04-04-2004, 09:49 PM
Letting his great fantasy/sci-fi anime being ignored in this forum is an insult.

Stop watching the popular shit like Naruto, FMP!, Chrno Crusade, etc. and check out this less well-known series, its fucking awesome.

If it weren't for a few flaws it would be truely, great, but please - read some reviews that don't spoil it and download it now.

04-07-2004, 02:01 PM
Bleh, I've been a Naruto and Chrno Crusade fan before they got famous, I certainly won't stop now because they're famous... Poor, bitter Kayin. ;)

I've watched only six episodes of Scrapped Princess, so I really don't think I should participate in a discussion about it yet. I'm scared of spoilers, you know.

But after these six episodes, I gotta say that yep, this makes a good impression. The main plot seems quite promising, a bit dark but not too dark, the characters are likeable and their interaction is interesting... what else? The music is good, I cannot complain about art (pretty!) and animation...
I'll certainly watch the rest as soon as possible.

04-07-2004, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by kayin
Stop watching the popular shit like Naruto, FMP!, Chrno Crusade, etc. and check out this less well-known series, its fucking awesome.

Please explain your stupid viewpoint.

04-08-2004, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by ud�

Please explain your stupid viewpoint.

Popular series tend to hog the discussions, thats all I'm saying. Don't get me wrong, I love Chrno Crusade, but then they're only up to episode 17 in the fan subs and Scrapped Princess is complete with 24 episodes. So, once you get to the point where you're waiting for the next CC episode, try downloading "other" series.

Now Naruto I know nothing about since there's like 70 some odd episodes already and the old episodes aren't that popular for bittorrent. But then I really never download long series anyway.

Anyway, lets not get our panties in a twist - lets back to Scrapped Princess or find yourself another thread.

04-12-2004, 10:05 AM
fantasy/sci-fi anime
Waity. Science fiction? Does that mean the series will go SF in the later episodes? I don't think I spotted anything seriously SF in the first few eps... o_o

04-13-2004, 08:55 PM
You'll see, you'll see. ;) Its to good of a plot twist to spoil you see. :p It doesn't get extremely sci-fi though, so don't worry about it turning into Eva or anything.

BTW, its rumored that it just got licensed, so you better download it quick. Oh, and episode 18 of Chrno Crusade is available at suprnova right now...I'll let you know if it has subtitles or not. ;)

[edit]: Dammit, its subtitled in SPANISH. I don't care if its licensed or not, ADV takes forever. :(

04-14-2004, 05:41 AM
You know, it turning EVA would have been one reason to break the CD with the episodes in two and never watch it again. :)
I'm relieved, yay. And curious. :)