01-21-2002, 05:28 PM
Does anyone else have Halo? There's just something so satisfying about running over screaming aliens and being blown up by grenades.... ^^ :alien:;

01-26-2002, 07:09 AM
halo is a really good game it is very amazing and everybody that i know thatsa also has played it is in love with it it has a great storyline great controls the ai for your buddies is awsome too they actualy work as a unit and not just going out pne by one dieing and the graphics are great objects in the game actualy look better when you get closer instead of most of the time where they look shitty this is deffinutly the best shooter game ever and is up there on my top ten list for games overall for all time:D

07-27-2004, 08:23 AM
yeah ive got halo... but to tell you what i really think.. i think ppl overlooked it.. i mean the last mission to me was just kinda stupid.... but im happy with my halo multiplayer right now.. cause i got a mod that makes it cell shaded!! woohoo!! it looks awesome!

07-27-2004, 09:32 AM
I love Halo when I have people to play with, but playing Halo solo gets extremely boring extremely quickly.

07-28-2004, 12:04 AM
Halo solo is still sweet, if you've got the right atmosphere - you need a dark room, and the sound turned up.

Halo multiplayer - especially if you've got 2 or more Xboxes networked - is easily the best social game ever. A couple of years on, and it's still the best deathmatch ever.

But where Halo really shines is Co-op. There's nothing quite as satisfying as blasting through Legendary mode with a buddy - especially if it's the first time you've done the solo missions. Dropping a Hunter with a pistol shot when he's about to masticate your mate is the best feeling in the damn world.

hb smokey
07-28-2004, 01:50 AM
At first, I thought that the solo mode was lame. But, that was only after playing through the first couple levels. Most of the later stages in the game can take hours each, if you have it on Legendary. Now that is some real fun.

Yes, Halo parties are the most fun I have with video games. It's just awesome when teams are in separate rooms, and you have the Sniper Rifle. You have no idea where the shots are coming from, and you are frantically searching every nook and cranny to locate the little bastard.

07-28-2004, 04:42 AM
It's also coming up with customized game modes - for instance, here are two that my friends and I play all the time;

Derby (Also, Team Derby)

Unlimited Grenades, Warthogs, and no weapons-fire allowed - Derby makes for a great frantic game. At the start, the players sprint to get in a Warthog, then the carnage begins.

The players in Warthogs aim to slam as fast as the can into other Warthogs, sending them flying - and hopefully the enemy Master Chief flying out of it. After he's on the ground - SQUISH.

Players on the ground aren't defenseless, though - unlimited Plasma Grenades means that if you're running someone down, you'd better make sure they don't sidestep and leave a sticky blue surprise on your 'Hog.

When (inevitably) two players meet with no Warthog available, it becomes a full on Frag Grenade fest - you become very good at predicting your enemy's move, or you die.

Overall, a great game mode.


The ultimate game mode - no radar, everyone fully cloaked, one life each. Pistols and Sniper Rifles only. The last man standing wins - and is the Champion.

For this game to be truly epic (and very Enemy at the Gates-ish), two people in a massive map like Sidewinder make for a great game.

07-28-2004, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Raidenex
Halo solo is still sweet, if you've got the right atmosphere - you need a dark room, and the sound turned up.

Halo multiplayer - especially if you've got 2 or more Xboxes networked - is easily the best social game ever. A couple of years on, and it's still the best deathmatch ever.

But where Halo really shines is Co-op. There's nothing quite as satisfying as blasting through Legendary mode with a buddy - especially if it's the first time you've done the solo missions. Dropping a Hunter with a pistol shot when he's about to masticate your mate is the best feeling in the damn world.
jesus christ man, I thought you had a PC?
Ut2k4 poo-poo's on Halo in deathmatch. It's too obvious.

And whoever said it had a great storyline needs to read some books :(

hb smokey
07-28-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by mrmonkeyman
<B>And whoever said it had a great storyline needs to read some books :(</B>

I'm not saying that it has a great storyline. It was nice and all, but it was too linear. But the only thing I found enjoyable about solo was the challenge respresented by beating Legendary.

07-29-2004, 02:55 AM
Actually it had a pretty nice story line for a sci-fi, it's just most of it wasn't really presented in the game, they actually made seperate halo books for that..... which is kinda stupid in my opinion, just put it into more games.

Anyway, yeah halo is really fun, especially co-op, it gets less attention from me by the middle of the game though, since all the marines are dead and everyone wants to kill you.

I played the game to death any, I'm simply waiting for halo 2, it will be SO much better.

07-29-2004, 02:59 AM

07-29-2004, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by sharpshooter


07-29-2004, 06:39 PM
yeah sharpshooter, you need to cool it with the caps, you do that in every forum, and although the average poster wouldn't mind, we're FF fans; we have a developed "text" imagination, so to us: YOUR SCREAMING!

hb smokey
07-29-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Ndi

Mandi, wouldn't it be the Caps Lock key? ^_^

07-29-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Smokey

Mandi, wouldn't it be the Caps Lock key? ^_^

He's all too familiar with his Caps Lock key.

It's shift that isn't getting any attention.

