04-03-2004, 06:14 AM
All of these events that occur in this post is based on a player's account that is being played by me but was shared to me for a short moment of time. If anything, this is to reflect the "first taste" in the first few levels. Once I get the PS2 version up, I'll officially start my journal. Until then, this is just a read of what I've encountered in the 2-4 days of playing FFXI. Oh and there are no screenshots because I'm playing his account as a Guest Account and Guests cannot save anything except on the FFXI server (and screenshots are saved on the HD).

PREDAY 1 - April 1st

The story all began on a trial of sorts. Drakenhawk, a friend of mine who I "ran into" in PSO and also a close life supporter of sorts (:P), allowed me to use his POL account for a test drive. Of course, before I even got to touch FFXI, I had to get the patches...

2 hours later...

I viewed the opening FMV for the first time... it had to be the best opening I've ever seen in an FF game. Anyways, since Drakenhawk had a Hume recently created (named Drakenhawk), I took him out for a test drive.

I was somewhere in Windrust, I had no idea what the hell I was doing and where the hell I was going. After going through the menus for a bit, I found the field of monsters in Sarutabaruta, I guess it was time to see how to handle fights in this game.

Looking around for a bit, I realized that no one was around... then I realize that I wasn't in the Lineage 2 Open Beta environment any more. I found a Tiny Mandragora and attempted to attack it. After a few mouse clicks, I locked on and "engaged" the enemy. The battle music kicked in and I was moving my character around... then I realized that moving him around while he attacks does nothing but makes me look like an idiot. Basically, battles in this game are handled by targetting, engaging, attack with melee, spells or abilites, win battle and find another thing to kill. I have yet to try ranged attack but I was a monk at the time, we use our FISTS.

After wondering around a bit more and killing a bit, I got to know Windurst a little more and the people around FFXI. After running around the place (thank god for Auto Run), I found a place to buy some equipment at the Windurst Ports. After selling my drops and buying some crappy equipment, I set out again.

Death awaited me because of a stupid Goblin, didn't know they were agros. Since I was sent back to the Moogle House, I decided to try the other jobs... here's what I found out about them after some tries and dies:

Warrior: Good
Any Mage: Bad
Monk: Good

Why did I say "Any Mage: Bad"? Well, I found out that they are REALLY hard to raise when alone and poor... so I just op'ted for the Monk, which already had some EXP and equipment down. I leveled in Sarutabaruta until I reached level 4.

PREDAY 2 - April 2nd

I was really hooked on FFXI, I put a lot of things on hold just to keep playing this game and I barely touched the surface. I figured that I should try to reach Typo or anyone today.

First thing's first, I just got combo and boost, I wanna see how they work!

First thing was to figure out how Macros work. Macros are assigned to your Ctrl+Number and Alt+Number and you have 10 sets of them (so you can make about 200 if I'm not mistaken). So my first Macro was to make Boost work for me by hitting Ctrl+1 (or L2+X really fast).

/wa "Boost" <me>
/echo >:O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/wait 15
/echo Boost Ready!

It ain't much... but at least I can BOOST >:O!!!!!!!

I eventually found Typo online and talked to him a bit. I found an item (forgot the name X_x) and Typo said to trade it to this one guy in Windurst to get gil... well, gil is good! I head to Windurst Walls and found the guy, Typo came to where I was and we found a hot Mithra! She seem to be AFK, my "Boosting" wasn't getting her attention. ;_;

After walking outside, Typo gave me the same item again (200 more gil right there) and a Linkpearl to a Linkshell that he was in. I equipped it and BOOM, I FOUND PEOPLE TO TALK TO!!!!

Beyond this, I just leveled up some more, died some more, ended up at level 7 today. I just need to remember to ask Drakenhawk to give me the Linkpearl when I get my account set up... I wonder if he minds that I leveled his Monk up to level 7... and I wonder if he minds that he'll probably have a Mithra chick following him...

04-03-2004, 03:47 PM

By the way, unless you have superhuman reflexes, you can just do /wait 14 with the Boost macro. It takes ~one second to do the macro, making you much more precise :x

04-04-2004, 07:45 AM

I didn't get to do much playing today, I had to do some things for my family, Ender, and then I feel asleep.... THEN I played.

A bit early in the morning through, I grabbed a stack of Earth Crystals and put them up at the Auction House to get me a quick 500.

When I came back on, it didn't sell. :(

I decided to go out there and find more stuff to sell. Today was more of a "GET MORE MONEY" day instead of a leveling day. After grabbing a few items (and I didn't die today, which was amazing). I rush back into the auction house, started comparing prices and started selling. I went from 300 gil to 2,000 gil AND YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

I then noticed some weird items in my list... What in god's name do these Beastman Mark thingies do? >:O

In any rate, I only got an hour in and I didn't level up much (I'm around 500 to level 8 though).

Oh and I should be able to actually start on my own character by Friday, maybe eariler depending on certain situations.

04-04-2004, 01:22 PM
If by "Beastman Marks" you mean "Beastman Seals", then just save them until you get to a high level, not sure what level, but from what I heard, they can get you a lot of gil.

04-04-2004, 10:54 PM
it's harder to solo with a mage, but you get party invites all the freaking time. and leveling up takes way solo with higher levels.

beware of the weird mithra pervs if you play a mithra. I get all sorts of creepy guys hitting on me. Today on the boat some guy was licking my nipples. o_O

04-05-2004, 03:21 AM

Today wasn't much of a leveling day either but I did manage to catch a few things:

1. I made about 3-4k in gil.
2. I found Typo again and poked him a few times.
3. Stopped on MNK (reached level 8) and worked on Thief
4. I caught a crayfish... my first fish isn't a fish. >:

While I was mostly stuck in Windurst, I did manage to go to EAST SaburaBaruta (I'll never spell that right) and uh... saw mostly the same thing as West SaburaBaruta.

Back inside Windurst, I needed to give the MNK a few new duds. After going through the Auction House for a bit, he now looks like Vaan of FFXII... or at least Zidane of FFIX! :D

I also sat with a Mithra and talked about how great newbies are... fun times but I forgot her name. :(

04-07-2004, 09:35 PM

From this point on, all entries will be about ME AND MY TARUTARU HAVING HOT SEX WITH MANY MITHRAKITTYKATS.

Oh and screenshots... got to have those <3.

CHECK AGAIN BY NEXT WEEK JA? I'll be waiting :*

04-10-2004, 04:42 AM

Okay, so it took me awhile to get the game but finally I'm in Windurst, selling stuff. o_O

Lets backtrack a few hours.

I plugged everything, registered everything on my PC (because it's godforsakenly difficult to do it all on the PC) and was on my way to TaruTarudom!

This would be me! ()

I decided to start off as a Black Mage since Typo started off as one. I ran right into an event which involved getting eggs for an event. Since it seemed to be a good way to get money, I grabbed an egg and tried to sell it... with no luck, I just left to level up!


I'm sitting right in front of the Windurst Woods - Levi's Gate to get eggs and sell eggs. I was sitting with Typo for awhile... () and pretty much remained in that area, selling eggs to get some money. :D

I'm playing this on both the PS2 and the PC, if I had a USB Keyboard, I would be all set for the PS2 version.


Looks like an evil show off! >:O ()
Yeah, I'm sitting here selling eggs. (Taken with the PS2) ()
But I had the best seats in the house! (Also taken with the PS2) ()

ultima weapon
04-10-2004, 02:36 PM
Well i seem you're having fun with the game. Tarus UNITE! Well, i'm an Elvaan so i can't unite with you...and i'm on a different server. =/

04-11-2004, 05:33 AM
Whew, I was on FFXI the whole day today and accomplished.... well not a lot actually. My egg selling plan wasn't as going as great as I thought it did but I still ended up with 10k. Let me recap the whole day!

The moment I got on, I decided to sit around and buy/sell eggs... then I saw this...

Well, happy Typo and LS Founder of TheChocoboKnights Tlaren were having a little happy session! >:

Note the lens flare effect.

I basically just chose to sat there and watch the two get their groove on. ()

Eventually I would get my own form of loving! ^^;

After several hours of egg selling and trying to level up (I'm now a Lv 6 BLM), I decided to party with a new member of the LS... (which I have forgotten her name ;_; BUT that's her in the top pic). After realizing that she's not getting EXP for jack, we disbanded and parted ways. ;_;

Later on, more egg selling and more attempts in trying to level up. Drakenhawk popped up and we decided to party into uh... some ruins up in West SaburaBaruta (I'll never spell that right!)

I'll quickly sum up the story of our journey in these ruins.

We meet up. ()
We go in. ()
Hi it's me! ()
I died once. ()
I died twice. ()
I died three times. ()

We did meet a cool WHM in there named "Aphrimi" who raised me and healed us a few times... but we couldn't handle the bats in the deeper regions. We both left the ruins and leveled up on our own outside.

And that ends the second day... GOOD NIGHT MR. TARU. ()

04-11-2004, 11:31 AM
Keke, you were in the Horutoto ruins. But what the hell were you doing in the cave-like section? ._. Goblin Ambushers are way too high for you, close to lv20. ":3

04-11-2004, 11:57 AM
i wish i could buy ff xi but the store ran out of it and they need to restock

04-11-2004, 10:03 PM
What were we doing in the cave like section? Dieing, badly >:

Lol, we didn't know. I had just enough time to do a quick check (very difficult) before the guy that was getting mobbed dropped. Then they were off to killing us!

Was kinda!

04-13-2004, 04:20 AM
Since I'm not much for frequent journaling, MogKnight's is willing to allow me to put my few thoughts in his, ain't he swell ^-^.

So, generally, when we meet up (), it's at the Leviathan gate at Windurst. Not sure why, could just be where he likes to sit trying to sell eggs. From there, we've gone out to try and party together, but he's described that venture. So for a while, we split up. I just generally run around, trying to find some thing that's worth the XP, but at the same time I'd rather not have my guts ripped out, () but what's monk-in-training to do?

Actually, I'll wind up helping someone that's in trouble, get beat up, and then the guy () that I save asks if I wanna party for a while. Myrror was lower level than MogKnight, but he understood the concept of being a mage...let the meat shield aggravate the monster first, then cast spells.

The next day, meet up again (). But this time I only followed Mog around a bit. Watched him attack a few bunnies, showed my approval (), and went off on my own.

All I can about that last shot, it was a really good hit, lol!

04-14-2004, 06:21 AM
Yay I reached level 10!

It was a long day today, I was trying hard not to die and to reach level 10. Nothing interesting happened throughout the day however... it was boring but the LS kept me on my toes.

Camping was fun though... for awhile. ()


04-19-2004, 08:04 AM
It's Time for the MogTaru Show! ()

Level 10 to 16 in a nutshell.

I've been playing most of the game on the PS2 (been saving the PC open for those who want to contact me). I found that partying has it's upsides..... and downsides. Lets start with a party I ran into

This party ended up doing all right. I sat on my ass, start launching nukes while the warrior tanked and provoked. Nice job done and got me a level. I was doing quite well in my first few party.

This one, in itself, was not a bad party. We were in the Bubu. Pen. scoring off of onions and bunnies. And then a goblin came up to me and kinda ate me to death... We did manage to get a raise for me and I got Merlina to keep my dead body warm. ^__^

Now, I don't have the pictures of any bad parties that I was in, mostly because importing pics from the PS2 is a pain in the ass. Instead I'll just describe some events.

One thing a party must need: A White Mage. It was surprisingly hard to find one in the Tah. Canyons and the Maze. Eventually I ran into a party which had one and.... well... the warrior just sucked nuts. While I was blasting on a Goblin in the Maze, the Goblin turned at me because I raised his hate. The Warrior saw him attacking me and said "Run!"...




Yeah, you heard me... he said run.

So, why did he tell me to run? Was it because his provoke was warming up? In fact no... while I was lying dead, I asked and he said "What does provoke do?"... I soon disbanded.

There was another party which had a total idiot and a jerk off. He was basically all "Dude, lets just swap this guy out for another guy, he's retarded." Thing is, I keep a good close eye on what happens during fights. This guy right here is a RDM Taru. He REFUSES to heal, instead he goes up straight to Maze Makers and Gobs and attack straight on without using any curative spells on his dying comrades. This basically got annoying to the point where I just left.

Eventually, I made it across the Level 14 point. Mimiruu (from TheChocoboKnights LS) was at my level so I went after Mimiruu. I eventually ended up going into a long ferry ride to Selbina. I did not know if I was ready for this place yet... apparently, I just wanted to hit level 20. I decided to hang around the boat.

I'm scared of them elementals! ()
I would of fished... if I had bait with me. ()
Then I just got tired for my own good... ()

Once I hit Selbina, I turned on my party flag and BOOM..... I'm with these guys.

From here on, I went from level 13 to 16 in one day. :D

Oh nos it's a freakin HUME, THE MOGTARU SHOW IS OVER FOR NOW! :( ()

ultima weapon
04-19-2004, 04:42 PM
/em says "Boo!" to the stinky Humes, we want more of the MogTaru show!1!

04-21-2004, 05:49 AM

I don't look that happy do I? Lemme explain why!

After going to the Valkrum Dunes for awhile, I leveled up to 17. Upon hitting 17, I basically had only 600 EXP. Since I could not find a party in the Dunes, I set sail to Mhaura.

Upon returning however, I was told that I could handle Maze Makers as long as I had a WHM near me to recover me and back me up if I can't finish the job.

