06-05-2013, 12:54 AM
Hello! I am new, I want to make MP3 files from video game songs but I need some help!

I am using a software called WavePad Sound Editor, and when I record stuff, it asks me :

What Sample Rate I should record at?
and when I save the MP3, it asks what Bitrate (kbps) I want to save it as.

Also, I am using Realtek Stereo Mix to record music coming from sounds in the computer, will that interfere with the quality?

Is there a standard I should follow, I want to keep the music as it was originally!

Thank you for reading!

Infernus Animositas
06-06-2013, 01:42 PM
320 CBR at 44100Hz.

But if you genuinely want to keep the music as its original quality, recording from the Line-In (Stereo Mix) isn't the best way to go about it. Most of the frequencies above 16000Hz aren't recorded so this method is only done as a last resort if the songs cannot be ripped any other way.

What game are you attempting to rip the soundtrack from and what platform?

PC? PS3? Xbox 360?

06-06-2013, 10:53 PM
Ohh I see, aww man.

Well the game im recording is Bomberman Jetters a Gamecube game. I have the music files ripped from the game, but they are in a strange format that I'm not sure how to convert cause its straight from the CD, its called DSP. I'm using a plugin that lets me play DSP's on winamp, so I was planning on playing it and recording it with WavePad Sound editor.

I really wanna use and share the soundtrack!

06-06-2013, 11:44 PM
If winamp can play them, can't it convert them?

06-07-2013, 12:09 AM
Ohh I see, aww man.

Well the game im recording is Bomberman Jetters a Gamecube game. I have the music files ripped from the game, but they are in a strange format that I'm not sure how to convert cause its straight from the CD, its called DSP. I'm using a plugin that lets me play DSP's on winamp, so I was planning on playing it and recording it with WavePad Sound editor.

I really wanna use and share the soundtrack!

If it plays in Winamp, then you can convert the files to wav and they will be playabe. No need to capture the sound...

Infernus Animositas
06-07-2013, 01:05 AM
I'm assuming the plugin you are using VGMstream to play the DSP files?

06-07-2013, 02:06 AM
Ohhhhhh wow I feel like a total wierdo, most media players dont have converters, winamps pretty awesome.

Yes I am using VGMsream to play the DSP files!

But now I have another problem! I think I need to buy the pro version to convert to MP3 @_@. Can I maybe send it to you guys or something?

06-07-2013, 09:47 AM
No. you need the mp3 codec. Just go download the most recent version of LAME MP3 encoder, set winamp to use it, and encode away.

Infernus Animositas
06-07-2013, 04:09 PM
PkMax, put all the DSP files you want to convert into same folder with the test.exe for VGMStream

Copy the following code into notepad and then save it to the same directory as VGMstream's test.exe and give it the file extension ".bat" e.g. Convert.bat

FOR %%a IN (*.dsp) DO "C:\Program Files\Winamp\test.exe" -l 2 -f 10 -o "%%a.wav" "%%a"

This converts the DSP files into WAV, additionally it will also play through the song twice and then fade it out over 10 seconds.

Download dBPoweramp ( and install it.

Right-click the converted .WAV files and select "Convert to"

Set the "Converting To:" box to "mp3 (Lame)" the target radio button to "Bit Rate (CBR)" and drag the slider all the way to the right so it's 320K.
