rather synthetic noise. Sure, he's improved since then but comparing him to the aforementioned composers above is pure blasphemy. Zimmer's style can in no way compare to their styles. I'm not gonna deny that there are several scores from the aforementioned composers that, yes, do make me feel like my ears are gonna bleed. Elfman especially as of late whose style hasn't really changed much in the last 10-15 years. Horner is another example. I like a few of his scores but, like Zimmer, his distinctive style is not my taste. Aliens being probably the most bearable score of his that I can immediately recall. The Amazing Spiderman personally being my least favorite yet it got a ton of hype and people really seem to like it. I'm just not one of them. He has many other greats but also some real stinkers. Same with Goldsmith and every other composer in existence. I'm not afraid to point out that no composer is 100% original or listenable with each new score but none of them as overhyped and overused as Zimmer. Many can argue that point and hey, have at it. I won't stop you. How else am I gonna learn than by finding out how someone else thinks I'm wrong? No one can tell me I'm wrong because music is entirely subjective to each individual listener's musical tastes so no one's OPINION is right or wrong. Besides, film score music wasn't ever really intended to be listened to outside of the context of the film so in the end, it makes any argument null and void in my opinion.

06-10-2013, 03:39 AM
Said nothing about Zimmer. Just this score which is all drums and noise. though I don't mind those, I would never EVER pick this out for a Superman score. Oil Rig is just a track of percussion. Nothing else. Like part of a larger track.....looking for a home.

---------- Post added at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ----------

Sent here For A Reason is just a lil synth anmd like what...wind chimes? :D

I will point out though, that despite my Horner fan status, I could care less for Amazing Spiderman, yet another non-superhero whatever piece....

06-10-2013, 03:41 AM
Can we please not make this another "Zimmer sucks" thread? It's annoying.

Zimmer sucking is definitley annoying!

For anyone who is interested, I posted these in the cover thread but thought I post them here as well.

Here's my take on the Man of Steel DE covers.

06-10-2013, 03:42 AM
Oil Rig is just a track of percussion. Nothing else.
That reminds me of Apocalypto. The whole score was percussion and a bit of vocals? Can't remember his name (the vocalists), but if I remember it right it was the thing I liked the most about that score. Random "PA, BI, DO!".

06-10-2013, 03:44 AM
? Is Zimmer Sucking what they're calling it these days? :angel:

Man, I haven't had a good Zimmersuck in a while......

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

That reminds me of Apocalypto. The whole score was percussion and a bit of vocals? Can't remember his name (the vocalists), but if I remember it right it was the thing I liked the most about that score. Random "PA, BI, DO!".

Yes. Another Horner score I just can't really listen too. Why do I have all his stuff again? :awsm:

06-10-2013, 03:49 AM
Ok can we please stop scrutinising the score...if you don't like it don't listen to it if you like it listen to it and enjoy...what happened to enjoying music? Jeez you people always find faults with every score that's released...just shut it down...keep the comments in your head or write them in a's a music thread not an opinion thread...not trying to being an @ss it's just c'mon guys.....just enjoy the music

06-10-2013, 03:51 AM
Said nothing about Zimmer. Just this score which is all drums and noise. though I don't mind those, I would never EVER pick this out for a Superman score. Oil Rig is just a track of percussion. Nothing else. Like part of a larger track.....looking for a home.[COLOR="Silver"]

LOL. But you're listening to it... I mean, what for ? I'm posting in this thread while pm'ing a friend because it's at the top in the forum and that's it.

The person who started this thread was kind enough to announce the color of this music when I asked what it looks like, so you could have take advantage of that clue and save your time too.

... Your time, and your heart. Maybe go listen to beautiful things, I'm sure you have tons...

06-10-2013, 03:51 AM
Ok can we please stop scrutinising the score...if you don't like it don't listen to it if you like it listen to it and enjoy...what happened to enjoying music? Jeez you people always find faults with every score that's released...just shut it down...keep the comments in your head or write them in a's a music thread not an opinion thread...not trying to being an @ss it's just c'mon guys.....just enjoy the music

The interweb is our notebook.

06-10-2013, 03:53 AM's a music thread not an opinion thread...

In my opinion you have no choice but to ignore what you don't like -> ie, follow your own advice. You'll see, life becomes beautiful.

06-10-2013, 03:53 AM If there to be no comments ON the music, then beyond the post of the link, what's it for? To all bow and worship the composer or poster? Fuck that. Not meaning to a cunt, just saying.

I actually could see some of the Williams Krypton Motifs still working in this, but alas no. Lots'a rumbling...err...rumble though. Should blow your eardrums out nicely in the theater....

06-10-2013, 03:55 AM
Yes. Another Horner score I just can't really listen too. Why do I have all his stuff again? :awsm:
I acually think it's a decent score, no less no more but it's not a score i'll revisit often. I would rate it 2.5/5. It works well in the movie but not so well on its own.

Because you have Balto as your avatar!

06-10-2013, 03:55 AM
I'm just curious, codyap09, which of Zimmer's older scores do you consider to be examples of him in his prime?

06-10-2013, 03:56 AM
LOL. But you're listening to it... I mean, what for ? I'm posting in this thread while pm'ing a friend because it's at the top in the forum and that's it.

The person who started this thread was kind enough to announce the color of this music when I asked what it looks like, so you could have take advantage of that clue and save your time too.

... Your time, and your heart. Maybe go listen to beautiful things, I'm sure you have tons...

I am merely experiencing this as my fellow members do, and interacting. What's the point of the music wwithout sharing with anyone. And why pass on ANYTHING because someone said it's not good? Surely that's a purely personal judgement to make?

06-10-2013, 03:56 AM
There is NO hint at all of Williams in the new score. NONE.

....were you expecting it?

06-10-2013, 03:58 AM
Not speaking for cody, but I like Rain Main, Lion King, and Gladiator.

---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:57 PM ----------

....were you expecting it?

No, of course not. I was replying to members who were saying they heard hints of it, tis all.

06-10-2013, 03:58 AM If there to be no comments ON the music, then beyond the post of the link, what's it for?...

... 100% agreed...

Thanks ! Suber ! Awesome ! So great ! Marvelous ! Genius ! Sucks (ooops) ! Incredible !

06-10-2013, 03:59 AM
Beyond Rangoon -> Water of Irrawaddy ( is one of my favorites by Zimmer.

06-10-2013, 03:59 AM
I'm up to track 14 and it's literally been nothing but noise, with the same theme/motif sprinkled around over and over. And I enjoy quite a bit of Zimmer's stuff. WTF is this? Guess he was too intimidated by Williams.

I wish Basil Poledouris was around to score this.

06-10-2013, 04:02 AM
I'm up to track 14 and it's literally been nothing but noise, with the same theme/motif sprinkled around over and over. And I enjoy quite a bit of Zimmer's stuff. WTF is this? Guess he was too intimidated by Williams.

I wish Basil Poledouris was around to score this.

Now, I don't think that is entirely fair yet. We do not know how this will work in the scenes they are meant for. We do not know what Directives Zimmer was given. All composers are paid employees. If ya want yer pay, ya gotta do what you're asked to. So We can't just blame Zimmer/Horner/whomever.

06-10-2013, 04:02 AM
I wish Basil Poledouris was around to score this.

well he's not and neither is jerry goldsmith or maurice jarre or any of the other greats cry us a river it is what it is

06-10-2013, 04:06 AM
... And why pass on ANYTHING because someone said it's not good? Surely that's a purely personal judgement to make?

I haven't been told it is not good.

Check post 2 and the reply a little after. Just discussion, no defenitive judgement.

06-10-2013, 04:06 AM
I'm up to track 14 and it's literally been nothing but noise, with the same theme/motif sprinkled around over and over. And I enjoy quite a bit of Zimmer's stuff. WTF is this? Guess he was too intimidated by Williams.

I wish Basil Poledouris was around to score this.

Now, I don't think that is entirely fair yet. We do not know how this will work in the scenes they are meant for. We do not know what Directives Zimmer was given. All composers are paid employees. If ya want yer pay, ya gotta do what you're asked to. So We can't just blame Zimmer/Horner/whomever.

06-10-2013, 04:07 AM
Thanks for sharing, I have to wait for my preorder next 10 days, like i thought by the previews, it's simply fantastic! Not goddamn irritating Batman music at all :)

06-10-2013, 04:07 AM
well he's not and neither is jerry goldsmith or maurice jarre or any of the other greats cry us a river it is what it is

I say we dig 'em up. Rattle them around a bit for the "moody" tracks. Call it The Last Great Collaboration (Percussion Edition)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 04:08 AM
You guys. lol.

06-10-2013, 04:10 AM
Thanks for sharing, I have to wait for my preorder next 10 days, like i thought by the previews, it's simply fantastic! Not goddamn irritating Batman music at all :)

YEA! I **hate** goddamn irritating Batman music. I am far happier with vapid souless Superman music. :D (Kidding, kidding) (but not really).

Let's dig up Shirley Walker. Get her n the team to reprise the animated series themes. They were nice and non-irritating.

(Though I am hoping miss Walker has "moved on", so it may still run the risk of being souless....:D)


06-10-2013, 04:10 AM
I'm just curious, codyap09, which of Zimmer's older scores do you consider to be examples of him in his prime?