So into the Maze of Somecrap I go. I met a WHM Taru and I went from 600 EXP to the next level (4000). UPON hitting 4000 though, my Taru accidently cast Dia on a stink bat... and thus more stink bats came and we couldn't get out alive. LEVEL DOWN.

I was sent back to Mhaura (my HP) and left to the Maze again. This time I ran into one of the worst parties I've ever been in. For some odd reason, whenever I tell someone to not attack a bat, they end up attacking one and killing off most of the group (me included). This happened twice (I leveled up twice and I leveled down twice). After being fustrated, I just left the Maze and picked off my last 300 EXP with stray monsters outside. After hitting 18, I dashed towards Windurst and that's where I am right now.

Next adventure! Subjob and the Saliva I have to extract from it!

04-21-2004, 03:21 PM
Happy Bonus Side Quest!

After running back towards Windurst, since it was the middle of the night here and no one in the LS was on, I changed to a Warrior and got me some Subligars... man, my Taru looks like a really odd warrior... heck, he looks like a run away bondage idiot o_O;

So I ran out, I didn't take a sword or anything, I just got some cat barakas (Yeah, I know, it's an MK character, not a weapon). After hitting 200 exp... I left for school...


04-21-2004, 10:25 PM

I look hot either way <3

04-30-2004, 07:01 PM
yo mogknight! i have read alot of yours typo's messages... you guys seem like fun ppl to play with... i have recently purchased ff11 (its being shipped here... hope it arrives soon!!!) but i was wondering what server you guys are on? i would like to be able to run into you guys every now and then! my character name will be dijasom when i get the game... just hope i can become friends with you two fellows! (ill be a thief till lvl 30 then switch to
dark knight/thief :) my plan is to own ;) well have fun and hope to read more about your jouneys thru vana'diel (hope i spelt that right :-\

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :o :o :o :o :o :o ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

05-05-2004, 07:12 PM
I've been busy, work sucks, but, I've worked on my character as much as I could of recent, and this () is the best I could do. Seems I've missed the current batch of ppl leveling up in the Maze (a lot of ppl are way higher than me, blarg) and I'm not too comfortable taking on Maze Makers by myself just yet.

But anywho, after thursday when my little brother gets on, I'll have four passes for Cerberus, PM me if you want one (or more, they have to go by Saturday)

05-06-2004, 07:28 PM
I haven't updated this awhile and I'll explain why.

I haven't been playing FFXI as of late because the Spring Semester is about to end... so I have to catch up on any loose things I need to do. Therefore, the only thing I've been doing in FFXI is leveling other jobs to at least level 8. Right now my levels are...

BLM 20
RDM 10

And the rest are level one.

I will continue leveling my RDM to level 20 then I'll move on to Qufim with my BLM... at least that's the plan!

05-07-2004, 01:31 AM
Yooo will never-wever follow throughtaru!

Plans are there to be ruined and side-tracked! keekekeke~

05-17-2004, 01:55 PM
Not much been happening with me. Last week was kinda slow in Vana'diel for me. So, it being so slow, I desided to really work on the missions. I finally found all the cut-scenes! Now Eleven begins to feel like a Final Fantasy game! I even start getting a story! YAY! So after getting Rank 2 () my little brother finally gets his PS2 HDD, and the only way he could get online, was for me to pay for his account (*sigh* if only there were monsters and an Auction House IRL, and don't mention E-Bay >: it's evil).

Anyway, this weekend was a nice time for me! Brother finally got to enough of a level to party () with me (yes, I know that there's a DBZ char there, look in the funny names to see my other contributions). We had a good time.

And to all the Mithra lovers out there, as much as I like the cat girls too, I'm a Hume, and I
like () Hume () girls () more. No akward moments with tails, and I don't have to worry about getting licked as much ;) !

The end of my night fished with a bad party >: So headed back home, running into Typo () on the boat back to Mahura. With talking to the Chocobo Knights linkshell people, Kanodin offered to help me get the Lapis hidden deep in the Maze. On the way to the Maxe, in Tahrongi, Kanodin helped () a random stranger, then when we got to the Maze, there was a mass death scene, and my generous companion () , along with another kind White Mage, raised about 5 or so dead adventurers!

I've always like being in the Linkshell, but I've always fealt kinda useless, other than occasionaly getting price quotes for others. Now I see ways that I can help, as I get higher level!

So yeah, this was a good weekend!

06-04-2004, 08:57 AM


ultima weapon
06-04-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight


Woo hoo! The ultra-mega-chibi MogKnightaru ish back-ity!!! *celebrates*

Evad D'Aragon
06-04-2004, 08:07 PM
Ah, so you have come back.

Well, welcome back, MogKnight. We might even see each other, if you happen to be around Valkurm Dunes, as I am training my Paladin in there. Almost level 14 already, I'm having such a blast being Paladin lol

That reminds me I should be on the look out for Drakenhawk as well. May luck and good adventures be with all of you, guys.

Which reminds me, I have met Kayin in Qufim Island a few weeks ago. He never mentionned he plays the game on the boards yet he's on Cerberus. Neither of us could believe it when we ended in the same party leveling when I was Warrior/Monk and he was Monk/White Mage, but then I was looking at his name (He WAS named Kayin) and said "No way, it can't be", you should have seen our reactions when we actually realized who we were, partying together lol

06-05-2004, 08:01 PM
Right now my "plans" are as follows

1. Get money back up to 10k (should probably reach there by the end of Today)

2. Take RDM to level 12 and ride to Selbina then continue to level till 20.

3. Score with a few Taruwomen.... <3

4. Get Cooking up a few more levels.


06-07-2004, 11:48 PM
I realized how much I hated the dunes today after realizing that most of the parties just suck. :(

After getting warped to the the Dem Crag, I went to Valkrum Dunes and sat there, waiting for a party.... then I got in then they disbanded almost immedately.... then I found another party and I got up to level 13 but it ended up being a nightmare trying to get to 14.

Haven't found anything nice but who knows, I might be out of there in one more day!

ultima weapon
06-08-2004, 12:16 AM
Poor MogKnight, you have also experienced the horrors of Valkurm Dunes. That place is simply awful to party in. After level 2 jobs there i've had enough and vowed to level in Korroklka Tunnel if i get another past 13. >_<

06-08-2004, 01:31 AM
I'd go there if I knew where it was. :(

Evad D'Aragon
06-08-2004, 12:06 PM
Just come to Bastok, send me a tell if online and I'll show you. If you know where the Zeruhn Mines are, it's actually in there.

Yesterday, I teamed with 4 japanese players in there and raced from level 16 to 20 in 4 hours. I strongly suggest you reach level 15 in Valkurm Dunes first though. Just have a party that can take on clippers at level 14-15.It will be much easier for you. I know that as tank it was almost limit at level 16, had to cure myself a few times to survive, but it's not hard, I mean you're chaining worms, pretty much like in Maze of Shakhrami.

As for me , Valkurm Dunes went incredibly well the third time around, I made it to level 16 without much trouble, sure it wasn't extremely fast but I died only once and my party members never died except for that story I told about in Typo's journal. I guess my luck was simply better though.

I don't know, but if you guys think good parties are hard to find in Valkurm Dunes, I'd say they're even harder to find in Kazham...oh well. Getting my Warrior to level 30 there was hellish, no less. I'm not really wanting to go back there, but no one ever wants to go to Batallia Downs instead. I understand you don't get as much exp per kill but damn, at least there are no stupid players to train Goblins and the camps are MUCH safer. Not to mention it's overly crowded and filled with lag. Oh well...:(

06-09-2004, 01:20 AM
Last night (8am in the morning actually), I fell asleep on my keyboard in the middle of the Dunes... I woke up about a few hours later, found that my team has ditched me and that I'm still alive...

But after properly getting some sleep and leveling up a bit, I got a party... which was a good party

Now, this party lasted for about a good 5 hours and I leveled up twice throughout the whole time. A little slow but in Val. Dunes, it's kind of a rarity for me!

A little way after, when I was about to hit Level 16, I met up with someone from my LS and I gave him a good warm hug...

Warmness... totally warmness...

Now to figure out where to go next at level 16...

Evad D'Aragon
06-09-2004, 12:12 PM
That is Korroloka Tunnel, MogKnight.

Just come to Bastok.

Then you go into the Bastok Mines District, head into the Zeruhn Mines and the Korolloka Tunnel is right there.

The only problem is that it's not often populated (one of the reasons I like it so much) and so you'll have to look for members in Bastok himself, unless you're lucky enough to find a party that's not full yet and need a Black Mage.

LOL I never fell asleed with a party, but once our leader did. We ditched him as well. I mean, come on...You're lucky you were still alive though.

06-09-2004, 09:49 PM
I managed to make my way to Korroloka Tunnel with an LS member... but we ended up with a rather small and short party. I managed to get my buffer up though in case I die!

Evad D'Aragon
06-09-2004, 11:23 PM
Glad you could make it. It's sad you didn't stay in your party for long, but at least you had a LS friend with you.

I rocked the place with 4 japs 2 days ago. Now I'm almost out of Qufim...ALREADY lol Leveling my Paladin is going SOOO smoothly, I just can't believe it :)

Oh well, back to getting to level 24 I go. Have fun in the tunnel, MogKnight.

06-10-2004, 12:25 AM
I decided to log back on and got myself into a party..... a rather nice party! :D

Though I was too excited to take pics of my members, I managed to get about 6000 within 1:15 in team.... very nice! ^^;

Now to sit there for a few more levels then off to Qufim with BLM!

Evad D'Aragon
06-10-2004, 12:54 AM
Hahaha ! See ? I told you Korroloka Tunnel was a nice place.

My luck has run out in Qufim right now, got into a bad party and 30 minutes later FFXI crashed on me. I'm running a check on it as we speak.

Who knows, if my luck is bad for a few hours and yours is good, we might even party together ? :p I'm still level 22 so... And I migth simply go to bed when I'm done with the scan.

Anyway, keep having fun while it lasts in Korroloka Tunnel, I always had fun there.

06-12-2004, 11:42 AM
Struggle.... Dispair... Defeat...

All of these three things I learned the harsh way today in Qufim.

I was struggling to stay awake, I managed to fall into the dispair of falling asleep and I eventually was defeated by it and went to sleep.

All and all, I didn't get to absorb Qufim as much as I should... I did meet Evad in the way though, I just need to catch up from level 21.... or was it 22? o_o;

In other news, I really needed a Barsleep casted on me.

Evad D'Aragon
06-12-2004, 02:03 PM
Qufim can be harsh when you don't know the place well and/or have a bad team. Luckily for me, Qufim went pretty smoothly. In fact, everything is going almost always smoothly ever since I became a Paladin. God, I love being one.

And so, I returned to Kazham...not too happily, to be honest :( However, I got an invite even before I board the airship to get there. Good thing for me, one of the members was a Bard that I regularly bump into, and we always end up having a good enough party. This time was no exception, and although the experience didn't flow extremely fast ( as to be expected from the ever overly populated Kazham, you litterally struggle to find a Mandragora to pull :p Not to mention the many Goblin trains... ), it went well and so I am halfway to level 27. I had to say the reason we didn't get more exp wasn't because of the party, quite the contrary. We were darn good. How so ? Well, we tried our hand at an IT Goblin Smithy, everyone was level 26-27 and I was level 25, tanking. Normally, you don't DARE try these guys before level 28. Guess what ? We LIVED AND WON, all 6 of us lol But we agreed not to try it again, as it definitely was a close one. Of course, I advise you don't try this without a good team. We were a Hume Paladin/Warrior, Mithra Samurai/Monk, Mithra White Mage/Black Mage, Hume Black Mage/White Mage, Hume Dark Knight/Warrior and Galka Bard/White Mage.

I hope you can catch up with me, as I won't be leveling much in the week-end, since I'm taking part in a Expeditionnary Force later this evening and probably will be farming for money in the meantime. I doubt I'm going back to Kazham before Sunday afternoon at the earliest. And I intend to leave that hellish place at level 28 and give Eastern Altepa Desert a go with some LS friends instead. Not only did I hear it is much less crowded but it's also closer to Bastok. Two good reasons for me to give it a try.

06-19-2004, 05:43 AM
MogKnight in Qufim Part 2... or 3!

I still wonder how the heck Typo went to Qufim and managed to just stay there for only one day... I can barely get a level a day there because of all the of dumb parties. Though, when you're in a party full of Mithras, you know you're in a good party... just something in the back of my head, yanno?

Anyways, earlier I was in a party with someone in my LS, got great EXP and great team work (and 3 Mithras). After the day was over, the next day wasn't so great, note that I haven't died more than once in Qufim (that was because of an aggroed Weapon) but the parties take a bitch load of time moving around. ;_; Seriously, if one person leveled up, it doesn't mean we should move camp when the others are still at a lower level! It seems to be some kind of an evil fad! ;_;

As for money.... I'm flat broke, down to the 3 digits. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to I'm going to raise money and level in Jeuno... so at some point in time, I have to go back to Windurst and get money before I try for Kazham.

Though in trying to get out of Qufim for a day, I ran into Evad and figured "Why not get my Rank 3?" So he decided to help get through most of what I need for the Mission.. but then I found out that I need to do a manditory mission at the Maze... so that's where I stopped for now (needed to get my real life car license... thus training).