07-29-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Ndi

He's all too familiar with his Caps Lock key.

It's shift that isn't getting any attention.

Or maybe he's never even touched his Caps Lock, and it's actually his shift key getting all the attention.

07-29-2004, 11:22 PM
okay u guys we all had our little laf now so we should quit with the cap locks okay look i'm not using caps ya happy

Safer Sephiroth
07-30-2004, 08:10 PM
Not the greatest story line in a game but it was good enough to have me hooked to it and the gameplay was excellent, I enjoy Single Player as well as Multiplayer Online (With X-Box).

08-02-2004, 06:18 PM
The best thing to do is get about 16 people together, no more though, get 4 x-box's and then link them all. It never gets boring, and theres never any dull multi moments because theres always someone close enough to nail. Try it, it's awesome....

Landlord of Sector 7
08-05-2004, 02:38 AM
I only have Halo Trail for PC (Blood Gulch map) and all you can play is Slayer and CTF but still, very fun none the less.


08-05-2004, 04:53 AM
Because they want you to buy an xbox, you should anyway..... It's cheaper and has better games now, a larger library too.... really I don't see why so many people are putting it off for so long.

Landlord of Sector 7
08-05-2004, 05:47 AM
Because XBox Live blows and all I play is multiplayer. :(

Plus, I want a whole screen to myself I hate sharing it to where mine is small as hell. :(

08-05-2004, 12:27 PM
ive got halo a great game playing mutiplayer co optive is cool ive got the xbox and pc versions the pc onternet one is good to play new weapons banshees in mutliplayer which is hell lol

halo 2 realease date
9th novemeber 2004

08-05-2004, 07:23 PM
The only reason xbox live sucks is because of the other players, that alone can drive you away I understand, it does for me.

Xbox Live gamers are either:

1. Young kids talking about thier boring personal life and won't shut up.

2. Idiots Rapping

3. People who don't communicate at all and respond with either "huh?...... uh..... yeah ok.... wha?

My favorite quote is a definition for UrbanDictionary:

Xbox Live

An Internet service offered by Microsoft for their Xbox video game system, for the sake of being able to play their Xbox games online. Comes with a microphone so that you can speak to the other people you are playing with.

Sadly, most Xbox owners are not used to being able to talk to their opponents like PC gamers are. Hence the majority of the conversation that goes on often consists of "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!! SHOOT THE FUCKING GUY!!!"

That about sums it up, it's so true.....

But it's worth having an online connection for your xbox, just for the sole purpose of being able to download new content! :)

08-05-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Melchior
The only reason xbox live sucks is because of the other players, that alone can drive you away I understand, it does for me.

Xbox Live gamers are either:

1. Young kids talking about thier boring personal life and won't shut up.

2. Idiots Rapping

3. People who don't communicate at all and respond with either "huh?...... uh..... yeah ok.... wha?

My favorite quote is a definition for UrbanDictionary:

That about sums it up, it's so true.....

But it's worth having an online connection for your xbox, just for the sole purpose of being able to download new content! :)

haha you know it dont you yeah i think its quite expensive to broadband cnection �40 for a years subscription annyoing other gammers what can you download

hb smokey
08-06-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Melchior
<B>really I don't see why so many people are putting it off for so long.</B>
Because there are still only two good games for the system.

08-06-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Smokey

Because there are still only two good games for the system.

Are you crazy?

You've got:

- Halo
- Crimson Skies
- Mechassault
- Morrowind
- Oddworld
- Kotor
- Shenmue 2
- Beyond Good and Evil
- Splinter Cell
- Ghost Recon
- Soul Calibur II: (with spawn)

Not to mention Halo 2, KOTOR 2, and Fable soon to come out.

Plenty of great multi-console games that don't need to be mentioned.

Of course there's alot of sport's games for the console, but I'm not a fan of those.

Seriously, the only reason not to have an xbox at this point is: "I'm broke." Which is perfectly understandable. But if you have every other console, it's still worth it for the exclusives and upcoming exclusives I mentioned, and games that are multi-console play smoother on the xbox anyway.

hb smokey
08-06-2004, 05:06 PM
Well let me rephrase what I said before then. I consider Xbox to have only two <I>great</I> games that are exclusive:

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

08-06-2004, 05:07 PM
To add on to the Xbox dealie, I really would own one to see what I can do with it since an Xbox's structure is like a PC. But uh... yeah... Xbox has some grood games.

08-06-2004, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Melchior

Are you crazy?

You've got:

- Halo (PC)
- Morrowind (PC)
- Kotor (PC)
- Beyond Good and Evil (Every other system)
- Splinter Cell (Every other System)
- Ghost Recon (Every other System
- Soul Calibur II: (with spawn) (Every other System... and Spawn is a stupid character

The thing I don't like about X-box is that you can get nearly every game on it on another system or on PC... there are nearly no exclusives... that are good. In fact, the only game I can think of that I would want, thatis not on another system is Ninja Gaiden... and I'm not buying an x-box for Ninja Gaiden.

08-07-2004, 12:45 PM
I havnt even played halo yet :S im dying to play it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!