The only non-traditional (in the Zimmer sense) score of his I really liked was A League of Their Own. No synths, lush orchestrations and beautiful to boot. Something I never thought possible from Zimmer in his current stage. Just to be clear, I don't typically go for "beautiful" scores as if my B.W. Sinfonia projects don't already tell you that. Another post-prime score of his I liked was The Peacemaker, typically. The Lion King was okay but not my taste. Never been one for animated film scores. Gladiator (in both album and recording sessions form) I tried to sit through but halfway through, I got bored and turned it off. In fact, I specifically remember falling asleep during the movie in theatres and attempting to watch it on DVD upon release but turning it off at the exact same point at which I fell asleep. They say stay to the end and I say "present me with a mix of the album that will encourage me to stay to the end and I will oblige." To this day, no one has, at least that I can see. I never liked the Rain Man score. In fact, my first thoughts on the opening scene was "what is this god awful 80's synth crap and who composed it?" Crimson Tide, a score I think was primarily designed for the adrenaline junkie male (just to be clear I consider myself to be one of those), was just the start of what would become his long-standing tradition of synth noise for action films that serve their purpose within the film but make for very uncomfortable and boring individual listening experiences. Backdraft has to be the main exception to the style. I remember visiting Universal Studios Hollywood, going on the Backdraft show tour and actively seeking out the film and score since they sampled some of the music from the score but not quite liking it nearly as much as I remember upon arriving home and giving it a spin. It's a good score but too noisy for my taste. That's all I've got for now.

06-10-2013, 04:13 AM
Damn...I go take a dump for 10 minutes...I come back...and something else is leaking...

- Grand score it is, though - however ambience-infected it may be...Worth every penny. Cheers!

06-10-2013, 04:14 AM
Is ambience infection a result of unsafe zimmersucking practices? If so is there an ointment or sumsuch?

06-10-2013, 04:15 AM
I go take a dump for 10 minutes

see a doctor

06-10-2013, 04:17 AM
Doctor who, though, doctor who?

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

OH, let's get Murray Gold to do it!! I am Superman -In Kansas.....:)

06-10-2013, 04:20 AM
Well, at least "What Are You Going to Do..." is good. It's basically the trailer music, but the piano bit is played a little differently (trailer version is better).

Now I have to sit through this 28 minute track.

06-10-2013, 04:22 AM
Well, at least "What Are You Going to Do..." is good. It's basically the trailer music, but the piano bit is played a little differently (trailer version is better).

Now I have to sit through this 28 minute track.

Yes, and yet that tracks nicely sums up the entire score in 5 minutes. Keep it dump the rest and you're not missing anything....

06-10-2013, 04:24 AM

[/COLOR]OH, let's get Murray Gold to do it!! I am Superman -In Kansas.....:)

Speaking of Murray... You said you were not "nice anymore" but, well... I have like a 'Bill Murray' feeling reading you ! (that guy cracks me up). :D

06-10-2013, 04:25 AM
So now that this score has finally leaked, after a quick listen through of portions of the tracks, fans can rest assured that not a single bloody reference to John Williams' classic Superman remains intact. Every technique that Zimmer has employed in his career is present here meaning you get basically another rehash with nothing really new to offer. Does that mean it's bad? No, not necessarily but it's definitely NOT as memorable as the original. Honestly, there are no themes that scream to me to repeat it even though I no doubt will.

That leads me to my next point: I wish directors would stop and question why Hans Zimmer is the busiest composer in Hollywood right now because his output is never consistent nor is it consistently listenable. Sometimes he does go on autopilot therefore making it a safe gamble for fans (and maybe directors, too?) that are afraid that Zimmer will screw up another classic theme with his "themes" but so far, for every 1 good "original" score he does, he follows the next dozen up with either a rehash of a popular theme or motif of his with little to no development or it just becomes a repetitious bore of a mess.

Fans scoff all you want at my next comment but I disliked The Dark Knight trilogy scores for that exact reason. Batman Begins was good because at the time he actually built on his trademark sounds while simply rehashing the same material for the sequels. The new Joker theme for The Dark Knight score can't even musically be considered a theme because there's nothing melodic about a one-note sound effect. It's effective but it's not enough to keep the score moving along at a nice pace. It's just a simple sound effect that starts out very low and just increases in volume and intensity but not leaving you with a theme that you'll be humming at the end of the movie.

I attribute the success of the first two scores of the trilogy to James Newton Howard's contributions. James Newton Howard, a man with actual musical and melodic talent, helped even out the overall tone of the scores for the first two movies but his exclusion from The Dark Knight Rises proved very detrimental since the only new theme introduced into TDKR was for Bane which wasn't nearly as fascinating as the development stories led us to believe it would be. The Bane chant was impressive but there was NO, that's right ZERO ZILCH NADA, development on it. The Joker motif actually got some sort of progression in the end. It just popped up at random times only to be replaced with dull underscore and repetitive action music from the first two films along with the multiple reprises of the "Dark Knight" theme that I swore if I heard blast from my speakers one more bloody time I was gonna poke my ears out with hot pokers. Predictably he repeated it no less than 4 or 5 times throughout the nearly 3 hour film but despite that, my ears were not gouged out with hot pokers but I also lost quite a bit of interest when it kept getting repeated over and over again. There was no development so you pretty much knew where the score was leading with each preceding cue. Don't get me wrong, it did have its moments (the first few instances of the Bane theme and the extremely minimalistic and underdeveloped theme for Catwoman) but those moments were overshadowed by Zimmer's insistent repetition.

Inception is a rare score in that I actually LOVED the themes for it BUT like every other score he's done for the last 5-10 years, he repeats the same themes ad nauseum. There is the occasional development but in most cases, it's basically a cut and paste job.

Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2 are the only two scores of his that I can find little to no fault with since he went all out for that score and created an entirely new sound that unfortunately hasn't really been heard much in his post-Sherlock works. Why doesn't he take a cue from himself and do something like that again? Better yet, why doesn't he get more work like that? He's NOT a composer that I think is meant for big Hollywood action films. He reminds me of a high class Tyler Bates. The only difference is Tyler Bates offers interesting ambient sounds while also introducing new action sounds. Go through Tyler Bates' resume over the last 10 years and you will notice that he is a very diverse composer that doesn't get himself lodged in a genre niche and refuse to leave it. He explores other genres and expands on his musical style even if he did blatantly rip-off music from Elliot Goldenthal's Titus in his score for 300. At least it was a pleasant rip-off. Zimmer lodges himself in the big action movies niche with an occasional comedy, kids movie or drama when things are slow in his career. I think he needs to step away from the big action movie genre for a while, work on a few dozen smaller films to develop a little bit of humanity to his scores than in currently being demonstrated.

After all is said and done, I will definitely be seeing Man of Steel in IMAX 3D because honestly, that is the single best way to enjoy Zimmer's big action scores: within the confines of the movies themselves but otherwise outside of the film, they come across very bland, heavily inspired and largely uninteresting.

There is further proof that talent does still exist in Hollywood but with how Zimmer seems to be taking a big slice of the Hollywood composer cake, we may never get to experience another composer's work that isn't overshadowed by Zimmer for probably many years. Until that time comes, I will give each new Zimmer score a listen or two then promptly delete them off my hard drive.

To the Zimmerites out there, you go on and continue eating your bitter Zimmer pie while I have a slice of the sweet stuff. If THIS is the future of music, I think I'll keep looking back in the past. At least there, entertainment is guaranteed.

I respect your opinion, but alot of this I disagree with. What I do agree about is James Newton Howard's contributions to BB & TDK (and lack there-of in TDKR). Especially the "Gotham Theme" from BB. Hans Zimmer is "overrated" (imo) but that doesn't mean he's not a good composer.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 04:25 AM
I'm loving every minute of this. The score, I mean.

I don't know why all the hate.

06-10-2013, 04:27 AM
"Nice", and "funny" are not always the same. Is Lewis Black "nice"? I can discuss the music, and make quips and be totally detached emotionally. It's empty, means nothing. But, this is how most prefer to see or read me, and so they will be happy little sheep, aside from that nasty ambience thing spreading around.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 04:28 AM
"This Is Madness" sounds like a "percussion only" mix of Bane's tracks from TDKR.
And nothing like 300 as I had semi-hoped.

Continue, people.

06-10-2013, 04:30 AM
Thank you for the effort. I can't wait until Amazon ships the deluxe edition to me.

06-10-2013, 04:30 AM
I'm loving every minute of this. The score, I mean.

I don't know why all the hate.

NOT hate. Just open eyed critique. I can critique art without having to love or hate it.

06-10-2013, 04:32 AM
What's with the Zimmer rant? I think each composer brings their own "style" to the table...They all have their own take to wards the films they are presented with...Yes. Under stand Zimmer might need a recovery from his boring Pirates 4 score and all that...but come on I'd like to see you come up with a memorable score that everyone will go on about...not trying to be rude's just a thought...

I would be (pleasantly) surprised if a Hans Zimmer thread *didn't* have a rant (or two) in it. Someone is wrong on the internet, the future of music is at stake, etc. etc.

I'm going to wait until Tuesday to listen to this. In the meanwhile, the trailer #3 score will be getting a lot of play on AIMP.

