05-07-2013, 03:08 AM
Name the worst ending or endings you've ever had the misfortune of viewing or ones that you were utterly disappointed with.

Note: Alternate endings can count too.

Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) - Freddy sticks his hand out through the mirror. Knives go through mom's face. The end. This remake wasn't too great to begin with but come on...

The Grudge - Boring horror movie with boring ending that continued with more boring sequels.

I'll add more as I go along...

05-07-2013, 05:37 AM
There are so many but one that I watched recently was The Good Doctor.

It's one of those where it just abruptly cuts to black.

I mean... Was Orlando Bloom's character arrested for his crime, did he get away or did he live out of his weird fantasy of drowning himself in the ocean?

05-07-2013, 10:09 PM
I don't know if its the worst movie ending, but it was certainly disappointing.......

Batman Returns - Catwoman looking at the Bat-Signal. It was as if there was nothing wrong with her. Her costume wasn't torn anywhere. I mean, I assumed she just ditched the torn one and wore a new suit. I don't know. Would've made more sense for the last shot of the movie for Batman to grapple his way toward the signal like he looked to be doing in Mask Of The Phantasm.

05-10-2013, 12:55 PM
Dear john.. the hero doesn't gets the girl and in turn joins the army and remains there. That's quite disappointing.