Eventually I'll finish that mission, start the Dragon Mission, go around, beat the Dragon, go back to Qufim for one more level then uh... I'll see from there... I really want to be a Bard. :(

Evad D'Aragon
06-19-2004, 11:43 AM
Actually, since you're mage and level 24, you can go start getting your keys for Kazham right after you get Rank 3. It's really not mandatory for you to get level 25 in Qufim since you haven't gotten your keys yet. Mages can afford to arrive in Kazham at level 24, because they'll be prized party members. Be warned that Yuhtunga and Yhoator Jungle are probably the two most hellish places I've been too so far, in terms of leveling activity. Mainly because of lag and the gob trains, but you'll see for yourself.

The 3 Keys you need to get are in the Palborough Mines, the Yughutt Grotto, and Giddeus. You should already be familiar with Giddeus. As for the other two, it depends on which order you'll go to in your Rank 3. But the Dragon you need to slay will require you to go into the Mines if you are going to Bastok last and the Grotto if you go to San d'Oria last, although the Dragon itself isn't in the Grotto. Either way,you are going into the Mines into the Mission.

However, I don't suggest you stop and get your keys at the same time. You'd only slow down your party members and besides, you'd best simply ask a higher level help for that (level 30+), preferrably a Thief to make the drop quicker. Either way, I told you I'd help you with the one in the Palborough Mines, as I am quite familiar with them. So if I am in Bastok at that time, send a tell. I also clearly remember where to go in Yughutt Grotto, but hardly remember the one in Giddeus, as I went there only three times, to kill the Dragon twice and get my key. Besides, your LS knows the place probably very well.

Another thing you can do after getting Rank 3 is getting your Ballista License...that is, if you are even interested in it.

06-23-2004, 05:30 AM

Yeah, I had to put a stop to everything in order to gain some funds... which I really need right now. :(

I've been trying to farm Crawlers but it turns out to more of a pain in the butt than it should be. I need some ways to make money... soon. :(

This is a grab of my PS2's screen btw.

06-23-2004, 09:27 PM
Hurray, my first NM kill! (I feel like a newbie)

It dropped a Silk Cape and Two Silk Threads. :D

06-24-2004, 07:05 PM
Sell it. :3

Evad D'Aragon
06-25-2004, 10:23 AM
How much is worth that Cape, anyway ?

06-25-2004, 04:50 PM
30k, haven't been able to check if it sold yet.

Evad D'Aragon
06-25-2004, 08:01 PM
Well, 30k is always welcome, isn't it ? lol

I killed a few NMs before, never really got anything from them though. That's pretty much why I simply farm with common preys...oh well. Thumbs up to you, MogKnight ! :)

06-26-2004, 11:50 PM
I've only ever hunted Stinging Sophie, and everytime I pass by S Gusta I have RNG main or sub to check for Lizzy.

|Congratulations!| on killing Spipi.

06-27-2004, 08:33 PM
The things no one tells me about: Part 1.

Okay, before I continue on with my journey, I decided to sit back and try to get my Windurst Fame up (for reasons I'm really not sure) and get any loose ends out of the way.

After reading other FFXI sites, I found out that I could of had a MUCH easier life if I did this quest that allowed me to exit to any Mog House. Got that out of the way. Then uh... had to figure out where to go for this Scorpion Stinger, got that down... then finally, walk around Windurst for a bit, looking for stuff.

I wonder if I can get any money for doing that Blaze Spikes quest...

07-02-2004, 01:11 AM
My computer blew up...

Well not really but I can really sense how much power it was generating today on FFXI.

To recap my past few days (and forgive me for the dark pics, I don't have the HD with Photoshop plugged in right now due to uh.. problems):

I started working on the mission for Rank 3. Basically it was "Go to the other two nations, do crap for them and come back".

Evad recommended that I head to Sandy first, kill the Warchief, head to Bastok, kill the Dragon.

After going to Sandy... then died... and went to Sandy again, people in my LS wanted to help this other guy with the Dragon but his dragon was at Sandy. I end up killed the Warchief along the way... but when I found out that I couldn't enter the Burning Circle because I guess I was still in the mission... I sat on the Burning Circle and did Blaze Spikes again and again...

As you can see, I was having a fun time. ()

The party I was in actually ended up getting killed... so I sat there for them to be spat out of the burning circle and eventually made my way out.

Next day I went towards Bastok and tried to find myself a party for the Bastok Dragon...

After a good long wait, I got 4 strangers and one LS member to help me. We went and killed the Dragon is about 2 minutes and decided it was time it get my keys. Evad helped out the rest of the members who wanted the keys in Bastok then we made our way to Sandy, got the key there after a long time of running about.

I went back to Windurst, an LS member helped me with the last Key... then finally Mithra Paradise... at least I thought it was Paradise.

After heading to Kazham and walking around abit, I decided to continue leveling... and well... I'll just explain it later... X_x

07-03-2004, 09:25 AM
Now for a quick update of stats!

Current Levels:
BLM: 25
RDM: 18
MNK: 8
WAR: 5
WHM: 2
THF: 1

Current Rank: 3

Currently aiming towards: Level 30 BLM to get BRD Class

Survey says: Maybe later...

Evad D'Aragon
07-03-2004, 11:28 AM
I was just wondering ...Which job do you plan on subbing to Bard ?

07-03-2004, 04:30 PM
Well, when I DO get bard... I probably won't be... using it... because... I... hate... WHM... but... until... I do... use.........

Damn you Typo. :(

My only choice is RDM for now... until I actually get my ass up to actually level WHM. :(

07-04-2004, 09:26 PM
Bard can get away with just about any sub really, even though whm is the best.

Rdm is still quite good, especially once you hit 30 with bard and will be able to use fast cast.

Evad D'Aragon
07-05-2004, 08:16 AM
Yeah, White Mage is the best, but I guess Red Mage could work...although you might have complaints from your future parties. Just be aware of that.

07-06-2004, 07:31 AM
Kazham in a nut shell.

Died 6 times
Joined 11 parties
1 was an all Japanese party, perhaps the biggest boost of all
1 was a static party from an LS, another big boost but didn't last that long.
Met on Elvaan who was a dumb retarded WHM who charged for raises

And finally, I'm at BLM28... 4 level increase since I started last friday.

Hmm.... too slow in my opinion. :(

07-06-2004, 03:36 PM
If you haven't been there yet, Yhoater gets you from 28-30 in ~ one party if it's good.

Leveling does go slowly sometimes, just have to bear with it.

07-07-2004, 02:51 AM
Leveled up to 29 late yesterday, tried to level up today.... so horrible I just don't want to talk about it. Stuck at 29 with 1400 TNL.

If anyone in Cerberus is here and has a level 27-31 guy, PLEASE TEAM UP WITH ME AND GET ME MY DAMN BARD CLASS! ;_;

Evad D'Aragon
07-07-2004, 08:10 AM

Well, my Warrior is still at 30 but I don't have the appropriate equipment. Anyway, once you hit 30, I'll help you with Bard, it's an easy quest.

07-09-2004, 06:05 AM

A level 10 Bard to be exact... now comes the question...

Should I level WHM or continue as BRD/RDM?

Decisions, Decisions. :(

07-09-2004, 01:28 PM
I helped ya level! :D Can't tell ya which path to choose though. :(

I reached lvl 10 last night with the help of the man. I was teaching him how to play and he just killed stuff til my char leveled. o.0 Also got 2 party invites. o.o

07-09-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight

A level 10 Bard to be exact... now comes the question...

Should I level WHM or continue as BRD/RDM?

Decisions, Decisions. :(

I'd go WHM if I were you. I mean, besides Fast Cast, you're just gimping yourself =\.

07-10-2004, 07:57 AM
Today was a pretty good day to do stuff in FFXI, now that I have no further distractions to worry about in terms of real life. I ended up going to the Windurst Garrison with some random group and a few LS members. The thing got EXTREMELY LAGGY and I ended up having a hard time targeting and choosing my macros. Unfortunately, after the 2nd wave of Yagudo... the whole thing stopped for some reason. I contacted a GM and they told me it was an issue that they were planning on fixing fairly soon... I hope. Someone ended up with a pair of legs though... wish it was me. :(

In a turn of events, I was working on WHM a bit (got em up to level 5) and then someone asked if they can get SMN help and I decided to butt along for the ride. First thing's first is to head to Bubu and get the Ruby, I ended up getting mines within the first 5 or 6 kills. After that was going to Windy and activate the quest.... then finally the annoying part: Finding the 7 Color Elements.

This is how most of my day went...

I jetted off from Windurst to East Saruta (Orange) then headed towards Tahrongi (Yellow). When I hit Bubu (Green) and went to Mahura, rain showed up so I went back to Bubu (Blue). I took the ship to Selbina, waited in Valkrum for a good hour then took off to the Alp Desert with Evad. Waited in the desert, ended up with nothing. I decided to head back to Valkrum and wait more and got what I needed (Red). I took a chocobo and hit Jeuno and Qufim... BUT here lies the problem... it was storming in Jeuno but my Ruby did not register, no matter how many times I zoned. I took a chocobo to Passhow to make sure it wasn't glitching or anything and it was storming there... but yet no Ruby response.

So here I am... I need 2 more and one of em isn't work for some odd reason...

In other news, nothing killed me today.

07-10-2004, 01:46 PM
I wish you were in Tahrongi when I needed some help. XD

i'm thinkin that i'll probably actually find a party today. o.o

07-10-2004, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight

So here I am... I need 2 more

Me too. I've yet to try to get lightning, and I'm waiting to hit 25 as RDM before heading up to get ice.

07-11-2004, 08:08 AM

Now to level up that WHM to 10 and start working on Bard.....

Whew yeah....

Evad D'Aragon
07-11-2004, 10:12 AM
Congratulations, Mog !

I unlocked half of the advanced jobs, namely Paladin, Dragoon, Bard, Beastmaster and Ninja. I could ask help to finish Samurai if I'd want to, though.

But I'm having too much fun as Paladin, so I'm staying as one. My goal is to reach at least level 42 today to put on my AF Sword...then I guess I'll keep leveling, I only need to get a Brigandine Armor to keep leveling until level 49 or so...

07-11-2004, 02:02 PM

We stayed up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too late last night. XD Between me spending part of the night hooking the router up, and my better half going through the install/update process on the PS2, it left us lil play time. He's playing a Galka Warrior named Malkav. Ran into Hanh in Windurst and went out to kill stuff and help the man get to lvl 2.

07-14-2004, 08:27 AM
Current progress of things.

Bard is currently at level 14
BLM deleveled to 29 due to Garrison (but I got me a set of feet, so it evens out.)
Trying to find more parties in Korokola (sp?) Tunnel rather than Valkrum but I don't think I've seen the last of the Dunes yet.
Weird lag outs today
Got into a weird conversation with 2 Japanese guys... not sure if they wanted me in a party or not. O_o
Almost have the full set of fishing gear... but still at a lost of what to do in terms of fishing.

Current plans

Sell the feet for money (Someone told me the Mani. Feet cost 100k but I think something is wrong there...)
Level Bard to 30
Level WHM to some odd number
Continue Bard beyond 30.
Work on Rank 4-5
Save the World.

07-17-2004, 08:51 AM
Okay, there is this weird virus going around which is slowing my FFXI playing!

Basically it closes my POL with some gay message about 30day trials and stuff... but I'm getting that problem fixed right now.

For the mean time...

Around 6AM in the morning yesterday, I found a great party with another Bard. I went from Level 18 with 400 EXP to Level 19 240 earned within an hour, it was very nice to see indeed. ^^;

Seriously though, we need to organize something to get from 10-20 faster. I believe I spent a whole week on the Dunes with only a Garrison distraction and that's it.

Right now my character is in Tahrongi... with a Reraise running... but it doesn't seem to look like that he's gonna be keeping it for that long...

07-19-2004, 04:01 AM
19 to 24 in one day in Qufim... either I'm staying up way too long for FFXI or I'm just one lucky bastard!

After hitting 25 with Bard, I decided now would be a good time to invest my time in Fishing... but I rather do something else while fishing.

Solution! I decided that I should have my Mule work on her fishing and since I had my PS2 version collecting dust and a TV Tuner card, now would be a good time to use both of them to my advantage. Right now I have a little screen to my side with my Mule currently fishing in the Bastok Mines. So far I haven't hit level 1... but I'll have to see what will happen at this point.

I could use some fishing gear though...

07-20-2004, 06:42 AM
*pulls out a Calculator...*

Lets see....

Gear already spent, won't count that... lets see...

Yesterday, spent about 6000 worth of stuff to prep for fishing. Sold 1 moat stack for 3500
Spent about 4000 for more fishing stuff
Current have 2 moat stacks on hand, going to sell to AH soon.

There would be...

Minus 10000
Plus 10500

Profit: 500 gil!


07-20-2004, 06:51 AM
That, good sir, is why mining is infinitely superior to fishing. ;)

07-24-2004, 12:42 PM
Next on FFXI Adventures!

Summerfest came around and I decided to try to take advantage of it... which I couldn't... but eh I got myself two Yo...something dealies!

There are moogles stationed around the 3 Main Cities and they are giving out quests where you can get one of these Yo... something dealies. There are 2 thing of those Yosomethings and the rest I heard are Chocobo Tickets and Festival Fans (which works kinda like the Sparkler fireworks).

