05-14-2013, 04:59 AM
Coolest video of the Month. Why is it cool you ask? Well . . .

1: Its sung by Commander Chris Hadfield, who is . . .

2: An astronaut abroad the International Space Station, which is . . .

3: Orbiting Earth and . . .

4: He's singing Bowie's "Space Oddity" . . .

5: In space, in the space station, in zero gravity and . . .

6: It's one of David Bowie's greatest songs ever and . . .

7: Hadfield nails the high note, in space, in the space station, orbiting Earth, in zero gravity . . .

8: And here's the proof: Space Oddity - YouTube ( and . . .

9: It's on the web the same week "Star Trek: Into Darkness" opens (final frontier here we come) . . . and

10: I'm seeing Star Trek this Wednesday night in Imax.