06-10-2013, 04:33 AM
I was going to open a "zimmersuck" thread in GD, for the funnies. But I decided the intent would be misinterpreted, so I refrained....

06-10-2013, 04:34 AM
yup. more complaining...

06-10-2013, 04:37 AM
Sooooo..... is there a working link anymore?

06-10-2013, 04:43 AM
yup. more complaining...

Yup. Yet more mindless drinking of the Kool Aid....

I think consumers have a right to voice their happiness or disappointment with a thing. That is all this is. Unfortunately, while we can choose to buy or not buy a score album, we have no control over composer decisions. So, if there is a film we want to see, we are stuck with whatever drivel dribbles outta that composer's brain, whomever that may be. So in a way, the music choices affect our entire film experience, so we have a right to voice our OPINIONS, not of the composer, but the resulting score.

**for fuck's sake people**

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

Sooooo..... is there a working link anymore?

The zippyshare link in the very first post on the very first page works just fine and dandy.

---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

Almost done with the "sketchbook". The final score did not seem to differ much at all, really.

06-10-2013, 04:44 AM
I'm loving every minute of this. The score, I mean.

I don't know why all the hate.

Ahh. Too bad. I thought this was about the discussion.

And the second line is perfect to tease people and start a drama, lol. I'd be curious to see listed all the signs of hate in this thread. There are some critiscism indeed, and a few rant against critiscism, but nothing bad.

When I read the score is "noisy", I reckon the Zimmer touch / productions for that kind of movies... I can only trust it. Some like it that way, but not everybody enjoys black metal.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 04:45 AM
ambience thing spreading around.

It's not for everyone.
I imagine it gets more appreciation if it's for free like on in the "discover" section.
I think people really want to get the most for their buck when they pay to see a movie.

I mean, my mom doesn't like today's hero's that much.
She can't stand the long, drawn out fighting scenes.
Too much action, not enough one-hits like the old days when it was Arnold being the hero.

The ambiance really works for me, and not on an "acquired taste" level either.
I was really captivated by it when I first heard it slowly make its way into the film industry.

Brian Reitzell does wonderful ambiance and noise.
Steve Jablonsky would if he spent more time on it. His Texas Chainsaws are riveting when they pick up.
Tyler Bates can do really well at it too, if you forgive his plagiarism in 300. Remember when Snyder and Bates did Dawn of the Dead? Their early days were extremely fun with experimenting in all sorts of interpretations and approaches. Especially for Snyder. He wasn't too heavy with the slow motion back then.
Also Michael Andrews had some fun with it in Donnie Darko.

Atmospheric, ambiance, noise, whatever you call it, sounds like it fits mostly with indie films or short videos.
Which there are a lot of short videos that use this style for their musical backdrops.
But it's not a style that's designed only for those types of productions.
I like that it's making bigger productions.

I think most people would be more happier with someone simple and thematic rather than someone experimental.

The obvious thing to do is name everyone who ever composed for any Superman production.
Which lacks true inspiration and imagination. It's far too easy to do that.
The idea is to present something new.
We've had themes. We've had themes forever. But they're not the definition of the figure. It's not like Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman with John Williams in mind.

It becomes unfortunate when a society has to compare X with Y simply because they're in the same Romanized alphabet.
I've no idea what the George Reeves TV series was like.
And I remember much less from the animated series.
I didn't watch anything of Smallville.
I don't doubt they were appreciated. I also don't think they would have used William's score verbatim for sake of it all of it being about the Superman.

How many different themes were there for Batman?
All them thematic until Zimmer came along and explicitly said he wanted to create something that not everyone can hum or whistle so easily as the Superman theme or Elfman's interpretation on the Batman.

This style drives me a lot. More than you can imagine.
I don't know. I can't think of the words, I can't formulate a theory that can be rationalized and quantified.
But it works.
It all works.

Zimmer's not a monster; he's just ahead of the curve~

06-10-2013, 04:53 AM
Spartank's post makes me think I'd rather hear Zimmer on a X-men score, for instance. 'Experimental' fits that universe.

Besides, his style would fit much better with the Marvel universe. Regarding this I have the feeling he's copied a lot by the composers in charge.

06-10-2013, 04:53 AM
? Is Zimmer Sucking what they're calling it these days? :angel:

Man, I haven't had a good Zimmersuck in a while......

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

Yes. Another Horner score I just can't really listen too. Why do I have all his stuff again? :awsm:


It is a new take on a tired theme. So Williams' music isn't important to this. The revamped Star Trek had a nice homage to the original TV series in the end credits- but that doesn't happen often.

Zimmer did good with the awful movies DaVinci Code & its sequel. He was masterful with Inception. The Bible has two good tracks.

You can still masturbate to a photo of James Horner, yes? ;-)

Biggs v.2
06-10-2013, 04:53 AM
I'm loving every minute of this. The score, I mean.

I don't know why all the hate.

This guy gets it. This place is full with people who have an awfully high opinion of themselves and their music taste. LOL.

Soundtrack is amazing, only half way through... it's a thing of beauty, glad I pre-ordered this, should arrive soon!

06-10-2013, 04:54 AM
It's not for everyone.
I imagine it gets more appreciation if it's for free like on in the "discover" section.
I think people really want to get the most for their buck when they pay to see a movie.

I mean, my mom doesn't like today's hero's that much.
She can't stand the long, drawn out fighting scenes.
Too much action, not enough one-hits like the old days when it was Arnold being the hero.

The ambiance really works for me, and not on an "acquired taste" level either.
I was really captivated by it when I first heard it slowly make its way into the film industry.

Brian Reitzell does wonderful ambiance and noise.
Steve Jablonsky would if he spent more time on it. His Texas Chainsaws are riveting when they pick up.
Tyler Bates can do really well at it too, if you forgive his plagiarism in 300. Remember when Snyder and Bates did Dawn of the Dead? Their early days were extremely fun with experimenting in all sorts of interpretations and approaches. Especially for Snyder. He wasn't too heavy with the slow motion back then.
Also Michael Andrews had some fun with it in Donnie Darko.

Atmospheric, ambiance, noise, whatever you call it, sounds like it fits mostly with indie films or short videos.
Which there are a lot of short videos that use this style for their musical backdrops.
But it's not a style that's designed only for those types of productions.
I like that it's making bigger productions.

I think most people would be more happier with someone simple and thematic rather than someone experimental.

The obvious thing to do is name everyone who ever composed for any Superman production.
Which lacks true inspiration and imagination. It's far too easy to do that.
The idea is to present something new.
We've had themes. We've had themes forever. But they're not the definition of the figure. It's not like Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman with John Williams in mind.

It becomes unfortunate when a society has to compare X with Y simply because they're in the same Romanized alphabet.
I've no idea what the George Reeves TV series was like.
And I remember much less from the animated series.
I didn't watch anything of Smallville.
I don't doubt they were appreciated. I also don't think they would have used William's score verbatim for sake of it all of it being about the Superman.

How many different themes were there for Batman?
All them thematic until Zimmer came along and explicitly said he wanted to create something that not everyone can hum or whistle so easily as the Superman theme or Elfman's interpretation on the Batman.

This style drives me a lot. More than you can imagine.
I don't know. I can't think of the words, I can't formulate a theory that can be rationalized and quantified.
But it works.
It all works.

Zimmer's not a monster; he's just ahead of the curve~

Well, the 50's seials had the "iconic" main theme, but a lot of it, most of it, was dramatic library cues and stuff. I do not enjoy it apart from the show. Williams's themes of course. Hmmm. Lois & Clark...meh-ish. The various Superboy variations. No, none of those used the Williams themes or before. Smallville went the opposite. The main title obviously, and then with Snow you got yer atmospheric up the ying yang. As for what was "envisioned", go allllll the way back to those animated shorts in the 30's and early 40's. THAT is what every rendition was based on since, so in a way, we CAN get a glimpse of how the hero was originally "seen".

06-10-2013, 04:54 AM
Thank you for this. I have to travel far for work today, and I cannot think of a better companion than this one. You have made my day.

"He will be a god to them"

06-10-2013, 04:56 AM

It is a new take on a tired theme. So Williams' music isn't important to this. The revamped Star Trek had a nice homage to the original TV series in the end credits- but that doesn't happen often.

Zimmer did good with the awful movies DaVinci Code & its sequel. He was masterful with Inception. The Bible has two good tracks.

You can still masturbate to a photo of James Horner, yes? ;-)

Nah, visually not interested at all. Besides, I ain't a self service sort of girl, generally. I like to get a man in to do maintenance.

06-10-2013, 04:58 AM
Well, the 50's seials had the "iconic" main theme, but a lot of it, most of it, was dramatic library cues and stuff. I do not enjoy it apart from the show. Williams's themes of course. Hmmm. Lois & Clark...meh-ish. The various Superboy variations. No, none of those used the Williams themes or before. Smallville went the opposite. The main title obviously, and then with Snow you got yer atmospheric up the ying yang. As for what was "envisioned", go allllll the way back to those animated shorts in the 30's and early 40's. THAT is what every rendition was based on since, so in a way, we CAN get a glimpse of how the hero was originally "seen".

*Impressed*... You're a real scholar !

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------

Nah, visually not interested at all. Besides, I ain't a self service sort of girl, generally. I like to get a man in to do maintenance.