You need to have a partner and you have to go through a random dungeon with a Level 1 Cap and Invis/Sneak on. You then will need to find a GoalPoint and take the item from it. Give your item to your partner and he'll give his item to you. Head back to the moogle (you'll have a glyph dealie to take you back... or you can die and keep it) and give him your traded item and BOOM you get the first part down.

The second part I'm not too sure... I just traded in 4 items and it worked... but as to how it works, I'm not sure. o_O;

07-25-2004, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by She Don't Use Jelly.

The second part I'm not too sure... I just traded in 4 items and it worked... but as to how it works, I'm not sure. o_O;


And, to clarify on the last part, it has to be four ones, and they can't be the one you used for the basic yukata, and you have to have the key item from completing the goalpoint thing (so no buying your items).

07-31-2004, 10:41 AM
What ish moggie up to.

07-31-2004, 10:47 AM
Actually I'm all over the place right now... or to be exact, all over Windurst.

With various distractions getting in the way (Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy I&II, Street Fighter Anniversary Edition), a bunch of things end up pretty slow.

Right now, not sure if I wasted my time on my mule fisher or not... because if I ever want to advance that high, I'm going to at least need to level her to about 15 or 20.

Here are my Job levels as of right now (at least the significant ones)


As for my mule, her fishing level is stuck at 11 until I can head to Mhaura... after two trips to death, I just plain gave up and decide to wait until next week when Kolshushu goes to Sandy.

As of right now, I'm fishing Moat Carps while playing FF4 and leveling WHM from time to time. More dedication will follow once I beat FF4!

07-31-2004, 04:45 PM
As for a mental note: I might need to join another well established LS on Cerberus. It seems that the Leader of my current one passed her Linkshell to another... that and most of the cool people seem to have went off on their own. :(

07-31-2004, 06:26 PM
On another mental note (and man, a triple post?), need to start fishing with main character rather than using Mule... lazy moogle.

07-31-2004, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by She Don't Use Jelly.
As for a mental note: I might need to join another well established LS on Cerberus. It seems that the Leader of my current one passed her Linkshell to another... that and most of the cool people seem to have went off on their own. :(

Chocobo Knights ?:O

And ja, fish with your main. You'll need that chocobo. :3

08-01-2004, 08:32 AM
Today I found out the wonders of Goldfish Scooping! :D

... then it got boring so I went back to regular fishing.

It seems that some members of my current LS (The Chocobo Knights) have branched off into a Static Party LS. I decided to join since most of the people in that SP LS are really all I talk to in the TCK LS. In my first day, I already got Employee of the Day! :D

Leveling WHM ended up being a total pain in the ass as now I know how one mistake in my part can kill off an entire party. However, I'll try to do my best in the later parts of WHM development.

As for fishing, I retire my Fishing Mule at level 11 to degrade her down back to regular Mule. She didn't agree with me but after one night in my Mog House with her, she would do whatever I said for another night. Because of this, I'm stuck to having to level from level 2 to 11 with Moggie. I'm hoping that the Carbon/Sabiki Rod combo will actually work for the first 3 levels then on to 5-8 then 8-11 with Comp/InsectPaste.

In other news, I'm starting to write down and plan out ideas for FFXI Shrine, a database and community site... but as to me actually end up doing it or me trying to get to the levels of other fan sites... we'll just have to see.

08-02-2004, 12:41 PM
Today was a total doosy for me since I slept from 12PM PST to 8PM PST. Regardless of this "extended nap", I decided to venture into Giddeus for the second time alone to see what I can score there (Ore, Kats, what not).

I ran into 2 NMs Yagudos which I quickly killed... though one almost made TaruTaruSauce out of my ass. Either way, I got me a nice Aspir Knife for my Bard and a shield dealie to boot... I just can't sell them because they're EX. :(

Well, it turns out I got zero gil out of the venture so I decided to head back and start fishing again... and of course continue my FF4 game.

Poor Polom and Parom... or Palom or Porom.... whatever fits. :(

And on the plus side: I now have the Fungus Hatty. <3

08-02-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by She Don't Use Jelly.
And on the plus side: I now have the Fungus Hatty. <3


Evad D'Aragon
08-02-2004, 10:39 PM
That's Porom and Palom lol

Yeah, I happend to also have that knife when I came to help Balzac (whom you've already met) with the first part of his Rank 3 Mission. Turns out he did unlike most, being San d'Orian and going to Windurst first, oh well.

08-03-2004, 04:07 PM
Today I slept well.... for a good 12 hours.... 12 PM to 12 AM... BUT THEN AGAIN this isn't my Livejournal.

Anyways, no real progress today except fishing got back up to level 5 and just trying to raise some Windurst fame left and right.

I just found out that I can buy Level 1 New Adventurer Clothing again... interesting. o_O;

08-04-2004, 10:40 AM
Today wasn't very productive... it was really all just fishing while I play some random videogame off to the side (Like FF4 and what not).

Though I'd like to point out that I may be taking another break from Final Fantasy XI for a month as I get my life back together again with college and all! We'll see how that goes! ^_^

08-08-2004, 01:44 PM
I seriously don't want to level my WHM... :(

I'm still fishing quite a bit, at least I have 50k right now. ^^;

Uh... maybe I'll level WHM today.

08-15-2004, 09:52 AM
Hang up the hat... hang up the cane...

Bring out the helmet... raise your sword.

Now to work on BRD until level 40 then PLD/WAR.

Evad D'Aragon
08-15-2004, 01:23 PM

It will be quite cool to see a Taru Paladin, there aren't enough of those ;)

I admit I was surprised when you sent me a tell saying you wanted to be one...Cecil must have GREATLY influenced you lol

But anyhow, I decided to share a bit of my expertise as Paladin, and so I will post here how you should level it up, if you follow the path of a Paladin/Warrior, especially since you do not have much experience as a meleer. Here's hoping it also will be useful to anyone else :

1- Start up as Warrior/White Mage until level 10. This combo, while not so good in parties, is always good in soloing. Since you already have a leveled up White Mage, it will profit better than any other sub-job for now. Plus, it will make you practice how to heal between your opponents`s strikes. Equip a sword and shield right away : while this not the Warrior's best weapon, it is considered barely acceptable below level 30, especially if the Warrior is to tank and is training to become a Paladin. Do take in mind that Tarutarus are the worst job to be a Warrior, and since you lack experience as a meleer, you might yourself a bit confused as to what to do. Fortunately, you won't have to party...yet, so the only one you might put in danger with experimenting is yourself only. With this combo, you really should be able to make it to level 10 on your own.

2- Once you reach level 10 as Warrior/White Mage, it is time for you to start working on Paladin himself. So, switch to Paladin/Warrior. Since you are soloing and are below level 10, armor won't be that much of a issue, but the fact remains you will be able to use the same equipment that you did as Warrior/White Mage, which is a plus. You will also notice it will be easier for you to reach level 10 as Paladin/Warrior than Warrior/White Mage, and with good reason. You will already have some experience as a meleer and your combat skills will be capped for those levels, therefore making it much easier.

3- At this point, you can either level Warrior/Paladin or Paladin/Warrior, and from this point switch whenever your sub no longer is capped. Just keep in mind that Paladin/Warrior is always better than Warrior/Paladin, but the reversal of the combo works as well if just to level your sub, just not as efficiently.

This is how, according to me, you should level as Paladin/Warrior since you didn't level Warrior earlier.

I am moving for the Bar, and so I will not have Internet for a good week, maybe two. At this point, if you have any questions, feel free to send a tell via PlayOnline. Ciao !

08-16-2004, 02:09 AM
There ish hope for you yet, Moggie. ;3

Actually, Typo ish looking forward to hearing Moggies adventures as a melee. After black mage, Typo may very well be doing something similar. Hurry up and get brd to 40.

Good lucktaru you!

08-24-2004, 02:20 AM
(death), (You can have this)

Yeah, gameplay slowed down a bit since uh.. well College ish here! Be prepared for some slowness in updating...ness!

Though now I'm a level 10 PLD.... lets see how that works out.

Evad D'Aragon
08-24-2004, 02:53 PM
Slow progress ? Heh, I haven't played in nearly 2 weeks...but that's because I don't have Internet yet. And when I do, don't expect it to be much faster...Because Star Ocean is coming out soon, and the little free time I'll have will go on that.

So, as I said, getting to level 50 with the planned upgrades on mid-october will already be good.

I'm glad you have gotten some experience as Paladin, now, so do you like it so far or does it feel out of place ?

08-26-2004, 09:05 AM
Okay, the real beef of any class shows at level 10, when the partying actually starts. Now, for my first day... I really don't know how well I faired because...

1. There is this "weird" Japanese WHM who has a weird Icon next to her name.
2. She doesn't heal the tank (being me) often as she should.
3. I was the only Tank in the group.

I partied for about 1.5 hours with a huge 30 minute break in... so about 1 hour experience. I end up learning how hard Tanks have it. Whenever I was in a battle, I was practically stuck between Yellow and Red, rarely hitting white until after battles. I also cannot deal a lot of damage because I was a PLD.

So far, I did not level once within the hour of battles, so far PLD is still interesting... I just need a better WHM.

Evad D'Aragon
08-26-2004, 12:32 PM
It's true that risking death at every battles makes you wish for a competent White Mage. I've had a few of them and, frankly, this is quite frustrating.

But, look, I'll tell you how well you fared if you tell me how many times you lost hate during that hour. That simple lol

And, no, you won't deal a lot of damage, you're a Paladin and a Tarutaru lol Better get used to it.

08-26-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight

2. She doesn't heal the tank (being me) often as she should.

This one made Typo laugh so hard he spat out his fruit punch >.>;;;

You know you're a tank when this ish one of your pet peeves about whm! "X3

Don't go to Valkurm. Bend over backwards to get people to level in Tahrongi/Buburimu with you. ;3

08-29-2004, 09:55 AM
Dear Paladin Guild,

It has been a fun 15 levels but I have decided to hang up my sword and pick up my flute again. I have decided this because frankly it's not me. After having my face stuffed with ooze, knives, juice, water, stone, fire, white stuff that I don't even know what it is and afraid to think of it... I have decided that this lifestyle is not for me. However, I did enjoy the 15 levels, especially how I saved everyone's ass at 9 different occasions.

While the choice to stop being a Paladin may seem sudden, rest assure that I will return someday, once I get my life together as a Bard.

Truly yours,


Dear Bard Guild,

I have returned from my vacation. The rumors where you may have heard of me turning Paladin is false. The scar that I got on my forehead is nothing to do with Paladin, it was just a boating accident. I wish to be reinstated and have my Cornette +1 reissued to me in the state that I have submitted it. I also require a San d'Orian Horn and a Monster Signa.

Truly yours,


08-29-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Dear Paladin Guild,

It has been a fun 15 levels but I have decided to hang up my sword and pick up my flute again. I have decided this because frankly it's not me. After having my face stuffed with ooze, knives, juice, water, stone, fire, white stuff that I don't even know what it is and afraid to think of it... I have decided that this lifestyle is not for me. However, I did enjoy the 15 levels, especially how I saved everyone's ass at 9 different occasions.

While the choice to stop being a Paladin may seem sudden, rest assure that I will return someday, once I get my life together as a Bard.

Truly yours,


Dear Bard Guild,

I have returned from my vacation. The rumors where you may have heard of me turning Paladin is false. The scar that I got on my forehead is nothing to do with Paladin, it was just a boating accident. I wish to be reinstated and have my Cornette +1 reissued to me in the state that I have submitted it. I also require a San d'Orian Horn and a Monster Signa.

Truly yours,


Be wary that your membership at the Black Mage guild expired while you were flailing sharp objects at stuff. You will have to pay Typo 1 mithracat and 243,649gil to be reinstated.

Evad D'Aragon
08-29-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Dear Paladin Guild,

It has been a fun 15 levels but I have decided to hang up my sword and pick up my flute again. I have decided this because frankly it's not me. After having my face stuffed with ooze, knives, juice, water, stone, fire, white stuff that I don't even know what it is and afraid to think of it... I have decided that this lifestyle is not for me. However, I did enjoy the 15 levels, especially how I saved everyone's ass at 9 different occasions.

While the choice to stop being a Paladin may seem sudden, rest assure that I will return someday, once I get my life together as a Bard.

Truly yours,


Dear Bard Guild,

I have returned from my vacation. The rumors where you may have heard of me turning Paladin is false. The scar that I got on my forehead is nothing to do with Paladin, it was just a boating accident. I wish to be reinstated and have my Cornette +1 reissued to me in the state that I have submitted it. I also require a San d'Orian Horn and a Monster Signa.

Truly yours,


Dear MogKnight,

Considering the recent events, you will be hereby banished from the Paladin Guild. We Paladins do not condone lying, like what you have done by telling us you'll get back one day yet you're telling the Bard Guild that you are denying the services you gave to our fair Goddess Altana. It appears you have underestimated the communications we have between our allied guilds, which includes every job guild in Vana D'iel...except the Ninja Guild of course, because the Shadowy Warriors refuse to aknowledge our Holy Order as being the Ultimate Protectors and Warriors of Light and refuse to ally themselves with us.

Also, we Paladins do not "save people's ass", we protect the weak, heal the injured and take umbrage at any impure deed that has been done, especially ones from members of our Holy Order. The Goddess Altana if deeply saddened by your lack of serious and dedication to our cause.

Therefore, we hereby remove your title and will no longer let you be known as Sir Mogknight. You are now retrograded to mere Squire. Consider it Justice that has to be done.

