04-14-2004, 12:05 PM
I have been contemplating for a few days how to post this so here I go.

We all play final fantasy,um..right? So here is the basic situation: I am a mother of a three year old. I have a brother who is nine. I play final fantasy and have for about 9 years I guess. My son is familiar with final fantasy to a point( he knows the characters and if they are good guys or bad guys). However My parents will not even let my brother (who remember is nine) go to a kids house that has afinal fantasy game(they speak with the parents be fore he goes, and no he doesnt come to my house often). They say that it will effect his behavior. Now my son watches me play all the time and yes he is one karate chopping fight'n machine but so are alot of three year olds. He even has some games of his own that he plays; not final fantasy because he cant really understand the story line at this point; but if he could I WOULD LET HIM. So given the basic situation my question is this:

Is that wrong for me to let him play if he could?

At what age is it okay for them to play(or even watch for that matter)?

What effects do you truley think it could have on a child who is 3,9, or older?

04-15-2004, 12:50 AM
Hmm, that's a good question actually, I think. To be honest, I'm tempted to say immediately that any kid three-years old probably shouldn't be allowed to play FF games. I mean, the games are rated Teen and use your judgment: you've got violence, dialogue at times that is admittedly suggestive and other elements that are probably not good for that age. But when they are old enough to understand it and undestand all the complexities of it, I don't see why not.

Regarding these parents that say they won't "let" their kids go to a house that has Final Fantasy games, is there negotiation? If you agree to hide them while they are around, is that acceptable? Or do they just say that the fact that you have them at all is a bad thing, in which case I humbly submit that they are close-minded morons.

04-15-2004, 03:40 AM
I've never seen Final Fantasy games have an effect on people so that it changed their behaviour. But I must admit I've never seen a small child play any of these games.
Also... I've no idea what a nine-year-old nowadays is used to. O_o
Final Fantasy is probably not the worst of games that a child can play. GTA should be worse. ;)

*tries to imaginea three-year-old talking about FF* Awww.....

Evad D'Aragon
04-15-2004, 09:32 AM
Well, maybe a 9-year-old is a little young...I mean, often the storyline can get a little complicated for kids that age. However, since I started playing FFs at 11 and that english wasn't even my first language (Whereas you won't find a French FF in North America unless you play it on an emulator), I'm tempted to say there has to be some close-minded behaviour from your parents. Perhaps sitting down with the child and taking time to explain that what happens in the game isn't reality, and so on. And waiting a good 2-3 years should help, too.

Although, don't ask me why, I'm ALMOST sure they would have no qualms with him playing Kingdom Hearts. Which is more or less ridiculous. Sure, KH was a little easier than most RPGs I've played and the Disney element gave it a little "kiddy" touch. However, it was still hard and complex enough for kids below 10 without any RPG experience to have somewhat of an hard time with it. So I wasn't so sure it should have been rated "E".

But in the end, it's all in the culture and education...Is a japanese 9 year-old too young for FF ? Well, it would appear not, at least less than an american 9 year-old...Oh well.

And, yes, if you ask me , GTA is far worse to let play a 9-year-old than FF...But that's just me.

04-16-2004, 03:10 AM
I say if the kid wants to and understands it let him go ahead, because he is at the age where he has a short attention span and would most probly get bored if he doesnt get the story line of the game..........good point?? i know i would be honoured that when i have kids they play any of the final fantasys.

04-16-2004, 03:39 AM
Just keep him away from the following Final Fantasy games.....

7 (It's a bit rough)
8 (It's kinda mature-ish)
and XI (because it's... well online)

Otherwise, throw whatever Final Fantasy game you want at him. :D

04-16-2004, 04:26 AM
But the older Final Fantasies are harder than the newer ones, especially 4. He'll get frustrated from dying too often. Also, Square was a bit unrestrained when choosing Cid's dialogue in FF4.

04-16-2004, 01:09 PM
Also, I have heard some complaints about FFX-2 not being a good choice because the women are rather scantily clad. Particularly Leblanc.

Evad D'Aragon
04-16-2004, 05:31 PM
Well, I guess if you want to make him start with a relatively-recent game, FFIX would be a good choice...followed by X.

IX's cute deformed characters will appeal to him, plus the game is neither too hard (IV,V, I, II and especially III come to mind) nor too easy (VII,VIII and X come to mind). Plus the storyline isn't too complicated yet charming. I believe this one would be a good start considering his age.

X comes second. It's probably the easiest one I've played (barring the bosses in the side-quests and some of the later bosses), plus it's a recent one, so he'll get hooked on all the eye-candy and playability. Plus there isn't a lot of chances he would get "lost" seeing the extreme linearity of the game.

Like MogKnight said, VII, VIII and XI aren't good choices. I just want to add my two-cents though :

VII wasn't that rough, challenge-wise, but Barret and Cid's tone of speaking combined with some of the twists of the storyline might be too much.

And so would be VIII, although that one is even easier than VII, difficulty-wise, but has some themes that may be a little too "mature" for a 9 year-old.

Obviously, XI would be the worst choice. The fact that it's an online game alone is the main reason. Because then you don't really have any control of what's going to be the "content" of the conversations. Having a 9 year-old teaming up with pre-teens that will curse half the time and treat him like dirt isn't a very good idea, education-wise.

And if you want to go with older ones, I'd guess the very first Final Fantasy on PSX (FF Origins) would do. Its difficulty can be toned down, the storyline isn't complicated at all ( it nearly has none ) and can start with the very beginning. Make him steer clear of II from Origins, though. Even with the difficulty toned down (it automatically is unless you clear it at least once), that game is very hard. Much too hard for a 9 year-old's patience.