... Only in ? :D

(stupid me).

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 04:59 AM
Different approaches that are outside the norm for Superman?

Philip Glass would have been interesting as a stand alone album but wouldn't have brought in the audience for opening day.
The movies Glass has worked on were mostly just well received.
I think The Hours was his biggest? But the cast and story were more than enough to compel audiences to show up.
Candyman was great but I think it became a cult classic after it made home release.
The Qaatsi trilogy is an extremely well structured piece of work. But not designed like a box office hit as something big as a super hero movie.
He's a minimalist. The emotion builds slowly and sticks for awhile.

Clint Mansell would have been a wonderful choice. I see his films draw in way more money than any of Glass's films. And Mansell has worked a wide variety of films, too. From obscure indie films to box office hits like Black Swan. He has wonderful texture full of emotion.

I would have liked to have heard Patrick Doyle's take on this film though.
Not Brian Tyler. He's getting too crazy with all the percussion and action lately. The Fast & Furious soundtracks get tiresome back-to-back.
Same with his Expendables. So long-winded in terms of action. I feel exhausted after listening to him.

Christopher Young would have been an excellent choice, me thinks. He balances well except when he's forced by the director to do a 20 minute track, non-stop about fighting on a train with vampires. No time to breathe, jesus.

06-10-2013, 04:59 AM
Someone mentioned Shirley Walker in this thread. I find her Superman material to be bland. The "Animated Series" theme song plays like a Jimmy Hart version of the John Williams march, just like every other piece of Superman music since 1978 that doesn't borrow Williams's themes.

06-10-2013, 05:00 AM
I ain't a self service sort of girl, generally. I like to get a man in to do maintenance.

06-10-2013, 05:01 AM
I love how some of the people here treat Zimmer as if he's the Obama of the film score industry. Some think he's good for the industry, other think he's terrible. Either way it goes, we're fucked.

06-10-2013, 05:03 AM
I love how some of the people here treat Zimmer as if he's the Obama of the film score industry. Some think he's good for the industry, other think he's terrible. Either way it goes, we're fucked.

I would say that for Superman himself !

... That hero is the worst fantasm of all.

(Edit: depends how you see Obama though).

06-10-2013, 05:04 AM
I love how some of the people here treat Zimmer as if he's the Obama of the film score industry. Some think he's good for the industry, other think he's terrible. Either way it goes, we're fucked.

Well, that was unnecessary.

06-10-2013, 05:07 AM
Different approaches that are outside the norm for Superman?

Philip Glass would have been interesting as a stand alone album but wouldn't have brought in the audience for opening day.
The movies Glass has worked on were mostly just well received.
I think The Hours was his biggest? But the cast and story were more than enough to compel audiences to show up.
Candyman was great but I think it became a cult classic after it made home release.
The Qaatsi trilogy is an extremely well structured piece of work. But not designed like a box office hit as something big as a super hero movie.
He's a minimalist. The emotion builds slowly and sticks for awhile.

Clint Mansell would have been a wonderful choice. I see his films draw in way more money than any of Glass's films. And Mansell has worked a wide variety of films, too. From obscure indie films to box office hits like Black Swan. He has wonderful texture full of emotion.

I would have liked to have heard Patrick Doyle's take on this film though.
Not Brian Tyler. He's getting too crazy with all the percussion and action lately. The Fast & Furious soundtracks get tiresome back-to-back.
Same with his Expendables. So long-winded in terms of action. I feel exhausted after listening to him.

Christopher Young would have been an excellent choice, me thinks. He balances well except when he's forced by the director to do a 20 minute track, non-stop about fighting on a train with vampires. No time to breathe, jesus.

Sparky, really? Do you **really** think the general audience has any idea at all who is scoring the film? Do you think ANY of them go to hear "the background songs", really?
BTW, I don't mind the track This Is Madness, oddly.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 05:08 AM
Spartank's post makes me think I'd rather hear Zimmer on a X-men score, for instance. 'Experimental' fits that universe.

Besides, his style would fit much better with the Marvel universe. Regarding this I have the feeling he's copied a lot by the composers in charge.

Zimmer doing X-Men/Marvel.
As much as I loved Kamen doing the first X-Men, I think Zimmer would have done better doing X-2.
Though the director doesn't usually work with anyone else besides Ottman.
I didn't mind the Ottman score once it all came out. But it would have been fun to see Zimmer do that.
Keep in nice with the "experimental" genre of music that Kamen brought for the first one.
John Powell was perfect for the third one. AND THAT'S ALL THAT WAS PERFECT FOR THE THIRD ONE! We don't need the actual film. :notgood:
Just the score will do. :smrt:

This guy gets it. This place is full with people who have an awfully high opinion of themselves and their music taste. LOL.

Soundtrack is amazing, only half way through... it's a thing of beauty, glad I pre-ordered this, should arrive soon!

Not so much themselves, just their opinion.
The self can speak so distinctly that we often misinterpret their intentions.

Well, the 50's seials had the "iconic" main theme, but a lot of it, most of it, was dramatic library cues and stuff. I do not enjoy it apart from the show. Williams's themes of course. Hmmm. Lois & Clark...meh-ish. The various Superboy variations. No, none of those used the Williams themes or before. Smallville went the opposite. The main title obviously, and then with Snow you got yer atmospheric up the ying yang. As for what was "envisioned", go allllll the way back to those animated shorts in the 30's and early 40's. THAT is what every rendition was based on since, so in a way, we CAN get a glimpse of how the hero was originally "seen".

I didn't know about the cartoons origination the iconic theme.
But no matter, it is a tired theme~ :awsm:

It's great to not hear anyone flog a dead horse with this.
Mark Snow? I didn't know he did Smallville. He is extremely of this same category... :erm: Did they ever do a second volume to X-Files??? :confused:

06-10-2013, 05:09 AM
Someone mentioned Shirley Walker in this thread. I find her Superman material to be bland. The "Animated Series" theme song plays like a Jimmy Hart version of the John Williams march, just like every other piece of Superman music since 1978 that doesn't borrow Williams's themes.

The main theme itself is campy, sure, but i find the actual episode scores to be more fruitful, much as the BTAS scores are. There is much more going on there. This is the same team that also brought is Justice League, Young Justice, Titans, and Batman Beyond. All very listenable. In my gloriously lofty over rated sort of opinion.

06-10-2013, 05:10 AM
What if John Williams scored this film? I don't know where I came up with that idea, it just popped in my head, though!

06-10-2013, 05:13 AM
Zimmer doing X-Men/Marvel.
As much as I loved Kamen doing the first X-Men, I think Zimmer would have done better doing X-2.
Though the director doesn't usually work with anyone else besides Ottman.
I didn't mind the Ottman score once it all came out. But it would have been fun to see Zimmer do that.
Keep in nice with the "experimental" genre of music that Kamen brought for the first one.
John Powell was perfect for the third one. AND THAT'S ALL THAT WAS PERFECT FOR THE THIRD ONE! We don't need the actual film. :notgood:
Just the score will do. :smrt:

Not so much themselves, just their opinion.
The self can speak so distinctly that we often misinterpret their intentions.

I didn't know about the cartoons origination the iconic theme.
But no matter, it is a tired theme~ :awsm:

It's great to not hear anyone flog a dead horse with this.
Mark Snow? I didn't know he did Smallville. He is extremely of this same category... :erm: Did they ever do a second volume to X-Files??? :confused:

Not that I have seen or heard. Louis Febre replaced him during the show's run, around season 5 or so?

Having an opinion about music....why is that lofty. Am I supposed to just mercifully thank the Gods for whatever dreck gets poured onto me? (NO. no bukkake jokes....NO)
I don't have to write or study music to know what I like or I don't. Or even why. It is just a with the gut sort of thing.

Sparky, You might like the Smallville score album then....

06-10-2013, 05:16 AM
Well, that was unnecessary.
Who cares? We're all just having fun now.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 05:16 AM
Sparky, really? Do you **really** think the general audience has any idea at all who is scoring the film? Do you think ANY of them go to hear "the background songs", really?
BTW, I don't mind the track This Is Madness, oddly.

On a subconscious level, yes.
They won't bother mentioning anything because they typically didn't pay attention to the composer's name in the credits or anything.
But I've played movies from the laptop to the TV for people using FFDShow as the audio decoder and put the center channel on solo.
The other channels were muted and the film luckily kept all or most of it in the surround sound channels (Left, right, back left, back right, etc).
Any music that was in the center channel was very quiet and not really on the mind at the time.

They did notice a huge difference in how the movie was presented when the music was removed.

As far as music goes, the audience can only identify with the music they know: Coldplay, Linkin Park, The Rolling Stones.
The rest of the score they don't tend to try and say anything on account of they know nothing about it.
But their minds take it in and they can feel the emotion. Just can't process the words.

My younger brother found the movies boring with the music taken out. :laugh:
he can't name composer like us but he knows I follow it.
He'll sure as hell point that Nickelback was in the movie. :mad:

06-10-2013, 05:17 AM
Okay, finished. It's a throwaway score. Ambience, percussion, repeat ad nauseam. Only tracks that stood out for me were the trailer theme and Arcade.

The guitar in Flight is incredibly disturbing. I think what Zimmer was going for was a farmland sound, and it's a poor choice for a flying alien.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 05:18 AM
Sparky, You might like the Smallville score album then....