However, like the goddess Altana, we forgive and forget with time, once Justice has been delivered upon the sinners such as yourself. Keep praying our fair Goddess Altana and do good deeds as the Cerberus renowned Bard that you were prior to your oath, and one day our Holy Order will gladly accept you back.

Until then, purify yourself from your sins, and may our fair Goddess Altana keep watch over you, Squire MogKnight.

Yours truly,

Evaddaragon, Head of the Bastokan Branch of Cerberus' Paladin Guild

08-31-2004, 02:36 AM
Dear Ninja Guild,

You guys seriously suck now.

Truly yours,


08-31-2004, 11:38 AM
Going back as a Bard, I realized the hardships of what I had to pick up again... namely Kazham. I seriously hate the place and I hope it sinks to the bottom of the ocean. ;_;

But I had great fun, I joined a party with two of the members of this LS which branched out of TCK. We were having so much fun, no down time and it was sad to have to see it end. However, everyone had Instant Warp Scrolls except for me... so me and the other two in my party had to walk through Yuh. Jungle. A gob aggroed me but I quickly sang Foe Lullabuy and ran like I've never ran before! I've made it to Kazham with little damage.

Now that I'm at level 29... time to figure out how I'm going to get to 31.

Evad D'Aragon
08-31-2004, 12:39 PM
Well, Kazham is still a good place, but if you can bring some friends to Eastern Altepa Desert instead, you'll probably like this one better. Hunt Spiders for now and move on to beetles at 31.

09-01-2004, 04:04 AM
Don't ever ever ever leave it up to a BLM to sleep anything as long as you're around.

Just a word of advice for the future. ;D

09-02-2004, 09:40 AM
Hmm.... fishing sucks.

Going to attempt going through all of Rank 3 Missions tomorrow, should be fun!

Evad D'Aragon
09-02-2004, 12:32 PM
You want to get Rank 4 at level 30 ?


Good luck, you'll need it :p

I could help you with the first mission, if it's anything like the one we have to do in Bastok.

But as for the second one at the Delkfutt Tower, even if you had Sneak and Invisible and I'd get you to the place where the Boss is, I doubt I'd be able to help you if the Boss's minions would link with them and/or you'd get aggroed. I mean, I can probably hold, say, 2, maybe 3 of them...but 6 ? Ugh.

My advice ? Try to get closer to 40 first.

09-02-2004, 09:21 PM
It's not that hard at level 30.
I must've gone as THF (29), but there's a chance I went as something that was a lower level.

Then again, we had a lvl 60ish RDM and some high level BLM was up there farming who also helped, and then some high level Japanese peeople also ehlped. >.>

Evad D'Aragon
09-02-2004, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
It's not that hard at level 30.
I must've gone as THF (29), but there's a chance I went as something that was a lower level.

Then again, we had a lvl 60ish RDM and some high level BLM was up there farming who also helped, and then some high level Japanese peeople also ehlped. >.>

But all you did was looking, and you had more help than a level 48 Paladin, hence my point in saying I wouldn't be able to help.

Whereas by the time he reaches 40, I'll be around 55, maybe even 60 ;) Makes a big difference.

Sure, he could ask for other help, but might not necessiraly get it.

09-02-2004, 11:24 PM
actually, I did fight. :p

it didn't help much, at all.
but I did contribute some small amounts of damage!

09-04-2004, 10:11 AM
Moggie ish Rank 5 now!

While I could tell you my entire adventure from 3 to 5... I'd rather not because they really aren't all that interesting (except the many deaths)

However, I did try to go for the Monster Signa today, Hoo Mjuu the Torrent in Giddeus. An LS member wanted to farm Yagudo Necklaces so we decided to team up and help each other out. It was basically empty when we were near the spawn but some Japanese guy took the first Torrent. Everyone started to show up, about 7 others. I was pretty nuts to think that I could snatch an NM from vokers that wanted that 200k or so prize. I dunno why I didn't move though, I sat there and waited... and waited... and waited... and saw it and Dia'd it as fast as I can... and then he was mine. I was so excited and shaking... BUT.... no item. ;_;

I intend to camp this guy for that Monster Signa, I really want it for my Bard. I'll stop by tomorrow. ^_^

09-04-2004, 11:32 AM
I'd just buy the damn thing.

Then again, I have a rediculous amount of gil.. so meh..

09-04-2004, 07:40 PM

09-04-2004, 09:25 PM
Catass ;_;

09-07-2004, 10:47 AM
Leveling up took a huge stop and I find myself fishing/cooking more. I managed to get a few good level boosts on both my fishing and my cooking. As of right now, I'm a bit more concerned of earning cash for Bard rather than going out and level with a gimped out Bard. While I don't need these items, I don't want to be a second class Bard.

This is my instrument list (at least what I use)

Cornette +1 - Minuet +2
San d'Orian Horn - CHR+3 March +1

This is what I want/need

Harp +1 - Minne +2
Piccolo +1 - Threnody +1
Siren Flute - Requiem +2
Traversiere +1 - Madrigal +2
Mary's Horn - Lullaby +1

and of course Monster Signa to wave around like a dummy. ^_^

Harp +1 I can buy. Piccolo +1 same thing. The siren flute can be quested but it requires 3 different quests to be done, I haven't checked the price but I think it's fairly high. Traversiere I'd need to purchase and Mary's Horn is from an NM.

I have a lot to work to do. :(

09-07-2004, 11:04 AM
Siren flute on my server is pretty cheap.

But I guess that depends on your definition of cheap.

I just got 2 death earrings for 100k and I considered that cheap.....

I dont remember exactly how much it cost, but I know the quest costs money too, unless you can find someone to make you the wood needed for the quest. Rosewood I think it is.

09-14-2004, 10:00 AM
"To be a Bard, you gotta do two things at twice the speed at the same time!"

Thus, taking a daring attempt on farming with BRD/NIN...

So far I'm having fun! ^_^

09-16-2004, 11:25 AM
Mog's pic of the day

Can you name where this is? :P

09-16-2004, 12:04 PM
i hope its bastok cuz thats what i think it is ;)

Evad D'Aragon
09-16-2004, 12:43 PM
Meh, it's easy !

It is the Auction House :)

09-16-2004, 12:57 PM
@(*#&$(*@#$ IT'S JEUNO! >:O

Evad D'Aragon
09-16-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
@(*#&$(*@#$ IT'S JEUNO! >:O

Hahaha, of course it is !

But you never said to be precise, so my answer is good as well :)

09-23-2004, 03:56 AM
Well seeing as it's been forever since I've posted anything, time to drop in a few words and pics. I chose my race well it seems. After having the game many months and parting with many different races, peoples and job combinations, I still want to do a little bit of everything.

I've started as a Monk (), and I will continue to train in the ways fists and body as a weapon. I like the concentration required to focus the mind and body as one...the stillness of one's thoughts just before a monster attacks, and countering that attack.

I've complemented my training of mid with much physical training as well. I am well versed with the Warrior class (level 25.) And have even tried the extreme ends of what a Warrior can do. I was errand boy for a Holy Knight in San D'oria, and have been accepted into the ranks of such noble knights, the Paladins. Although I must confess, my many months training myself in the ways of a Monk have made me a bit of a loner, so relying so much on a healer makes me nervous. Oh I have no fear of death, especially if others may live, but I want to feel that my defeat will be honored. As a Monk, I take pride in my self-discipline, my mental control. But I am only Hume, after all, and at times I succumb to my dark desires. So I explored the lands and eventually learned the secrets of the Dark Knights. I respect them more now that I know the control they must exert to focus such rage into combat form.

After these experiences, I tried to return to the way of being one with others, joining other, like-minded adventures to wander the lands. But alas, I tired of the petty infighting, the veiled threats, the fools.

So I looked up a man in Jueno, who, in his way, sent me on a new path. One of the Beastmaster (). I could command the beasts of the world! Well, it seems the beasts are just that...beasts, and they only understand strength and one is required to constantly keep them in check, else they turn on you. I must admit that my training as a Monk had demanded much discipline, so that I soon found this path very tiring. So not long after having defeated yet another turn coat animal, I was made aware that there was another, more loyal companion to be found. A Wyvern! Of course! I had adventured with Dragoons before, but never paid heed to their companion, other than to admire the way the creature fought! The journey was long and ardourous, but with assistance of a knight in heliotrope armor and with a wyvern of her own, I at last gained the loyalty of Kocha (), whom I find to be intelligent beyond that of a mere companion animal. I am absolutely enthralled with him. As he is still hatchling, I am waiting a little until I feel comfortable out in the wilds with him.

For a time, I was unsure of my path. I found advancement to be slow, and my purpose wavered. I tried to learn and practice magic. I took to the spells well enough, it seems that the mental disciplines of the fist work well towards the arcane. But after a while, the call of Monk-dom called again. But in the depths of the outland jungles, I saw...the Summoner! Now there was spell caster! Not content with ordinary magic, they have made pacts with beings not of this world. I know...for so () have I... ()

I have learned how to shoot an arrow through the eye of a Goblin.

I have nearly found the heart of music.

I now stand at an incredible crossroads. I have so many paths available to me. My race is a good one. Humes may not be the master of all magical, may not be the most agile of thieves, we may not be the hardiest of knights or the strongest of Monks, but we can do it all, just at the expense of mastery.

Just a note, this is not the quite correct order things were done, but it makes for better in character telling ^-^

09-27-2004, 10:39 AM
I got rejected for marrage. ;_;

Evad D'Aragon
09-27-2004, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
I got rejected for marrage. ;_;


Damn, I'm sorry. If it's not too impersonnal, who was it ?

09-27-2004, 01:09 PM
No one you know. ;_;

09-27-2004, 03:21 PM
Well last I heard, you were gonna give a rather nice ring fer the wedding band...seeing as I can't see you getting that kind of gil yet...did you have the ring yet?

09-27-2004, 05:23 PM
And whom the hell is this ()? Mogknight, the playertaru! Although next time, you may want to not play with the corpses of yon catgirls...nauthy, sick little taru >:

10-11-2004, 04:23 PM
*dust dust* Okay back to updating!

Joined SP, got paper knife, BRD at 40, BCNM hurt, Ballistas suck....

AND... I got paper knife... times 2!

10-11-2004, 06:47 PM
Congrats on BRD 40 ;3 You are now a BCNM moggiewhore.

12-09-2004, 05:02 AM
*pulls out the ink and pen*

Where should I start...

Upon hitting 40, I have found some very rough spots between the LSes that I'm in and what I'm trying to accomplish for myself. I ended up not doing as many BCNM40s as concentrated on getting a SP going... that did not go well, instead I ended up heading up to 50, doing BCNM40s once every great often.

Major events that happened during the ride from 40 to 50....

1 - Left YourFantasy because that warm fuzzy Taru feeling wasn't there. It no longer was home and I felt that I do not feel so welcomed to it any more. I am not looking for a HNM LS, I am not looking for a SP LS or a high level LS, Moggie just really wants a stable home LS.

2 - Joined a smaller LS with a few people from the YourFantasy LS. It was great and fun and we even decided to create an SP out of it. It failed horribly. What is even worse is that we had a ManKat that, and I think a few of that LS can agree with me, doesn't know the concept of fun play. What is even worse is that he gave me a Mary's Horn... so while it makes me a great BRD for BCNM now, it really bugs me to just hold the damn thing that I KNOW he will make some sort of "deal" with me.

3 - Getting married to my love Taru. Terrial, the Taru that I love with my little Taru heart, accepted my 2nd proposal. While I cannot go into the specifics as to why she rejected me the first time (mostly real life problems, you know), I will say that we are such a cute couple. ^^; However, there is that wedding thing..... which I will need money for.

4 - Rejoined TheChocoboKnights with Terrial and at the same time, joined a branch LS from the older LS I was in (mentioned in Event 2). It was called "PockyBrigade". All seemed to be super and great... until one realizes how much of a pain that getting AF stuff is... and how one Taru gets into a bad mix of it.

5 - Probably one bad thing about being high level is that when you're high level... you can't sit down and do what you want without falling greatly behind. Considering what I want to do right now....

WHM to 25+ since it is underleveled for my BRD
Norg fame for Utsusemi and to get money with it
Getting money in General
Get AF
EXP some ^^;

I have been putting a lot of things off for what I want to get since level 1 but with it being a total pain because some of these require other people and the LS peeps are doing their own thing with other LS peeps, it puts me in a backseat for LS stuff.

Also, a huge bit of fustration was excerted from me. After pissing off a lot of people, I decided to leave FFXI for a week to cool myself down and finish up my College Finals.

With this, I can reshuffle myself and go back in with a bit of a fresh look on things. I decide to drop Bard and go back to PLD. Once I hit PLD to about 50 (this is where I am aiming for), I'll figure out where to go from there.

So currently.... Moggie is in a FFXI break.

12-12-2004, 12:15 PM
Hmm... I still want that Opo-Opo Crown.

Evad D'Aragon
12-12-2004, 06:10 PM
lol Getting that crown will be hard considering your level, but still, good luck with PLD, and as I told you, if you need advice, I'll be glad to help you. Our fair goddess Altana is always to have more devoted servants, therefore our Holy Order welcomes you back, Sir Mogknight. Stay for as long as you will, and never forget the Paladin's way : Protect the weak, heal the injured and take umbrage at any impure deed that takes place before our eyes. So shall it be until the end of our days.

