View Full Version : Thread 13337">What�s your opinion of King of Bandit Jing?

Darth Revan
04-03-2004, 04:56 AM
I just got this anime, and it seems like a real quirky little title. A bit crazy and zany, which is good for any anime, and the first four episodes show some promise. I�m just wondering who else here has a copy of it, or seen it, and what do you think of it?

04-03-2004, 07:26 AM
I've read the first two volumes when they were released in Germany two years ago, lured by the catchy title, the interesting concept (I like thieves.) and the interesting, detailed artwork.
Buuuuuuuuut I stopped buying it after the second volumes because the story is too much episodic. I couldn't spot any character development and people told me it would stay this way, without a major plotline to keep my interest, so I quit.
It was entertaining for a while, but it lacks the stuff needed to keep me interested. :(
Buuuuuut from what I've seen at the comic store, the character design in the second manga series looks really cool, love the noses. o_o

04-14-2004, 07:29 PM
I have the first volume of the anime and totally love the anime. Its sorta mysterious at the same but it does provide some comedy relief. Jing is such a cool character :D

07-14-2009, 09:30 PM
I've seen the anime and it's really kewl. It's funny and shows some really deep meaning at sometimes. Plus, Jing's really kewt<3

07-15-2009, 02:34 AM
I borrowed Jing from a friend once and tried to watch it. I think I made it to the second episode, but Jing couldn't keep me interested at all. I watch plenty of titles from just about all genres (as my collection can attest too), but something about it just turned me off immediately.

07-15-2009, 04:04 AM
It was alright. I watched a couple of episodes on my friends cable when they had it on that thing (forgot what it was though).