:erm: Is there such a thing? I'm going to go look.

06-10-2013, 05:18 AM
The main theme itself is campy, sure, but i find the actual episode scores to be more fruitful, much as the BTAS scores are. There is much more going on there. This is the same team that also brought is Justice League, Young Justice, Titans, and Batman Beyond. All very listenable. In my gloriously lofty over rated sort of opinion.

Fair enough. I feel the same way about her "Batman: TAS" material: trite "hero" theme, but the episode scores were well done. Batgirl had a nice theme, though.

06-10-2013, 05:19 AM
John Powell was perfect for the third one. AND THAT'S ALL THAT WAS PERFECT FOR THE THIRD ONE! We don't need the actual film. :notgood:
Just the score will do. :smrt:

That's why I wouldn't say he was "perfect for the 3rd one" ! We was perfect alone, lol.
I admired it for a while but I haven't listened to it a long time. Can become rapidly boring somehow.

Ah, sensitivity. We're all so different.

06-10-2013, 05:20 AM
Yea, Sparks. I have it, I'll pm you. Not lossless though, sorry. :(

But, "a flying alien" is NOT what Superman is about. It is ABOUT the Kansas farmboy, who incidentally **happens** to be a flying alien. The Kent, the farmboy values are what keeps him from killing us dead, outta shere boredom.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 05:23 AM
Loopy. We need someone loopy like Elfman but younger and more naive.

...oh god... what if there was NO SCORE to this and QUINTIN TARANTINO DID IT??


---------- Post added at 09:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

Yea, Sparks. I have it, I'll pm you. Not lossless though, sorry. :(

But, "a flying alien" is NOT what Superman is about. It is ABOUT the Kansas farmboy, who incidentally **happens** to be a flying alien. The Kent, the farmboy values are what keeps him from killing us dead, outta shere boredom.

It's fine if it's not lossless. :)

:mad: Spoiler that! I've not watched the movie yet. Now I'll know the whole time and be completely distracted.

06-10-2013, 05:24 AM

06-10-2013, 05:24 AM
Loopy. We need someone loopy like Elfman but younger and more naive.

And what about simply "good Zimmer" ?

06-10-2013, 05:28 AM
Amanda are you talking about this soundtrack? "Smallville - The Talon Mix - 2003"

06-10-2013, 05:30 AM
i'd watch a Tarantino Justice League or Wonder Woman. Or Bats. That shit'd be funny....

---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

Amanda are you talking about this soundtrack? "Smallville - The Talon Mix - 2003"

No. A 2 disc "deluxe" score album was released a couple of years ago. It is all score, no VA songs. All the rest of the albums are VA songs, no score. (Except I think end credits)

06-10-2013, 05:30 AM
Hans Zimmer is the LeBron James of film music. People keep hating him, and he keeps scoring.

06-10-2013, 05:31 AM
thanks for sharing this~

06-10-2013, 05:32 AM
Sorry I was just trying to help out.

06-10-2013, 05:33 AM
Amanda are you talking about this soundtrack? "Smallville - The Talon Mix - 2003"

It's a La-La Land release. Mine is put into supposed chronological order, based on a post at a web site. But the music itself is untouched. I am packing now, Sparky. Why sorry? :)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 05:33 AM
:ashine: "all score" I like the sound of that.
I can't really trust VA albums for TV.
VA just doesn't stand out that much for me.

Sure, Tarantino has some hits. But very obscure.
I like his older work much more.
Kill Bill Vol. 1 was fun, but mostly seemed like a very large project that a college student would do for grades and marks.

06-10-2013, 05:34 AM
Because I had that above "soundtrack" in lossless.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 05:35 AM
It's a La-La Land release. Mine is put into supposed chronological order, based on a post at a web site. But the music itself is untouched. I am packing now, Sparky.


06-10-2013, 05:35 AM
More and more tv shows are supplementing VA songs for scorework, if not outright replacing them. If you like the "moody" thing for supes, you may like it.

Biggs v.2
06-10-2013, 05:35 AM
Sorry, but you're a cold heartless human if track 17 doesn't get your heart pumping and teary-eyed.... This score is amazing, that is all.

06-10-2013, 05:40 AM
?? We had better, more emotional synth at my high school prom.

06-10-2013, 05:42 AM
There was a lossless post of that Smallville score that you're talking about..but the Gamefront links are dead.

06-10-2013, 05:44 AM
There are bits of the score I enjoy. And I don't hate it. But I find **nothin** to connect to on an emotional level in any of of it. Though yet again, outside of the film, who knows.

Although I would posit that if the "tender" cues did not connect, and the "action" cues felt bland, and the "dark" cues put me to sleep, then the score fails in it's main objective of amplifying the on-screen visuals. It is not the visial's job to amplify the music...dig? **for me** (why do we have to keep emphasising that? **ducks**..oh yea..)

06-10-2013, 05:45 AM
Sure, Tarantino has some hits. But very obscure.
I like his older work much more.
Kill Bill Vol. 1 was fun, but mostly seemed like a very large project that a college student would do for grades and marks.

That basically describes his whole filmography. The only movie of his I've actually seen is "Inglorious Bastards", which was very deserving of its Best Picture nomination. Tarantino's actually a huge fan of "Superman Returns". Every once in a while he talks about writing a 20-page review for it. To date, he hasn't delivered.

06-10-2013, 05:45 AM
There was a lossless post of that Smallville score that you're talking about..but the Gamefront links are dead.

It's alright. He can listen to the 320, and if he likes it we can hunt down the lossless. God knows if he can tolerate this cra...err..score in 160k.....

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 05:45 AM
Right now, I can't discern names from numbers as I have this soundtrack playing in the background.
I got Foobar in the task tray and disabled pop-ups so I won't be able to say what track is what unless I open it up and read it all.

I did that for This Is Madness and If You Love These People.

GameFront. I've never had problems with that host up here in the Canadas.

06-10-2013, 05:47 AM
Plus I'm trying to help him out because he's helped me out with a lot of things, I want to try and return the favor..

06-10-2013, 05:50 AM
Right now, I can't discern names from numbers as I have this soundtrack playing in the background.
I got Foobar in the task tray and disabled pop-ups so I won't be able to say what track is what unless I open it up and read it all.

I did that for This Is Madness and If You Love These People.

GameFront. I've never had problems with that host up here in the Canadas.

17 is What are You Going To Do?

Here you go, Sparky:

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

I'm out, DSparks. Good to read you. You too, cody and Lockdown.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
06-10-2013, 05:58 AM
then the score fails in it's main objective of amplifying the on-screen visuals.

You should grab a few episodes of Star Wars: Clone Wars (the new CG ones) with the original 5.1 audio.
Make sure you have FFDShow installed (comes with virtually every codec pack there is: CCP, KLite, etc).
Set it support all available raw formats of audio and AC3 as well. It will decode the AC3 and play it back as PCM.
Go to the "Volume" configuration and hit the "S" on the center channel. is an S on this world~
It's to make the center channel "solo" and mute the other channels.

The Clone Wars can hold well on their own without Kevin Kiner.
I've actually watched a whole season without Kevin Kiner and still got emotionally attached to the show and its characters.

It was just as great and fun with Kevin Kiner too.

The series is well crafted.
Zack Snyder needs all the help he can get these days.
His slow motion hinders him.
He needs people like Tyler Bates and Hans Zimmer to solidify his artistry in slow motion and very slow stories that evolve around action.
Watchmen was a fine film. If you limit yourself to watch it only once a year.
Dawn of the Dead, you can watch every day.
300 every 6 months. :erm: If you forget about Elliot Goldenthal...

That basically describes his whole filmography. The only movie of his I've actually seen is "Inglorious Bastards", which was very deserving of its Best Picture nomination. Tarantino's actually a huge fan of "Superman Returns". Every once in a while he talks about writing a 20-page review for it. To date, he hasn't delivered.

At first it sounds like you did watch his films but then you say you didn't.
He's really changed his style after he did Jackie Brown.
He was much more brilliant when he did Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.

It's alright. He can listen to the 320, and if he likes it we can hunt down the lossless. God knows if he can tolerate this cra...err..score in 160k.....

:laugh: I really looked past myself just so I can hear it today and not wait any longer for higher resolutions. :laugh:

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

Plus I'm trying to help him out because he's helped me out with a lot of things, I want to try and return the favor..

Patience, young padawan. The time will come~ :)

Here you go, Sparky:

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

I'm out, DSparks. Good to read you. You too, cody and Lockdown.

:bearclap: Ty, ty. Take care.
I'm off to get things sorted. I've a lot of projects to do.
And so little Zimmer to do them to. :169:

06-10-2013, 06:08 AM
Here's a mirror.

06-10-2013, 06:22 AM
At first it sounds like you did watch his films but then you say you didn't.

It's the impression I get from discussions read and overheard about his movies. "Reservoir Dogs is Tarantino's spin on the heist film. Jackie Brown is Tarantino's take on blacksploitation. Kill Bill is Tarantino's samurai spaghetti whatever. etc etc" People tend to discuss his movies in terms of other movies.

Biggs v.2
06-10-2013, 06:46 AM
?? We had better, more emotional synth at my high school prom.