12-16-2004, 11:46 AM
*cue Godsmack - I Stand Alone*

While setting out in La Thiene, looking for Mushrooms to kill and far, Moggie decided to send Typo a /tell! Seeing as Typo was walking around as a level 1 MNK, I wondered what he was planning outaru...

Seems as though he wants to go up the WAR ladder by taking MNK up to 25! I needed to get my WAR up before I can pick up the PLD sword again. Moggie then realizes... he switches from 3rd and 1st person just like that.... BUT other than that, he must set out and awake the warrior within!

So... Moggie is now a level 10 Warrior... now poses the question...

Axe/Shield or Giant Axe... or BOTH?! *decide!*

Evad D'Aragon
12-16-2004, 04:50 PM
*cue Godsmack - I Stand Alone*

While setting out in La Thiene, looking for Mushrooms to kill and far, Moggie decided to send Typo a /tell! Seeing as Typo was walking around as a level 1 MNK, I wondered what he was planning outaru...

Seems as though he wants to go up the WAR ladder by taking MNK up to 25! I needed to get my WAR up before I can pick up the PLD sword again. Moggie then realizes... he switches from 3rd and 1st person just like that.... BUT other than that, he must set out and awake the warrior within!

So... Moggie is now a level 10 Warrior... now poses the question...

Axe/Shield or Giant Axe... or BOTH?! *decide!*

Frankly speaking, Great Axe is much better at lower levels, especially if you sub MNK, THF or SAM. I was laughing so hard when I realize I can steal hate by just hitting with it. Sure, if you end up tanking, you have a bit more defense with axe/shield, however, with Great Axe you do more damage, therefore you keep hate better. On the other hand, people that sub NIN tend to dual wield axes instead, but truly speaking, just because you have dual wield does not mean you really should use it, because at lower level the delay is worse than having one Great Axe and the damage isn't really better, however, past 60 it's getting very interesting.

12-20-2004, 11:25 AM
MogKnight's Smashing Good Time with WAR - A MogKnight Side Story

It all began with a boat ride from Mhaura to Selbina... then from Selbina goes into a hell hole that Moggie experienced several times over.

The Valkurm Dunes >.>

While the ride from 10-20 was thought to be pleasant if Moggie can get his hands into a good party, it almost was actually! Moggie ended up getting from 10-11 in his first day in the dunes... not good. But then Moggie ended up going from 11-18 on one whole day! SHAZAM!!!!!! It took Moggie another day to hit 18-21. Dunes done! Anything interesting to note? I probably partied with a possible Gilseller but other than that, moving on!

I decided that this time I will go WAR/NIN and pull out double axes. Moggie suited up in Jeuno and thus goes into....

The Qufim Island <.<

Currently Moggie has only spent one day in there and decided "Man... these parties REALLY suck..." Being stuck with one Party for a fairly long time, getting 5000 worth of EXP in 9 hours isn't what Moggie calls "Great". However, my average Damage wasn't so bad with double Axes... it was just scary to see that other WARs aren't doing the same amount of damage I do with all those Great Swords. ;_;

Moggie decided to end the current day in Qufim with some Pineapple Drink...

12-21-2004, 12:15 PM
MogKnight's Smashing Good Time with WAR - A MogKnight Side Story

It all began with a boat ride from Mhaura to Selbina... then from Selbina goes into a hell hole that Moggie experienced several times over.

The Valkurm Dunes >.>

While the ride from 10-20 was thought to be pleasant if Moggie can get his hands into a good party, it almost was actually! Moggie ended up getting from 10-11 in his first day in the dunes... not good. But then Moggie ended up going from 11-18 on one whole day! SHAZAM!!!!!! It took Moggie another day to hit 18-21. Dunes done! Anything interesting to note? I probably partied with a possible Gilseller but other than that, moving on!

I decided that this time I will go WAR/NIN and pull out double axes. Moggie suited up in Jeuno and thus goes into....

The Qufim Island <.<

Currently Moggie has only spent one day in there and decided "Man... these parties REALLY suck..." Being stuck with one Party for a fairly long time, getting 5000 worth of EXP in 9 hours isn't what Moggie calls "Great". However, my average Damage wasn't so bad with double Axes... it was just scary to see that other WARs aren't doing the same amount of damage I do with all those Great Swords. ;_;

Moggie decided to end the current day in Qufim with some Pineapple Drink...

If you get really upset you can hire a personal PL for 30k an hour like me and roll in the exp of 200+ chains on worms, and never have to deal with parties. :)

Seriously though, worms are easy, from level 22ish if you have NIN sub chances are you can beat up to worms from close range and win, otherwise run. From level 24 you can still beat them up, but you can even solo to 26 easily on them and almost completely bypass the first jungle by Kazham. Qufim parties ARE bad, many people are still new and don't bother to go farming or get good equipment because of the distance back to town. Which is a really bad excuse when you can choco. Generally Mogknight look for ranks, anything above or at rank 4 is a good sign that a more experienced person is leveling a sub.

Oh little note, NIN tanks can leave dunes along with mages at 19, and the rest at 20, no need to spend more time in dunes getting to level 21. In rare cases....even level 18's can go, but NOT recommended.

12-21-2004, 01:07 PM
Finally, Moggie has hit 25 and finally ends the WAR story for now (I'll probably drag it to 37 down the line, maybe even get bored and bring it to 75... but that is highly doubtful.)

Right now, I'm working on PLD and since I saved most of my equipment, I don't have to spend thousands and thousands of gil to buy more equipment!

However, something did not feel right in the Valkurm Dunes at all... Moggie felt something very strange when me as a PLD could not get into a decent (already established) party after 2 or so hours. >.>

Random Moggietaru Stats:

Still no RSE
Rank 5
BRD stays 50 for a long time.
WAR stays 25 until Moggie hits 50 with PLD
Moggie's WAR surpassed WHM... strangetaru.
No Photoshopped Installed, Moggie can't show decent screenshots :3
Moggie end up having more successful parties that he controls/creates YET is lazy to do so! Decisions decisions!

12-29-2004, 11:40 AM
While I have quite a bit to post about... I'll do that later!

Lets do a "Pic of the Moment!"

Evad D'Aragon
12-29-2004, 05:46 PM
While I have quite a bit to post about... I'll do that later!

Lets do a "Pic of the Moment!"

Hum, let me guess, unexpected linking ?

I see one of your members fell in battle...where was the Paladin ? Oh wait, that's right, it's you...just kidding. lol

12-30-2004, 09:12 AM
sorry wrong journal ; ; kekeke silly kitty ><

12-30-2004, 09:44 AM
Hum, let me guess, unexpected linking ?

I see one of your members fell in battle...where was the Paladin ? Oh wait, that's right, it's you...just kidding. lol

Actually, it's "bittersweet"... 4 Magic Bursts but the WHM died. ;_;

01-10-2005, 02:44 PM
*dusts off the journal again*

I should really have FRAPS open when Windows Open (I hate the ingame screenshot dealie deal)

Mmm~ Lets see if any big things have occured...

PLD is current at 42
THF has been leveled to 16 to help farm stuff
LS drama stews up from old times, amazingly my sanity is kept clean in TheChocoboKnights.
Moggie's old LS (one where he left on his own freewill with flying colors~) has merged with YourFantasy LS.
Moggie missed Hoo Mjuu.. not once... not twice... not even thrice... but four times. :(

Currently I'm planning to...

Level PLD to 50
Get more Black Tiger Fangs for money/fame
Get me that Monster Signa. :(

01-27-2005, 11:42 PM
Hmm.... Moggie as a BST... IDEA!

Right now, Moggie is a miner.... has to, need to get money for those shiny PLD equipment. ;_;

I have decided that Weekends are a good time to party for PLD/WAR/NIN while I should level BST during the weekday. Free time and all that stuff is getting kinda sparse on the weekday. >.>

On another note: I hate LS Drama... AGAIN! :3

02-05-2005, 06:45 AM
I keep forgetting to turn on Fraps whenever I load FFXI, thus I have no screenshots! ;_;

I never make full fledge posts because... well, what can I say? "I hit 47 today... I hit 48 today... I hit 50 today...." Which leads me to my topic in this post: Taru PLD Endgame!

If there is one thing that I'm very concerned about is where I will be later on down the line. From what I hear from various others, HNMLSes are bad, High Level LSes are also bad, everything that involves having fun at the later levels.... is BAD ;_;

So where the living Taru am I suposed to go to have fun? I have no clue~ All I can do is just "hope" some guy invites me to an LS where we do stuff and is not full of assholetarus. :(

02-05-2005, 08:35 PM
If there is one thing that I'm very concerned about is where I will be later on down the line. From what I hear from various others, HNMLSes are bad, High Level LSes are also bad, everything that involves having fun at the later levels.... is BAD ;_;

So where the living Taru am I suposed to go to have fun? I have no clue~ All I can do is just "hope" some guy invites me to an LS where we do stuff and is not full of assholetarus. :(

Not worry about end-game yet, Moggie - get there first! Even if you're worried about whether or not you'll even like it, you may as well continue taru play a job you enjoy up to those higher levels, and see for yourself what kind of a world ish opened up to you.

Ish not all bad for everyone, although ja, it can be sometimes. -.-
When things go well, the payoff is seen in making more new friends, learning new things about the game, story, and general battle nifties, and of course the epic battles with powerful creatures, and possibly reaping awesome rewards from participating. Don't get too discouraged just yet. >.>

Evad D'Aragon
02-06-2005, 02:56 AM
Not worry about end-game yet, Moggie - get there first! Even if you're worried about whether or not you'll even like it, you may as well continue taru play a job you enjoy up to those higher levels, and see for yourself what kind of a world ish opened up to you.

Ish not all bad for everyone, although ja, it can be sometimes. -.-
When things go well, the payoff is seen in making more new friends, learning new things about the game, story, and general battle nifties, and of course the epic battles with powerful creatures, and possibly reaping awesome rewards from participating. Don't get too discouraged just yet. >.>

What he said. You haven't even gotten your AFs and Rank 6 yet. So don't even worry about end-game yet. Even I am not really thinking about what's going to happen once I join PaiMei (Because that's IF they do hold their word. I have been told my place is assured once I hit 70, but even if it's not, so be it.) So far, both the LS I had some role in were great, although one of them no longer exists since its founder, Ayko, has stopped playing.

What I'm saying is, since you already have short-term goals ahead of you, such as leveling NIN and WAR to keep going as PLD, only think about that, for now. In my case, getting to 70 is what seems my main priority, and maybe helping LaCasteOubliee ( about five members need 5-2 )with 5-2, that is, if Mihmendra and Backus did get off their lazy asses and did 5-1 today lol And, who knows, if I need a break from leveling, I might give Zilart 4 a shot, even though I'd rather do the Zilarts once I'm 70.So, really, if I were you, I'd only think about what I have to do right now.

02-07-2005, 08:50 PM
Moggie will take a step back into his current situation in getting PLD at a high job. If nothing works out eventually, I CAN say that I'm a high level Taru PLD.... that'll give me some pets and waves. ^^;

And to celebrate the Lunar New Year (being this Wednesday and stuff), I think I'll hand out some lucky gil.... assuming I have enough gil to spend on that anyways. >;3

02-12-2005, 01:37 PM
How come no one ever told Moggie about this function? ;_; ()

02-12-2005, 06:14 PM
You never asked ?:3

Evad D'Aragon
02-12-2005, 09:27 PM
I guess Typo hammered the nail on the head.

But, hum...I'm not sure I even understand what function you are talking about. :p

02-12-2005, 10:10 PM
That thingy where the LS Chat has a split between the message box :3

02-13-2005, 01:42 AM
It's great anytime you're fighting... anything, especially in an alliance.

It separates battle messages and things people /say (I think), from LS chat and stuff like that.

Evad D'Aragon
02-13-2005, 04:52 AM
Oh, the hold chat filter ? Now I see.

Yeah, it's marvelous. I use it with party chat, though.

02-14-2005, 09:35 PM
I know this isn't something to yell at or scream over...

... But man, WHY THE SHIELDS?! ;_;

Changes to the Shield System

In the current system, blocking an attack with a shield negates all damage. However, in the new system, shields will only reduce the amount of damage taken. In addition to the basic defense bonus, how often a shield is used and how much damage is reduced will depend on the type of shield equipped. Also, the frequency of shield usage in battle will increase substantially with this new system.

02-14-2005, 10:19 PM
The only good part to that ish increased shield usage. It might actually prove more beneficial to shield users than the current system if the amount of damage taken is reduced to a significant enough figure...

02-19-2005, 01:43 AM

Somehow, getting an Archers Ring and earning 200k (600k total divided by 3 members) doesn't seem so... great.

For you see, as Moggie has succeeded in both Mea and Dem, Moggie is now behind on his CoP LS by not having Holla completed. Yesterday's attempt failed and today, a good half just canceled and Typo is nowhere to be found. ;_;

Moggie is.... well.... pretty pissed. Not at the people who isn't here but just that I can't simply pass something that is extremely simple if you look at it.

02-19-2005, 01:59 AM
I was really looking forward to it too ;_;

02-19-2005, 02:12 AM
Typo was on AIM all day all day ._.;;; Shoulda call me >.<

Evad D'Aragon
02-19-2005, 02:33 AM
The only good part to that ish increased shield usage. It might actually prove more beneficial to shield users than the current system if the amount of damage taken is reduced to a significant enough figure...

