04-10-2004, 09:52 AM
OK Griever is the ring that Squall has and Ultimecia junctioned-fused with Griever coz Squall said that Giever is the strongests of all GF so she could deafeat him.She knows so many about Squall coz she posessed Edea-Matron(she knew Squall when he was a kid),Adel(she learned about Laguna),and Rinoa(He told her about Griever at Disk2 towards end).There's also something to consider.If you look the necklace of Squall the head is a lion(squall's surname is Leonheart)and the other is a cross OR wings.The cross could be Seifer(Seifer has cross all over him)but i don't think its true.If it is wings its probably from Rinoa(on her back she has wing,her limit break is Angel wing).This can probably explain why Ultimecia fused with Griever because the necklase is a union of a lion and wings(Squall and Rinoa):PPPPPPPP

04-11-2004, 04:04 AM
Well aggelos I think you idea is some how right... but cause you Give ressons so iam With your idea. and one thing when you began with new game they will ask you to change squall name and griever and thats other resson.

06-17-2004, 06:09 AM
i must say this squalls name is leonhart not lionheart which is his best sword and limit break.

Neo Xzhan
06-17-2004, 01:33 PM
What's up with the random attachment. Unless it has something to do with your post, don't attach random pictures.

06-17-2004, 04:58 PM
Leon or lion means the same thing:P

it's my sig and i wanted to see if it was visible sorry

06-27-2004, 03:33 PM
leon and lion arent the same...leon is jean reno killing people and looking after a little girl, a lion is an animal...well maybe they are similar but not the same lol sorry, bit random there but yes squall's necklace and ring is of greiver, so is his gunblade, gunblade case, so squall has a bit of a thing for greiver which is cool! why the hell not have a thing for the supposed almightyiest being? whooo!