I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously anymore.

06-10-2013, 06:49 AM
Between me and ffshrine, Hans Zimmer is my go-to composer when all I want is the "generic" wall of sound. It turns me on and I want to have ear sex all night long with his music.

the gus bus
06-10-2013, 06:56 AM
Don't get me wrong, I love the more adrenaline "zimmer-like" action tracks on this album just as much as the next guy.... but i really dig the quieter tracks on this! "This is Clark Kent" is fucking beautiful

06-10-2013, 06:58 AM
Thanks. :)

I haven't listened to this yet, but looking at the waveform it appears that they actually mastered it properly this time, without succumbing to the loudness war. That's remarkable nowadays.

06-10-2013, 07:13 AM
It's interesting to see and read opinions of this. Positive and negative.

I have listened to the album three times now and people kept saying "Don't judge the album of some short samples and a leaked trailer music track". But actually my judgement is totally the same. If you heard the 2 tracks leaked in advance and the samples you basically heard everything there is to it to these 118 minutes of music.

It's not bad. It's not good either. Personally I have my themes rather a bit more complex (like the London Calling / Ode To Harrisson to name a very recent example). It's just a sad trend to know that most of the score is recorded with an actual orchestra. It totally doesn't sound like that anymore. But that is the new trend in scoring these days and we have to live with it. Same goes for trailer music. Back in the beginning with the 'Themes for orchestra 1 + 2' series it all sounded like a real orchestra with a real 60 piece choir. These days trailer music all sounds like...well this score ^^

At least it's a good score to listen when I do my workouts with all the percussion and repetition. Makes me run faster :p
I do like Zimmer though. Samurai, Pirates 3, King Arthur, Sherlock 1, Da Vinci Code where great scores.

Best track of this one: If You Love These People

06-10-2013, 07:40 AM
I really took it to heart to listen and withstand this generic Zimmer rehash score to avoid sleeping and finish it from start to finish. So here's what i thought aside from too much reference to TDKR's "Gotham's reckoning" it's rather monotonous and boring. Too much Zimmering silences which does not add depth to the music but rather just extend the music where it's needed i would think. Not even a single cue could save this from mediocrity that includes the nice but short piano motif that could have made the difference but to no avail. I would call it more like 75% ambient effects and 25% music. No heroic nor memorable theme either to boot to mark it's own against the JW Superman theme.
To be fair it's not that bad, But not great either!!
Ready now for recycle bin!! :p

06-10-2013, 07:48 AM
Yea, Sparks. I have it, I'll pm you. Not lossless though, sorry. :(

But, "a flying alien" is NOT what Superman is about. It is ABOUT the Kansas farmboy, who incidentally **happens** to be a flying alien. The Kent, the farmboy values are what keeps him from killing us dead, outta shere boredom.

Like the Bill said in KB2 - it's not a man dressed like a superhero, it's a superhero dressed up like a man.

06-10-2013, 07:56 AM
Really enjoyed the score. MUCH better than that campy cheery 70s nonsense that Williams stans have been raving about for the last 40 years!

Cpt Rex Kramer
06-10-2013, 07:57 AM
Thanks for the share, licenturion. BTW, has anyone else preordered the deluxe edition for the DTS download? I did and am looking forward to listening to the score with surround sound through a pair of headphones.

06-10-2013, 08:11 AM
But, as mentioned before, Williams' themes, and that style, will not work with the type of film this is going to be. Looking at trailers and sneak peeks, this film is much darker and more action oriented, with a more modern style of editing. The classic 70 & 80's Williams would fail miserably in a film like this, I think.

I�ve seen the movie and you couldn�t be so wrong.... Williams themes kept running through my head...... Zimmer just fails at every level........

06-10-2013, 08:18 AM
I�ve seen the movie and you couldn�t be so wrong.... Williams themes kept running through my head...... Zimmer just fails at every level........

Makes sense. I haven't seen the film yet but somehow a reference or an upgraded version of such JW Superman theme fused with Zimmer's style might have work.

06-10-2013, 08:22 AM
Man of Steel by zimmer is the score the movie deserves but not the one we need to remember. I wish it was the score that would change the Zimmerian sound to a more "new" sound. It fails and it's even more sad considering the fact that it's going to be a trilogy; maybe the help from James Newton Howard would have pushed the introspective aspect of the score which ,as well, fails in developing certain ideas. However our judgement cannot be definitive since we havent seen the movie nor heard all the score and that's why the recording sessions are to be found ( which I highly doubt it will )

06-10-2013, 08:27 AM
Man of Steel by zimmer is the score the movie deserves but not the one we need to remember. I wish it was the score that would change the Zimmerian sound to a more "new" sound. It fails and it's even more sad considering the fact that it's going to be a trilogy; maybe the help from James Newton Howard would have pushed the introspective aspect of the score which ,as well, fails in developing certain ideas...

For once I might actually be siding with you on this matter. Agreed!

06-10-2013, 08:38 AM
It's Zimmer month cause in 2 weeks 'Lone Ranger' will come out. I wonder how that would sound.

06-10-2013, 08:45 AM
Thank you

06-10-2013, 08:49 AM
I really took it to heart to listen and withstand this generic Zimmer rehash score to avoid sleeping and finish it from start to finish. So here's what i thought aside from too much reference to TDKR's "Gotham's reckoning" it's rather monotonous and boring. Too much Zimmering silences which does not add depth to the music but rather just extend the music where it's needed i would think. Not even a single cue could save this from mediocrity that includes the nice but short piano motif that could have made the difference but to no avail. I would call it more like 75% ambient effects and 25% music. No heroic nor memorable theme either to boot to mark it's own against the JW Superman theme.
To be fair it's not that bad, But not great either!!
Ready now for recycle bin!! :p

I think you can go to filmtracks and post your review there, they'll be delighted to read it. Actually there ARE themes (at least 3 different) and the whole soundtrack is very heroic, powerful, sometimes violent yet melodic (in my opinion!).

Nobody seems to notice it but the drums sound is the biggest i've ever heard. You really can hear why he recorded it with 12 drummers together! I think the drums and guitars add a lot.

06-10-2013, 08:57 AM
If interested, here's the 256kbps Deluxe Version I found floating around:

06-10-2013, 09:00 AM
Big drums does not mean good. Or bad.

All I am saying is that this is not a great score. Nor is it the worst ever. Why does that have to translate to one of us is right or wrong? Really, when did just talking about music become more like warfare?

06-10-2013, 09:08 AM
i'm enjoying this album

06-10-2013, 09:11 AM
a matter of taste, like always....
people have always liked quarreling about topics.

actually i often like drums :D

06-10-2013, 09:18 AM
a matter of taste, like always....
people have always liked quarreling about topics.

Well Zimmer always seem to start to biggest quarrels. Dunno: does he have more haters than other composers or does he have more vocal defenders/fans

06-10-2013, 09:21 AM
I would put forth that Horner conversations often get just as polarized.

Sorei, I too like drummers..err.drums. It's the sticks.....

---------- Post added at 01:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------

Now, normally I say that sound quality doesn'y matter on my tiny speaker system. But, perhaps with this score, increased bit rate/quality will truly make a difference?

06-10-2013, 09:24 AM
Really enjoyed the score. MUCH better than that campy cheery 70s nonsense that Williams stans have been raving about for the last 40 years!

Man, are you crazy? xd.........
You should be careful with your comments. An asteroid could fall at yout home...

IMHO, Zimmer score is really good and it fits with the movie (it's a different thing than John Williams and 1977 version, which is better music and a better main theme, that's obvious)

PD: What are you Going to do when you're not Saving the World? MAGNIFICENT.

06-10-2013, 09:30 AM
Movie of the year, could be. score of the year? Meh> lol

And why not? It's my opinion and no one will take it from me :P ;)

06-10-2013, 09:32 AM
I think, people forget that DC Comics, and Superman in particular, are **meant** to be more cheerful. That underside of goodness, and brightness is essential to the character. There is no such thing as a "grim" Superman. Not long term, and when it has happened, there have always been repercussions. But essentially, Clark is a fairly stable guy. Good job. Good public opinion. Married, stable relationship. And in the newer generations, still has parents and a good home life. Really. And so there is no "angst" or such. He really IS a boyscout too. The character truly lives those values, so applying that to his musical persona is entirely appropriate, perhaps even vital. Those homespun values are what connects us to him. Otherwise he is just too alien. But because of the Kents, and their values, he becomes human. That may sound "cheesy", but it's just the deal with this character, and by extension, a lot of the DC universe. The Marvel universe is totally different, and the music ought be too.

06-10-2013, 09:33 AM
Really enjoyed the score. MUCH better than that campy cheery 70s nonsense that Williams stans have been raving about for the last 40 years!

It's harsh... but somehow i agree on that. Yesterday i discovered Superman Returns, and wow. The score alone made it look like it was made in the 60s. A bit sad for a big budget action movie relying on special effects...

But i guess it's only a matter of taste. Some people are still thinking that any music that wasn't recorded with an actual intrument isn't real music, i understand why they hate HZ!

06-10-2013, 09:36 AM
STOP judging the album, we all know how zimmer albums are, they have suites and different versions, compare pirates 2 and 4 and tdkr the albums compared to the sessions missed so much and this will be the case for mos JUDGE THE SESSIONS WHEN YOU HEAR THEM IN THE FILM NOT THE ALBUM THAT CLEARLY HAS SO MUCH MISSING.