That's about all I have to say. It means we Paladins can finally cap our shield skill. I was thinking the same as you, and we better be right, Typo, because I know that pretty much all of us Paladins will be EXTREMELY pissed otherwise.

Shoot, I thought you succeeded at Holla yesterday. You two can agree with me now, it's the hardest of the three, by far.

02-19-2005, 03:06 AM
Typo, you weren't on AIM at all today.

02-19-2005, 07:23 AM
Typo, you weren't on AIM at all today.

I think I know what happened. I'm guaranteed to get disconnected from AIM/FFXI like once every 6 hours - I have no idea why, but it happens at least twice per day. I'm able to continue surfing, but I just get disconnected from any messengers/game. AIM doesn't automatically sign me back in either. I must have forgotten to sign back in or something. Really, I was here all day messing around in model viewer and photoshop, and had no intention of logging on until you messaged me, or later in the night. >.< Sawwy about that. :/

Are we on for Tuesday?

02-20-2005, 05:28 AM
I'm definately on for tuesday seeing as its my day off.

02-20-2005, 10:07 AM
Today was a very odd day for Moggie. I don't know if I should call it a good day or a bad day.. lets call it a "goobad" day.

The bad stuff:

Ooweegoowee, the leader of the CoP LS, was out all day and we never got Holla started.
I lost a good bunch of EXP and time when I helped someone get a Pappy for Genkai 1
More real life stuff that would make an LJ explode!

Good stuff

Ooweegoowee said he'll do it tomorrow
I joined an EXP with some LS members (this rarely happens) and I did some amazing saves.

And this also happened () - Network Problems ahoy!

02-22-2005, 12:52 PM
Time for Moggie's Photo Collection Vol 1! (or 1.5!)

Moggie beating Holla and getting a one way ticket to bed ()
Moggie fighting a whole mess of leeches ()
Moggie not knowing what the heck is going on during Prom Mission. ()
Moggie goes "o_O;" when seeing this ()

All for now!

Evad D'Aragon
02-22-2005, 02:38 PM
Cover ! Laurewen starts casting Cure IV on Evaddaragon.

Yeah... I saw that one, too. O_o

02-22-2005, 05:41 PM
Sometimes it ish "Resist!" I've seen PLD "resist" cures. 'Course they still get cured, but the message pops up anyway "X3

03-27-2005, 01:13 PM
After a month of absolutely nothing going on (and I really mean it, nothing big has been going on for the past month)... I still have nothing I'd want to update today with other than Moogles are my best friends. ;_;

Evad D'Aragon
03-27-2005, 05:21 PM
Long live the Happy Egg, a PLD's handy tool, if you ask me.

03-30-2005, 02:09 PM
Today was one of those odd days where you really don't want to do anything yet you're doing something because it involves killing the crap outta things. :o

We call it NM hunting with the LS.

Me and my LS (TheChocoboKnights) camped an Orctrap in Carpenter's Landing. Now the thing drops like a 700k katana that seems to be extremely useful for Ninjas. One of our newest LS members was a Ninja and because I was bored and so was many others, we decided to help her out.

The thing spawns like once every 2-8 hours... a very huge spawn time range indeed. At first it was just me, Tlaren (the shellholder/leader of the LS) and the person who wanted the item... and then it grew with 4 other LS members camping it with us. Yet for some reason we weren't able to get it the two times it spawned. Some one just always happen to walk by at the right time and snatch it away from us. ;_;

The day ended crappy like but I got to do a few cool things like whack things with Kingdom Signet Staff dealie and I skilled up on a few weapons.

And then some other stuff happened which included "Car Bombs"

04-01-2005, 09:09 AM
Network connections make Moggie want to kill >:O

Now to think about a possible Ballista career...

Nanaki Muyo
04-29-2005, 06:31 PM
Oh little note, NIN tanks can leave dunes along with mages at 19, and the rest at 20, no need to spend more time in dunes getting to level 21. In rare cases....even level 18's can go, but NOT recommended.

Actually, anyone can leave the dunes at 19. Instead of getting to 20 there, I suggest instead chaining Diving Beetles in Sauromugue. They're pretty good exp until 21.

04-30-2005, 12:52 AM
I first found out about Diving Beetles one late night with a Japanese party as a RDM. They're pretty good but the place only supports 2 full parties at most... however, no one ever goes there.

Mog will continue his 1337 update.. once he gets some popcorn. <3

Nanaki Muyo
04-30-2005, 04:32 AM
I first found out about Diving Beetles one late night with a Japanese party as a RDM.

Me too, except I was a RNG. Easiest exp I've ever gotten at those levels.

Yeah, no one ever goes there. That's the best part. Most of the time it will be just your party. Beats the hell out of chasing worms all around the lake in Qufim.

06-23-2005, 07:04 AM
Okay, after a long time of not updating... TIME TO WRITE AGAIN :D

I decided to work extremely hard in leveling PLD to 75 so I can start on another job (I'm thinking of picking up BRD again to 75). After hitting a few hurdles, I'm almost clear to go towards level 75... I just need to do a few things...

PLD Surcoat AF
Mission 5-2
Genkai 3 to 5
Zilart Missions to unlock Sky
Tons and Tons of whatever I need to do to get more money.
3 more levels with WAR

At the moment, I'm at level 59 with about 3k into the level. Assuming that I end up with a few more parties, I'll be 60 by Friday with a buffer.

Yep yep.... <3

06-24-2005, 12:28 PM
good luck getting to 60 :) i just got my Surcoat today thanks to the beautiful talila <3. latest picture i have of her at the moment :P

/sigh. ment to be bigger but cant get the damn thing to work now so that will have to do

11-22-2005, 02:56 AM

I haven't had much to write about because I've been doing things at a really slow rate. Stuff that I just didn't feel like mentioning and all that.

Lets recap Mog's Life :3


Managed to get the whole thing with a large contribution from Evad, would not have the whole thing now if it wasn't for him. Huge thanks. X3

Rank 6!

After getting my bum handed to me a few times vs the Shadowlord, I came back with an AWESOME VICTORY, again with Evad's help... :P

Zilart Missions!

I did Z4 with some members from TCK and did the rest with an HNMLS. While they seem like a good bunch of players, I may not stay with them for that long.

Woodworking 59! Alchemy 53!

Which unfortunately aren't the target levels I want (apprently I want them at 60). They have been increasingly hard to level up to 60 so... it'll take a short while.

Choco Digging!


PLD Pwning

Level 67 and still going. :3

Evad D'Aragon
11-22-2005, 05:28 AM
My Armor is shinier than yours, Moggie...

Well, at least the Coronet, Gauntlets and Leggings... Give me some more time, a lot hack or something. ><

And by "helping" you mean I nearly "soloed" the Shadow Lord. ^^ lol Just teasing you there.

I have about the same kind of feeling that you and Typo have for HNMLSes... but I'm starting to think that at the point I am now, I just might give it another try. ><

11-23-2005, 01:18 AM
Minor Update:

{Sky} = O

11-23-2005, 03:15 AM
Congratarulation! ^.^/ Been a long time coming for Magmag~

Evad D'Aragon
11-23-2005, 10:34 PM
Congratulations Moggie !

How was your first try in Ru'Aun Gardens ?

11-24-2005, 02:26 AM
I didn't do anything except get a cutscene about the Ark Angels... and then we teleported and got some sleep. @_@ Was 2AM when I got it.

12-04-2005, 10:51 PM
Since most of the people in my Static Party are out for the weekend and I'm planning to be out for the following week (Finals + Vegas Vacation), I decided to catch up on a possible third main job: DRK.

Now if there is one thing that I always liked to do as a Tarutaru is to try to inflict very high damage. Not sure why I have that kind of fasination of trying to do a lot of damage as a Tarutaru, maybe it's to descale the whole racial factor.

Anyways, I started leveling my DRK again (who is currently 36). Not sure how high I'm going to take the job at the moment since I'm fairly strapped for gil at the moment (300k isn't going to help me enough). I am continuing my Choco Digging but not before I do two things: Alchemy and Woodworking to 60.

As I'm typing this, I'm slowly leveling my Alchemy to 60. My woodworking already hit 60 a few days ago and it has really helped me remove the need to fly to Sandy for Shihei HQ Boosting. These two things, along with Chocobo Digging, have been my main source of income for awhile. However, with the influx of new Choco Diggers, it has been getting a bit hard to get the items I need.

As for my overall End Game growth, it has been put in the backburner while I decide on what to do. I still need some items (Jelly Ring) and there are some items I want (Hornetneedle).

12-06-2005, 07:18 AM
/away for the next week :3

12-10-2005, 02:35 AM
ooooo interesting

12-14-2005, 05:52 AM
Go in here and say something shitty like that again and I'm gonna ram my fist into your stomach. :3

Anywho, I got back from Vacation and now I'm leveling my DRK (36) and my PLD (67, hopefully hitting 68 tonight). Though, what I really want is my woodworking up to 80 so I can make more gil. ;_;

Last night, I partied with Jeuth and he brought along Diabolos, a new avatar introduced yesterday in FFXI. ^^ I was glad to find out that he is pretty balanced as an avatar and isn't just the God Tier Avatar as I thought he would be. Some key things I wanna note!

- His 2hr seems to be doing 33% of the monster's current HP, like Demi from other FF games.
- Nether Blast seems to be like Spirits Within, where the damage seems to be set and ignores defense... but to what value?

I also want a Santa Suit... that's about it. :3

12-23-2005, 11:48 AM
So many things happened in the shortest amount of time. @_@ Made me wish I had FRAPs so I can take a bunch of pictures of what went on recently.

Lets start off with CoP Missions :3

I started all of this off probably around early Jan. initially with Typo and another LS, which is solely for CoP. It disbanded by the time we reached Riverne Site #A01 (PM2-5). For the longest time, I attempted to get TheChocoboKnights up to par with CoP missions. However, with conflicting free time and the fact that TCK is made up of social/casual players, it was impossible to do so! What am I to do? I basically waited until another opportunity arose.

Several months later (almost a year actually), a Dynamis LS arose from the dead (LordDynamisHNMLS.. though it really doesn't seem like an HNMLS but a Dynamis LS.. weird name!) and I decided that maybe it was time for me to do Dynamis. Evad was an old member there and Typo recently joined. Unfortunately, unlike Evad and Typo, I did not have a high enough job (PLD68 is my current highest) and going in as is would not be very beneficial to either the LS and to myself. HOWEVER, Lydya (the Shellholder) was doing CoP mission runs to help get a number of people to the new Dynamis Area and to unlock Sea to have more people in Limbus runs. After a few exchange of words, I was on my way to unlock the storyline of Promathia. :3

So where am I in terms of Promathia? Well... I guess it's time for a bulleted list!

Chapter 1: Ancient Flames Beakon
- 3 Promyvions must be passed (Climb the Zone and kill the NM for each, capped at level 30)

Chapter 2: The Isle of Forgotten Saints
- Kill a Minotaur while going through a level 40 capped area.
- Defeat 3 Mammets while going through another 40 capped area. (I call this "Mini Sky") This is where I left off with Typo.

Chapter 3: A Transient Dream
- The story forks into 2 paths and both must be taken.
- 2 NMs and a stupidly huge mountain to climb.
- Diabolos must be killed, 40 capped.

Chapter 4: The Cradles of Children Lost
- Ouryu (one of Bahamut's wyrm minions) must be killed, 50 capped.
- Navigate through another zone and kill an NM. Also 50 capped.

Chapter 5: The Return Home
- One final Promyvion must be climbed, a gauntlet survival version of the previous Promyvion.
- The story forks into 3 paths, all three take a fairly long time to do. 50 and 60 cap at various points. Also, this is where I am currently.

So there you have it. @_@ Fortunately enough, this part of the game is where you don't have to contend with much dungeon crawling any more.

Now there is the question of Moggie's current goals.... I guess another list is in order.

- Fishing
- Choco Digging
- Beat Maat at 69
- PLD to 75
- Win the Fishing Competition for the first 2 weeks.
- Complete CoP up towards Sea (or complete CoP based on how far I get with PLD)
- Woodworking to 80
- Do constant Dynamis Runs
- Get Gil... I'm down to 60k now. ;_;
- Jelly Ring
- Joyeuse
- Merits
- Lu Shang

I have a ways to go :( A bunch of things on my To-Do list, this is just a sampler.

12-27-2005, 08:12 AM
Mogknight (PLD69) vs Maat (OLD99)

Preparing for the Battle

After downing a Pepsi, played a round of Guilty Gear X2 and a few tacos from Taco Bell, I was on my way to defeat Maat, the only thing standing between me and hitting 75 (aside from a new n00b parties and all that stuff).

I need to aquire a few items to bring this old man down to his knees, so with 400k in my pocket, I got...

10~ Hi Potions
1 Icarus Wing
1 Vile Elixir
1 Blink Band
2 Pamama au Laits
4 Yagudo Drinks
1 Plate of Sole Sushi
1 Opo-Opo Necklace (From a friend)
12 Sleeping Potions

Money Remaining in Pocket - 66,824 Gil... I need to dig a bit more!

As for what I had to wear...

Espadon +1
Royal Knight Army Shield
Lightning Bow
AF Set
Merman's Gorget
Drone Earring
Hospitaler Earring
2x Courage Ring
Amemet Mantle
Life Belt

Oh and obviously: Paladin's Testimony from AF2 Legs Key Farming.

