05-31-2013, 02:58 PM

Jordi Savall and the resurrection of Baroque music! God and my King!

What Else ?
This collection represents a great sample of French instrumental court music from the era 1601 - 1650. Much of it revolves around important events in the relatively short reign of Louis XIII. Like most court music, it feels triumphant. Confident horns blare over rhythms fit for processionals. Nearly all of the music has an optimistic and cheerful feeling. And almost all of it accompanied royal ballets in which the king himself sometimes danced.

Some of the happiest music belongs to the section dedicated to Louis XIII's 1615 marriage to Anne of Austria. The cheerful dance music belies the unhappy marriage that followed. Louis and Anne spent most of their time apart, but nonetheless still managed to produce the Sun King, Louis XIV, in 1638.Probably the most interesting music on this collection comes from a concert and ballet given in 1627 to Louis XIII. The music changes mood often in this run of twelve songs. "Les Ombres" somewhat ominously opens the set with rolling drums and slow thick strings. "Les Nimphes de la Grenouillere" probably has one of the catchiest and most memorable melodies on the entire CD. No doubt people danced to this one. It's hard not to even now. A guitar suddenly appears at the beginning of the effervescent "Les Ameriquans". The relatively raucous mood of this piece likely represented the tumultuous lives of people living in what was then known as the New World.

The final section of the CD contains a sampling of royal music from the years 1634 to 1650. More great guitar work appears in "Courante de la Reine d'Angleterre 1634". The first really melancholy piece doesn't appear until track 33: "Fantaisie 'Les Pleurs d'Orph�e'". Harpsichord accompanies the sad strings.
A lot of music from the French court has been lost. The pieces on this CD were complied by Andr� Danican Philidor in 1690. It carries a hefty but topically exhaustive title: "Collection of several old Airs composed for Coronations, Weddings and other Solemn events during the reigns of Henry III, Henry IV and Louis XIII, including several Concerts for their royal entertainment, gathered together by Philidor the Elder in 1690". That title doesn't leave a lot to the imagination concerning the manuscript's contents.

Louis XIII's reign saw the expansion of monarchical authority in France (thanks to his chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu), the philosophy of Ren� Descartes, and a whole lot of music. Louis composed works of his own (many now lost) and filled his court with ballet, recitals, and concerts. It's no surprise that some manuscripts survived from a court so laden in music. But the happiness was not to last, as we all know. Louis XIII's reign marked one of France's final monarchical reigns (that ultimately ended with the guillotining of Louis XVI in 1793).

A glimpse of what court life was like before the revolution is preserved on this CD, compliments of Jordi Savall and Le Concert des Nations. So here's yet another in a series of historically and musically important releases from Alia Vox. Best of all, though, it makes for a great listen.( Amazon)

0===CdS=Magic Window==-

01. 01Pavanne
02. 02 Gaillarde en suitte
03. 03 Muzette
04. 04 Pavane
05. 05 Branle en faubourdon
06. 06 Gaillarde en suite
07. 07 Pavane
08. 08 2e Air
09. 09 3e Air
10. 10 Pavane
11. 11 Bouree
12. 12 Ballet
13. 13 2e Air
14. 14 3e Air
15. 15 4e Air
16. 16 Les Ombres
17. 17 2e Air
18. 18 Charivaris
19. 19 Gavotte
20. 20 Les Suisses
21. 21 Les Suissesses
22. 22 Les Gascons
23. 23 Entree
24. 24 Les Vallets de la Faiste
25. 25 Les Nimphes de la Grenouillere
26. 26 Les Bergers
27. 27 Les Ameriquains
28. 28 Fanfare
29. 29 Intrada- Gavotte- Sarabande
30. 30 Charivaris
31. 31 Courante
32. 32 Gavotte
33. 33 Fantaisie
34. 34 Libertas
35. 35 Sarabandes et Tambourins
36. 36 A L'Imperio d'Amore!BF0FnT5D!SvQvBB17gFIDHXIMa_1Vo2a6_qh-qRDcUvChWX4rOa0 (359.2 MB)

no Pass

05-31-2013, 03:41 PM
Impeccable ( Again )...!!!
What's the paint of Cover ( I remember the Paint but not the Painter ... must be in your Scan File )
"C'est "Pompier" comme Art, mais cella me plais quand meme !!! ( bien-sur c'est de l'art de "commande", mais quand c'est bien fait on s'enfout, comme la decoration de la "Chapelle De Sixte"...un de vos parents sans doutes ( non je ne suis pas ironique du tout !!! )
Thank You very Much ( I D/L ) [ I wish my Uploader supported your Server...perfect your Russian server - en voila qui connaissent l'Art Pompier par coeur, les Russes :) !!! ] !!!! ;)

Claude Deruet [ OUI !!! ] ( le Peintre ),or.r_qf.&biw=1680&bih=906&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=el&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=N7-oUcDdCoTJPenrgPgF
Ici pas mal comme Triptique,or.r_qf.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=el&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=8L-oUf6PK87EPO6pgcgJ#facrc=_&imgrc=dTi32bk-FvtsJM%3A%3B0ftKaQ9lVFrBrM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fca _p0000267.001.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dhistoi

Celui-ci est Parfait ( non seulement parce que c'est Super, mais Historiquement pour moi, il est celebre, c'est le Gars qui a chasse les derniers chevalliers de "St Jean" a Rhodes !!!! )


Don't afraid i will post...just its :)

05-31-2013, 06:11 PM
Bye bye Yannis ; Have a good trip !

06-01-2013, 01:30 AM
Thank you share!

06-01-2013, 10:59 AM
Thank you.
Once more, more Salvall! Whopee times 3!

08-17-2013, 09:53 PM
New link added

08-18-2013, 03:08 PM
thanks CdS

08-18-2013, 04:43 PM
Wow! So very cool! Thanks for this awesome music!

Oliver Drab
09-05-2014, 11:31 AM
Thank you once more!

03-07-2015, 07:45 PM