06-10-2013, 09:44 AM
Superman Returns tried that moral ambiguity "where do I fit in" thing. Clark knows better than that. He came to terms with that the minute he stepped up to the mantle. And, I do not really think he'd leave Earth unprotected like that, to explore a burnt husk. And while I am here, what's the deal with that? I saw in the making of book that there were a few scenes regarding Krypton lite, and yet I have never seen a cut of the movie with those scenes in it? And why would it even still be there if the sun had gone nova? It is all very odd. But, anyhoo. The film tried to incorporate itself into the 79 movie; into it's timeline and "feel". So, the style of filming, the sets, the music, all of it were designed to be in line with the frame of the original. That was done on purpose. It just backfired, is all.

---------- Post added at 01:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 AM ----------

STOP judging the album, we all know how zimmer albums are, they have suites and different versions, compare pirates 2 and 4 and tdkr the albums compared to the sessions missed so much and this will be the case for mos JUDGE THE SESSIONS WHEN YOU HEAR THEM IN THE FILM NOT THE ALBUM THAT CLEARLY HAS SO MUCH MISSING.

I agree in a way. But, this is representative of the sound, and "judging" is not quite the term. It is critiquing, and is perfectly valid. I do not for the life of me see the threat of talking about musical tastes. I am a Horner fan, but i hardly get threatened by the idea others don't like his work. (I know, some do) There is NO harm in discussing the score on it's merits whatsoever. Except in that anyone on the fence about buying it have a bounty of comments to weigh. Other than that, no harm is being done. Or, are we to have an entire thread of "this is the best" comments? Where is the point of that? Surely even those of you LOVING the score have elements you like more than others?

06-10-2013, 09:44 AM
And why not? It's my opinion and no one will take it from me :P ;)

Right man! and trust me I wouldn't even take that from you it's all yours and just like you or anybody else for that matter we all are entitled to our own and I just wrote mine and it stays that way. :)

06-10-2013, 09:47 AM
I am feeling better with it on the second pass. If You Love These People, and This Is Madness I'll keep for sure. We'll see. Really ambivalent about the guitars in Flight. :/

06-10-2013, 09:48 AM

Some people are still thinking that any music that wasn't recorded with an actual intrument isn't real music, i understand why they hate HZ!

You said it yourself since it's not an actual musical instrument then it's not music but sound effects. Hate is a bit of an exaggeration though, stating ones own opinion contradictory to the others beliefs does not constitute hate on the person.

06-10-2013, 09:49 AM
Man of Steel - Hans Zimmer [Deluxe Edition] (OST) (2013)

Man of Steel
Miusic by: Hans Zimmer
Released: 2013
Format: MP3 256kbps
Size: 220 MB



01. Look to the Stars [02:58]
02. Oil Rig [01:45]
03. Sent Here for a Reason [03:46]
04. DNA [03:34]
05. Goodbye My Son [02:01]
06. If You Love These People [03:22]
07. Krypton's Last [01:58]
08. Terraforming [09:49]
09. Tornado [02:53]
10. You Die or I Do [03:13]
11. Launch [02:36]
12. Ignition [01:19]
13. I Will Find Him [02:57]
14. This is Clark Kent [03:47]
15. I Have So Many Questions [03:47]
16. Flight [04:18]
17. What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World? [05:27]


01. Man of Steel (Hans' Original Sketchbook) [28:16]
02. Are You Listening, Clark? [02:49]
03. General Zod [07:21]
04. You Led Us Here [02:59]
05. This is Madness! [03:48]
06. Earth [06:11]
07. Arcade [07:25]

Enjoy and Please Say Thanks :)

06-10-2013, 09:49 AM
Added the 256kpbs link to first post. Thanks!

06-10-2013, 09:50 AM
I don't "hate" Zimmer any more than I can "love" Horner. Never met either of 'em, don't care too....

06-10-2013, 09:52 AM
Thank you very much! :)

Does anybody have the FLAC or 320k version of this score?

06-10-2013, 09:55 AM
I don't "hate" Zimmer any more than I can "love" Horner. Never met either of 'em, don't care too....

I actually like that line Amanda. :)

06-10-2013, 09:57 AM
Is this an actual 256 or the upconvert of the 160kbps posted earlier?

06-10-2013, 10:05 AM
Thanks for this but yes, I'll wait for a lossless version.

06-10-2013, 10:11 AM
woh! that was fast…
i think i'll wait for the lossless version too

06-10-2013, 10:19 AM
Thank you very much! :)

Does anybody have the FLAC or 320k version of this score?
Gotta love when the very first post asks for something MORE...

06-10-2013, 10:22 AM
I think it's epic....and if you see the understand is an awesome fit.....btw music reminds me of crimson tide....and the other best stuff of Zimmer

06-10-2013, 10:25 AM
I would assume it's an up convert of the 160kbps version since collection didn't even bother to respond..

06-10-2013, 10:27 AM
To me, it feels like the "themes" are ideas of themes, not completed or whole. Presumably to mature in future films. A gamble as future films are never guaranteed, but I am presuming that the intent here is similar to that of the Batman trilogy, to set up a musical universe and sound that grows each film. Is this 256 post an upconvert, or truly an upgrade?

06-10-2013, 10:29 AM
Everything that is out is based off the Spotify rip. Its good enough until the album is officially released in less than 24 hours.

06-10-2013, 10:38 AM

06-10-2013, 10:43 AM
To me, it feels like the "themes" are ideas of themes, not completed or whole. Presumably to mature in future films. A gamble as future films are never guaranteed, but I am presuming that the intent here is similar to that of the Batman trilogy, to set up a musical universe and sound that grows each film?

Sadly there really isn't much on that growing part that you mentioned but just a recycling of easily recognizable cues from his former score. With no new and remarkable music to offer it's just like buying the same shirt but with only the varying color and in essence it's still the same.

06-10-2013, 10:46 AM
It seems a legit 256kpbs. Correct me if I am wrong ^^

06-10-2013, 10:47 AM
Well, I meant perhaps an expansion and maturing of the score in subsequent Superman films, which I can't judged, as they have not been written yet?

06-10-2013, 10:50 AM
Fake 256K confirmed.It's upconverted from 160K version.

06-10-2013, 10:52 AM
:) Dear no need to defend thyself, it's not an attack on you. I understand what you meant it's just that I don't see it that way (i.e. TDK, TDKR and this) If that is what's really happening then I would be the first to defend Zimmer no doubt about it.

06-10-2013, 10:58 AM
actually if i like a score, i do not care at all if it is "good" or "bad", i just like it. ;)

And I do like the score.
I was in doubt when listenening to the floating "Promo", but I do like the score.

@Amanda: i like "flight" a lot too....

06-10-2013, 11:04 AM
Thanks for this.

06-10-2013, 11:05 AM
i think also, we are in a postition where we take advantage of what is on offer, even me. There was a time when we would watch the film and rate the soundtrack solely on how we watch the film. Now we just listen to the scores before watching films.
We had to go out and buy the cd's. Now we can just log in and click. This is exactly what happened to me with the TDKR. When we listen to a score before watching the film, we cant really picture why we liked the cue in the first place.

06-10-2013, 11:07 AM
It is not 256kbps, it's around 160 kbps.

06-10-2013, 11:11 AM
A good way to know if it's ripped from the actual album is that on the album the tracks are a bit shorter (most of them flow in the next one).

06-10-2013, 11:12 AM
Superman Returns tried that moral ambiguity "where do I fit in" thing. Clark knows better than that. He came to terms with that the minute he stepped up to the mantle. And, I do not really think he'd leave Earth unprotected like that, to explore a burnt husk. And while I am here, what's the deal with that? I saw in the making of book that there were a few scenes regarding Krypton lite, and yet I have never seen a cut of the movie with those scenes in it? And why would it even still be there if the sun had gone nova? It is all very odd. But, anyhoo. The film tried to incorporate itself into the 79 movie; into it's timeline and "feel". So, the style of filming, the sets, the music, all of it were designed to be in line with the frame of the original. That was done on purpose. It just backfired, is all.

---------- Post added at 01:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 AM ----------

I agree in a way. But, this is representative of the sound, and "judging" is not quite the term. It is critiquing, and is perfectly valid. I do not for the life of me see the threat of talking about musical tastes. I am a Horner fan, but i hardly get threatened by the idea others don't like his work. (I know, some do) There is NO harm in discussing the score on it's merits whatsoever. Except in that anyone on the fence about buying it have a bounty of comments to weigh. Other than that, no harm is being done. Or, are we to have an entire thread of "this is the best" comments? Where is the point of that? Surely even those of you LOVING the score have elements you like more than others?

Supeman Returns is 10 times the movie Man of Steel is....... what I saw was a studio trying to catch lightning in a bottle twice.....Nolan....Goyer.....Zimmer.............Ba tman..... it just didn�t work...... Henry Cavill and Superman deserved more than what they got..... This movie is aimed at those who don�t give a shit about story nor Character..... actually thinking about it the Story just didn�t make sense....... Hate on Singer and Superman Returns all ye want but that film had Heart and Soul....... and had a great theme to it....yes there were aspects of Superman which felt strange like spying on Lois but I put that down to Clarks and Superman Human side....remember he was raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent for fuck sake ...... I will say this that Amy Adams is the best thing in MOS.... even though she has nothing really to do in the movie.....don�t worry I�m not gonna spoil the movie for anyone......

