04-04-2004, 06:32 PM
Ok I was just browsing through the forums and this crazy Kart Racing idea popped into my head. I mean if Nintendo made Mario Kart such a big deal, why not try it wtih Final Fantasy? I think it'd be funny. :laugh: :p

Is this a good idea?

04-04-2004, 06:55 PM
They did actually... Chocobo Racing.

04-04-2004, 07:21 PM
sounds good:cool:

Evad D'Aragon
04-04-2004, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
They did actually... Chocobo Racing.

What he said. And honestly, if they're going to make another one, you better hope it's nothing like the above-mentioned title.

Landlord of Sector 7
04-04-2004, 08:08 PM
Yes Chocobo Racing absolutely blew I hated that game so much I couldn't believe I spent $6.50 to rent that pice of garbage.

04-04-2004, 08:28 PM
And for the handheld market - BLAZING CARAVANS! The real reason to get Crystal Chronicles.

hb smokey
04-05-2004, 03:00 AM
No way, it is a terrible idea! There are so many racing games out there, and so few of them are successful. Besides, if they did make FFKart, it would put a bad dent in the world of FF games when you go back to play them again.

If you had Cloud and Sephiroth as a team on FFKart, wouldnt that feel weird when Cloud kills Sephiroth in FFVII.

Cloud "You shall die for killing Aeris!"
Sephiroth "But I thought we were a good racing team Cloudy?"

04-05-2004, 03:08 AM
Most racing games are not apart of any FF Canon. In fact, Squall appears in Chocobo Racing as a bonus character.

04-05-2004, 04:32 AM
They'd have to find a way to incorporate leveling up your cart and add a bunch of tonberries to make the game last 10 hours longer than it should. The game would be fun of course, but it should be more original.

Ark Mune
04-05-2004, 01:29 PM
it can't be that bad,or a dent in the FF world, I mean they did make a FF fighting game. {Eregherize} yea spelling is way off, but the point is it was a pretty fun game, so a ff racing game using characters can't be that bad, think about it; race motor bikes, cars, airships, boats, subs, and so forth across crazy landscapes.

04-05-2004, 01:42 PM
That wasn't really an FF fighting game, it just had Cloud and Tifa added in... (then eventually Sephiroth, Vincent and Yuffie was added in to the console version... but they are just rehashed characters anyways).

Oh and it's


Ark Mune
04-05-2004, 05:25 PM
note my comment about it being spelt wrong, jackass.

E.H.R.G.E.I.Z. what does it stand for???|lol, j/k |

04-05-2004, 09:22 PM
Ehrgeiz is german for Ambition

04-05-2004, 09:53 PM
Ehhh... thanks for the comments. BTW, it says this thread was moved.. I posted it here- glitch?

Still FFKart would be something kinda like solitare- something you do when you're bored. Although I believe it would have possibilites. :D

Hello Mirzie
04-05-2004, 10:55 PM
*gives MogKnight some Apfelsaft ;o*
Didn't know that you were german before!

04-07-2004, 05:46 AM
Okay Need it Be Said Again... There has Been an "FFKart" As Such It Was Called Chocobo Racing And it Wasnt bad you just had To Beat It A Few Times And edit your own Racer... Then Play mutliplayer... It Was Fun... But hey I Can See That It Wasnt Ground Breaking.... Just A Bit To Different to mario Kart For Everyones liking...

Ark Mune
04-07-2004, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Ehrgeiz is german for Ambition

thank you, all I wanted to know.

04-08-2004, 12:44 AM
ff kart would completly Rock the jazz ass!

08-31-2004, 11:29 PM
Maybe there should be thraed for Chocobo Racing...

08-31-2004, 11:44 PM
Maybe you shouldn't revive old threads.