The LOVELESS encounter

As I hit the back of the Ru'Lude Gardens, I saw Maat, doing his normal routine excersizes. I handed him the Paladin's Testimony like he asked. He challenged me to the duel that all must go through to break the final limit: Genkai 5 was about to start. I accepted of course and soon, I was in Qu'Bia Arena.

Hearing of a rumor that Maat's stats are based off of the player's current level and equipment, I took off all of my clothes and put on my normal Burlap. It was freezing cold and me fearing defeat didn't help either. I ran into the arena circle and my Testimony ripped into pieces.

Entering the battlefield for "Shattering Stars (PLD)"!
Only Mogknight can enter the battlefield.
The time limit for this battle is 10 minutes.
Mogknight is temporarily unable to access support job abilities.
The current battlefield clear time record for "Shattering Stars (PLD)" is 6 minutes 52 seconds.
That record is held by Dimiytre!

I quickly went into my battle plan. I put on all of my clothes including the Opo-Opo Necklace.

Mogknight uses a flask of pamama au lait.
Mogknight uses a bottle of Yagudo drink.
Mogknight uses a plate of sole sushi.
Mogknight starts casting Protect III on Mogknight.
Mogknight starts casting Shell III on Mogknight.
Mogknight uses a flask of sleeping potion.
Mogknight is no longer asleep.
Mogknight uses a flask of sleeping potion.
Mogknight is no longer asleep.
Mogknight uses a flask of sleeping potion.
Mogknight is no longer asleep.
Mogknight uses a flask of sleeping potion.
Mogknight is no longer asleep.
Mogknight uses a bottle of Yagudo drink

100% TP, I was good to go... or was I?

So, you decided to show up. Now it's time to see what you're really made of, heh heh heh.

As I was about to let loose on Maat with my Vorpal Blade, I forgot one thing... My blink band! Looking like a total fool in front of Maat, I quickly strapped it on my head and started using the enchantment.

Mogknight uses a Blink Band.
Mogknight recieves the effect of Blink.

With that aside, I pulled out my sword and whacked him with my sword and then quickly cancelled into a Vorpal Blade. (45 Damage + 268 WS)

That'll hurt in the morning...

We blinded each other with Flash and I quickly used my Icarus Wing. However, he punched me hard for 108 damage. I was unphased but it still hurt. I was no longer blinded by the inital flash and again, I did my slash/Vorpal Blade combo. (72+247)

He let loose another punch but it was absorbed by blink. I took a good slash at his flaying arm for (27). Maat grasps his arm and decided enough was enough, he started chanting Banish II but I quickly let him know why I was known as everyone's shield! I rammed my shield into his shins hard (20 damage) and he lost his concentration. I attempted to take advantage of this but I missed my chance. Getting fustrated, he did a jump kick and hit another empty shadow. Again, another wasted opportunity to strike back. He threw another punch and removed all of my shadows, it was just me and him now. A hard backhand to the face stunned me and a second strong fierce hit me hard (108 Bash and 108). Another exchange of blows (45 to him, 85 to me). Again he blinded me with Flash, I countered with my own as well and Cured myself with all the wonderful MP I had in the world (377+ to me). We were like fools though, hitting absolutely nothing. Once I regained vision, I slashed the old man off guard (45). He knew my shield couldn't stop him a second time and rechanted Banish II (72). I let off a few good hits and so did he.

Before I knew it...

Now that I'm warmed up...

Warmed up? You pitiful old man, you punch like a weakling and you kick like a girl! And not like Chun-Li either!

At 67% HP (Maat's current HP), he used Invincible and I did as well. It was an exchange of zero damage, I decided to take this time to drink a few Hi-Potions... I heard they were sweet at the same time, might as well! As soon as I did some damage onto Maat, I knew it was time to strike again with another Vorpal Blade Combo (221). My 2hr was fading as well, I pulled out my Sentinel and stood my ground. I started to get a bit nervous however as I know of many Paladins who have been struck down by Asuran Fists. I cure IV for 260, not the max and simply just wasted MP. My biggest mistake was mistaking a Vile Elixer as a Hi-Potion. While I could just realized I blew over 95k gil, it didn't matter to me at the time, I just wanted to bring this old man to his knees.

The final stretch was simply a matter of regening TP to bring Maat down to 25%. Sentinel went and up went Rampart. My TP was growing ever so slowly... 10 per hit... 100%! Time to let loose my last Vorpal Blade. Maat leapt at me with a flying kick, I ducked right under him and attacked him with 4 well placed slashes to his old behind. (177) He groaned and stumbled in pain. He placed his palm in front of him, to say to stop attacking.

Hm. That was a mighty fine display of skill there, Mogknight. You've come a long way...

I was warped out of the battle arena and a Scroll of Instant Warp suddenly appeared in my hands... before I knew it, I broke my final limit. A large grin was plastered all over my face, I jumped around for joy in the empty Qu'Bia Arena! I was quite possibily the happiest Taru in the world at that time!

Battlefield clear time: 7 minutes, 35 seconds!
HP: 705/1076
MP: 264/489

I used my Instant Warp (which isn't so instant) and I starred back at the arena...

I am still but a young beginner of the blade, I still have so much to learn.

Realizing that I also called Maat an old n00b, I disappeared from Qu'bia, knowing that I... need to get a crap load of gil to reach level 75. ;_;

The End

Edit: Everyone needs an awesome theme music to stand by them in their moment of triumph. Therefore...

This ish Moggie's Theme Song (stolen from Ys III but I don't think anyone will care!) (

Evad D'Aragon
12-27-2005, 06:28 PM
Congrats Moggie. Now to gain about 3 millions to afford your remaining gear until level 75. ^^

But since you are a Taru, I'd recommend you get the Lord's set instead of Adaman. Not only would you save costs but you have the MP to spare back on HP, which will be more useful than what Adaman gives, and WITHOUT the minor stat penalties.

Don't forget that in Dynamis, your HP is more important than your VIT, so Lord's would help you more. Besides, post 73, VIT is not that important anymore, or at least you don't need +50 VIT. You probably have around +35 at your current level and that should be more than enough for exp and questing, especially if you take the time to skill-up shield and parrying.

In fact, here are my recommendations for you, based on the fact you are a Taru :

This is what I would consider the bare minimum, and what would be the most cost-effective gear you could level to 75 with. Most of these pieces of gear are actually very cheap. Durandal, Warwolf Belt, Knightly Mantle, Drone Earrings, Happy Egg are the bulk of your gear and all of that is under 100k in TOTAL (To think I used to shell out 500k for my Durandal a year ago, 250k for the mantle and 300k for the belt ; ;), yet that does the job efficiently. The Topaz Rings are the standard level 72 VIT rings and cost about 200-300k each, and they are a good pair of rings until you can afford Soil Rings or other HNM/rare ex rings. The Lord's set as whole shouldn't cost you a lot more than a million and you get more out of it as a Taru than you would get from Adaman. Of course, there are better options, but they are either pricey, rare/ex, or gotten through missions and Dynamis/HNMs.

12-28-2005, 12:44 AM
If only I could get another Happy Egg ; ; I'm pretty sure I threw it at someone.

I plan to keep my equipment options open and will consider getting the Lords Set...though the only thing that concerns me right now is... where am I gonna shove all this gear? @_@

Evad D'Aragon
12-28-2005, 01:39 AM
That's why I put up that list.

Seriously, Moggie, what I listed over there is under 3 millions TOTAL, even taking into account Rosenbogen instead of the egg. I mean, Durandal is barely 10k now, and the belt is barely 50k at best. Those two are very cheap. Your only real concerns will be Lord's, the shield and Rosenbogen.

The shield went up recently, up to 1 million, but when I got it it cost me 600k. I financed it doing the teleport scrolls quest. I didn't get Lord's initially, but Adaman, took me 3 weeks of skilling up in the Den of Rancor and selling the Hatutaku Eyes with Jago and Laurewen. The Adaman set is probably still around 2 millions or so for all five pieces, but since you should settle for Lord's instead,which as a whole shouldn't cost you a lot more than one million, you should save about 1 million... That's where your Rosenbogen could go I guess. lol

An interesting alternative for us two would be to farm chips in Pso'Xja once you're past CoP 6-4. I could help while making a buck at the same time, since I still have to skill-up Great Sword and Club. ^^

My gear, even with all my rare/ex stuff (Knight's Earring, Sattva Ring, Artifact and Relic, etc.) is worth nearly 8 millions, and that's cheap compared to nearly all the jobs, seriously. So just buckle up, you'll get all of that before you know it.

12-28-2005, 07:27 AM
Congrats to Mag! Go Maggy go-go!

12-29-2005, 09:34 AM
So Moggie has done some shopping :3

Lord's Sabatons - 250k
Lord's Cuisses - 60k
Lord's gauntlets - 95k

Though I have purchased 3 of the 5 from Lords, there's just some questions that popped into my head as to why one should buy the other two pieces X3


Lord's Cuirass (500k and rarely on stock!)
DEF:49 VIT+5 CHR+1 Light+2 Dark+2
Converts 25 MP to HP
Level 70


Gallant surcoat (Technically Free)
DEF:47 HP+20 VIT+4
Divine magic skill +5
Enmity +2

Doesn't seem to be much of a reason to buy Body... except to have a gold body! :3 Moggie does like to have a gold body.

Lord's Armet (250k)
DEF:26 VIT+2 Light+2 Dark+2
Convert MP to HP 15
Enmity +2


Gallant Coronet (Again, technically free)
DEF:24 HP+12 MND+3
Enhances Cover Effect
Emnity +2

It gives me +2 VIT (which is a nice plus) but the HP increase on both seem pretty equal for the most part. Not sure if I want to get this either, especially for its high price. X3

As for Adaman.... looking blue is nice but it is really just all VIT gear X3

Now the Koenig shield.... I'm gonna have to do a bunch of digging. :3 *dig dig dig*

Evad D'Aragon
12-29-2005, 02:06 PM
Well, get the body at least so you won't look bizarre, I guess. :p

But once again, you seem to forget that you mustn't look at it one piece at a time, but look at it as a whole. And besides, 500k for a body piece really isn't that bad, it's nearly what you'll get for switching your Espadon +1 for Durandal anyway.

01-02-2006, 12:59 PM
The New Year came with a bang... to both myself and my wallet!

I'm in debt for the first time in many months. Not only in terms of gil but also in terms of favors.

100k to Evaddaragon - Used money for Snoll BC Battle (which I failed but will get into in a moment). Also needed to actually uh.... survive :3

2 Things to Aelvin - Mannequin Hands aquired through BCNM and future WSNM Latent Effect Remover Buddy! :3

1 Thing to Alaron - Mannequin Hands aquired, paid back by doing 5-2 for his Windy.

Mannequin Parts to aquire - Head, Body, Legs

Lord set to aquire - Head, Body

Weapons to Aquire - Durandal, Company Sword

Ultimate Thing to Pay For - Airship BC!

This... is gonna run me up a few mil... ouch :3

But anyways, Snoll BC... the Snoll BC is a part of the CoP Missions in which you must kill a Snoll (A Bomb Type like mob but of ice element) in 45 seconds... he has roughly 9000 HP.


There is a way to delay it but because of me not really understanding how it all entirely works, we failed it ; ; It left a really bad taste in my mouth but I know we'll succeed next time. :3

I was in an extreme leveling frenzy for the past two days. I wanted to hit level 70 before the new year and I almost did... was 39 Minutes late. But anyways, I'm edging slowly towards 71 right now and hopefully exping will be as easy from here on out. I want to try many different party configs like Bone Party setups and stuff and I think I will eventually as I hit the merit point parties.

Oh and Cruelfate got pwned by losing his SH... check Price History ftw~

01-12-2006, 09:39 AM
Everything sorta landed in a total screeching halt. I'm stuck at the Airship BC, currently 0/0 on it... I can't do it until I find people with time and I basically just can't do anything in FFXI until I do the run at least once to basically clear up my inventory.

01-12-2006, 10:41 AM
:/ Mag

Typo missed me chance to get through todey, so I'm still in the same boat. I'm assuming there'll be another run tomorrow, since the rest are doing more NMs and more Tenzen (I think) on Friday night. We will get through, nottaru worry!

06-21-2008, 09:38 AM
Because I haven't touched this in a few years, I decided to bump it up as a bit of a notice for my new blog.

Anyways, my new Final Fantasy XI blog is located at:

Since I have last written in this blog, I have changed servers from Cerberus to Carbuncle. Oddly enough, I had some people wave at me and asked if I was the same person from Final Fantasy Shrine. :3 Nifty, but anyways, if you wish to keep track of my awesome adventures and weird ramblings, that would be the blog for it. Note that this isn't a personal life blog so don't expect any real life Mog information. >:

Other than that, I have also started up another blog for players who want to get into Final Fantasy XI but haven't been able to due to the game either being too "hardcore" orientated or what not. This blog is located at:

Feel free to leave any comments in any of these two blogs.

09-01-2009, 07:26 AM
just use windower and you'll always know when your abilities are ready...

06-22-2011, 09:57 AM
Oh man, I gotta update this shit :D

So I got banned.

Then I played WoW.

Then I bought a fresh new copy.

Then I played until the 3rd Abyssea Addon release.

Then I went back to playing WoW.

Then I decided MMORPGs are killing my times.

So I made a blog.

Dramatic End.