05-18-2013, 12:17 AM
The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood�s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities. They fled to Hawaii, leading to their dramatic demise.

Years later, former family members surface and the rock band reforms, revealing how their time with Father Yod shaped their lives in the most unexpected ways.

THE SOURCE provides an intimate, insiders� view at this incredible group of people through their own archival photos, home movies, audio recordings, and contemporary interviews with members of the family. Serving as a highly personal, insider�s guide to the counter-culture movement of the early 70�s, the film is inspired by the cult-classic book The Source: The Story of Father Yod, Ya Ho Wa 13, and The Source Family (Process Media) which was written by Isis Aquarian and Electricity Aquarian and edited by director Jodi Wille. - official site (http://www.thesourcedoc.com/#about)

Members of The Source Family, who lived in the Hollywood Hills in the early 1970s, decided to fuse their musical talents and spirituality by forming an improvisational, psychedelic music group. They began to press LPs in 1973, most of which were recorded after hours of meditation at 3:00-6:00 a.m. in a soundproofed garage that served as the musicians� studio at the family's communal residence. All of the records with Father Yod�s participation were completely improvised, with no rehearsals or overdubs. Most of the albums were pressed in small runs of only 500 to 1000 copies on the Higher Key label. They were sold to the general public in Father Yod�s popular vegetarian Source Restaurant for $10 each. Though only nine LPs were produced and released, it is rumored that more than 65 albums were recorded by the group but were lost over the years....Isis Aquarian, who was the family historian, archivist and one of Fathers wives, recently found a lot of these unreleased music tapes in her archives and they are now being remastered and released through Drag City Records out of Chicago and their site Father Yod ? The Source Foundation, Founded by the Children of YaHoWha (http://www.Yahowha.org)[

The band changed members occasionally, morphing into various incarnations, from Father Yod and the Spirit of �76 to Ya Ho Wha 13 to The Savage Sons of Ya Ho Wha, Yodship, and Fire Water Air; but the key players were always the same: (Djin Aquarian on guitar, Octavious Aquarian on drums, and Sunflower Aquarian on bass) along with other family musicians Lovely Aquarian, Hom Aquarian, Rhythm Aquarian, Pythias Aquarian, Aquariana Aquarian, Ahom Aquarian, Electron Aquarian. Father Yod does not appear on all their album releases, but for those on which he participates, he handles lead vocals and percussion, via a kettle drum. Yahowha 13 was Father Yod's signature band. He said that its music would continue his teaching (by the words he used) long after he was gone... and it has held true -as the music held a cult underground following all these years and now the next generation has embraced it. Former pop star Sky Saxon of The Seeds had joined the Source Family in 1973 and occasionally appeared on the band's recordings. - Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahowha_13)

1. Home - Father Yod & the Spirit of 76 (3:18)
2. How Long in Time - Children of the Sixth Root Race (4:42)
3. Every Morning - Father Yod & the Spirit of 76 (4:33)
4. Man the Messiah (edit) - Ya Ho Wa 13 (2:01)
5. Godmen - Children of the Sixth Root Race (4:17)
6. Chant 10 - Father & the Original Source Family (1:06)
7. Live at Beverly Hills High School, May 1974 - Yahowa 13 (1:19)
8. I'm Gonna Take You Home (excerpt) - Ya Ho Wa 13 (2:25)
9. Chant 2 - Father & the Original Source Family (0:48)
10. To the Principles for the Children - Ya Ho Wa 13 (2:17)
11. Expansion (excerpt) - Father Yod & the Spirit of 76 (3:00)
12. Kahoutek (excerpt) - Father Yod & the Spirit of 76 (2:42)
13. Penetration (excerpt) - Ya Ho Wa 13 (3:52)
14. Contraction (excerpt) - Father Yod & the Spirit of 76 (2:27)

Total - 38:51
