04-11-2004, 10:15 AM
For all the FF7 players.
I have played final fantasy 7 several times and what is with the chocobo's? I have never in all of my time playing been able to get a GOLD Chocobo. Has anyone else had this experience? I got the blue and the green and the black one but god has just to grace me with a GOLD one. Is there some sort of trick that I am missing. I dont think I can tolerate racing one more time. Does anyone else see this as a time consuming waste? I have beat the games several times and only play now to try and get the stupid bird. So one please tell me WHAT'S THE DEAL?

Oh and sorry I misspelled Chocobo in the Poll. O not A

04-11-2004, 10:23 AM
Choc -o- bo's Dear

And I Dont Mind the Chocobo Racing But I Wasnt A Fan of the Breeding... A bit to Jerry Springer For My Liking You Wait For the Daughter of one to Grow Up And Them mate it with its father... Odd...

Besides The Breeding Was time Consuming... But the racing Was Fun I Got My Gold Chocobo By Beating Up Ruby Weapon... And if you Havent Had A Gold Chocobo Then you Havent Experienced Knights of The Round? Something i Recommend As Worthwhile... Just once...

04-11-2004, 12:00 PM
I know what you are doing wrong. You have to catch a sprinting chcobo and level it up to A class than mate it with A level a black chocobo. You catch sprinting chocobo's near Icicle inn and breed them with a Zieo nut obtianed by steeling them from Goblins on the Goblin island. There is actually a guide at the top of this forum. They look like this when you catch them.

04-11-2004, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the advice. Oh and sorry to hear about you dog.(read it in another post).

04-12-2004, 07:28 AM
It's ok, he is in a better place right now.