As for the rest...

I think he'd have to be a little older, like 2-3 years more. Which is a shame, because otherwise I'd recommend FFVI to start with. But I disgress.

And as for the spin-offs (Tactics, FFTA, FF:CC, but not X-2, that one is a sequel, it's in a category of its own), suffice to say he's better off getting acquainted to the series first before trying those. Except, perhaps, FF:CC IF paired with people who will help him and be nice. But you have to control who is playing with him, or else it would turn out like FFXI. But since you can more easily select who would play with him, I guess it makes it a better choice than FFXI. That, and the whole process of registeration and other stuff that comes with online gaming that wouldn't come in the way.

04-16-2004, 06:29 PM
Actually you should probably have him play FFTA. Though "slashing and beating up" other characters might be considered brutal (I run around with 6 Ninjas with Double Sword S-Abilities and I kill off enemies for pleasure!), it does teach a lesson of life (in a way) and has cute cuddly characters. It's advanced enough for people like us to enjoy it but it's simple enough that even new people can get hooked on.

I should also add that anyone under the age of 13 should avoid Forums/Online Communities. I also think it's US Law or something... NOT sure so don't quote me on that.

Evad D'Aragon
04-16-2004, 07:27 PM
Well, I have to admit, because I tried FFTA and finished FFT, that there's a world of difference between the two with the difficulty. So I guess he could start with that, too, for the reasons you've already said. I mean, doesn't every 9 year-old boy have a GBA SP ? :p Just kidding.

I won't quote you on the 13-forums-online thingie, though. I'm a Canadian Lawyer-in-training so I know next to nothing with US Laws. Although I agree it makes sense. In fact, I've yet to find a online-enabled console game that is rated anything below "T".

Garnet aka Dagger
04-16-2004, 09:47 PM
To me,I dont think its wrong for anyone who wants to play Final Fantasy to play it,no matter what their age is. I have never seen it have an effect on anyone,like a bad effect. I dont even see how it could.

My cousin plays Final Fantasy and she started playing it when she was nine. She acts no different from the way she acted before she played it. Except for the fact that she loves FF now.

I dont really see anything wrong with Final Fantasy for kids o.o..besides maybe a few cuss words and some violence >> But kids learn all that no matter what. Theres loads of worst stuff out there that they could be into,and Final Fantasy might just keep them from it >> ;p

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
04-17-2004, 12:37 AM
Heh, I really don't see how it's a subject of debate, they're his parents, aren't they? Up to a certain age they pretty much have free-reign over what he can and can't watch/play/listen to.

Look at the bright side, at least they aren't lobbying the government to make it so we can't play the games, either. Those parents are far worse.

Oh, and yes, it is US law that anyone that registers with an online community or forum in the US be over 13 years of age. Either that, or the parent submit a written consent form to the people running the forum. You know, that way they can't sue the forum because they approved of their child viewing it beforehand.

04-17-2004, 12:52 AM
Well I've been playing FF since the sixth grade and I'm a social retard. So you take your chances.

04-17-2004, 04:38 AM
I've been playing Final Fantasy since... um.... 3rd grade, I believe. So that would be when I was 8, and I was fine with it =\. And I'm a perfectly fine person... kinder and more empathetic with much more of a mind of my own than the vast majority of people my age.

By the way, I'm 14.

And Evad, just mildly curious, how would someone go about getting a copy of III without an emulator? Because I sincerely doubt most people have the system, cartridge, or Japanese-reading skills to play it. But I guess you're right, the fact that you can't tell what's going on does make it hard for the Japanese-illeterate :P
Unless you meant VI... but VI is one of the easier Final Fantasies, due to the bugs =(

04-17-2004, 12:25 PM
Isn't IIIj available on one of the recent rereleases?

Evad D'Aragon
04-17-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

And Evad, just mildly curious, how would someone go about getting a copy of III without an emulator? Because I sincerely doubt most people have the system, cartridge, or Japanese-reading skills to play it. But I guess you're right, the fact that you can't tell what's going on does make it hard for the Japanese-illeterate :P
Unless you meant VI... but VI is one of the easier Final Fantasies, due to the bugs =(

Hehehe, I never said I played it on a cartridge. When I refer to III, I do mean the "real" III. I tried on a emu, translated into english. Got about 25% into it.

Yeah, VI isn't hard, really. But it's still harder than the ones that came after it, if you ask me. VII,VIII,IX and X were all a walk in the park compared to it...Or it could be my experience of the series. After all, except for II and III I've beaten them all at least once and I've played them all in order since VI, so sometimes when a new FF comes out I definitely have a feeling of d�j� vu.

And, no, III isn't been released here in North America. It still is the only one. I think it was remade on the Wonderswan like the first two in Japan but I'm not sure. It was planned to but I don't remember if it was completed. But heck, if they'd release (along with Seiken Densetsu III, while we're at it) it here in some form I'd sure rush to get it.

04-17-2004, 01:42 PM
Final Fantasy makes me break things!

No really I've been playing since about 6th or 7th grade and in no way, shape, or form am I violent. If anything is to make a kid act crazy its everything but FF. Kids growing up do alot of crazy shit that their folks dont know about FF should be the least of their worries. Think about when you were a kid FF playing was not even an issue compared to all the crazyness you got into.

But yeah I dont think parents should begin their concerns with FF there are tons of things they should worrie about before hand. Besides by the time kids grow up they will have done almost everthing they were told not to do in one way or another without parents even knowing. This does not mean that they will grow up completly evil they just will have experienced every day life. And thats reality.;)