As for Zimmer........... well he�s a Hack always has been and always will be....... any composer who needs 12 fuckin credited or uncredited ghost writers to finish and write a score is a Hack Imo.... someone who is not up to the job...... what Zimmer is is a great PR marketing guy..... for example.... 12 drummers on MOS...... GETTING THE PUBLIC TO CHANT TO BE ON A Batman score............... all Marketing gimmicks which serve no purpose in musical terms.... Zimmer unfortunately is here to stay because in an industry artistically fucked he does what the studios want......... as consumers we are fucked to high heaven which is why I live be this moto...............


Ahhh made me feel better................... now I�m gonna put on Some John Williams .............. Superman ................ oh that March.................. I feel I can fuckin fly

06-10-2013, 11:13 AM
can't say much yet on the score as a stand alone album and as a music on the films' context i still have to see it this week and yeah that would be opening day!! can't wait!! :D

thanks for this share!

06-10-2013, 11:16 AM
So it's upscaled then?
EncSpot said is was real...

06-10-2013, 11:17 AM
i also loved returns. i dont get why people didnt like it. it was a true follow up from superman 2 and stayed loyal to the series. the only gripe i had was his son, but i still loved it. And when the begining credits came up like they did, i was like a child again.

06-10-2013, 11:28 AM
i personally like SR, the score and the special effects. it doesn't bother me much that Supes now had a son and has to contend with the fact that the world has moved on without him as the worlds protector. what it lacks is the long awaited action packed film that would showcase how he struggles and deals with the Villains. Luthor had been his nemesis for most of the series had they opted to add Brainiac or Mongol or any other heavyweights to contend with then the package might have been complete and we might not even have MOS right now. as to the aspect of the music personally i like and commend what John Ottman did in his works on SR. Power of the Sun and Saving Metropolis is still a favorite and is included up to now in my playlist.

06-10-2013, 11:35 AM
i also loved returns. i dont get why people didnt like it. it was a true follow up from superman 2 and stayed loyal to the series. the only gripe i had was his son, but i still loved it. And when the begining credits came up like they did, i was like a child again.

I loved the movie but it was a complete let down as it had the potential to be what Man of steel will be - Superman not just lifting up and stopping huge objects from hitting people but rather actually having a villain to fight and the sense of a real threat not some idiotic idea where a guy makes a portion of the world look like krypton (embarrassing and stupid plot if you ask me). Bryan Singer failed when he just re-created the 78 film for 2006, literally the EXACT same movie my god he could have continued from Superman 2 and given the guy a proper villain to deal with like Braniac or Doomsday and not having the world's greatest hero end up in hospital - WHAT AN IDIOTIC ENDING.

But as far as the score goes, John Ottman did an amazing job but enough with all that and Based on the MOS album were are finally going to get a proper Superman film, the much needed reboot like Batman Begins after the punishable by death Batman & Robin.

06-10-2013, 11:40 AM
Supeman Returns is 10 times the movie Man of Steel is....... what I saw was a studio trying to catch lightning in a bottle twice.....Nolan....Goyer.....Zimmer.............Ba tman..... it just didn�t work...... Henry Cavill and Superman deserved more than what they got..... This movie is aimed at those who don�t give a shit about story nor Character..... actually thinking about it the Story just didn�t make sense....... Hate on Singer and Superman Returns all ye want but that film had Heart and Soul....... and had a great theme to it....yes there were aspects of Superman which felt strange like spying on Lois but I put that down to Clarks and Superman Human side....remember he was raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent for fuck sake ...... I will say this that Amy Adams is the best thing in MOS.... even though she has nothing really to do in the movie.....don�t worry I�m not gonna spoil the movie for anyone......

As for Zimmer........... well he�s a Hack always has been and always will be....... any composer who needs 12 fuckin credited or uncredited ghost writers to finish and write a score is a Hack Imo.... someone who is not up to the job...... what Zimmer is is a great PR marketing guy..... for example.... 12 drummers on MOS...... GETTING THE PUBLIC TO CHANT TO BE ON A Batman score............... all Marketing gimmicks which serve no purpose in musical terms.... Zimmer unfortunately is here to stay because in an industry artistically fucked he does what the studios want......... as consumers we are fucked to high heaven which is why I live be this moto...............


Ahhh made me feel better................... now I�m gonna put on Some John Williams .............. Superman ................ oh that March.................. I feel I can fuckin fly

Very straighforward and no pretentions. I like that. 2 thumbs up for that Rocklegend! You've already summed what needs to be said.

06-10-2013, 11:50 AM
the deluxe cd box is superb !

but : Junkie XL ? junkie XL ? again crap remixes ?

06-10-2013, 12:09 PM
Is that link real 256kbps or up convert from 160k?

06-10-2013, 12:26 PM
I loved the movie but it was a complete let down as it had the potential to be what Man of steel will be - Superman not just lifting up and stopping huge objects from hitting people but rather actually having a villain to fight and the sense of a real threat not some idiotic idea where a guy makes a portion of the world look like krypton (embarrassing and stupid plot if you ask me). Bryan Singer failed when he just re-created the 78 film for 2006, literally the EXACT same movie my god he could have continued from Superman 2 and given the guy a proper villain to deal with like Braniac or Doomsday and not having the world's greatest hero end up in hospital - WHAT AN IDIOTIC ENDING.

But as far as the score goes, John Ottman did an amazing job but enough with all that and Based on the MOS album were are finally going to get a proper Superman film, the much needed reboot like Batman Begins after the punishable by death Batman & Robin.

Have you seen Superman 1 and 2...... if so you�ve seen MOS ........

You do know that Superman is virtually indestructible...... What Singer did was raise the stakes hence The Son element....also it�s theme is directed from Superman 1 The father becomes the Son...... The Son becomes the Father.... somethin like that.... Singer imo would�ve used The Son as a way to get at Superman..... it�s what the movies have done since Donner�s 78 Superman..... MOS is no different..... in fact it fails at every level in don�t care for any of the Characters even Superman.....I will say this that Nothing in MOS compares to the Airplane Scene in Superman Returns...... there�s only so much times ya can watch shite blow up..... I�ve seen everything in MOS in Matrix Revolutions.... so I applaud Singer go the opposite dirrection....watchin Superman do Superfeats because we care about the people he�s saving is more worth while than watchin Aliens Blow up a City because...well I won�t spoil it for ya...... hence why the 3 way fight in Donners Superman 2 movie is epic..... it�s about Superman�s human side imo......

I agree with the Luthor Superman Returns....He should�ve been a meglomaniac which would�ve hurt Superman even more for leaving all behind

06-10-2013, 12:28 PM
I don't care if it's @160 or 256; I'm just curious! So: thank you!! :)

06-10-2013, 12:54 PM
Any MoS review looses any kind of merit if the reviewer pretends that Superman Returns was decent movie.

I mean really?! Superman Returns?! How fucking lame is that!!!

06-10-2013, 01:02 PM
Thank you very much!

06-10-2013, 01:12 PM
a matter of taste, like always....
people have always liked quarreling about topics.

actually i often like drums :D

Cause Tom Jxl did an awesome work this time so guys......... no remixes..

06-10-2013, 01:29 PM
Any MoS review looses any kind of merit if the reviewer pretends that Superman Returns was decent movie.

I mean really?! Superman Returns?! How fucking lame is that!!!

Too much story telling for the young brain of yours too handle ....not enough of Boom Boom.........explosions......5 sec cuts........ youth of today...... we�re fuckin doomed I tell ya.....fuckin doomed

06-10-2013, 01:38 PM
The obvious thing to do is name everyone who ever composed for any Superman production.
Which lacks true inspiration and imagination. It's far too easy to do that.
The idea is to present something new.
We've had themes. We've had themes forever. But they're not the definition of the figure. It's not like Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman with John Williams in mind.
Zimmer's not a monster; he's just ahead of the curve~

I agree with you 110%

Thank you.

06-10-2013, 01:43 PM
Thank You.

06-10-2013, 01:52 PM
Too much story telling for the young brain of yours too handle ....not enough of Boom Boom.........explosions......5 sec cuts........ youth of today...... we�re fuckin doomed I tell ya.....fuckin doomed

Story? Are you talking about this mess were an entire builiding of reporters can't piece together that Clark Kent and Superman were both absent for exactly 5 years?
Were Lex Luthor fucks almost dead women for their money and comes up with the most obnoxious and downright stupid ploy to become rich with Kryptonian rock real estate?
Or the fact that Kryptonite only seems to be lethal for Supes when HE FEELS LIKE IT?
Where the heroes hideout is completly open for anyone to enter in his absence?
Where a court has to set free a mad man because the Superhero that catched him wasn't around?
Where a superhero can throw an entire continent into space but struggles with saving a freaking passanger plane?!
Where the feisty reporter brings her 5 year old spawn on a boat that she KNOWS is the epicenter of the blackout, and of course leave her fucking phone in the car!

That movie even insults the intelligence of fruit flies!!!