04-08-2004, 02:33 PM
How can a meteor that small kill off everything on the planet, including the planet. I mean, wen u complete the game, u see meteor near cosmo canyon, AND ITS TINY!!

04-08-2004, 02:39 PM
well look at it this way, a nuclear bomb rite ,its not exactly big is it? an yet it still can take out pretty much the whole planet. oh another thing it aint real hun

04-08-2004, 02:54 PM
Well duh...

Ark Mune
04-08-2004, 05:16 PM
It is because of the speed it would actually travel at. Think about the meteor that wiped out the dinasaurs. A ten kilometer wide meteor that enters the earth asmisphere is being pulled towards the ground by gravity and wouldn't you know that bigger the object, the faster it falls. So by the time it hits the ground it has the force of a much much larger object. It then creates a creater that pushes dust, rocks and what ever else is in its way off in all directions. It would be a massive dust cloud that would block the sun. It is also moving so fast that it is like a atomic bomb. Everything goes around the world pushing and then at one point, every action must have a reaction. Thus it first pushes everything and then pulls it back. You know of G-forces right? It is like a g-force that is to much for anything to survive or remain standing.

You should have learned stuff like that in school. just like you should have learned proper english.

Hope that helped.

04-08-2004, 10:56 PM
Who needs to go back to school? Firstly, a more massive object does NOT fall faster than a less massive object...remember Gallileo? Secondly, Newton's third law does NOT mean that an object will push something and then pull it back...it means that the something will push back on the object with an equal and opposite force. Don't tell other people to smart up when you can't get it right yourself, kupo.

04-08-2004, 11:52 PM
Right, the larger object will fall at the same rate as the smaller object, not taking into account air resistance. But the larger object would have a much larger force (who'd of thunk it huh?). Force=Mass X Acceleration due to Gravity

So there, this is now the officail FFVII school time thread. Why is it official, because I say it is. Next on the lesson plan: Archimede's principal, discuss.

04-09-2004, 01:07 PM
Anyway.... The meteor is falling really slowly, so it cant be that bad

Ark Mune
04-09-2004, 02:40 PM
crap *slaps self*. It looks like it is falling slowly just to build up the anticipation of it. Makes you think, is the life and holy streams going to make it in time, or is meteor going to make it first. Plus the meteor starts off at the top of the {atmisphere}. If you look up and see a plane over head, it looks like it is going slow because of the altitude. It is kind of hard to explain.

It is not just the speed or mass. Think of this, if you drop a penny of the empire state building, it would put a whole in the ground. It is extremely small. So if a meteor 10km in diameter lets say falls, it is going to put a lot bigger whole in the ground and have an outward force push of gravity.

04-09-2004, 03:26 PM
Its still fallin slowly

Rabid Monkey
04-09-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Durendal
Right, the larger object will fall at the same rate as the smaller object, not taking into account air resistance. But the larger object would have a much larger force (who'd of thunk it huh?). Force=Mass X Acceleration due to Gravity

Actually F=MA, period. It's not gravity that causes force, gravity is a force. The reason the two objects fall at the same speed is because gravity is a constant. However, when you're talking about extremely large objects, like say a meteor, in comparison to smaller objects, a baseball for example, velocity will not be the same.

So there, this is now the officail FFVII school time thread. Why is it official, because I say it is. Next on the lesson plan: Archimede's principal, discuss.

Which one?

04-09-2004, 05:59 PM
Sigh...there is no need to explain it. It is a game. It falls slowly because they programmed it to. Cloud, if you only belive from what you see.."It is still falling slowly" THEN DONT INSIST.

It is because of all explanations already given: Optical Illusion, Mass, gravity and Drama are what makes it look slow...

04-10-2004, 05:00 AM
Any meteor that passes through the Earth's atmosphere at high velocity speeds will make a shock metamorphic wave. It also depends on the temperature of the object and the angle at which it enters the Earth's atmosphere. It is just a game though, and knowone said it would wipe out the planet, but only make a wound. There was a meteor that hit Earth and tore off a chunk of it. Now we call that chunk of rock the Moon. Did you know the moon moves away from the Earth about 1 inch a year? Thought that might be interesting to know :laugh:

04-10-2004, 03:03 PM
oh please. Forget the scientific crap savior, no one cares bout that, its just a game, they dont programme the temperature of the atmosphere and shit like that

Ark Mune
04-10-2004, 03:09 PM
u just said its a game and they programmed it like that. Then why the fuck did yiou ask????

04-10-2004, 03:12 PM
Cos i got bored

04-10-2004, 04:42 PM
..........................ok.. Why don't you talk about Tifa's boobs the next time your bored. I can tell you how they defy the laws of physics. I can already hear your response "They programmed it like that, so shut the hell up because I don't know how to ask a question. " (Dumbass :whatever: )

04-10-2004, 04:48 PM
Ewww your getting thrills of some cartoon character you perv

04-10-2004, 04:54 PM
im not saying im a perv., but I would rather be a perv than a dumbass *POINT DIRECTLY AT C-STRIFE* You don't have to be perverted to get thrills of Tifa and I never said I did. It would just be a better topic to talk about other then a damn meteor that goes so slow, but you can't hear any scientific "crap" about it or your small brain would get a cramp right?

Rabid Monkey
04-10-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by C-Str!fe
How can a meteor that small kill off everything on the planet, including the planet. I mean, wen u complete the game, u see meteor near cosmo canyon, AND ITS TINY!!

oh please. Forget the scientific crap savior, no one cares bout that, its just a game, they dont programme the temperature of the atmosphere and shit like that

Thank you for answering your own question, consider this thread closed.